Wednesday, March 25, 2015

SarahPAC attempting to raise money off of the ghost of Ronald Reagan and ISIS.

The above is an actual e-mail from SarahPAC offering that crazy sticker for a twenty dollar donation.

In case you found the bumper sticker at first confusing, don't worry it's not you.

You see the folks at SarahPAC decided to mispronounce ISIS as "is is" and then make a pun out of their name. Because you know if you can't make a joke, and a buck, off of genocide and beheadings then how can we call ourselves "patriots?"

Essentially the point of the e-mail is that if we had Ronald Reagan at the helm, instead of that brown guy, we would have defeated ISIS along time ago.

I imagine he would accomplish this by illegally selling arms to them, like he did for the Iranians back in 1985 to get the hostages released.

I mean if you can't beat them, pay them off. Isn't that the Reagan way?

(Hat tip to Addicting Info.)


  1. Anonymous2:51 PM

    HA! Buy your sticker before we run out! LOLOLOL...i better get mine...oooh....LOL

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      You forgot to mention the most important part-it is an EXCLUSIVE sticker.

      Yea so exclusive no one is willing to shell out 20 bucks for a bumper sticker with I SI S cut and pasted from some magazine.

    2. Anonymous6:53 PM

      6:15 PM
      There's nothing quite as EXCLUSIVE as a bumper sticker! Sarah appeared in her Belmonts, pleather skirts and Louboutins then stumbled into a car plastered with bumper stickers. HOOHAH

    3. Anonymous7:33 PM

      they send the money to ISIS to because Obama won't start a war...slick but not that slippery when wet Sarah...

    4. Anonymous8:50 AM

      When will Cheney invite Sarah, Bristol and Dakota on a little quail hunting trip?

      Better yet invite the entire wedding party and sell some stickers.

      Whittington, who never received an apology, shows off his injuries

  2. Anonymous2:58 PM

    The Saint Ronald of Reagan the right has conjured up is an imaginary construct of course. Reality doesn't intrude when the conservatives need a mythical hero to rally around. It's all make believe in their wonderland.

  3. Anonymous3:06 PM

    If Reagan was still president he'd get nothing done BECAUSE HE'S DEAD! And he as been for quite a while.

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      At 104 most likely, YES!!
      If not DEAD,then 100% Brain Dead for sure....
      Study History People..
      Most likely we all could be dead due to what these FUCKERS have been up to for DECADES.

    2. Anonymous7:05 AM

      He was brain dead while he was president. Queen Nancy covered for him for years.

  4. Ronald Reagan in action3:09 PM

    They want us to forget the 1983 bombing of the Beirut Marine base, resulting in 299 dead, mostly Americans and some French.

    Here's what Ronald Reagan did after the suicide bombings of American servicemen and women:

    "Eventually, it became evident that the U.S. would launch no serious and immediate retaliatory attack for the Beirut Marine barracks bombing beyond naval barrages and air strikes used to interdict continuous harassing fire from Druze and Syrian missile and artillery sites.[89] A true retaliatory strike failed to materialize because there was a rift in White House counsel (largely between George P. Shultz of the Department of State and Weinberger of the Department of Defense) and because the extant evidence pointing at Iranian involvement was circumstantial at that time: the Islamic Jihad, which took credit for the attack, was a front for Hezbollah which was acting as a proxy for Iran; thus, affording Iran plausible deniability.[10] Secretary of State Schultz was an advocate for retaliaton, but Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger was against retaliation. Secretary of Defense Weinberger, in a September 2001 FRONTLINE interview, reaffirmed that rift in White House counsel when he claimed that the U.S. still lacks "'actual knowledge of who did the bombing' of the Marine barracks."[81]"

    1. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Sarah's definition of "patriot" is a bit unconventional. History was never her forte'.

    2. Anonymous3:49 PM

      They also want to us forget how much debt he got us into, but debt means nothing to $arah. Ask Wassilans.

    3. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Bristol Palin is an expert on Reagan's tinkle-down theory. For a mere $100,000 donation to SarahPac you can attend Bristol's speech on economics. For another $100,000 you can hear Dakota's threatening speech to Isis, Waswas or Wusswuss. Another conservative bargain special for you my friend.

