Friday, April 10, 2015

Sarah Palin has emerged from hiding. Update!

The above photo was from a Facebook post a little over an hour ago.

There were several more pictures, all of Sarah or Bristol holding and firing guns.

Here's another:

There was also this statement: 

Happily enroute to Minnesota to break bread with great Safari Club International hunters and conservationists! I look forward to encouraging women hunters, sharing insight on true conservation, preaching firearms safety, and of course hearing from these liberty lovers in the beautiful Land of 10,000 Lakes. 

Here are some of my favorite new guns, including an awesome new Glock custom made by the good folks at TMT Tactical and a mighty AR-15 sent last month from friends of the Motor City Madman and world class bow hunter Ted Nugent. Pretty pink camo! But not too pretty to only display and never shoot. Also, pics of Dakota showing Bristol, Tripp, and me how it’s done in Kentucky where they're proudly clinging to their guns, our God, and our Constitution! 

- Sarah Palin

So to be clear Palin is going to Minnesota to promote hunting and gun ownership, but NOT attending this weekend's big NRA Leadership Forum, where anybody who is anybody will be. And also giving no explanation as to why she pulled out at the last minute.

Wow, even in Palin-world that is pretty odd.

Now keep in mind that we have no idea if that picture above is recent, and the others that she posted are clearly not, so it's possible that she is still not media ready.

I am interested in if there will be any coverage of her appearance at this Safari Club appearance.

Not that this is in any way dissuading any of her most die hard supporters, who have now convinced themselves that with Hillary's upcoming announcement it is assured that Palin will soon throw her wig into the ring:

The moment we've been waiting for has finally arrived. Hillary Clinton is set on announcing/launching her 2016 Presidential campaign tomorrow according to CNN. CNN is right. She is in fact announcing her candidacy tomorrow. This is when Sarah Palin will finally announce her candidacy. Forget the other Candidates like, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. They don't have a choice to withdraw their Presidential 2016 bid. They know they cannot beat Hillary Clinton. One reason "Gender Card." It has to be Sarah Palin from our side of the aisle. Like Wild Bill for America said " Two women and one Destiny." He's right. It's has to be woman vs woman. Palin vs Clinton.

What is it again that comedian Ron White used to say? Oh that's right, "You can't fix stupid."

Ain't it the truth.

Update: Okay here we go.

So attending some podunk hunting banquet in Minnesota instead of appearing in a humongous NRA event in Nashville, that will feature almost every single potential GOP presidential candidate?

Oh this is just pathetic.


  1. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Safari Club Mission Statement

    Sounds right up Sarah's alley! Not!

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Any real hunter who saw that clip of her on her show will remember her asking, Does it kick?, etc.
      She's so fake.

    2. Anonymous4:28 PM

      This is interesting as well:

    3. Anonymous5:35 PM

      In order to SAVE the elephants, you have to KILL the elephants. Or something like that.

    4. Anonymous6:03 PM

      both posted pix the skank has very poor form, that said the top pic is downright scary insofar as where the muzzle's pointed relative to whatever it is she's trying figure out ... that is downright fukin' atrocious/potentially deadly..

  2. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Anything to spend more time away from her minor children, right Sarah? I guess we know who the favorite child is. The one who brought home a decorated marine (and the one who keeps lots of secrets).

    What a great mom!

  3. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I love how she's holding that gun up in the first picture. It's pointed almost right at the photographer.

    Safety first, right Sarah?

    (I guess Dakota gave her some safety tips. Point a gun wherever you want. If Dakota says if the gun is loaded or not, you can trust him. That's his specialty.)

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      She just does not look comfortable or adept with a weapon in either photo.

    2. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Look at those heels on her shoes in the picture with Dakota. Strange shoes for shooting--but not for a photo-op.

  4. Anonymous2:11 PM


    The Safari Club International World Hunting Expo in Minneapolis was March 6 and 7 2015.

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      That's our Saraw. A day late and a dollar short.

    2. SallyinMI2:32 PM

      The Minneapolis club has no events in April. She must be headed to Mall of America. Better leave those guns in Kentucky. And where are her younger children now that she , Bristol, and Dakota are inseparable?

    3. Anonymous2:39 PM

      April 18th is a fundraiser.

    4. Anonymous2:46 PM

      All she said was that she is going to "break bread with" these people. Not speak at, or even attend, any sort of event. Maybe she made a date to meet a couple of local gun nuts for coffee and banana bread at Denny's.
      As for announcing, we can only hope!

    5. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Well she doesn't actually say she is speaking anywhere, and doesn't say she's attending a Safari Club International event. She says she's "breaking bread" [breakfasting] with "Safari Club international hunters and conservationists [alleged members of the organization]. So. She's going to Minnesota to have breakfast with some people who belong to clubs rather than speak at the NRA convention. I get it! She is definitely running for President of the United States. Ahooah!!

    6. Anonymous6:30 PM

      She is listed on the poster as being a Special Guest, but the emphasis is on the Safaris and hunts being auctioned.

      I got the impression from reading various pages on the website that Sarah's role in this is minimal. The big reason for going is the auctions and the great food!

      Some of these "safaris" cost more than a new car.

      The event is a Big Deal, big money-maker, Sarah seems just something that is there also, too, but she is definitely NOT the STAR of the event. The auctions are the main attraction.

      I can't imagine that they are paying her much since her presences is not necessary nor a big attraction.

  5. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I really do believe she was asked to not attend the NRA gathering. Look, it was announced on Wednesday she wouldn't be attending, but full-page ads touting the speakers and guests that ran in The Tennessean on the Sunday before did not include her. Somebody placing the ad had to have known she wasn't attending. Ads that size take time to develop.
    Now, she's a big gun enthusiast ( at least she really wants people to believe that) so why would she turn down an opportunity to parade around before the estimated 70,000 attendees wearing her camo sling-back pumps???? Makes no sense. No folks, she didn't cancel, SHE was canceled for whatever reason!

    1. That's sounds very reasonable.

      What did Sarah do to tick of the NRA badly enough to get uninvited? (Is it possible she was never invited in the first place?)

