Saturday, April 25, 2015

Just President Obama and Bill Nye discussing science in the Florida Everglades.

I actually found this exchange to be very enjoyable to watch.

The two men seem at ease with each other and have a natural rapport that comes across well in the video.

I liked it when the President called the Republicans out on their whole "I'm not a scientist" excuse.

"I'm not a scientist either, but I know a lot of scientists, I have the capacity to understand science, I have the capacity to look at facts and base my conclusions on evidence."

Excellent, and of course obvious, point.

I also could not help but notice that Nye was sweating like a prisoner in a Florida prison sweat box, while Obama looked cool and comfortable. (Must be from having grown up in Hawaii.)

As some of you might have read the conservatives decided to attack the President for wasting jet fuel to visit the Everglades on Earth Day.

This was Bill Nye's response to that: 

When Nye tweeted about the trip, political conservatives made a giant fuss about the amount of energy the trip consumed, and, Nye says, attacked him pretty personally. 

“That it uses a lot of fossil fuel for the president to move around is a necessary evil at this time,” Nye responds. “Earth Day is not ‘stay home from work’ day. It’s ‘let’s change the world’ day.”

It's kind of like watching intellectual fencing when one side has nothing but a limp noodle with which to parry and thrust.


  1. Anonymous1:49 PM

    In my opinion you conservatives are wasting a lot of oxygen by breathing. Please stop!....... At least for Earth Day.

  2. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Considering how blind Florida's GOP politicians are to the realities of climate change, I wonder what they think of salt water invading the Everglades. Oh, I forgot, they want to develop the Everglades. Why not - more condos, more power boats on an ever shrinking body of water - until it all becomes one gigantic sink hole. I hope their are some Floridians who care about the environment - before they all sink.

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

      So true, Beaglemom. There's an area in northern Florida called "The Villiages" where old tea baggers and gun clingers go to ride around on their golf carts, praising Palin and damning the Obamas. It's like someone decided to make a disneyworld of hell. Churches and Senior Discounts and Golf galore. It was once a garbage heap that they covered over and built on. For some reason, the aroma still lingers.

  3. Anonymous2:27 PM

    So, the Rethugs are claiming not to be scientists when it comes to climate change denying.
    How come they all claim to be doctors and gynecologists when it comes to women's rights?

  4. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I saw Bill Nye when I chaperoned my kids and a small group at the National Science Festival in Washington DC. He was one of the speakers and he did a great job of catching the interest of both children and adults. Our President Obama is a good man, a smart man, who cares very deeply about what kind of world his daughters will inherit. The two of them make a great team!
    P.S. Bill Nye did a turn on Dancing With the Stars, and for a man in his 60s, he did a great job! No writhing on the floor or wearing gorilla suits for him--he got out there and danced his heart out. Also too, somehow he managed not to gain 40 pounds during his stint.

  5. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Maybe we're going about it all wrong. With the world as it is, maybe we need to change direction--

    Bill Nye '16!!


  6. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Of course they'll try to take issue with anything and everything he does, and I love how he doesn't play their game. He should wield his pen and make all of them bicycle to work from their districts. Can you imagine the uproar? Thanks for this post.
    O.T. I was driving to work and passed by an assisted living building. Apparently they joined forces with a local school and the kids raked, hoe'd the land, and the elderly helped them plant trees and bushes in honor of earth day. It brought a smile to my face. I bet that bit of human interaction meant a lot to those elderly, they were all smiling and laughing. I could have sat all day just watching them all have fun, but I had to go to work.

  7. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Ever since Obama's inauguration, we've had to hear from the "I'm not a racist, BUT..." crowd--about every single thing this President does.

    I saw seriously made comments about how he and Michelle should entertain heads of state by ordering in fried chicken and eating it on the White House lawn.

    We've had to endure obscene lies such as "the Obamas spend 70 billion tax dollars to vacation in Palm Springs." (Or any other place our President has gone.)

    Not to mention how sick and tired we must ALL be, of the six years of watching grown adults, rolling around on one shoulder, with a thumb stuck in their mouths, on the dirty supermarket floor (along with the spoiled kids told no more candy)

    --whining and sniveling about the big black scary boogeyman President.

    Six freaking YEARS. Makes you want to kick them in the butt, tell them to stand up, wipe all that snot off their faces, and act like real American adults, for crissakes.

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      12:44am, considering how much "we" have endured, it's unimaginable what the POTUS and First Lady have endured.


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