Friday, April 10, 2015

Political pundits convinced that Hillary Clinton will finally kick off her presidential campaign this Sunday.

Stand aside boys. Let me show you how it's done.
Courtesy of HuffPo:  

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (D) is expected to kick off her 2016 presidential campaign on Sunday. 

Clinton will announce her campaign through social media and a video, according to multiple outlets. 
She'll follow up her announcement with campaign travel to early-voting states like Iowa and New Hampshire.

I said "finally" in the headline not because I think that Hillary necessarily needs to make her official announcement right now, nor that she is in any way late doing so, but rather that since we have been talking about her running since 2012 that it SEEMS that it is a long time in coming.

Personally I don't blame her for taking her time, and actually think she could wait longer while sitting on the sidelines with a bowl of popcorn and watching the campaign of each newly declared GOP candidate implode before her.

I understand that Marco Rubio is up next and you just KNOW that is going to be a highly entertaining train wreck. And the problem with Hillary announcing Sunday is that nobody will hardly even notice.

As for Hillary herself she better put on her armored pantsuit because I have a feeling this thing is going to get brutal.


  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Will Sarah announce this weekend to take attention away from Hillary?

    RJ in BBistan

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      this is when we wil hear from the skank. she will post something nasty per usual. she isn't running for anything.

    2. Anonymous9:48 AM

      You betcha. She did it to Mitt, she'll do it in spades to Hillary. But what ammunition does she have? Nothing that equals Hillary Clinton's announcement for the candidacy. Palin's so irrelevant that she'd have to jump i the dead lake and pretend to drown before anyone aimed a camera at her -- or a life preserver.

    3. abbafan10:01 AM

      RJ - you never know what goes on inside the idiot's echo chamber (head). Maybe this is the reason the moron skipped out on the big convention this weekend; they dis-invited her, and she's "thinking" (an oxymoron for her) "I'll fix them, you betcha". I would personally put up the $10,000 she was panicking over, just to watch Mrs. Clinton kick her scrawny pleather ass in public!

    4. Anonymous11:04 AM

      You betcha. She did it to Mitt, she'll do it in spades to Hillary.
      Little ms skanderella aka Tundra Turd, won't do it to Hillary.
      In fact where IS she? Quit the NRA? Whaaaaaat???
      Hillary has FAR more "protection" and political influence in her little finger than the grifter can even dream of. If she is smart she will STFU. If not, well we may finally learn all the secrets we've been waiting for. That goes for all these Republican bitches, in the klown Kar.
      Bitchez....Its Hillary4POTUS2016!!!

    5. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Sarah is not going to run for president. Sarah is never going to run for president. Her game consists of making her donors think that she might run for president. The republicans did not invite her to their 2012 convention. That shows how much backing and support should would have from them. Could Sarah run as a third party candidate? Ask Ross Perot and Ralph Nader how that worked out. Sarah would be the spoiler who would ruin any chances that a republican would have of winning. She would capture the far right vote and nobody else's vote. She would suck the oxygen out of the room and turn debates into a circus. She has not gotten smarter. Substance abuse and her huge ego have made her dumber, not smarter. It would take a professional staff and lots of hard work to run as a third party candidate and Sarah does not have much of a staff. She does not do anything that requires hard work. Her game is to keep fooling her donors to contribute to her PAC which is the slush fund that pays for her continuing to fool her donors to contribute more money. It beats hard work, you betcha.

    6. Anonymous12:02 PM

      Palin didn't do anything to Mitt! Remember, he did to her - keeping her from attending the Republican gathering in Florida. He barred her from the event!

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Sarah is just waiting for everyone else to announce and then....the silence from Sarah is both wonderful and unusual for someone who loves the spotlight. You can't collect $10,000. money bomb for your PAC if you don't say or do anything.

  3. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Joe Scarborough: Sorry, My Fellow Republicans — Hillary’s a Very Likable Woman

    1. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Good ole Joe, reliving the glory days over and over again.

  4. Presumably, everyone is practicing saying "Benghazi!" five times fast...

  5. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I hope so, and I hope it goes smoothly. Are you ready for Hillary? Damn straight! She'll mow everyone else in debates and don't you know the other side knows that also. I'd love to see Hillary in a debate with the quitter, but we all know that will never happen.