    2. Anonymous2:31 PM

      I hope you are right but another scenario is this new gig pays more!

    3. Anonymous2:51 PM

      I totally agree. Sarah the un-presidential clown show was DIS-invited. I wouldn't be surprised of GOP big wig Jeb Bush team said he wouldn't appear of Palin was there.

      Sarah probably gets invites from teabaggers everywhere so she had her consultants find one that was as close to a nra style gun meeting she could get. There is NO WAY she would have turned down speaking at NRA for anything!

    4. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Her picture was on the NRA speakers' page. I saw it. It was next to Trump's picture. If she wasn't scheduled to speak, who put it there?

    5. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Maybe even the clowns in this year's GOP Clown Car did not want to share any limelight with Sarah Palin. They probably thought she would detract from the gravitas of their group, so they had the NRA find some other gun fest she could go to and not lose too much face.

    6. Otto Katz4:59 PM

      How do we know she was invited in the first place, other than what she said, if she said she was invited? Did anyone else say she was invited, and then she wasn't on the advertisements for it?

    7. I say we keep pushing the meme that she was pushed out of the NRA gig. Since we know she reads here, she'll respond to that sooner or later.

    8. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Her NRA waterboarding baptism comment last year offended the Jewish community. NRA was asked to uninvite her. That is what is being said in certain circles at least.

    9. Palin canceling at the last minute is also not that unusual for her. If you recall, she quit her governorship she was asked and she accepted to do 3 to 4 speeches, but canceled them at the last minute. One of the speeches she accepted to give but canceled at the last minute, was to give a speech at the Reagan Library for a large group of Republican women.

      But, I don’t believe Palin canceled her speech at the NRA because it would have given a lot of publicity,and we all know how she tries to get her name out front and center.

      Although, she could have canceled because she realizes that her quickly dwindling SarahPAC donations means she is no longer relevant, and she has become depressed and has just said the hell with it all.

  6. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Somehow it seems weird to me that Sarah Palin's favorite new playthings are guns. If you surround yourself with so many weapons it's almost certain that one of them will be used incorrectly.

    1. Anonymous2:19 PM

      That's all that Sarah has now. She and Dakota can appear at gun shows and at veterans events. Sarah has little-to-no political career left. She is aiming for another Amazing America series, targeting them and reloading (to use Sarah's gun rhetoric).

    2. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Have you seen how many photos there are of Dakota posing with guns? Many of the advertisements on The Sportsman Channel are for guns (and the NRA). Sarah would have been seen by far more people and a national audience if she had appeared at the NRA meeting.

    3. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Used on her hopefully.

    4. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Sorry BeagleMom,
      But Darah is too old to go
      on the pole". She needs to sell herself some way and this is it. The NRA dumped her ass and her options are limited.

  7. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Do you think somebody in Sarah Palin's circle or Sarah herself reads Immoral Minority or is it just a coincidence? This comment was made earlier on another Immoral Minority post and then after that Sarah has a new post on her facebook.

    Anonymous8:05 AM
    Maybe a family member should tell Sarah that Easter is over. Sarah Palin's last facebook post is dated April 5th. That's if they can find their mother. 

    Prediction, one of SarahPac's flunky who reads Immoral Minority will update Sarah's Facebook post while Sarah is ummmm preoccupied.

  8. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Nice mom jeans, Dakota.

  9. Anonymous2:18 PM

    The only announced MN Safari Club event is May 11th. Is it possible that Sarah has her dates wrong or is this a private affair?
    Maybe this is the forum Palin will use to make her announcement?

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Hahaha, she is most likely lying, again.

    2. Anonymous6:36 PM

      I also noticed that the calendar page for this month is blank, but the mega-buck safari and gun hunting auction has been in the works a long time.

      They announced Sarah's attendance back in March. It's obvious from the lack of Sarah promotion on the site that Sarah is just there for no particular reason. She is not a keynote speaker and is irrelevant to the auction/fundraiser itself.

      These are 10-20,000 dollar hunting trips being auctioned. Those folks are there only for the chance to go on the trips, not because Sarah is there.

  10. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Both of these pics are Sarah, not Bristol.

    1. Anonymous2:56 PM

      How creepy Bristol goes to her finance’s home and has to bring her mom along. WTF?

    2. Anonymous5:21 PM

      @anon 2:56pm
      The creepier part is that Sarah is leaving 2 minor children in Alaska to pretend to worry about Briskets broken hymen.

  11. So, would that Facebook post confirm that Palin or her flunkies troll this board and regularly report back to her? Why else suddenly put up a post with whatever pictures they can muster up?

    1. Anonymous2:55 PM

      Yes, both she and Bristol responded to the comments about Sarah's absence from facebook. It is not like Sarah to be so silent. Last night, Bristol or Nancy posted a photo on Bristol's instagram and another on her facebook, one right after another. Yes, they responded to questions about why they would all be so quiet. Chuck Heath jr. also took some time in posting a new sunset photo. Given that family's strange history and problems, they could have gone into silent-mode for any reason. Chuck has not been quiet when his parents had health problems. Then, he posted photos of them in the hospital bed, all hooked up to tubes, thanks, Chuckie.

    2. Anonymous3:38 PM

      So anymore updates on the $arah Channel??
      And not a peep about the "smash hit" $P's Amazing Murrica !

      Nope, now $creech's focus has shifted all out for My Favorite Guns since Duhkota's on the scene. Her new toy and hopeful draw for her grift.

  12. Anonymous2:25 PM

    "Everyday Uses for SureFire Hearing Protection with Dakota Meyer"

    Dakota you most likely receive compensation from SureFire to advertise and promote their SureFire Hearing Protection when you use firearms. How come everybody in Sarah Palin's new Facebook posted pictures shooting a firearm, including yourself, are wearing another type of ear protection?

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Or no ear protection?

    2. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Palin's don't use protection....

  13. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Just checked the Minnesota Safari Club International's web site and there's no events scheduled for this weekend.

