Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Michele Bachmann predicts that President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran will usher in the Apocalypse.

Courtesy of HuffPo: 

In a radio interview last week, Bachmann, the former Minnesota Republican congresswoman, told "End Times" host Jan Markell, “We need to realize how close this clock is getting to the midnight hour.” 

“We in our lifetimes potentially could see Jesus Christ returning to earth and the rapture of the church,” Bachmann said. “We see the destruction, but this was a destruction that was foretold.” 

Bachmann cited the Obama administration’s nuclear negotiations with Iran as a cause. The U.S. and five partner nations are discussing a deal with Iran that would prevent the country from developing or obtaining nuclear weapons. 

“We are literally watching, month by month, the speed move up to a level we’ve never seen before with these events," Bachmann said. "Barack Obama is intent. It is his number one goal to ensure that Iran has a nuclear weapon.” 

Later in the interview, Bachmann again tied her rapture prediction to Obama’s foreign policy. 

“If you look at the president’s rhetoric, and if you look at his actions, everything he has done has been to cut the legs out of Israel and lift up the agenda of radical Islam,” she said.

So color me confused. Is this considered a good thing by Bachmann or a bad thing?

After all fundamentalist Christians like Bachmann can hardly wait to throw their granny panties at Jesus, and according the the Bible he can't show up until the Anti-Christ, which in this case I assume is Obama, starts some great war in the Middle East.

So does this mean that Bachmann, who previously freaked out about Obama starting World War 3, is now cool with Obama's Iran deal now?

Like I said, confusing.


  1. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Nearer your god to thee, eh Michele?
    Shouldn't you be heaping your gratitude to President Obama?

  2. angela2:22 AM

    This woman's family needs to have her committed.

    1. Anonymous7:10 AM

      She has been committed, to an unhappy life with her Gay Husband. Oops, she can pray away his gayness with the help of Medicaid payments.

  3. Anonymous2:58 AM

    There are those who pander to the crazies on the right, and then there is Michelle Bachmann. The crazy is real with this one.

  4. Anonymous3:01 AM

    I think folks like Ms. Bachmann are in for a big letdown.......

  5. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Bachmann is living proof that fundamental christians are mentally unstable.

  6. I just wonder how these Evangelicals are going to blame Liberals when the 'Rapture' comes and they are the ones left behind.

  7. Maple5:35 AM

    The anti-christ starts a big war in the middle east -- hey, wasn't that Georgie-boy?
    This woman should be in an institution -- either mental or penal, or maybe both.

  8. Olivia5:49 AM

    I have wondered for a very long time whether this is a good thing or a bad thing also. They have been trying to use our foreign policy to force the end times which is so stupid on a multitude of levels, one of which is, why would they need to force it to happen? Wouldn't God just do it without all having these fools trying to set up the situation for the world to end? If they really believe in an omnipotent being who controls everything, why are they always try to manipulate Him? I just wonder who among them will rise and take them to the bunker or the mountaintop to await the big moment and make it easier for God to suck them all up. I hope they bring a tv crew.

  9. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Status quo for Bachmann and her evange-fundie ilk. She sits around flickin' her bean fantasizing about the end times, Christ returning, getting raptured, etc. Meanwhile, Obama is getting things done. Sooo glad crazy eyes stepped down. Now perhaps her and sp can lock arms and Thelma and Louise out of here.

    1. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Who knows what "being raptured" means to Bachmann!

  10. So, let me get this straight. Some time soon all these Christian wackos will disappear ? THANKS OBAMA!

  11. If Fundies are so damned anxious to meet Jesus and get raptured and shit, and they think Obama is making it happen, then why are they fighting him so vehemently?? And if it IS their God's plan & will to have a war in the middle east signaling end times, wouldn't it be the height of arrogance to do ANYTHING to prevent it??

    And if they REALLY think President Obama is bringing about the end times, that would make him the hand of God. And to quote the movie "Dune", "One can't go against the will of God"...

    And the fact that these people truly believe this shit makes me glad I'm an atheist.

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Amen to that, Sister!

      (and/or Brother....)

  12. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Several leading evangelicals have determined that while Obama may be an AntiChrist, he can't be THE AntiChrist. There are specific physical traits describing the AntiChrist--must suffer a head injury, "rise" from the dead (which could mean resuscitation), be missing an eye, largely an unknown until his rise to power, etc. Snopes has a nice list:

    Personally, I'm looking to see what happens after Pope Frank since according to the St. Malachi prophecies, he's supposedly the final pope before the Anti-Christ.

    And Shelley's an idiot anyway. There's not enough brain bleach in the world to destroy that image of her trying to play tonsil hockey with Dubya following his State of the Union speech.

    1. Maple8:50 AM

      Back in the late 70's, they said that Pope John Paul II was supposed to be the last pope. Hah -- look how that turned out!
      Idiots, all of them, not to mention dangerous too.

  13. Anonymous9:35 AM

    "Michele Bachmann predicts that President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran will usher in the Apocalypse."

    She really should start selling her own line of prepper food.

    "Shelly's Own Armageddon Brand(tm) Freeze-Dried Meals Ready-to-Eat, Holy Salad Dressings and Confections"

    Remember Shelly says "MMmmmm mmmmm MMM!! For the End Times... and SO delicious, too! Just because it's the end of the world, that's no reason to eat tasteless food!

  14. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Her statement makes no sense(GO Figure) as she says JC is comingto a town near you very soon. Then she speaks about for the next generations??? Really, if the end is near, there will be no more generations. And shouldn't she be thanking Obama instead of criticizing him?Her insanity is getting worse. She needs hospitalization STAT.And to think she was on the Intelligence Committee.That is truly frightening.

  15. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I thought she quit politics in disgrace. Isn't there an investigation?

    Why is anyone still listening to her, or blogging about her? Isn't there enough relevant fucking stupid out there?

  16. Randall1:59 PM

    Looking to Michele Bachmann for understanding of something as complex as nuclear arms negotiations with Iran is like looking to Sarah Palin for a lesson in grammar and syntax.

  17. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Since the end of the world is coming, I was wondering if Shelly could demonstrate how to make the joyous reunion with her God come quicker. Maybe she can do a series of how to videos.
    She looks like a semi sane Sarah only with Bette Davis Eyes.

  18. Anonymous6:19 PM

    I was raised by a nutcase who believed all this bunk. Only it was Jimmy Carter (6 letters I'm each of his names... Antichrist!). She doesn't understand why I have nothing to do with her. Not because of her beliefs, but because of the crazy that her beliefs inflicted on everyone around her.

  19. Anonymous5:55 AM

    If only it were true.....she would then leave the rest of us alone down outcome I could endorse....

  20. Anonymous3:10 AM

    A radio show called "End Times"? Really?


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