  6. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Hillary Clinton Team Holds Off-The-Record Journalist Dinner Ahead Of 2016 Announcement

  7. Anonymous9:45 AM

    New Documents Show Hillary Clinton’s Heavily-Edited Public Persona

  8. London Bridges9:47 AM

    Hillary, the Grifter:

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Try c4p for a better fit.

    2. Anonymous11:20 AM

      London Bridges, when you do go over there to your friends at C4P, make sure they know that Nancy Reagan said she wants Hillary to win.

    3. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Awe 10:48 and 11:20 so bummed that people are, and will be aware, of all the skeletons that are in the Hillary closet.

  9. Anonymous9:49 AM

    A New Chapter

  10. Anonymous9:55 AM

    I can't wait. She's such a wonderful woman, and she's been everywhere and had every position. There's no one better qualified, and she just looks so damn presidential.

    1. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Hahahahaaaaa. Hillary lovers... just like the Palin lovers, you all say the exact same stuff about your hero!!

      The thing about Hillary is this... She polls as being a likeable respected 'stateswoman' when she is in the background and just talked about as a potential candidate... as she has been of recent.... Hillary the actual candidate... well those numbers start dropping.

      Don't bother arguing your points about how great she is and that she 'is so experienced and smurt' (lol).

      You'll see.

  11. She needs a makeover.

    I'd like to see her hair cut shorter, like Penny on Big Bang Theory.

    Something softer and more wispy.

    I really don't care about the pantsuits but lose the polyester. She doesn't have to go full Bea Arthur but again, something a little softer.

    1. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Oh boy, I so agree with this. She MUST have a make over. She is a lovely woman, but her hair style choices are dismal for the most part. I love her in short hair.

      Unfortunately, how she looks will be front and center, unlike a male candidate, so she best take care to remove that part of the inevitable analysis that will come.

    2. Anonymous11:52 AM

      She has a great new haircut and flattering do. A little nip, tuck, and filler was done to freshen up her look. She had some really nice clothes when she was Sec of State that gave her a woman of the world look. She is ready to walk the walk and talk the talk. Substance, style, and experience.

      I doubt that her pantsuits were poly ever in a day.


    3. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Only a man or a Clinton basher refers to her pants suits as polyester. Obviously, Hillary can afford designer pants suits and her style is tasteful and AGE appropriate, unlike the pleather and lace and the rest of the tacky 'Harper Valley' clothing line Palin parades around in.

    4. Well, I can't tell materials content from a photo. All I can say is some of those pant suits from ages ago looked polyester.

      I haven't seen her hair or make-up lately. I'm going by that photo G posted and I would assume he would use something a bit up to date. The photo is not flattering.

      She doesn't need a hard look to convince people she is a strong woman. She needs a softer look to tone down the hardline hawkishness that has been her signature.

      I'm just saying less tweed, more chiffon.

      I'm sure she's savvy enough to get herself a top notch stylist to prepare her for the scrutiny this upcoming campaign is going to bring.

      I hope.

    5. I agree that in some ways, it is not a very flattering haircut. She has a shorter one that I think is very attractive.

      The thing is, as a woman only a few years younger than Hillary, I so admire her confidence in wearing a style that she finds comfortable and practical for *her.* A woman confident and comfortable in her own skin is very attractive.

      I remember reading that when traveling, especially in hot areas, she found it very practical to wear her hair longer as she could easily pull it back and put it up for a quick and practical more formal look without a lot of fussing.

      I would not dare wear my hair longer with a hairband holding it back from my face. I wish I had Hillary's confidence in her appearance.

  12. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I can hardly wait to cast my vote for Hillary!

    And, 9:30 AM, Sarah Palin doesn't have the experience, qualities, education, experience or speaking skills that Hillary possesses.

    Palin assuredly will never be picked to share in a 'laugh fest' (how the majority of Americans would see it when watching the 'idiot') i.e. 'debate' with the likes of Hillary Clinton!

  13. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Meanwhile, Rand Paul screws up for the third day in a row...