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      There is some sort of "women in hunting deal"at Grand Casino Hinckley this weekend. Hinckley is about half way between Minneapolis and Duluth. Definitely not a big deal event.

  14. I looked up "Safari Club International" Minnesota and found a fairly bare-bones website. The next event listed is the annual chapter meeting coming up in May. I looked up the national site also. No mention of Palin anywhere.

    Pictures of her in her stupid pink camo pants. Bleating about her stupid pink camo gun. She is going to advise a group of actual, not poser, hunters about firearms safety. I hope she reminds them about how it's a waste of time to sight in before actually shooting at something. Patronizing drivel about "encouraging" women hunters coming from someone who is a phony who pretends to be a hunter.

    I doubt if this will be covered anywhere, other than a mention.

    I think she was dis-invited to the NRA meeting, likely at the behest of some GOP hopeful with some clout who didn't want to chance being caught on film or tape with some drunken stoned floozy rubbing up against him and caterwauling stupid shit for all the world to see and hear.

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Where does one need pink camo? A 6yo girl's birthday party? A pink bunny hunt? An assault on Candyland? I mean WTF?

  15. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Think it is totally bizarre how much she identifies with guns. Something weird is going on in her head. No loving mom would focus so much attention in this direction given how many young children have been murdered en masse by gun nuts. I am a typical mom in Alaska and am continuously around the hunting and fishing culture/subsistence world and nobody is a obsessed by firearms like Sarah Palin. The photo where she is looking at her new handgun on her porch is just bizarre. So presidential.

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      eh, the deranged harpy is probably on the verge of going postal.

    2. Yes, and her silly useless pink camo. Once it's pink, it's really not camouflage any more, Sarah dear.

      I think she got so caught up in the mythology the GOP set up about her (field-dressin' moose up in the great white north blah blah blah) that she remained stuck there, possibly because at her core, there is no authentic Sarah Palin for her to return to.

      The GOP plucked this ordinary American suburbanite accustomed to having all the trappings of modern middle-class American life out of obscurity, plopped a tiara on her head, scotch-taped a bullshit Great White Female Hunter mythology to her back, and shoved her out on stage.

      It brought her fame and fortune, so she keeps up the appearances, in a klutzy superficial way, because it is not really her, but then again is no real Sarah Palin for her to re-discover.

      So there she goes running around with her silly guns, when by all accounts she'd be content to spend her days enjoying TV, gossiping, backstabbing, stirring up shit, and never setting foot outdoors.

    3. Anonymous4:42 PM

      Dakota is totally into guns. Dakota is a "politician" now. Bristol, the other half of this "power couple" could be the first lady one day. Mama Grizzly knows they need a political platform. Thus GUNS it is! It's all part of the grizzly grifting plan.

    4. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Exactly!!!!! Could not have said it better, Nefer.

      I've watched her most recent SPC videos (no, I'm not a subscriber; if you're even slightly resourceful, you can see them all without paying a dime) and she really does not look well. She doesn't look horrible, but very tired. But more importantly, they were all filmed at least a week ago on the same day. She doesn't even have the wherewithal to change clothes.

    5. Anon 4:53, what you seem to be saying is Sarah is suffering from depression, which wouldn’t be surprising in my opinion.

    6. Anonymous6:46 PM

      So there she goes running around with her silly guns, when by all accounts she'd be content to spend her days enjoying TV, gossiping, backstabbing, stirring up shit, and never setting foot outdoors.
      Exactly Nefer. If she was all that they claimed, she would know more about handling a weapon.


  16. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Not recent, I live north of KY in IN and it was sweltering two days ago VERY humid and warm. She would not have been wearing a coat. If it was yesterday she'd have needed an umbrella.

  17. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Sarah Palin is supposed to be a hunter and sharp shooter, how come Sarah is using a tripod to shoot on her new Facebook pictures?

  18. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Folks, fellow IM devotees and other assorted "rill mericans" I'm going to take a bullet for you all. Pardon the pun, however what I mean is this: I live in Nashville and I'm going downtown tonight and this weekend to watch the crazy fest in action, up close. I'll keep my ears open and if I hear any rumors concerning Sarah and her mysterious no-show, I'll relay them in. Ought to be quite the freak fest. Thankfully there are a number of downtown bars and restaurants that won't allow guns inside. I'll have to keep my true feelings for this bunch of nuts to myself, but I'm tough! You have to be when you're....

    Blue girl in a red city/state!

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      All right, Liz!

    2. Anonymous3:14 PM

      You go girl. I like ur style!

    3. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Yay Liz!!!
      Btw: Jeanne Devon of Alaska Mudflats fame and her hand selected team of Great Land rabble-rousers traveled to the NRA gig. Look them up, Liz, if you need some relief.

    4. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Thanks, Liz. You're a doll!

    5. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Thanks Liz. Lets turn that red state blue! Im sure you're trying.

  19. Olivia2:35 PM

    She is going to be at the banquet for the Lake Superior Chapter.

  20. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Just go away, Sarah, You are NOT all that ( not even with a stale bag of chips). You are, however, a lying, sick piece of work. The truth will out some day, and God help you then

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      She'll play the victim no matter what we reveal. Hate the bitch.

  21. Anonymous2:41 PM

    The 2015 Lake Superior Annual Banquet will be held at Grand Casino
    Hinckley on Friday, April 10th and Saturday, April 11th. This year’s
    banquet will be honoring our Women members who hunt. The 2015 Banquet
    promises to exceed all previous years in excitement, entertainment and
    expectations. Saturday night our guest speaker will be Sarah Palin.
    There will be over 80 quality vendors and outfitters from around the

    Mark your calendar now and register early as this event will sell out, with no option to put extra people in the venue.

    For questions regarding the fundraiser or to donate to the
    fundraiser, please contact Dale Bruder, Chapter President at
    715-466-5976 or email

    Registration forms are expected to be available by January 1, 2015 or can be downloaded from

    Register Online TODAY at

    Women Hunters are encouraged to send photos of recent trophy’s to be
    included as part of the Fundraiser. Photo’s should be .jpeg and can be
    sent to LSSCICHAPTER@GMAIL.COM. Please include member name, trophy
    taken, date, location, method hunted and if appropriate the Outfitter.

