Friday, April 10, 2015

Former Ferguson City Court Clerk fired over racist e-mails claims she felt like she was "raped."

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

“It took me a while to get over the feeling of being raped and being thrown under the bus,” she told KMOV in her first interview since losing her job. “I feel like I was the sacrificial lamb.” 

She added that if everyone who sent racist emails were fired they’d “have to shut the doors.” 

“It went on all the time.” Twitty did say she understands how the emails look bad in retrospect, but insisted she meant nothing racist by it. 

“It’s ruined my name, it’s devastated me,” Twitty said. “I’m not that person that they’re saying I am…It’s not like I personally sent them out or forwarded them to the police officers to hurt anyone or be racist. Because I’m not racist…I’m human. I meant nothing bad by it.

So to be clear Ms. Twitty did not send out those racist e-mails because she is a bigot. She sent them out because making derogatory remarks and showing racially insensitive images of black people  is funny.

After all what's racist about that?

She is right about one thing however if indeed it "went on all the time" then she should certainly not be the only city employee to lose her job over it.


  1. Maple6:21 AM

    I suppose if you were raised in an environment where racist comments and behaviour were the norm, then you might not have been able to recognize them for what they are. On the other hand, paying attention to what goes on in the rest of the world, let alone the rest of your country, should maybe "wisen you up" a bit.
    This is so sad. And to compare losing her job over her own bad behaviour to being raped is more than sad, it's outrageous.

    1. Anonymous6:43 AM

      That's very true, however so many people don't read. Never watch news or even care about what goes on in the real world. They care more about what goes on in TV 'reality' shows. They live in a vacuum and think this kind of 'humor' - racist emails and jokes are normal and acceptable behavior. Sad. And this includes people who should know better like public officials, politicians, teachers, etc. The deep red South is littered with this type behavior. I know, I live in it!

    2. Anonymous9:03 AM

      BS, and I mean that is complete bullshit. Quit making excuses for racists. She is aa adult woman, do not try and tell me she doesn't know what racist comments are. BTW I married a white man that came from a family where most members belonged to the KKK. Somehow when he became a young adult he could tell the difference.
      You are trying to treat this as lightly as she is.

    3. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Exactly. My father was just like Archie Bunker, having names for different ethnicities. We all turned out to be very welcoming of all others, as though we had been raised by caring, compassionate people. Everyone forms their own opinions, and racists should not make stupid excuses like this woman did.

    4. Boscoe2:09 PM

      Basically she's admitting that she's a mindless sheeple and never developed any sense of human empathy that might have informed her moral compass to be uncomfortable with those emails.

      Essentially her response is: "What? Everybody's doin' it, it don't mean nuthin'. Why, I can walk right by a n****r without even spittin' on him or anything!"

  2. Anonymous6:27 AM

    "It went on all the time" is no excuse for bigotry, hatred or stupidity. She's all three, wrapped up with a big old bow colored GOP red!

  3. Anonymous6:28 AM

    I wonder how she would feel about FAT jokes? At least she could lose weight, nobody can change their ethnicity.

    1. Anonymous6:42 AM

      Or maybe broom jokes since she obviously rides one for transportation....

    2. Anonymous11:50 AM

      6:42, And wears one on her head!

  4. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Heck! Many of us in the private sector face rules at work which prevent our private e-mail usage and limit on-line activity to being work related...

    It's really cool that government employees and use their work e-mail to forward those "Funny Racist E-Mails" to all their friends at work...

    1. I can't even imagine the thought of someone at work sending anything like that. Maybe some are double sekrit racists, but in any case, they're professional enough not to use company e-mail to send such childish garbage.

  5. Anonymous6:41 AM

    She's speaking out now because she's aware that RW bigots are making big money when they publicly express their "victimization". She's hoping that righties all over the country will send money.

    No, Ms. Twitty, getting fired for what you did is not the same as being raped.

    1. Anonymous6:59 AM

      LOL we should start a Go Fund Me Page in her name with 100% of the proceeds going to the needy in Ferguson... LOL

    2. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Looks like miss Twitty's dollar store exploded with the frosted hair, fake nails, gold nail polish on her pinky, lounging like a sex goddess in her double wide sending out racist cartoons. They're not so funny now because she lost her job, but she was rolling in her seat when she hit "reply all", then it was funny.
      Wake up, miss Twitty, and smell the coffee. Those offended felt like they were raped, you just had a laugh at their expense and pain.

      I'm glad others got punished, so she can't play the persecution because she's too sexy for her shirt card.