    4. Anonymous5:01 PM

      "History was never her forte'."

      As the Screechy Wretch(tm) herself would tell you if she were here: "Well sure, maybe before it hasn't been in the past so far, but for sure, it will certainly be in the upcoming future just in time for tomorrow's history today. You betcha!"

    5. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Speaking of Ron Reagan isn't he an atheist with some commercial on TV now?
      Lol...Gryphen needs to email him about this stuff about his father...oh ouch he would eat Sarah alive...send Gryphen an op piece and then talk about it on the

    6. Anonymous7:06 AM

      Ron Reagan, not afraid to burn in hell

  5. AKinPA3:10 PM

    Gotta hand it to Palin, this has to be the lamest bumper sticker ever. Her bots are probably still waiting for their "I stand with Bibi" shirts and scratching their heads trying to figure this one out.

  6. Anonymous3:13 PM

    If Reagan was still president Nancy would be pushing him around in a wheel chair and wiping the drool from his lips. He would be so mentally out of it that Nancy's astrologer would be running the show.

    Reagan was born in 1911, so he would be over a 100 years old, mentally incapacitated and limited to two terms. Buy lots of those stupid bumper stickers because the next one will be a doozy.

  7. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Didn't terrorists blow up some barracks in Lebanon causing Ronnie to turn tail and get out of there?

  8. Anonymous3:21 PM

    More foolishness from Baroness Bumper sticker!

  9. Anonymous3:22 PM

    T-shirts and bumper stickers... what's next? SarahPAC decoder rings?

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      And their club's motto..."What's in it for us?"

    2. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Refrigerator magnets.

    3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:15 PM

      "... SarahPAC decoder rings?"

      Instead of "Drink Ovaltine", the message would be "Drink the Kool-Aid"!

  10. Anonymous3:24 PM

    What a dumb fucking broad.

    1. Anonymous4:23 PM

      She'll shake that moneymaker 'til she drops. She remind me of a really bad belly dancer or a stripper that tries to do a pole and falls flat on her ass.

      The god for $arah is money and attention in any way, shape, or form. Sell your trinkets, honey, just remember Jesus threw the likes of you OUT of the temple.

  11. Anonymous3:25 PM

    If Reagan were alive?! Sarah's really stuck in the 80s!

  12. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Look at it this way,Palin is actually performing a public service.
    When you see this bumper sticker on someones car it's like a sign that tells you they are stupid so you can avoid parking next to them, same with the Bibi t-shirt wearers, sane people now can distance themselves from the insane and the Densa members.

    1. AKinPA4:18 PM

      "Densa members." I'm stealing that.

  13. Anonymous3:30 PM

    It is an interesting thought experiment to consider whether in our current intensive exposure of presidents, a president with Alzheimer's could go undetected the way Reagan did.

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      If Palin could get as far as a VP nomination, I am not at all hopeful that any incapacity short of death would be made known to us. Even in that case, "Weekend at Bernie's" comes to mind.

    2. Anonymous7:38 PM

      Bush the Bozo had a 'second hand man' Cheney who 'killed them all' and let God sort them out...and the oil in Afghanistan...

  14. Anonymous3:33 PM

    If Reagan was still President, Sarah Palin would have 4 children, and 4 grand children...

    1. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Just as she does now, 3:33.

  15. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Does Sarah remember Saint Ronny of Hollywood and this crazy little thing called "Iran contra", If that confuses poor Sarah, no Ronnie didn't pass out contraceptives, he armed the Iranians with our tax dollars. Toss his carcass back in the ground, cover it with dirt and let him rest in peace, crazy lady.

  16. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Sarahpac smacks of desperation.

    1. Anonymous5:29 PM

      I'd like to smack someone from SARAHPAC back into reality.

    2. Anonymous6:57 PM

      My thought exactly!

    3. Anonymous10:34 AM


      Never forget SARAHPAC

      Never forget Wasilla.

      The Clique that Sold Us the Iraq War




      Mother and son

      Palin Links Iraq to Sept. 11 In Talk to Troops in Alaska

      911 Have you heard about her son? He was so impassioned to be a patriot after 911 that he wanted to serve his country and fight in the mideast for American's to have free speech and freedom! He was more brave and outstanding than McCain and Biden sons. Just ask COL BURT THOMPSON.