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      The Scandal That Could Blow Up Rand Paul's Machine

    2. Gee, will his campaign last the week?

    3. Anonymous11:58 AM

      The runt won't even get to the primaries - for which he'll not be picked. He can't handle three days of the campaign for Christ's sake! He's nothing more than a joke!

  14. Anonymous10:45 AM

    GOP’s ‘Stop Hillary’ Shows How Worried They Are

    1. Yeah. Jeb released a hit piece right before Hillary announced. Way to alienate voters that don't like mud slinging.

      Plus....7 years of failure?

      Yep. Failed to get Bin Laden. Failed to increase jobs. Failed to turn the economy around. Failed to provide healthcare.

      Ooops. Wait a minute. That's the Republicans, isn't it?

  15. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Gryphen, check this out!

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM


      One of my favorite parts about traveling the country is getting to meet and
      talk with Americans of all walks of life.

      Your ideas and stories never cease to inspire me.

      That’s why we’re launching the Lunch with Jeb contest, where we’ll fly one
      lucky winner down to my hometown of Miami on an all-expense paid weekend trip to have lunch with me.

      All you have to do is add your name to enter.

      With snow still coming down in places across the country, doesn’t a trip to
      sunny Miami sound inviting after this long winter?

      Friend, if you see a Miami escape in your future, then I need you to do two things right now:

      your calendars for April 25-26.

      Add your name to enter.

      remember, your flight, hotel, and everything else is on us.

      So don’t delay, add your name and enter to win your sunny getaway
      and come grab a bite with me!

      Thanks for your support, and I hope to see you in sunny Miami soon!


  16. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I just can’t get excited about any election right now.

  17. Anonymous10:56 AM

    After months of scrutiny and anticipation, Hillary Clinton will formally announce that she is seeking the Democratic nomination for the presidency on Sunday before heading on the campaign trail to meet with voters.

    The former Secretary of State has already and will continue to walk a fine line between criticizing actions of the Obama administration and paving her own path forward when it comes to issues of foreign policy. So far, Clinton has remained relatively quiet on issues from government surveillance to drones to trade agreements. But now that her campaign is formally launching, here are four issues Clinton will have to address:

  18. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Hillary to Launch Campaign This Weekend With ‘Insane’ Fundraising Push

    ...After the announcement comes the deluge.

    Hillary Clinton will announce her presidential campaign this Sunday, sources in the Clinton operation tell The Daily Beast.

    After that, the nascent campaign will embark on a fundraising push that the Clinton camp says will dwarf anything seen in the history of presidential politics.

    “They are going to raise in one week what some Republican presidential candidates are going to raise the entire cycle,” said one Clinton aide.

    1. hauksdottir7:02 PM

      And that is the only thing this charade of an election is about: grabbing every last nickle from people who can afford it least.

      The media will focus upon all that shiny, shiny money... and "forget" about her illegal (and enriching) stock trades, her relationship with Coe's theocratic "Fellowship" and the belief that members of The Family can DO NO WRONG, and scandal after scandal.

      If you are rich, you simply get richer. If you are bought, does it matter whether it is the Saudis, the Kochs, the Zionists, or Wall Street? With the Prosperity Gospel, it is all God's Will, and who are we to question the sources of the wealth?

      Hilary is as big a neocon as Jeb, and as corrupt.

  19. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Sorry Sea O Pee'ers, NANCY REAGAN endorses Hillary. For Real.

    1. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Bloomberg News Falls for Fake Story About Nancy Reagan Endorsing Hillary Clinton

      So today, this happened: Bloomberg News fell for a fake news story originally posted at one of those awful sites that plays on confirmation bias to circulate seemingly genuine stories and generate clicks for them: RETRACTED: Nancy Reagan Gives Her Endorsement to … Hillary Clinton? - Bloomberg Politics.

      There’s now a notice at the top of the article:

      This story has been retracted. We fell for a hoax. Apologies.

      Here’s a screenshot of the original, before the retraction:

  20. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Apparently the remaining SP delusional cultists are convinced that the "anointed one" was compelled to cancel her NRA appearance because Hillary is announcing her candidacy tomorrow and therefore Sarah is lol!