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      trophies, not trophy's. fundraiser not Fundraiser. And they call them Women Hunters when they are really women hunters. Sarah will not be addressing a very smart crowd. I like how they call them our Women members.

    2. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Oh fuck me. What complete dolt's and idiot's.

    3. Anonymous3:50 PM

      So $he's now at the trade show/local fund raiser level of 'celebrity.'

      80 exhibitor booths--Wow! And don't forget to show off all yer "trophy's" - no correct spellers allowed here!

      The half term half wit will spin it as 'mixing with rill Murricans' but we all know the reality is that $arah is washed up except in her own mind. Bwahahahaha

    4. Anonymous4:17 PM

      "Women Hunters are encouraged to send photos of recent trophy’s to be
      included as part of the Fundraiser."

      Sarah can send them a photo of Dakota since he's her latest trophy.

    5. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Good one, 4:17!

    6. Anonymous5:12 PM

      4:17 PM, that was priceless!! ;-)

    7. LOL, 4:17. Poor Bristol--All she can do is send a photo of the one that got away (Levi).

  22. Anonymous2:44 PM

    ha ha ha I can't stop laughing. This will really throw the pee pond hard-core cultists for a loop since they believe she's announcing her candidacy on the same day Hillary is. Yeah, right. They will be sitting on the edge of their seats all weekend waiting for the big announcement and further stealth signs from Sarah the chosen one. The brothers & sisters our christ Sarah will be praying even harder, quoting more bible verses than usual and pretty soon to be speechless and speaking in tongues once she lets them down again. Another fun popcorn weekend ha ha ha ha ha!

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      I can't stop laughing that her ignorant followers think she's the only one that can go to to toe with Hillary and win. Are you kidding me??? Try it, $arah, just try it. I don't care how much Koch money you have behind you. hahahahahaha

    2. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Monday's gonna be a real downer for these people after spending the whole weekend expecting a secret message from Queen Whatsername.

    3. Olivia5:18 PM

      My fondest wish is for Sarah Palin to be running against Hillary Clinton. I cannot think of anything that would give me more delight than this. We should be encouraging this with every ounce of our beings.

    4. Anonymous6:45 PM

      I think Hillary should make Sarah her VP candidate. A perfect team.

      Ha, haaaaaaa. That's what I thought reading about the PeaPonders and their comments.

      Sarah's probably hoping one of the teabag candidates will win the nomination and make her their VP candidate so she can have all the fun without the work. (and then use those guns to make it to the White House).

      McCain dodged a bullet--literally!

  23. Barbara2:46 PM

    There is a Central Minnesota SCI fundraiser on April 18th in St Cloud MN. It is at the convention Center~~but Palin certainly isn't listed in the Program. If she was coming to St Cloud it would be big news locally. (I live just down the road) Here is the link to the event pdf.

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      It's at some casino about 100 miles north of Minneapolis on Saturday night. She could have spoken at NRA on Friday and still gotten to MN by Saturday

    2. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Grand Casino Hinckley, MN population 1,800. Where losers and has beens are hired to provide casino patrons (predominately red necks) with entertainment at really low admission prices.

    3. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Anon at 4:21 pm. That sounds like Sarah Palin's kind of crowd exactly.

    4. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Besides having a casino, Hinckley is best known as a place for a bathroom break while driving between Minneapolis and Duluth or vice versa.

  24. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Palin grabs on to one group, and makes a fool of herself.
    Then flits to the next group and does the fool thing again.
    Flits to another one and another one and ends up small
    potatoes and flits away mad. With buttering up the
    International Safari Club , she thinks she will get a
    free ride to Africa to practice using all of the guns
    that have been given to her, on exquisite , beautiful
    innocent animals trapped in an enclosed area for target
    practice by these Safari Club gun nuts. Their excuse
    for gunning them down....conservation. Yeah right!
    Palin will be a fool in this group of fools. "Does it kick daddy?"
    "Help me aim it." "Levi, show me how to hold and shoot
    a gun."
    I am sure the NRA big shots (no pun intended) said
    "good riddance to the crazy lady."

  25. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Woman vs Fucktard

  26. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Rode hard put away wet. She looks rough and has arthritic hands. She appears to have her left hand trigger finger on the trigger. She generally appears to be right handed. Anyways, she Doesn't appear to know what she isn't doing?
    A cougar in disguise in the 2nd image.

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Oh TRI-Gger where are you? Hope far, far, SAFE far away..

    2. Anonymous5:49 PM

      I blew up the photo to see better. She has NO fingers on the trigger. t looks more like she is just generally checking out the gun.

  27. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Top pic looks like camo jammies. So presidential. Fucktard.

  28. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Look at her wrist in the first photo. What is that?

  29. Anonymous2:50 PM

    And look at Duhkota with no ear protection. Two fucktards in one pic in the land of Dumbfuckistan.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      When you pose for a photo, you don't need no bleeping ear protection.

  30. Anonymous2:53 PM

    The first pic has the dead Lake Lucille in the background Not new pics here.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      The other photos of Dakota teaching everyone to shoot the gun mounted on the tripod are from an earlier visit to Kentucky. When it comes to the Palins posting photos, you really don't know how old they are. Tripp is posed with a calf and Dakota, and that could have come from the earlier visit, too. Mind games.

  31. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Sarah Palin you posted 8 new pictures on your facebook, you are in 6 of the pictures and your Medal of Honor recipient is in 3 of the pictures. It is sad that you didn't post any new pictures of Trig. Maybe if Trig won the Medal of Honor then you would pay more attention to Trig and post Trig's pictures instead of Dakota's pictures.

    After reading this comment on IM, betcha Sarah will post new pictures of Trig on her facebook. That's if she can find some.

    1. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Dakota is her only son now, and Bristol her only daughter.

      Until the inevitable crash and burn, that is...