      The 9/11 Plan. Dick Cheney is a central figure.

      The Armageddon Plan
      During the Reagan era Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld were key players in a clandestine program designed to set aside the legal lines of succession and immediately install a new "President" in the event that a nuclear attack killed the country's leaders. The program helps explain the behavior of the Bush Administration on and after 9/11

      911 Call Redacted

  17. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Crazy how the Christian Right cling to only the good side of Reagan just like they do their religion.

    1. Maple5:15 PM

      Ron Reagan Jr. is now doing a PSA for the Freedom from Religion Foundation. Just saw it this evening.

    2. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Remember when Sarah Palin tried to school Ron Reagan on his father and Ron slapped her down? That was a beautiful thing.

    3. Anonymous7:40 PM

      and they try to crucify those they cannot forget...or those that hold the key to $$$...
      kill em off and the money stays where it is...
      something like that Sarah? hmmm???

  18. Anonymous3:38 PM

    The woman is desperate for funds and it looks like she's running out and digging deeper & deeper.

  19. Grrrr !3:39 PM

    "... ISIS would be WASWAS!"


    1. abbafan4:08 PM

      ...palins are fuckin' dumbdumb...

    2. Anonymous5:28 PM

      I guess it depends what "is is."

    3. Anonymous6:17 PM

      5:28 -- you win tonight's prize! Brilliant.

    4. Anonymous7:42 PM

      oh Sarah why dontcha tell the world who you keep trying to kill...who is that again?
      What country is that again? So England tossed you under the bus now hu?
      Ya know the sooner you 'repent your sins'...

    5. Anonymous6:05 AM

      7:42, Your clues are so vague I wonder if it's not just a bunch of bs.

  20. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Does Nancy Regan or family get a cut on this latest "venture?"

    1. Anonymous6:04 AM

      I seriously doubt it since the Reagan family wouldn't allow her to be even close to Ronnie's 100 birthday gala celebration. She was at a different venue with a bunch of losers who weren't acknowledged or endorsed by the reagans. The only reagan who has anything to do with her is the creepy adopted son, Michael.

  21. Anonymous3:43 PM


    admiring her beast master..

  22. Anonymous3:48 PM

    If Reagan were still President, the right wing would have long abandoned the pretense that they revere the U.S. Constitution.

  23. Anonymous3:48 PM

    First Bibi t-shirts and now stupid Reagan bumperstickers.. What next, Palin Pet Rocks?

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      No, she needs her brains for awhile longer.

    2. Anonymous5:48 PM

      maybe handgun cigarette lighters with a cross, a flag and a Star of David on it. Rhinestones, also, too because freedom.

    3. Anonymous7:08 PM

      My guess....a personally autographed picture of MOH winner Dakota Meyer. Wonder if he'd give his permission for part of the take?

  24. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Wait until she comes out with the Royal Wedding commemorative wedding plates with Dakota and Bristol's picture on them now that should really be a hot seller, her fan club will go wild.

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Exclusive commemorative wedding plates-paper plates with Dakota and Bristol photo shopped picture.

      Let's not give her all of our good ideas!!

    2. Anonymous7:44 PM

      Jealous why all the financial suffering of that trust fund baby from England? Does Buckingham know?

  25. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I'm not saying that Reagan's reaction to the October 1983 Marine Barracks Bombing in Lebanon was incorrect, but there was never a serious U.S. retaliation. The marines were moved to ships offshore, and by February 1984 Reagan ordered the Marines to begin withdrawing from Lebanon. Our hero, President Reagan!

    1. Anonymous4:32 PM

      We probably had to GTFO before Isreal "accidentally" attacked us. Again.

  26. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Sarah put a sock in it! The only people taking you serious are most likely on government assistance Form the South and they can't afford your trinkets and snake oil.
    Get a fucking job you misfit. You are one dumbbell.
    Go away please. Thank you.idiot

  27. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Bumper stickers are as stupis as the people that slap 'em on. $20 for one of these??? hahahahaha

    There's a sucker born every minute!

  28. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Any commenter that frequents C4P: you should point out that SarahPac has the bumper stickers Made in China, therefore any purchases supports communism.

