Monday, April 13, 2015

NRA convention in Nashville featured seminars telling attendees they must be ready for combat at any time and to emotionally prepare themselves for the death screams of those they kill.

Kyle E. Lamb.
This is a portion of a much longer article from Alternet:

In a large room, one of the hyper-masculine avatars from the showcase posters has come to life and is leading a seminar called, "Survival Mindset: Are You Prepared?" 

Sergeant Major Kyle E. Lamb, burly, bearded, and sporting a buzz cut, tells the -- let's face it, mostly past-middle-aged audience -- that they must stay vigilant at all times. That is because whether they're involved in a shooting in, "Nashville, Detroit, or Mogadishu, it's all combat," he says. Additionally, "You could be the target of terrorists." 

Lamb is founder and President of Viking Tactics, supplier of a "large selection of high-quality, battle-proven tactical gear, designed by warriors for warriors," according to their site. Lamb’s bio claims he is also "highly sought out" as a military and law enforcement trainer. Back in the seminar, he says that the dangers presented by modern life such as terrorism, carjacking and home invasions, demand that warriors always be prepared. 

"How do you prepare?" Lamb asks the audience. Not with "orange mocha Frappuccinos," that's for sure, he smirks, getting loud laughs. Also, their gun must be of a kind that they can access at all times. "If you've got a gun that's too heavy, push it around in a cart if it's that big!" he jokes. 

 The vigilant warrior with a conceal carry permit must have no illusions about what their gun is really for. "Are you carrying a gun for deterrence? Avoidance? No. This is threat elimination. It's part of the combat mindset. You have to be ready to eliminate the threat." 

Becoming inured to the final screams of the dying is another unpleasant, but necessary, aspect of total preparedness. Lamb tells the audience of shooting a bear and being freaked out by the "death squall" ringing through the mountain and realizing that he did not want to show that kind of emotional vulnerability when confronted with a human foe, he says. 

"Warrior skills are perishable!" his power point warns, "If you don't work on them you lose them!"

Well he seems nice. 

Personally I don't think that it's a good idea to become "inured to the final screams of the dying" unless you are a soldier on the front line or working in the ER.

And how would one accomplish that feat anyway?

Fatally injuring creatures and listening to them die until it doesn't bother you anymore?

I'm pretty sure that's how psychopaths are created.


  1. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Anybody that still belongs to the NRA is a psychopath. These people are really sick and should be locked up.

  2. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Holy mother of God.

  3. Anonymous6:31 AM

    This guy is sick and sounds a little bit like someone's future son in law.

    1. Anonymous6:38 AM

      Wonder what this one said for people to pay $100 a plate.

  4. Anonymous6:46 AM

    In my teens while taking martial arts classes we were taught that the best defense was a situational awareness, where we would be able to avoid placing ourselves in a situation where using our martial arts skills would be needed.

    I'm now 58 and have never felt the need to use my skills...

    The Regressives are going through life spewing a message of hate while wearing blinders. How "Stoopid" is that?

  5. Anonymous6:56 AM

    See today's morning motivation from another grafter!

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      And they've been living together for one week, someone posted yesterday. So much for abstinence, eh Brissy? Hope Duhcooter wears a condom!

    2. Anonymous7:22 AM

      They are selling his tee-shirts (Ranger Up/Outgunned)

      Not aging well.

  6. Anonymous6:58 AM

    If you've got a gun that's too heavy, requiring a shopping cart for transport, how on earth are you going to maneuver it, let alone properly???


  7. Did anybody ask him how many people he has killed?

  8. Anonymous7:26 AM

    It seems to me that those looking for an enemy will find one. They start itching for a reason to put their skills and weapons to use.
    I also believe that we do become the company we keep.

  9. Doesn't that qualify the NRA as a domestic terrorist organization promoting sedition?

    1. Yes.

      And yet there are those who will keep repeating that ONLY Islamic terrorists matter.

      And that we should ignore the daily reports of gun violence and deaths. Because, Freedom!

  10. Anonymous7:51 AM

    You never know when you have to stand your ground! Even children....

    Police: 3-Year-Old Shoots, Kills 1-Year-Old Boy in Ohio Home

    1. Anonymous8:37 AM

      That story is incredibly sad. A one year old child dies and a three year old is left with the memory and stigma for the rest of his life. Heartbreaking.

    2. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Assuming that is what happened. It wouldn't be the first time that someone blames a child for what they did.

    3. Anonymous10:05 AM

      The parents should both spend most of their remaining lives in prison. And someone with a lot of love should raise the young boy in the hope of undoing the damage done by careless adults.

