Monday, March 16, 2015

It seems that the Republicans are holding up the confirmation of new Attorney General Loretta Lynch simply out of spite.

Courtesy of the New York Times:  

The Senate will not consider the nomination of Loretta E. Lynch to be attorney general until it moves forward on a stalled human trafficking bill, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, said Sunday. 

“I had hoped to turn to her next week, but if we can’t finish the trafficking bill, she will be put off again,” he said on the CNN program “State of the Union.” 

Mr. McConnell said on Tuesday that he would hold a vote this week on Ms. Lynch’s nomination, which is the next item on the Senate’s agenda and is otherwise unrelated to the human trafficking bill. 

The Senate reached an unexpected stalemate last week on bipartisan legislation that would combat human trafficking when Democrats said they had become aware of an anti-abortion provision in the bill. 

That provision would bar criminal fines collected in a victims’ fund from being used to pay for abortions. Democrats said they would block the bill until Republicans removed the restriction, which Republicans said was in accordance with existing law.

So the Republicans tried to sneak another anti-abortion measure in with a human trafficking bill, and the Democrats caught them. So now as punishment they are refusing to move forward with Lynch's confirmation.

I swear I have seen preschoolers with more effective negotiating skills than demonstrated by this Senate. Well half of this Senate.

So now the confirmation of Loretta Lynch has been delayed for four months now.

Which is really bizarre if you think about it because supposedly the conservatives despise Eric Holder the current Attorney General.

It is almost like they are cutting off their noses to spite their assholes. I'm sorry I meant faces.

When it comes to the Republicans I always get those two mixed up.

And people wonder why this President has now started to circumvent the Congress and to use Executive Orders. It's the only way to get anything done these days.


  1. Anonymous2:42 PM

    And, this is the idiotic party that so dislikes our current Attorney General Eric Holder! They cut off their noses to spite their faces constantly.

    Down with Republicans in 2016! I suggest they truly hate ANY black folks holding higher offices than theirs!

    Look at their party membership - a token or two black folks in their membership!

    They are an appalling breed of cat in our society - Republicans, I mean!!!

  2. A bunch of obnoxious extortionists with the maturity of spoilt toddlers.

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      If they're going to behave like toddlers, I wish they would threaten to hold their breath until they turn blue...and then actually DO it!

  3. Anonymous3:09 PM

    "That provision would bar criminal fines collected in a victims’ fund from being used to pay for abortions."

    Sex slavery is bad, but, lucky you! We'll make you have that little bastard.

    And the Senate GOP gets a Medal of Honor in the war on women.

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      But there's no war on women...just on the people who can have babies!!!

  4. Anonymous3:09 PM

    The congressional republicans act like scheming self-entitled petulant children.

  5. Anonymous3:10 PM

    They don't like Holder, either, and they are stuck with him when they hold up this appointment.

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      They're so blinded by hatred for Barack, that any insult or delay gives them a big Boehner.

  6. Start indicting those Iran Letter Traitors one at a time
    staring with Cotton. Indict one a day until they acquiesce
    to Democratic demands..

    1. Anonymous4:17 PM

      ah don't worry about's all good...wait and see..
      they will think 'something is in the water over there'...
      you forget they are 'older' in 'nation years' than USA...
      so they might think of it 'as dealing with children'...
      I think they need to give humanity a history lesson!

    2. Anonymous5:02 PM

      417 that like in dog years or like an old dog teaching a pup new tricks? or more like tearing him a new one...teach em some manners...lran Pitbull...

  7. Well, duh.

    They're probably afraid she'll ask for indictments of the 47 under the Logan Act.

  8. Anonymous3:31 PM

    When Ms Lynch is confirmed she in good consciousness should appoint Eric Holder as a SPECIAL prosecutor and go after these FUCKS..He has something on every one of them. Truth always wins in the end...

    1. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Justice takes a long time. Karma is a bitch.

    2. Anonymous7:26 PM

      that would be in good conscience.

  9. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Hang those traitorous irresponsible senate
    M'FERS by their balls, if they have balls.

  10. Anonymous3:46 PM

    It is almost impossible to believe what a republican ever says since they always have hidden agendas. My bet is that some republican senators have told McConnell that they don't want to vote for a black AG, so to hold off the vote as long as possible.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      A black WOMAN, no less. Oh, the HORROR!!!!

  11. Anonymous4:01 PM

    The More America Sees Of The GOP, The More They Like Obama

  12. Anonymous4:11 PM

    My "happy hour" is coming home and watching Ellen ever day after work. Today, our beautiful First Lady was on, and may I say I just adore her and our First Family. No wonder everyone is out to take President Obama down in any way possible. They just can't stand that a BLACK family shows them up at every turn.

  13. Anonymous4:20 PM

    What is the obsession with women's body parts? The Rethugs have passed so many bills and attempted bills to regulate the women's reproductive systems that they must believe that is what the ballot to get them elected was all about.

    The stupid statements and actions of the present right wing jackasses are an embarrassment to our country. Foreigners question how so many stupid Americans could cast a vote for so many stupid American politicians.

    The RWNJ took down the article about Tom Cotton stating that women were the problem. Tom Cotton, who wrote the letter to Iran that 46 other senators signed got $700,000 from an Israeli committee for his senate campaign!

    Ariel Sharon, prime minister of Israel before Netanyahu, said that Israel owns America and the Americans know it.

  14. hedgewytch4:22 PM

    What's worse than a black man as Attorney General? A black woman. Talk about between a rock and a hard place for the GOP fuckers. It would be amusing if it wasn't such a damn serious thing.

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Because baby Jesus was blonde-haired and blue-eyed, no WAY he was "colored," they couldn't handle it! OLD Testament, please, WAR! Forget the New Testament, especially that gall-darned Sermon On The Mount! THAT is your GOP in a nutshell.

      God. GUNS. Murika.

  15. Anonymous4:47 PM

    But. But the repukklicans are concerned with human trafficking after? say? 200 yrs. and most recently? when they got caught wasting military subsidies for prostitution and such. But hey? Poor Dakota? Love is in the air. Wedding of the year. Bammy beano cometh. momma in law dearest look out.

  16. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Mitch gets it wrong - again. It isn't "her" (Loretta Lynch) he's putitn goff, but the American peopel by denying them a fully functioning governemnt and leadership. We'll remember, this, Yertle, we'll remember.

  17. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Great appraisal of this 100% above anyone in public service of this position on "the Rachel Maddow show" tonight.

  18. Anonymous12:04 AM

    I spent quite awhile just now, trying to find ONE SINGLE THING that Mitch "the Bitch" McConnell has EVER done that will be a "plus" to mention, at his funeral.

    Its all obstruction, sneaky additions to bills reaching the senate, filibusters, and now an act of sedition due to "the letter."

    He's held a seat for like, 50 freaking would think he'd want to work on at least ONE accomplishment his mourners could bring up.

  19. Anonymous3:27 AM

    When have the Republicans done anything since January 20, 2009, for any reason other than "spite"? The seditious behavior of every GOP member of Congress since that date will go down in history and not in a good way.


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