    2. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Trig shooting a gun? That is about the scariest idea I can think of. Even that posed photo of Tripp with the gun is disturbing because a 6 year old child can hardly process the importance of life vs. death, even it's just a squirrel.

  32. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I LOOVE the first photo of $carah with the fold in her cheek and the wrinkly hands..TSK TSK TSK...I didn't know she was THAT old.

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      I prefer the second pic. Check out her shoes.

  33. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Sarah we bought airline round trip tickets and paid for hotel rooms to the NRA convention because you were supposed to be there. Thanks for nothing Sarah.

    1. Anonymous3:15 PM

      The Earthquakers also paid for a truck with two illuminated signs saying Sarah Sarah Sarah to park outside the entrance so people could see Sarah Sarah Sarah. Aww......

    2. Anonymous3:51 PM

      That sign idea is the dumbest things I've heard in a long time.

    3. Anonymous4:15 PM

      You would have to know some of the quakers to realize how dumb they are. I am related to one...sigh

    4. Anonymous4:50 PM


      There is dumb and then there is earthquaker dumb.
      It's a special form of intensified dumb.

    5. Anonymous4:54 PM

      I think that one of the 'Quakers is the gal who makes Sarah's beaded bracelet cuffs, the ones with Jesus and the flag on them.

    6. LoveAndKnishesFromNrooklyn5:10 PM

      All I had to do at one point was look at the event pix on the E-quakers' web page to realize that it's just a fan club full of overgrown, overzealous Palinistas who got a chance to actually meet Sarah at a dinner speech. Where they came up with the donations to pay for the truck is anyone's guess, as the inhabitants of the C4Playpen want nothing to do with them. Some member probably has lots of bucks to throw around on their "hobby".

    7. Anonymous6:17 PM

      4:15, I remember you mentioning that. Hugs to you my friend.


    8. Anonymous6:18 PM

      The equakers are also palinquake AND the superpac politicalearthquake grassroots4palin or whatever the hell they named it. That is how they raise money...

  34. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Poor Sarah has no class. Can you imagine the first lady looking like that?
    After al lthe recent photos we've seen of this woman, we know she would NEVER run for president or ANYTHING. Yet her little followers cling to their red-neck hope.

  35. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Barbara2:46 PM There is a Central Minnesota SCI fundraiser on April 18th in St Cloud MN. It is at the convention Center~~but Palin certainly isn't listed in the Program. If she was coming to St Cloud it would be big news locally. (I live just down the road) Here is the link to the event pdf.


    I checked the internet to see if any Minnesota media posted info regarding Sarah Palin is coming to Minnesota.

    This is the only thing posted and it is almost a year old:

    Sarah Palin to MN GOP: Julianne Ortman Only ...
    May 30, 2014 - On Friday, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin urged Minnesota's GOP delegates to support Julianne ...

  36. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Why blow off the NRA? They have 70,000 people attending their convention. The speeches were broadcast all over the place. Sarah could have spoken at the NRA on Friday and still made it up to Minnesota for Saturday night dinner.

    1. With 70,000 people, there are probably quite a few that remember and were not impressed by her stupid "Does it kick, daddy?" fiasco.

      She's a phony and poser and is better off in small venues with 'baggers that think she is the real thing.

      She can no longer be a big fish in a big pond; the best she can hope to be is to be a medium fish in a little bitty pond.

  37. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Just saw on ABC that Chelsea Clinton is on the cover of Elle magazine and has a story about her Mom being the first woman President. I bet Palin's head will bust wide open over this! Love it!!

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Poor Sarah can't catch a cold, the only magazine that'll show her kids is Soldier of Fortune

    2. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Bristol can't even get on the cover of US magazine for getting engaged to a Medal of Honor recipient.

    3. Anonymous6:36 PM

      We could maybe start a GoFundMe page for Sarah's refrigerator, which is about to suffer grievous injuries.

  38. Anonymous3:22 PM

    How come that little get together in Minnesota used a very old picture of Sarah Palin in their little flyer Gryphen posted?

  39. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Hilarious! I was wondering what doozy Sarah would come up with to hide the humiliating fact that NRA dumped her.

    Unless someone from the Minn. Chapter of SCI is having an unplanned "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner" surprise event at their house or local meeting place THERE NEVER WAS planned event. This has been her last minute desperate plan.

    Sarah had to save face for her cult and came up with an idea. She probably told one of her "consultants" to start googling where she could be invited to unplanned that had to do with "guns" and "women" and this is what they found for her lol. Of course she could have told them she wants to practice shoot at their gun range (pics on her facebook next week). Of course then there are her tv people staff connections of Amazing America who suggested this going to Minnesota to help her save face. Has she got any big donor connections from that state? Sarah we're on to you.

    It's easy to keep tabs.

    Minnesota Safari Club International:

    Of course you can ask them anything on their facebook page where it's also not mentioned:

    Or send them a tweet & let their followers know she's showing up for a surprise visit:

  40. Anonymous3:25 PM


    1. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Really? I thought you were working on new material?

    2. Anonymous4:53 PM


      It isn't hard. Your turn.

    3. Anonymous5:09 PM

      No shit. Go away 3:25.

  41. First thing I noticed on that poster for the event was the misspelling of "influential". Influencial, haha.

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Yeah, there's an outbreak of inflentza in warsilla these days. That';s why you don't see Bristol's face

  42. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Does Sarah Palin work for FOX News? That's what is written on the SCI brochure under her picture.

  43. Anonymous3:30 PM

    It's beginning to look very much like she canceled the NRA gig when she learned that the audience will be armed. There has been no explanation and we know what a coward she is. We also know that her knowledge of firearms doesn't extend much beyond how to pose with them.

    Chickenshit. I love seeing Sarah exposing her nasty little self.

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      She didn't cancel $9it. She was never invited.

  44. Harrold Stassen3:30 PM

    1) I'd bet dollars (backed by the good faith of the Federal Reserve) to doughnuts (lovingly handmade by bride-in-training Bristol) that the NRA didn't want her -- or one or two big wigs said they wouldn't appear with her. Result: Palin got sharpied out.
    2) Just as important, I'll be the Minnesota outfit is paying her big bucks to get up and toss her salad for them.
    The NRA probably only paid with the in bankable glory of appearing on their stage. Sarah wants cold hard cash.