    Saint Ronnie had Alzheimer's when he was in office, if he were still president it would be from an institution and Nancy would be still running the show like she did in the 80's .

    Poor little Sarah, the only attention she gets from the media is to use her as the “Stupid Standard” for real candidates.
    Ben Carson Running For Sarah Palin’s ‘Dumbest Tea-Publican’ Title

  29. FrostyAK4:08 PM

    Sick, evil, and money grubbing in Wasilla. Business as usual.

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      apple doesn't fall far from the tree hu Frost?

    2. Anonymous5:14 PM

      745...ouch...ya I heard those people are all KKK and raped them and advocates it...pays their way out of jail...murder...suicide...two sons down three to As what Dan still raping kids...setting up folks will come around on ya all now...KARMA...

  30. Anonymous4:09 PM

    That bumper sticker looks like a ransom note from a 60's TV show - the kind where the psycho killer cuts up letters from various newspaper ads to form words...

    "Wrap your 20 dollar donation in a brown paper sack and leave it in the hollow log behind the abandoned mine shaft outside of town. No cops...or the 'gipper' gets it."

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Mission Impossible. And the tape of sarah will self destruct in 10 seconds.

  31. Anonymous4:13 PM

    This is the world they live in. For them this photoshop is as close to reality as they can go.

    Also too this is Bristol's figure when she does dance workouts that everyone else lost weight doing. Not Bristol, she gains weight. Because she is working hard and not pregnant. Just ask anyone from Palinland.

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Flo and b


  32. Anonymous4:21 PM

    She does know that Reagan didn't win any wars except a fake one in Grenada, doesn't she?

  33. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Bristol Palin doesn't feel safe in her wonderful Alaska that she loves do much. She does need to be far, far away from her stalkers.

    Dakota Meyer is ready with his well trained crew.

    Just in case he keeps unloaded or loaded on every table and in every drawer. You just never know when ISIS will drop by.

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Yes, that should be a lovely home for little Tripp, the boy who can't even stay out of the cookie jar. I mean, he looked so happy standing with his hand on the trigger of that machine gun. He'll be in heaven when he sees all of the new daddy's guns all over the house. What can go wrong? I'm sure a 6 year old is mature enough to not touch them, right? I mean, Dakota has told the world he keeps them loaded just in case. So for sure there will be trigger locks at the very least. Anyone want to bet on when the first shot is fired in that home, and who fires it?

  34. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Leave it to Sarah Palin to make jokes about little children being cut in half in front of their parents.

    The only reason she sticks to people like Reagan who have died is because she has no real solutions for people who are living.

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Or anyone with a solution would have nothing to do with Sarah Palin.

  35. Anonymous5:06 PM

    If God Himself came back to earth, Sarah would be selling tacky stickers and t-shirts about it for her PAC.

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Naw God would toss her into a hell you go.

  36. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:12 PM

    I got it after reading it twice. The major thing wrong with this $20 masterpiece is that you'd have to practically be on top of the car ahead of you to read the entire thing. Otherwise, it translates as "REAGAN---WAS WAS" when you glance at it. Maybe that's a good thing!

  37. Anonymous5:13 PM

    You know what just when i think i have my blood pressure under control this useless piece of shit come out with another example of complete lunacy. This bitch cant last much longer, too many people hate her, including her "god".

    1. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Let nothing or no one keep you from optimum health...
      Nothing is worth any loss of quality of time of life..

    2. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Hey Kid is that you? Heard Palin Kkklan tried to take you need to go to Federal court...
      Get a DNA you can take that to the judges...

  38. Anonymous5:36 PM

    What would one do without 'postage' to pay off old debts? It isn't like anyone can run a prostitution ring...
    Bumper stickers and t shirts seems kinda desperate.

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Cupcakes anyone?

    2. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Bake sale! Great idea!

  39. Bwahahahaha! New post at Mediaite:

    "Ted Cruz ‘Could Not Be Farther’ from Sarah Palin"

    CNN senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin, who profiled Ted Cruz for The New Yorker last June, is speaking out to defend Cruz following recent comparisons between him and Sarah Palin:

    “'One of the things that I find frankly offensive when I hear discussions of Ted Cruz — they say, oh, he’s just Sarah Palin,' Toobin said. 'You know, he could not be farther from Sarah Palin. This is someone who has a completely thought-out political philosophy ..."