  6. Randall6:46 AM

    Ahhh - the old "everybody was doing it" defense.
    Doesn't make it right, Ms. Twitty.
    ...doesn't make it (or you) any less despicable.

    One can tell in the video that she feels bad
    ...that she got caught.

  7. Anonymous7:08 AM

    ummmmm..seems to me her work place shoulda beeen doing more *policeing of their staff. laws against these bigots in the work place should be enforced. FIRE them all!

  8. Anonymous7:21 AM

    O and she left out "I have a black friend".

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      As if she does: ha, ha, ha. She is a member of the superior race, don't you know? What a blatant liar.

    2. Anonymous12:12 PM

      She said she has a black sister.

      Statement in the full interview.

  9. Anonymous7:26 AM

    and that is why making racist comments about glen rice makes one no better than Sarah making racist comments. pot meet kettle.

    1. Anonymous7:59 AM

      F off Alicia.

    2. Anonymous8:37 AM

      Witnesses to Sarah's morning-after Glen Rice, reported that she ran through the hallways of her sister's dorm, yelling "I fuc_ed a black man, I fuc_ed a black man".

      On the other hand, when interviewed years later, Glen Rice said that Sarah was a real sweetie, that he had had a crush on her for a while. He was a gentleman about his college days encounter with Sarah. Nobody reported him running through the locker room yelling "I fuc_ed a cross-eyed honky skank".

      (Once I read Sarah's remarks to Dr. Laura encouraging her to "don't retreat" when Dr. Laura said N...... 11 times on the air, I don't for a minute believe Sarah called Glen Rice a black man). But anyway...when I mention Sarah's taking advantage of a young college kid, I'm not making a racist remark about Glen Rice. I'm pointing out Sarah's hypocrisy/. So what's with your "pot meet kettle" comment?

    3. Anonymous9:02 AM

      making racist jokes towards Anyones race is wrong. period. does that help you understand? its like this woman saying "well she did it so I have a free pass to follow suit".

    4. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Making jokes about someone's sexual experiences is not racist. And BTW it is genetically proven that on average black males are more well endowed than white males.

    5. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Could THAT be why $carah is trying so hard to get President Obama's attention? Remembering Genn Rice, and comparing him to Toad, Brad and the other men she slept with?

    6. Anonymous4:52 PM

      The difference was, Sarah crossed a line. Real interviewers don't hook up with someone they interviewed then take long showers screaming she did it, she went to bed with a black guy.

  10. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Really? Twitty? Perfect!
    You better hope you never find out what being raped feels like, you ignorant bitch. On behalf of woman every where that have lived through that nightmare, fuck you for saying something so insulting.

  11. Anonymous7:48 AM

    She added that if everyone who sent racist emails were fired they'd "have to shut the doors."

    Sounds like a plan. Blow it up and start over. Same for North Charleston, etc.

    1. Anonymous7:59 AM


    2. Anonymous9:07 AM

      They shut down the police dept ( the feds did) that murdering ex officer Wilson formerly worked at. They cleaned house top to bottom and Wilson was found to have been extremely racist and let it affect his police work so he was not hired back. Then he went on to Fergusen.

  12. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Racism is so deeply engrained in these folks it's like breathing to them.

  13. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Does it pass the duck test? If it looks like a duck, has webbed feet, and quacks, then it's probably a duck....

  14. hedgewytch8:44 AM

    The Jewish people used to carry the trophy for their feeling that they were "the most persecuted" religious group, but I think the Christian Conservatives have ripped it right out of the Rabbi's hands and are running away with it.

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      You sound like an anti-Semite and an ass!

  15. Anonymous8:56 AM

    8:34 why is that unnecessary? 8:12 is defending Sarah against the people who claims she is a racist. If Sarah is a racist she wouldn't suck an African American man's wee wee. You need to take a chill pill.

  16. Lady, in one respect you are correct.

    You are the scapegoat, the sacrificial lamb.

    Because you are low level and you are a woman. Certainly your male superiors are going to fire you as an example of cleaning house. It's not like they'll point fingers at each other or resign.

    Now if you really want some pay back, you could have printed out similar e-mails from everyone else, especially those up the food chain, and given them to the media as an example of "it went on all the time" and "I'm not the only one".

    But you didn't.

    So suck off your unemployment for a while and ponder your next move.

    Social Security disability or welfare?

    Or maybe you're counting on a million dollars from GoFundMe?