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      it will be a circus as it is. they don't need another clown.

  45. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Ha! They mis-spelled "influential" as "influencial" under her picture on the poster. Perfect!

  46. Anonymous3:32 PM

    I suspect the NRA moved her out under pressure so her people located a gun event the same weekend where she could get up on stage and do her Annie Oakley Super Patriot pirouettes.

  47. Anonymous3:36 PM

    ha ha ha even better. I gotta tweet that Sarah cancels NRA to attend a gun raffle! Can you imagine her announcing her candidacy against Hillary at a gun raffle?? Only the pee pond can. lol

  48. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Look at the picture of Sarah Palin by the lake. What's wrong with her face? That area by her mouth doesn't look right.

    1. Anonymous4:34 PM

      the lake does not look like that now...infact I thought they had issued thin ice warnings?

  49. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Another possibility...Ted Nugent performs at 1:00 on Sunday.
    If Sarah catches a flight after dinner in Minnesota she could make a surprise appearance at the NRA convention to announce her run for president and close the show with a BANG!

  50. Randall3:40 PM

    Sarah vs. Hillary?

    bitch, please

  51. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Sarah how about holding Trig in your arms and have your SarahPac photographer take a picture? Make sure you don't kiss him on the cheek, we heard he is not receptive to that.

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Todd can kiss Trig on his cheek, why not Trig?

    2. Anonymous4:07 PM

      prolly canker sores, who knows where that mouth has been?

  52. Anonymous3:46 PM

    The Pond is dumbstruck (I know, the irony of that) A tidbit from Happy Mullah

    "..But it seems like from the way she says it in her FB post that she was more excited about "breaking breads" with people there, whereas speaking at NRA had a feel of doing her job as a politician. Plus, she'd be surrounded by politicians cajoling her for endorsements.

    So Sarah chose the fun event with Safari. Can't blame her. It's been seven long years she has done political events.

    I often wonder what makes Sarah tick. What runs through mind when she gets up in the morning. What really motivates her.

    Surely, there must be fun in some of the events that she appeared, such SNL40 or the skit with Jimmy Fallon. Or guest-host the Today Show. Obviously she loves that. You could see the joy in her..."

    1. Anonymous4:53 PM

      "You could see the joy in her ..." - Happy Mullah

      No Happy, there is no joy in Sarah, ever.

    2. Anonymous5:28 PM

      Did you see the comment recently about how Steven Speiielberg turned his liberal head and looked at her in 'child like wonder' at the SNL40 event? it was a total coffee-out-the-nose moment!

    3. Anonymous6:04 PM

      I saw that. hahahahaha
      Taylor Swift didn't.

  53. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Well, looks like Side-show Sarah was begging to be invited to the dance again. Clearly this Safari gig was in the works for a while. Was Sarah every really invited to the NRA? I couldn't find anything on the NRA's site. The only announcement of her speaking that I could find was the Tennessean newspaper. Did Sarah call the story in herself? They are also the source of her cancelation. Sort of reminds me of Sarah begging to be on The View a few months ago. Sad. No one wants Sarah anymore :-(

  54. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Ok...this is what I see...could be...might not be...
    I know some folks who work the Corrections in Alaska...
    One is a supervisor and the other a nurse...nice people...
    They go to a church that the pastor is a 'die hard fan' of SP..
    They all of a sudden 'went on vacation in Arizona' and left...
    They are back and the looks on their faces...some vacation!
    Ususally those that go are 'happy' and 'floating' for awhile...
    Not miserable and looks like they 'had to deal with something'
    so my guess is Sarah is locked up somewhere and a private nurse was brought in to avoid the 'public spectacle' that would arise of a public statement about her 'problems'...
    My guess is as many that the photos are older ones...
    May be the 'end' when she got nuts with guns and all...
    With that doctor saying she 'looks anerexic' she could...
    Use that and say she is in rehab for that...but most who enter rehab and are on the public radar rarely go in 'to gain weight' or 'to learn to eat'...shrug...
    My best guess from what I know and what I have seen...

    1. Anonymous4:39 PM

      No way would Sarah check into a facility of any kind, so you are right they would hire a private nurse.

  55. Anonymous Lee3:47 PM

    "Infuencial"??? Two typos in a single word? Who writes this crap?

    Well, we know that Sarah Palin has no influence, except amongst addled seniors and brain-dead Palinbots, so perhaps it is appropriate, after all.

  56. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Oh no, Happy Mullah again:

    happymullah palin45potus • 2 minutes ago
    There's not going to be an announcement that she'll run, rather it will be a series of actions and inactions from her that in aggregate indicates to us that she's not running.

    I am guessing that Ted Cruz already knew which is why he jumped in quickly. I still think Sarah will ultimately endorse him even if their backgrounds are a study in contrast.

  57. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Sarah don't post a picture of yourself after you just washed the dishes. Your hands looks waterlogged holding that gun.

  58. What a description on the flyer with the years old picture (doesn't dare use a current picture):

    "Former Alaskan Governor" - Yeah, she quit partway through because she couldn't handle the job.

    "2008 Republican Vice-Presidential Candidate" - Yes, well, the ticket lost. And that was damn near 8 years ago. Of course, she had worn out her welcome with the RNC before even four years were up.

    "Author" - Yeah, what has she written lately, or better yet, been asked to write? Facebook screeds don't count.

    "Fox News Contributor" - Well, that has dried up. They weren't scrambling to come up with mega-millions to hang onto their superstar by the end of her first contract, were they?

    The term "washed up loser" comes to mind.

    1. Anonymous5:05 PM

      She's still touting being on Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential people even though she hasn't been on the list since 2010.

      No other notable achievements in the last 5 years Sarah?

    2. Anonymous5:30 PM

      No, no it said 100 Most "Infuential" People.

