Sunday, March 15, 2015

Perfectly protesting intolerance.

I'm not a believer in heaven or hell, but I can say unequivocally that wherever those two wind up will be a great deal more fun than wherever that guy ends up.


  1. Anonymous2:03 AM

    Plus side. She won't have to deal with the knowledge that a sister in law is CRAZY.

    Here here for sane and nice inlaws.

    (By this i mean to say, Levi, dude, help. your. sister.)

  2. a j. Billings3:55 AM

    I blew up the poster in photoshop, and for fuck's sake, this judgemental cretinous sheep is down on EVERYONE, except for .0000001% percent of Christian fundies.

    Even people who watch sports, smoke a little ganja, and are two faced are called out for a "warning".

    What's really telling about the Christian Taliban bullshit on this sign is the utter hypocrisy and Bronze age bullshit of
    warning "rebellious women" "dykes on bikes", and "lewd women.

    WHat the fuck you idiot?

    Why are women especially noted for being the badass girlz, when men are whoremasters like Todd Palin, or abusive chicken hawk assholes like Ted Nugent not singled out?

    Oh, we know, it's cuz Eve at the apple, so womenz is now corrupt and liable to be witchy, right Cletus?

    Christianity is dying a slow death, and I fear it's going to take 500 more years, but eventually these lunatic Christian fanatics will be a minority

    The world will be a MUCH better place !

  3. Anonymous4:42 AM

    bet he got a hard on watching that

    1. That was exactly what I thought.

  4. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Now that is "Hot."

    Excuse me while I go and cook my bacon & eggs on that idiots forehead!

    Keep the burner lit girls until my food is cooked...
    Way to go!

  5. hedgewytch8:36 AM

    I'm not gay, but I'd be really tempted to lay one on my girl friend in front of this fucktard too.

  6. Boscoe8:37 AM

    He coulda saved a lot of space on that sign if he'd just put: "EVERYONE WHO IS NOT JUST LIKE ME"

    Seriously... "sports nuts"? I'd LOVE to see where in the Bible he thinks it says anything about THAT...

    Still, nice of him to provide such an awesome photo op. Way better than a guy in a matted Elmo suit any day.

  7. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Oh my God this is my school! UC Santa Cruz! I saw this guy on campus a few days ago and this picture was shared on our school Facebook group, so glad you posted it! Thanks Gryphen!

  8. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Oh my God this is my school! UC Santa Cruz! I saw this guy on campus a few days ago and this picture was shared on the school Facebook group, thanks for posting this! Go slugs!

  9. This ignorant SOB should take his sign and shove it up where the sun don’t shine. There is probably no other means to get this self righteous arrogant fool’s attention to educate him that most others are not interested in hearing what he has to say. These people are usually so narrow minded they can’t even comprehend why others believe something differently than what they believe, and what others believe, and if it’s different then their own it’s always wrong.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.