    Also, Cruz can read ... he can get up before noon without 2 Bloody Marys and a half gram of meth ... his chest size does not suddenly grow larger or smaller depending on how many men will be at a public appearance ... etc. etc.

    Nice of Toobin to defend Cruz against such a vicious slur.

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      So someone thinks Palin needs a couple Bloody Mary’s and a half gram of meth to get herself out of the sack? While this may be an exaggeration I know for a fact she never turned down a Bailey’s in her coffee on an Alaska Airlines flight no matter what time of day.

    2. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Liberace definitely has man boobs. Moobs. He wears a manzierre.

  40. Anonymous5:49 PM

    If St.Ronnie were still here......he'd still be trying to tie his own shoes......

  41. Anonymous5:50 PM

    This gem was posted at c4p! You might want to have a waste basket/barf bag handy....tbo to an infrequent visitor:
    T Bo
    an hour ago
    Okay, but please jump right in and join us. . .this is like one big loving family here.

  42. Anonymous5:57 PM

    1985? Good grief! What about the hostage release that happened during his inauguration? Read his daughter’s memoir and read how she said it happened. Ray gun was an incredibly devious man.

  43. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Are these magnetic bumper stickers, or the old-fashioned kind that never come off and work well to keep the broken fender together? Only a fool with an rusty '89 Toyota would put a permanent sticker on his bumper.
    Oh, I guess there's no need to analyze that one.

    1. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Only a fool would put a bumper sticker on paint 21st century. But they do......oh BOY do they.

  44. Anonymous6:36 PM

    IF Ronald Reagan was alive today...
    IF Curtis Menard, Jr., had married Sarah...
    IF Sarah Heath had won the Miss Alaska contest...
    IF Sarah Heath had won the Miss USA USA USA contest
    IF Sarah Heath hadn't dragged Glenn Rice to her sister's dorm room...
    IF Sarah Heath had rilly graduated from a college...
    IF Sarah Palin had blinked when McCain tapped her...
    IF Sarah Palin had read just one newspaper...

    Thanks Sarah, I guess I like some of the things you did after all.
    As for the rest of the things you did and do, FU_K YOU.

  45. Anonymous7:21 PM

    If McCain WasWas President
    Sarah Palin would be IsIs President
    Because McCain's airplane would had mysteriously crashed because someone mixed gas with water.

    1. Anonymous8:06 PM

      He wouldn't have even had to board a plane. I wonder if that rat bastard knows he's be dead now if he'd have won. The Heath/Palins stop at nothing.


    2. Anonymous9:00 PM

      aw hell, ol' johnny boy has no trouble crashing aircraft on his own ..

    3. Anonymous5:26 PM

      900...or taking photo ops with ISIS...
      Own Worst Enemy...

  46. Anonymous7:24 PM

    If Track went to college
    If Bristol went to college
    If Willow went to college

    Wait a minute, what am I talking about?

    These delinquents are Sarah Palin's children

  47. IF Reagan was alive, the Republiclowns would hate him.
    IF it weren't for Dubya, ISIS wouldn't be a problem
    IF Sarah had a brain, she wouldn't have to be a political whore
    IF her flying monkeys had a brain cell, they would know that she is milking every penny from them
    IF Curtis Menard hadn't gone to see Sarah in the Governor's office, he would still be alive today
    IF the Wasilla Bible Church didn't keep records, it wouldn't have been burned down

    See how that works, Sarahskank?

  48. Anonymous7:33 PM

    It's not even grammatically correct! (big surprise, I know)

    Should be if Reagan WAS still President (not were).

    Seems likely that Mrs. Palin didn't consult anyone else before publishing this one!

    1. Anonymous8:43 PM

      Sarah Palin consulted someone, however, that person is as stupid as Sarah.

    2. Sorry, but the grammar is correct. The verb is subjunctive, so "If Reagan were President" is the correct useage. I'm just surprised SarahPac got it right. :-)

    3. laurensd16:29 AM

      Have to agree with Liz 9:46.
      It's in the infinitive.
      "Were" is correct.