  59. Anonymous4:05 PM

    The groundhog has emerged, does that mean six more weeks of "look at my penis extender collection" The pink camo one is too pretty to fire! So she'll display it in Trig's reach along with help from Jill Hadassah Palin, he could reach those suckers faster than Bristol can count to one. Go back in your hole, sucker. Even the NRA is too embarrassed to have you, that's gotta leave some serious skid marks, amirite RAM???

  60. OHNO!!!4:05 PM

    How come $HE, an 'Alaskan native' (cough, cough!) is dressed like it is the middle of winter, yet DuhKoTaah, who hails from where, Kansas?, is in short sleeves???

  61. Anonymous4:07 PM

    "The Year of the Woman Hunter," i.e. is this conference for people who hunt women? /snark

  62. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Being a former Minnesotan, with family still living there, a lot of our time is spent outdoors. Hunting, fishing, ice fishing, hockey, skiing, etc. is the norm and Sarah Palin does not own the outdoors like she thinks (pretends) she does.

    Guns are respected and not worn as a badge of honor like that idiot Dakota. The phony quitter, ex-governor from Alaska will be found out within minutes of her speech.

    By the way, believe me when I say that Michelle Bachmann is an anomaly and does not represent the majority of people from Minnesota.

    1. Anonymous4:44 PM

      she couldn't hit the broad side of a barn door. most of the time she sits in the truck. unless its Picture time!

  63. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Interesting that those we suspect as paid commenters at the pond are no where to be found

  64. Anonymous4:17 PM

    catbird ‏@catbirdx

    Sarah Palin g̶e̶t̶s̶ ̶d̶u̶m̶p̶e̶d̶ cancels NRA to attend banquet & gun raffle in Hinckley, MN.

    (with photo)

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM


  65. abbafan4:19 PM

    She sure has this fetish with "Safari". Let's see... A) Safari Club. B) Safari Investments. C) A cabin on Safari Lake, AK (undeclared on taxes). Hmm... common thread somewhere...

  66. OHNO!!!4:27 PM

    Interesting scenario, 3:47!

  67. Anonymous4:33 PM

    "Breaking Bread?????"

    HEAVEN and earth to $arah, you are NOT the second coming of Jesus nor are you Queen Esther. You are anything BUT. Seek help. No words......

    1. Anonymous4:53 PM

      shes a sociopath. nothing more.

  68. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Anonymous3:21 PM

    Just saw on ABC that Chelsea Clinton is on the cover of Elle magazine and has a story about her Mom being the first woman President. I bet Palin's head will bust wide open over this! Love it!!

    Don't count your chickens yet. Sarah is supposed to make an important announcement in Minnesota .

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Yes, I'm sure Sarah will say something important in "pass me that rabbit stew." Or "hey, nice purple Glock...let me see that. Bristol needs a wedding present."

  69. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Hey Sarah, you woman enough to run against Hillary, or are gonna fuck your supporters over again? You phony fucking clod.

    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      yeah, didn't she say she was waiting for Hillary??

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Yes, she did! Come on out, $arah, dahling. You've painted yourself into a corner. We're waiting.

  70. Anonymous4:41 PM

    so shes doing trade shows with the less than honorable duhkota. one step up from a used car salesman. i believe she was dumped.

    1. Anonymous4:46 PM

      There is that commercial that Dakota filmed for the rifle with the flashlight attached. Someone wondered why he didn't just have a security system which would turn on all the lights, right the alarm, scare the bad guys and cal the cops. Oh, yeah, he's selling guns not alarm systems.

  71. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Dumped the NRA for a speaking gig? Shoulda donated those pennies c4p!

  72. Anonymous4:45 PM

    The Piss Ants are starting to realize that Sarah agreed to appear at the Safari Dinner as far back as January, and at the same time, she agreed to appear at the NRA the Friday before the Safari dinner. So why cancel the NRA which has a much higher profile? They are starting to wonder..........

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      They think Sarah reads, do they? She just signs the contracts where someone points, and lets other make all the arrangements. her only caveat is to spend more time away from Alaska and her kids than with them.

  73. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Sarah's crowd must all be high school drop outs...anybody want to count the errors? C4per:
    Carmtom13 JanuarysRose8
    13 minutes ago
    I herd on the news that the group of wanna bees requested to speak at the NRA. They said that the person who got the most responce, standing ovations and applause was Santorium. I was under the impression the NRA asked Sarah to speak, but who knows why she cancelled, only Sarah knows

    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      "santorium" about sanitorium?

    2. Anonymous5:42 PM

      alinprodigy Carmtom13 • 12 minutes ago
      The small clues, no matter how rediculaus are the crumbs for the base and are necessary for the cohesion of the movement. Not much worries me but this is getting, well, a little bizarre!
      Palin 2016!

      The reason that the Pees love Sarah is because they think that she is the smart one. Compared to her fans, she is the smart one, and that's not saying too much.

  74. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I heard something recently about conservation and since Palin mentioned conservation in her comment, I thought I would mention it here.

    The rate of firearm sales has gone through the roof since Obama took office. The NRA has been very successful in using fear of gun laws to help push the sale of guns and line their pockets.

    What has not increased is the sale of sporting/hunting licenses. It's the license fees that help states to protect and preserve the habitat necessary for wildlife.

    People seem to have a fetish for guns and seem to have lost the desire to take part in the sport of hunting. I think it's part of the instant gratification society we live in that makes the challenge of hunting too much for people to bother with.

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Their guns are for shooting law enforcement when Obama tells them to break into your home and gather up your guns. They are not hunters, except hunters of people. The gun sales you re talking about are not hunting rifles, but handguns, machine guns, and military weapons. And yes, it is a fetish and a sickness, but until we start holding parents accountable for all the toddler shootings in this country, nothing will change, and more kids will die (not to mention those innocent back men being targeted by racist white officers.)