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      The male city manager and male police chief both lost their jobs. She's not a lone sacrificial lamb.

  17. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Oh, that pesky internet. You hit "send", lady. You own it. And how you must long for the days when you could be anonymously racist, pass this crap along, and snicker with everyone else at the shop.

  18. Anonymous9:01 AM

    She lost her job and still doesn't get it does she? She is a fucking racist. Oh, and I'm a rape survivor and she now has doubly pissed me off. Fuck the bitch, I hope she never finds another job.

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      they said she also set fines. I can just imagine what she put folks thru depending on race.

  19. "She added that if everyone who sent racist emails were fired they’d “have to shut the doors.” "
    Okay. Excellent suggestion.

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Stupid Bitch just got it up the ass and she doesn't even know it from her own kind of "humans". To compare it to RAPE is beyond reality.
      Laughing behind her back..side..
      She will get hers someday..someway..somehow..

  20. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Hmm. She didn't mean to "hurt anyone" when she sent/forwarded racist emails and she doesn't think she's racist, just "human." Don't any of these knuckleheads ever stop to think how they would feel if someone said or posted similar things about them? Doesn't she realize that the people who are the subject matter of these emails are as "human" as she is and as worthy of respect and common decency. It would be "human" stop once in a while to consider how the other person (in this care the African Americans she lives among) might feel. I bet she's pretty definitive in describing herself as a good Christian, just without Christian virtues.

    1. Anonymous11:20 AM

      When you locate a christian with christian virtues, take a pic, because I don't think I have ever met one or seen one.

    2. Anonymous12:16 PM

      Ever seen a picture of our President?

    3. Anonymous12:21 PM

      I've known quite a few christians who take christian virtues seriously. They're quiet: live their values rather than talk about them and don't go around judging others or seeking to legislate their beliefs.

  21. The ingrained belief in white supremacy has not been explained properly to Ms Twitty. I doubt if she'd understand, anyway.

  22. FrostyAK10:07 AM

    So when does her gofundme plea go public? Seems all the bigots are doing it.

  23. Anonymous10:57 AM

    A good rule of thumb. Do not ever compare things you disagree with politically to living in Nazi Germany. Do not compare the emotional turmoil of ANYTHING to the experience of being raped. These things will never be analogous.

    That is all.

    Meghan in PA

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      how about the Horrors of slavery if anything as long as we're talking about the oppressed. as far as the *others..the Christians..its not all about you and your "we make it up as we "cults. how did rape even come into discussion with this broad? kinda like screech crying blood libel!

    2. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Exactly! Thank you!

      Meghan in PA

    3. Anonymous2:29 PM

      oops "we make it up as we go"cults

  24. Anonymous11:07 AM

    This woman seems to be a poster child for innocent (sic) racism. Hey, lady- there ain't no such thang! Go find the local chapter of the Klan: I'm sure you'll fit right in.

  25. Anonymous12:47 PM

    I cut off my pinky toe because I kept hearing how dangerous they are, I'm not an anti-pinkite, I was just following the suggestions of other people I trusted, so, if anything, I'm gullible. The upside is, I can wear smaller shoes...
    Tap Duncan

  26. Anonymous12:54 PM

    It's not enough that she's a whiny racist, she has to go and belittle the experience of millions of rape victims. It would serve her right if one day she had a proper basis for comparison.

    That woman should not be on the taxpayer's payroll.

  27. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Isn't Missouri home of "the legitimate rape"? Does she categorize her's as legitimate?

  28. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Is that Sarah Palin. She NEVER changes her retarded

  29. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Video Of Teen’s Brutal Assault Goes Viral After Cops Try To Delete It And Fail (VIDEO)

  30. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Local News Helicopter Catches Cops Brutally Beating A Man In The Desert (VIDEO)

    California Man Caught On Video Punching Toddler In The Face (VIDEO)

  31. Anonymous4:58 PM

    I hate people like this, everyone's doing it, so that makes it o.k. Wrong is wrong. She's a public servant, and as one, she works for people of all races. I'm willing to go out on a limb and wager she got the job because she knows or is related to someone.

  32. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Was there no ban on the use of municipal time and equipment (computers) for personal business? Were there no consequences for staff and/or employees when caught misusing time on the clock?

    In times past, one could be reprimanded (and suffer consequences) for making too many personal phone calls on company time and at company expense (long-distance calls). Is that all 'old school' personnel management now, no consequences for rule breaking?


  33. Anonymous5:20 AM

    A policy is only as good as its enforcement.


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