  49. Anonymous7:34 PM

    You vicious cun_. How dare you try to cash in on the most heinous group of murderers. God I hate you.

  50. Anonymous7:40 PM

    and all they get is a bumper sticker to support your lazy ass family!?? get a Fucking job. you good for nothing Deadbeats!!

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Oh they have a job all right......
      They're AIP.

    2. Anonymous5:03 PM

      808...yeah they need to raise money for that KKK affiliation...death to God and all..Red Dawn v2.0

  51. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Oy! What Palin will do for money. Each sticker only cost around $1-2.00 to make. Palin gets the rest.

  52. Anonymous9:41 PM

    That is one ugly old ass tired looking woman. If I were Todd I would be paying prostitutes for their services and companionship.

    1. Anonymous6:29 AM

      So, she can drive without glasses. Phony grifter.

  53. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Watch "Nicolle Wallace's "View"" on YouTube

    Nicole mentions Sarah Palin realized that Sarah was over her head.

    1. Anonymous12:07 AM

      Wallace sickens me. NOW she mentions it. Sorry, Nicole. Too fucking late to absolve yourself of trying to get a vicious lunatic elected to the second highest office in the land.

  54. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Watch "Nicolle Wallace: 'Heaven Forbid' Palin Becomes President" on YouTube

    1. Anonymous12:09 AM

      Wallace did everything she could to get Palin elected VP. God damn fucking hypocrite.

  55. Anonymous10:38 PM

    "... SarahPAC decoder rings?"
    SarahPAC decoder rings?"

    how about you sir?.... step right up...yes you with the flag shirt..
    for a limited time only can have your very own
    Sarah word salad decoder ring....
    impress your friends, and wow the local rubes....
    today only...3 easy payments ...$99.99 plus shipping

    1. Cracklin Charlie7:06 AM

      Drink more ovaltine

  56. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Obviously Sarah Palin knows nothing about the Reagan presidency. Reagan armed the Iranians - illegally of course. Poor Sarah! She truly knows nothing about anything. I thought the Know-Nothings were an extinct wacko political group of the 19th century but here they are, born again, as it were - Sarah Palin and the 21st century GOP!

  57. Anonymous6:16 AM

    so is screech setting up a latenight shopping channel? its going to be Bibi t shirts nobody wanted. some mindless messaged bumper sticker. Sarah's books never sold. barstools books never sold. chuckles srs panties collection. Bristol and Sarah's used panties. trigs birth certificate to the Highest bidder! they could auction off barstools virginity..again and again. Phil Robertson. piper to the highest bidder! sarah could sell her unwashed torn shirts in 3 colors. black jeans so filthy they stand on their own in a corner. dog stepstool for sale. Former Stalked house Bristol palins lovenest..torcher chambers fer sale for Wayyy took much $$$$$$$ Cuzz ya know she was a Failed StarrrrLit! bristols used sheets with hardspots....chuckles Jr Pikture books fer!

  58. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Just curious, I wonder what "the gipper" would've thought of $sarah?

    1. Anonymous6:43 AM

      my brother in law was part of reagan's cabinet. I can tell you what he thinks of Sarah. not much.

    2. Anonymous6:57 AM

      Nancy would detest Sarah Palin. She would have blocked Sarah from getting as close to Ronnie as Sarah was able to manage getting to close President Obama.

      If Nancy had allowed her to be in the building near Ronnie, Sarah would not have that smile on her face.

      Many are glad Nancy can't speak because Sarah makes Ronnie look like an idiot since they are so close. Sarah being so Reaganite and all. LOL.

    3. Anonymous7:26 AM

      sarah is no more reaganite than i am the Easter Bunny! she thinks its her shtik and makes her look rill smart. sarah needs to study her history books. Reagan was an old moviestar with dementia. Nancy and co.ran the country. it was like the Wizard of Oz. screech's case-the emporer has no clothes.

  59. Anonymous6:19 AM

    According to C4P, SarahPAC sent out another letter asking for donations to help Sarah decide whether to run for president or not.