  75. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I'm going to start by saying I am an Iron Ranger from Minnesota. While Gryphen may have to look that up no Natives will.
    Secondly, I will continue that no matter where I have lived in the world( 7 countries, 25 states) I will never be anything but a "Ranger". Sarah chose to go to a closed gun range, she was not up during any open season in Minnesota for any type of game. If she was actually there she legally shot at targets and nothing more.And if ou are shooting at targets in Minnesota in the early spring ( it's colder than Wasilla and no hunting seasons are open in MN) then you are looking for photo-ops only.
    Listen, there is no one that would promote hunting in MN more than I would, but this is nothing but an off season shoot that has turned into a photo shoot.

    Little Rabbit

    1. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Very interesting!

    2. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Hey, Dakota posted the pic of Bristol and him in chiuch when they were actually at CPAC. hahahaha

  76. Anonymous5:14 PM

    She mentions Dakota, Bristol and Tripp. Where is Trig?

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Trig who?
      -Sarah Palin

  77. LoveAndKnishesFromNrooklyn5:15 PM

    Dang, in that first photo Missy looks like an armed bag lady, squatting in an alley in her dumpster-picked pajamas. Is that the latest fashion trend to attract the paint chip eaters and MOH winners?

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:39 PM

      Sorry for the typo, the borough hasn't changed its name...(though Nrooklyn is kinda catchy). Cat on the keyboard!

  78. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Especially love the “Infuential” misspelling on the poster!

  79. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Someone with Twitter skills should forward a copy of that flyer to Time, Inc. Think they would like that glaring typo associated with their brand?

  80. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Sarah Palin is nothing more than a d list right wing celebrity. she lost interest in politics a long time ago and can now make money by pretending she really gives a shit about guns.

    Obviously this "gig" paid better and a ho gives out to the highest bidder. Her fan club members are delusional and even with the obvious staring them in the face they refuse to see it, at first it was "She cancelled NRA to plan Bristols wedding" Ok. that on it's face is stupid, that is saying that the woman they want to be President is incapable of taking a couple of days off from planning a wedding to fulfill a commitment she made weeks before, they don't realize how idiotic that makes her sound, what if she was President? Sarah can't make that meeting about National Security because she has to meet Todd at the end of the Iron Dog Race!

    My Dog, I have never seen such blatant stupidity as the C4P site displays they are a cult who treat Palin like she is their kid who is the most gifted child in the world but sometimes they don't understand her actions and meanwhile all the other sane parents in the room say "spoiled brat needs a time out"

    They have bonded with each other over at the Pee Pond with the us against the world mentality and they are elderly, lonely people who Palin has used by posting personal photos and glimpses into her life egged on by Chuck Junior who tried to ride the money train too.

    There is a special Hell for cons of her caliber, sociopaths who love the adulation and non of the responsibility.

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Her brand is done and she knows it. Time to start promoting Dakota and Bristol, who will never be in the White House come 2024. hahahahaha

    2. Anonymous6:14 PM

      She perceives herself to be a celebrity, as does Bristol. They aren't, they're infamous. Huge difference.

    3. Anonymous6:33 PM

      @anon 5:53 [pm

      You mean bubble butt and bubble lips?

  81. Anonymous5:50 PM

    TL;DR "Literally nobody wants her."

  82. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I made a few calls.
    Sarah was there one hr when the course was empty. Not during one of the multiple shoots through the yr that are held there. I guess she didn't have to worry about any Minnesotan 12 yr old challenging her that way.

  83. Anonymous6:22 PM

    I went looking on the site. From what I can see they have some really good food at this event!

    Also, too, some really good "safaris" and chartered hunting events including one on Kodiak Island.

    I was particularly interested in WHEN they started announcing Sarah's being at the event. Ends up it's been in the works a while as it's mentioned in the newsletter they posted on March 4th so it's not a last minute thing for Palin. Though it remains to be seen if she'll show or QUIT on them.

    Also, too, this banquet must gross more than 1/2 million bucks (no pun intended).

    It looks like Sarah is just speaking at the banquet--actually it doesn't mention Sarah much. It does mention all the things being auctioned off, though. I guess they'll squeeze her comments in between the bidding.

    There's no mention of Sarah on the Home Page. And, while it did say they were honoring women hunters this Auction, there was no mention of any specific training or how the money earned would be used to benefit women hunters.

    I got the impression from Sarah's FB rant that there was going to be a big women's event. Must of read it too quickly.

  84. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Also, too, why does she use the phrase "break bread with?" I know that is a Christian thing, but who says that in real life about a bunch of hunters?

    Can't she just speak and write normal? Don't bother answering, I guess it was just rhetorical as we all know the answer.

    Also, liked how we now have the Dakota input which includes all the detail info on guns. I guess we'll have to suffer through that kind of stuff from now on also, too.

  85. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Okay, I made a few phone calls. And as always Sarah Palin is a fucking liar. She flew in AFTER the last Safari dinner in Hinckley ( which most of you will find listed on the Nat'l roster as St Cloud but it's not).

    Hey Sarah when you lie on tribal grounds you will be cursed.

    Haven't received a phone call back from the relative that will know exactly what day she was at the casino( yes this is all on casino land), but I do have it down to one of 3 days.

    Again, Sarah Palin is nothing but a phoney and a fucking liar.

    Little Rabbit

  86. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Well, I told you i needed 10,000 dollars by the end of the month! Is it my fault i was forced to take a better paying job than to speak at the NRA? If you really cared you would have paid! Hey VG Gentleman at C4P you could have skipped one friggin hospital bill right? after all my bro Chuck has personally e mailed you ya know counting on you to keep the "others" from not losing that faith that is so very a part of me Queen Esther! I love all your prayers but let's be real it don't pay the bills and God would just as soon drive a mercedes.

    You really want God to drive a KIA? You really want me to quit my botox and butt pads? You may as well vote for Hillary.

    Ya think Putin would rather look at my rubber skirt and big ole fake boobs or poor old real Hillary? That's diplomacy for ya! get real.Sarahpac is still open we take Visa, American Express, Master card and checks and cash. cash is always welcome that way you can screw the tax man and i can get more!

    Ya got to pay to play! that may be could be my campaign slogan IF i had some inspiration from a donation.

    Yours in Christ Almighty



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