Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Guess which country is the most heavily armed in the world. Too easy?

Courtesy of TPM:

Since the Newtown shootings more than two years ago we've devoted a great deal of coverage to chronicling the prevalence of guns and firearms violence in the United States. It won't come as a surprise to many of you that there are far more guns in civilian hands in the US than the UK or Germany, for instance. But even if you're broadly familiar with the contours of the gun story, it's still stunning to see just how heavily armed the US is compared to every other country on the planet. Indeed, the only country that even comes close to the US per capita average is Yemen. While the US has only 5% of the world's population, it has between 35% and 50% of the world's civilian firearms.

It should be noted that the lowest estimate for Yemen is  32% while the highest is 90%.

For America the lowest estimate is 83% and the highest is 97%. In other words it is far more likely that the American numbers are accurate.

I have to admit that even I am stunned to learn that I might be among the only 3% of Americans who do not own a firearm.

What in the hell are all of you people so afraid of?


  1. "What in the hell are all of you people so afraid of? "
    How interesting that this is right above a picture (on the next post) of ol' Crazy Eyes, the Minnesota loon herself, so I am guessing the answer is "each other."

  2. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Doesn't mean only 3% do not own firearms. The average is skewed by gun nuts owning dozens of firearms each. You would need the standard deviation numbers to paint a proper statistical picture

    1. For that you'd need accurate gun registration.

  3. Anonymous4:47 AM

    The Bogeyman under the bed of course...

    I just did some quick math and if you take the averaged number of weapons it takes 19 of the countries below us to come up equal in the number of weapons...

    We are truly unique in this world...
    I'm not sure thats a good thing in this case...

    1. Same could be said for the amount we spend on military and how much of our GDP we designate for military spending.

      When it comes to guns and violence the U.S is far and away number one world leader by magnitudes.

      Not exactly something to be proud of, given where we stand on healthcare, education and the environment.

  4. Anonymous5:59 AM

    My parents had 8 guns of various types in their house, along with myriad locks, bolts, etc. Neither one of them had ever been assaulted or robbed, and I asked them once what on earth they were so afraid of.

    (For the record---I have been assaulted once, my son has been assaulted and mugged, and our house has been broken into three times. Our solution: a very large dog. Bless the policeman who recommended it.)

    So, my mother looked at me incredulously and said "The government, of course!!"

    I told her good luck with her handgun against the full force of the U.S. military, and she called me a jackass, because could I really be so stupid as not to realize that at least half of the armed forces would immediately join the secessionists' cause.


    Anyhow, Gryphen---that's what they're so afraid of. The evil librul gubmint, of course.

  5. SallyinMI6:11 AM

    They are afraid of their toddlers, obviously. And their fellow churchgoers, first graders, people in movie theaters, shoppers, unarmed potential criminals, black teens with skittles, the government, Amish kids, and illegals. Also, too, nonChristians, non whites, non English speakers, anyone wanting sane gun registration laws, anyone thinking body armor piercing bullets and military equipment belongs with the military, and on and on...they have so many enemies it's a miracle they ever leave their homes and go to work. Meanwhile, we become less and less civilized every day. Thanks, NRA. Thanks, evangelicals. Thanks, GOP. You have ruined the once grand USA.

    1. Do you know what cowboys did with guns? Well, mostly rifles. They shot snakes, coyotes and wolves to protect their horses and their herds. Also used them for signaling long distances.

      There was no such thing as the quick draw. Cowboys with handguns usually kept them in the pockets of their long coats as they didn't have holsters.

      The two highest cause of death of cowboys in the old west was drowning and sickness. (Like pneumonia, flu, fever, etc.)

      Hollywood has created this wild west myth for the U.S. that didn't exist, never existed.

      And the N.R.A is a cancer in this country. And they didn't used to be. Only in the last 30 years. Like since Reagan. Their corruption matches that of the Republican Party. They both started to go crazy right about the same time.

      And this country is the worse for it.

  6. G, Why in world would tell your adversaries that you don't own a gun? Like the whack-a-doodle klan needs to know this.

    Jesus rice! Now I'm really concerned about your safety.

    1. One time state karate champion.

      Broken several state power lifting records in my time.

      State of the art security system,

      Several swords and martial arts weapons within arms reach.

      And an overly protective dog that reacts to every sound.

      Let them come.

    2. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Whew, good, Gryph! I worry about you too.

      All of the above, and I'm especially glad you have a dog.

      R in NC

    3. Top three things to keep you safe from burglary, etc.

      1. Nosy neighbors. They know the street and the people on it. They are snoopy so when someone who doesn't belong is going something suspicious, they call the cops.

      2. Dog. Doesn't have to be a big dog. Doesn't even have to be a mean dog. Burglars don't like dogs. They will avoid any house where there is a dog that barks.

      3. Security system.

      Notice having a gun to defend yourself and your property doesn't make the list. My Dad has guns. He's also been burgled more than once. They stole a gun each time.

  7. This is where lying with statistics comes in.

    No, 3% of Americans do not own guns. It is a much higher percentage because gun owners tend to own more than one gun.

    I don't own a gun. My Dad probably owns half a dozen if you include rifles. He has had handguns stolen from his house twice.

    So while there are enough guns for 97% of the population to own them, 97% of the population doesn't own them. (This would hold true for other countries as well.) I suspect less than 50% of the people in this country own those 250,000 weapons.

    And that is a really scary thought.

  8. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Switzerland shows as between 30 and 61. I believe the real number is very close to between 50 and 60 actually, because men and women have to serve in the military (or in Civil Defense), and they get to take their weapons home. They have to keep up their shooting skills by going to a range several times/year, shooting, and having the results being documented. If they get too bad at shooting, they have to take remedial courses. Each year, during active duty years, they have to go train for 3 weeks in the military.
    Not sure if they get to keep ammunition at home, though.
    But you definitely see the young soldiers with their weapons shouldered on the trains, en route to their military units or back home.
    THAT is totally different from what we have here in the US, though. Switzerland HAS a 'well-trained' militia.WE only have a militia. NOT trained AT ALL!

  9. Anita Winecooler4:48 PM

    To answer your last question, my husband calls them "urinal straddlers".

  10. Enjay in E MT10:29 PM

    OK, we have guns. Maybe 12, no handguns and other than a couple 22's to target practice.... the rest are hunting rifles or shotguns. Some inherited from my father (avid hunter). They are all unloaded and locked in a gun safe (not a gun cabinet)! Only time they're out is hunting season, target practice or a trap-shoot. We were raised with guns, trained by Hunter-Safety courses, hunted with adults that reinforced safety and treat EVERY gun as if it was loaded anytime you handle it.

    For safety - I have a baseball bat nearby.


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