    Ron Brown • 7 days ago

    Let me be just a little more specific about my fund raising question. A similar type letter was used prior to Governor Palin's decision with regard to the 2012 election. It bothered me. I sent an email message to Tim Crawford to let him know that the technique used was troubling to me. (my response to him was prior to her decision)

    It gave hope that we (supporters) could influence her decision, but there was a tremendous downside. If she decided against running it could be taken by those that responded positively to the solicitation that our message was not heard, or had little influence. Mr. Crawford never responded to me. Now we get this again before 2016.

    And please, everyone, try to refrain from calling me a concern troll. The reason I got the letter in the first place is because I am a financial supporter of SarahPAC.

    Section 9 reply to Ron Brown • 7 days ago

    This particular letter was not quite as clumsily heavy handed or as tin-eared as that 2011 trash. I had a hard time getting past that particular fright letter from Tim.

    That particular "help Sarah decide" letter is one of the few times I thought that the grave robbers from the RNC had taken over at SarahPAC.

    Ron Brown reply to Section 9 • 7 days ago

    Tend to agree with you there, but troubling just the same. For me personally, troubling because Mr. Crawford did not feel it important to even respond to my concerns expressed in 2011, even while going to the trouble to cash my checks. So now we have the technique used again in 2015.

    I'm not a wealthy person, so any money I spend has an impact on my family. I just don't have money laying around looking for a place to go.

    While I can see that SarahPAC has been good for promoting the conservative cause, and helping to elect conservatives, using the presidential election as a technique to encourage contributions seems to conflate the purpose of SarahPAC.

    Ron Brown Q • 7 days ago

    Thank you. I'm trying to be as careful as I can discussing a situation that is troubling for me. I just get an uncomfortable feeling witnessing this pattern being repeated.

    AmazedOne1 reply to Ron Brown • 7 days ago

    You're right, SarahPAC is SarahPAC. Contributions should be made to further THAT goal, not to "help Sarah decide." Most especially since, as we all know, SarahPAC can only contribute $5,000 to a candidate.

    1. Anonymous6:56 AM

      Jesse Jackson Jr was just released from Federal Prison after serving time for spending Hundreds of Thousands of $$$$$$$$ on personal items/postage??

    2. Anonymous7:12 AM

      **Hundreds of thousands of dollars of Campaign contributions..

  60. Anonymous6:36 AM

    I think riding around with that bumper sticker is just asking for trouble. With all of the threats recently from Isis you might as well put a target on yourself. I wonder if Sarah has that sticker on her families vehicles. I'm sure Dakota does because he has that glock all ready in his glove box just in case someone takes him up on his offer to join his book club!

  61. Anonymous6:50 AM

    WTF is this?

    Is Sarah going to bring Track back when the family has a big tribute to 911 with Dakota? Dakota, Sarah, Tripp and Bristol will be their by Dakota's side.

    How can they leave out Track Palin? The story of how he came to sign up for the Army and how he was moved by 911 is crucial. You know how Sarah respects everything and everyone about that attack that took us to war?

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      Mistake on your link...should read
      Two soldiers and a "mutha"

    2. Anonymous8:56 AM

      It is nice of ISIS to send warning threats.

      Flagler County’s Sheriff James Manfre said they received a tip from the FBI that one threat was to someone who lived in Palm Coast and his family.
      He says he is not taking these threats made by ISIS lightly.

  62. Anonymous6:58 AM

    RedDaveR • 12 days ago

    I just received a mailing from SarahPac with a "Presidential Leadership Survey". It consists of 10 questions to which the answers are pretty obvious to a Palin supporter, but then Tim Crawford talks about her 2016 decision and says: "Your answers to this survey will help Gov. Palin make this important decision".

    I will be answering and sending a donation, though not not as large as I would like. I can only hope that whatever the responses are, that they will encourage her to run.

    RedDaveR palinsupporter1 • 12 days ago

    But to summarize as best I can, Tim Crawford describes the problems with Obama and asks what we're looking for in a POTUS candidate.

    A couple of examples of the questions (with yes or no answers):

    Do you believe that only a conservative candidate can defeat Hillary Clinton?
    Do you believe America needs a strong leader who won't cave under pressure?

    I think SarahPac knows the answers they will get to the questions. Perhaps they are looking at how many people respond?

    senator20526 reply to dreamlover4now • 12 days ago

    10 questions mostly dealing with what you want to see in your next President....smaller govt., strong backbone, make America great again, etc.