  11. Anonymous8:12 AM

    I see that the warfare they have initiated has changed the terminology in order to meet its goal. They started by using the N****r word. From there, it went to 'thug', and now it is 'terrorist'.

    The fact that most black men are unarmed, mostly minding their own business, and mostly not presenting a threat to them (the white, armed, neo-fascists) is irrelevant. Eliminating the 'other' is what it's all about now. To 'get there', just as one does in military training, they merely changed the terminology.

    They think they are killing 'the enemy', 'the other', 'the different'. But what they have killed first of all is their own conscience. There is nothing even remotely patriotic about this: patriotism is the exact opposite of wanting to take the lives of your fellow patriots – it necessarily involves wanting what is best for your fellow countrymen. There is nothing even remotely Christian about this. No one who loves bloodshed or who is not mortified by the shedding of blood will be in Heaven; the lust for killing is purely satanic, and tailor-made for the downstairs crowd.

    1. TwoBlueJays8:27 AM

      Very well said.

    2. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Were they wearing brown shirts?

  12. Meanwhile in Lenoir, North Carolina:

  13. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Totally OT but you are on the front page of Gawker right now,

  14. Anonymous8:54 AM

    "Becoming inured to the final screams of the dying is another unpleasant, but necessary, aspect of total preparedness."

    "another unpleasant...". Just "unpleasant"? Stubbing my toe is unpleasant. Tripping and falling down is unpleasant. Having to sit in traffic for long periods of time is unpleasant. Even watching an elderly person die quietly of natural causes is more than unpleasant. Becoming inured to the final screams of the dying doesn't fall into the category of unpleasant.

    That man is a psychopath. Anyone who sat and listened to that without instantly walking out of the room is also, too a psychopath. Somehow -- and I don't know how -- but somehow the American public has to scream out in outrage against talk like that. Somehow the sane among us have to humiliate or embarrass these people into silence. I believe that sane, reasonable people are in the majority. I don't believe there is more of "them" than us and by "them" I mean the NRA sickos.

  15. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Every day I tell myself this country can't go any further into madness, and then i read about some fruitloop like this. To top it off, here's the text of a letter to the editor about gun safety/storage taken from my local paper this morning:

    "Megan Doney's March 2 letter ("Child shootings are acts of negligence") states that gun owners must keep their guns unloaded and locked away.
    If you have a gun in your home for protection, it does not make sense to keep it unloaded and locked away. If someone is breaking into your home, you do not have time to unlock and load your weapon.

    The best solution to keeping your child from this kind of tragedy is to teach your child from an early age not to touch anything that is not theirs and to stay out of drawers and closets where your weapons are kept.

    The only thhing that gives me hope is that comments are all against her

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Doesn't Phyllis Vest remember being a child? Curiosity rules most of the time unless the parents brutalize it out of their children.

  16. Anonymous10:09 AM

    And I'm supposed to feel safer because nuts like him are walking around with concealed weapons????

  17. Anonymous11:42 AM

    "inured to the final screams of the dying"

    You mock, Gryphen, but that's actually not a bad mindset to have even you aren't a frightened recreational firearms masturbator. That's essentially the same message I tried to convey to the members of my accounts receivable department back in the day. Sure, they didn't all make it, but for the ones that survived, I'd like to think my warrior-ninja-accountant training was a major factor in their survival.

    That, plus the Casio 52-key, model #AK11 Turbo Deluxe CPA-approved desktop calculator, the sweetest, smoothest, loudest, low-recoil, combat-proven instrument of ruthless number crunching since the weaponized Chinese abacus used in the Korean War and later outlawed by the International Criminal Court and the Pennsylvania Association of Certified Public Accountants.

  18. This is unbelievably dark and twisted. Not one word about neighbors watching out for neighbors, towns and cities taking care of their own, anything about all about sticking together, supporting each other.

    No. Everybody is an enemy. Be ready at any moment to snuff out the life of anyone who happens into your field of vision. Sick, sick, sick. Train yourself to think nothing of it and be ready to do it again.

    There is nothing about this that is patriotic, American, Christian, conservative, or any of the other words monsters like this man have tried to appropriate for their own dark use.

  19. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I don't have any answers. We tried warehousing the mentally ill and we did nothing but torture them while keeping them out of the general population. These psychopaths start by torturing and killing small animals, and work their way up to humans. If they don't take their meds, what can we do to protect society? Finding joy in the suffering and death of others is beyond the pale. I've seen people die, I've held people as they died and there's nothing more shocking than going through that experience. I found no joy and felt sadness, grief and pain.


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