    Johnny Lee Berlin
    3 hrs · Snover, MI ·
    Attention my fellow PALINISTAS!
    Keep an eye on Mama Grizzlies, Fb profile, Twitter and her Channel. Because the Media won't cover her notable Announcement. The Media will back wash everything."

  21. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Oh and also, too the word is amongst the faithful and extremely excited palinistas (shhhhh) Palin is in campaign stealth mode. Not only did she cancel NRA because she is announcing her candidacy on the same day Hillary is, the NRA is infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood! Namely Grover Nordquist as Glenn Beck suggested.

    Break out the popcorn. It's going to be fun watching this sideshow of the sideshow this weekend. The cultists' excuses & theories for Sarah's behavior are endless as they go through letdown after letdown with their numbers dwindling.

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      The funny thing is that none of them had any issue with the NRA when AIP Sarah Palin was scheduled to speak. Now that she is out, the NRA has Muslim alliances.

    2. Anonymous11:58 AM

      Her fans don't seem to like anyone, especially not Bush. Now they hate Grover Norquist, the no-tax guy just because he has a Muslim wife.

  22. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Thats a nice picture of her.

  23. Anonymous12:18 PM

    17 Little-Known Facts About Hillary Clinton That Have Nothing To Do With Her Politics

  24. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Uh.....Uncle Gryph?? Check it out.

  25. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Go to Vegas and book it now: a 341-197 Electoral win for Hillary !!!

  26. Anonymous1:50 PM

    And, let the Clinton machine begin! The Republicans aren't going to know what hit them! More money - more abilities and far more experience. Republicans have NO ONE to put up against her - that can beat her - and, they know it! All we will be hearing from them will be baloney about Hillary along with their continual spreading of hate as they've done all these years with candidate and President Obama.

    Dems and Independents are more than ready to get folks to the polls with the proper ID required across the country.

    I'm delighted Bill Clinton is her husband. He is so well liked world wide! Can hardly wait for the two of them to be in the White House - two President Clintons - history will be made in more ways than one.

  27. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Former Republican Senator Tom Coburn Praises A Clinton 2016 Ticket

  28. Does anyone remember when then-sitting Veep Dick Cheney, plus Newt Gingrich and half the elders of the GOP were, in 2008, stating that Hillary Clinton would be "unbeatable" as a candidate?

    The most evil men in the GOP were essentially going to the media and saying, "Don't throw me into the briar patch with her!"

    I don't hear them doing that now, but I've always wondered why they were back then...

    1. I think in their heart of hearts they know it.

      That's why we have Jeb, Cruz, Paul and now Rubio announcing. I don't see too many more. They are holding back waiting for 2020 or even 2024. They don't want to go up against Hillary so they are willing to throw in the stupid, extreme and unelectables to make a show and take them out for the future.

      This will be the second run for some of them. They lose out this time I don't see them trying for a third. That will leave the field open in the future for those untainted by a try and loss.

      In the meantime it is the Democratic Party that will have put the first African American and the first woman in the Oval Office.

  29. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Why is it, when a female runs for office, her looks, her clothes, her figure, her hair, nail polish color, wrinkles, are commented on much more than what a man wears, how he speaks, etc etc etc? Here's a candidate putting herself on the line running for office whose got experience, intelligence, etc., and people are worried if she's likable enough or qualified at all for the job?

    1. Chris Christie was criticized for his weight.

      It is a fundamental of men's fashion that we don't comment much about it because their isn't much to say. What? You can't wear that tie color because it makes you look sallow? You should part your hair on the other side to balance out your face? There just isn't much there to criticize. Male dress and appearance it too standardized and too narrow.

      Fact is women are judged on their appearance first.

      As for likeable it *is* a popularity contest.

      My Mother already said she is not voting for Hillary because she doesn't "like" her.

      I laughed and said "Who are you going to vote for? Rand Paul? Ted Cruz? Donald Trump?

  30. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Clinton will announce her bid to become President on the day "Game Of Thrones" returns.

  31. Anonymous4:53 PM

    The RNC Is Already on Top of Hillary’s Expected Announcement


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