    Q reply to dreamlover4now • 12 days ago

    Another question in the letter was something like: Do you want a president who will fully repeal Obamacare?
    Another was something like: Do you want a leader with strong convictions who won't back down, principles and a steel spine?
    Reduce the size of government, rebuild the military...

    Q reply to dreamlover4now • 11 days ago

    Yes, essentially policy questions. No reference to any party. On the last page of the letter it says please help her decide whether or not to jump in the race for president.

    dreamlover4now reply to Q • 11 days ago

    "help her decide whether or not to jump in the race for president"

    OMG, it can't get clearer than that. She IS seriously considering all right. What might be the one deciding factor? Number of people who respond?

    Q reply to dreamlover4now • 11 days ago

    Maybe number of people plus money, of course. You will probably receive the letter in a day or two. The letter is dated March 6. ;-)

    1. Anonymous8:21 AM

      She's fishing for new talking points! And money too, of course! She has no ideas, no inclination to make any decisions of how to govern the country.

      She is IGNORANT. Basically asking people what to think and say.

  63. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Reynolds88 • 9 days ago

    In a letter dated March 6 from Sarah Pac, with Sarah Palin, Chairman on the letterhead that no doubt has been discussed here already, I wanted to re-iterate a few of the lines that struck me:

    "With 2016 presidential campaigns already getting underway, it's decision time - and Gov. Sarah Palin is seriously considering throwing her hat in the ring.

    But Gov. Palin wants your input before she makes a decision."

    The middle part is typical boilerplate politcal stuff but this letter asks the question we want to know, in unambivalent terms, including the ending that says,

    "So please help her decide whether or not to jump in the race for president. I'll (Tim Crawford, Treasurer) let Gov. Palin know as soon as I hear from you. "

    Just thought this would be of interest to the C4P gang. My sense is that "money talks" and I am sending a contribution that may help swell the confidence of Sarah Pac people and of Gov. Sarah Palin, herself

    speppers69 reply to Reynolds88 • 9 days ago

    It's a money talks letter...the more money....the more likely we'll like the answer. If the goal is met....whatever number that was decided on....then it adds to the decision making process. If you want her to run....pony up now basically. We got a similar letter in 2011 if I remember correctly

  64. Anonymous7:30 AM


    How far we've come.

    Fun times.

    Should not be allowed on Television as an expert on Iraq or ISIS!

    Still A Petty Hypocrite

  65. Anonymous8:06 AM

    President Obama bashers and revised history.

    Cheney has been provided a venue, afforded by the major media outlets, to regale the viewing public with his total lack of irony, and self-reflection as he blames the current president for the state of affairs in Iraq. All the while deflecting any attempts to hold him accountable for his roll in the folly and tragedy that became the Iraq War. That he is not in shackles making these statements from a cell in the Hague, is a question that I would like to see addressed in his lifetime.

    Major Zembiec’s actions during the Battle of Fallujah, in 2004, earned him the moniker, “The Lion of Fallujah”, as well as the Silver Star, Bronze Star w/ Combat V and two Purple Hearts. His actions are detailed in Bing West’s book, No True Glory.

  66. Anonymous8:37 AM

    i have a question. do the words "help Sarah decide " on their solicitation for $$$ allow palins to live off the money/postage? is that a *loophole? it seems pretty shady.

  67. Anonymous8:44 AM

    A decade has passed since President George W. Bush declared the goal was to build two stable democratic nations. “Write this down,” he said, “Afghanistan and Iraq will lead that part of the world to democracy. They are going to be the catalyst to change the Middle East and the world.”

    .... the objective of bombing was limited to retaliation, assassination, or intimidation. In the case of ISIL, the objective is their destruction, a quite unlimited objective from the point of view of the terrorists. The Islamists are fighting with all the means at their disposal and with no moral compunctions. They will use civilians as shields. Bombing will not drive them from the ground they have seized. Mr. Obama cannot achieve his goal—destroy ISIL—with the military conditions he has imposed.


    Come on-a My House


    be careful @dakotameyer0317 what you're teaching @bsmp2 it might come back to haunt you!

    Bristol Palin THE NINJA!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.