Monday, April 13, 2015

I don't usually promote videos from rednecks, but when I do it's because they are speaking out against racism.

Courtesy of Addicting Info:  

Dixon D. White, who describes himself as “a simple southern guy, who was raised in a small country town in the south,” posted a video rant on YouTube, which he titled ‘I’m a redneck and I love America.’ It’s not the video’s title that gained the attention of the internet, however; it’s the subject of White’s rant – racism. 

If you were to judge the video just from the title, you’d probably never watch it. When we think of America-loving rednecks, we’ve seen enough videos from confederate flag waving, NRA supporting, card carrying KKK members, who upload YouTube videos complaining about how poor white people, like themselves, are the real victims in racist America. But don’t judge White’s video by the title alone. 

The content is hard-hitting, and surprisingly honest. So honest, that it may even make you cry.

Well talk about not judging a book by its cover.

By the way this gentleman has quite a few provocative videos posted that are well worth your attention. 


  1. A tough and tender talk. A positive message. He more worthy than any GOP candidate to have the stage. I'd vote for this guy.

  2. Balzafiar4:42 AM

    Sorry to have to disagree, but the man is pandering. To whom, I don't know, but he his. At first, I thought he was genuinely intelligent but then he starts to use the "fuck" word too often which destroys its effectiveness.

    1. Anonymous5:57 AM

      Much respect for your usually insightful comments, Balzafir, but I have to disagree with you on this one. As a fellow Southern Redneck of Dwight "Double D" here, I think I understand the reason for his usage of the f-bomb in so many parts of speech. It's lazy, but it's a substitute for "listen up here, I'm serious" or "I'm serious y'all , this ain't no shit, man" or similar. He's talking to his peers, in a social setting, not his Sunday School class.

      Dwight sounds like he has listened to others running down "the blacks" too many times when he knows he should've spoken up, and he's speaking up finally.

      He's a little rough, but not overbearing. My guess is he's probably not highly educated, but he's not ignorant either. In fact, I'd surmise that he's pretty well-read among his peers, given the points he touched on in his "rant". If he were pandering, I feel like he'd be a lot more self-conscious of his appearance and make more eye-contact with his phone cam. He's def not using a TelePrompTer either.

      Anyhow, I can relate to Dwight and many folks just like him in my area from all walks of life. There just ain't enough of em yet. Just my opinion.

    2. Anonymous7:18 AM

      Balzafir, I'm not sure what you mean by pandering, but he speaks the truth, and it's about time someone spoke it in real people terms. I hear more "fuck"s from any conversation out on the streets these days-- it's just an impolite word, nothing more. Listen to the content.

      It could be we as white liberals don't trust the package that brings the message. Actually, I am even more impressed that a man who was seemingly raised and taught hate has come to realize truth. And not afraid to speak it.


    3. Did you not consider that he's employing vernacular that's authentic to him and his cohort, Balzafir? Given how inherently subversive his message, it's not merely appropriate but imperative that his discourse be consistent (and characteristically boorish). Were he to mimic Tim Wise, your "pandering" critique might warrant consideration.

    4. Anonymous8:25 AM

      If you didn't see any "effectiveness" than my best guess would say you were white.
      Why pick apart his speech pattern? Is it to avoid absorbing the message?

    5. Apologies for unknowingly stepping on your commenting toes, Anonymous 5:57. Cheers to great minds.

  3. Let a million rednecks bloom... he's awesome.

  4. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Fuckin A Dixon!

  5. angela5:04 AM

    Well, okay Dixon . . . .

  6. Anonymous5:15 AM

    I like it. Its true. Honesty on film. Reality for the good of humankind. Great. I hope the masses are listening to this young man. He should walk across the usa spreading his thoughts and losing weight at the same time. I would donate to that.

  7. Anonymous5:23 AM

    This is a great rant, especially his call to White people to wake up and pay attention. I think his real-life persona is a character actor, not that that makes his message any less powerful or important. But he sure does deliver it!

  8. Anonymous5:39 AM

    UPDATE: “Dixie Honkey” Explains White Supremacy Gets Threatened and Has Video Removed

    1. Saw that coming... He is a very dangerous man.

  9. Anonymous5:43 AM

    There is hope.
    This is a big fu#kin deal!
    Thanks for sharing G.

  10. Anonymous5:45 AM

    If you haven't visited DDW's Facebook page yet, the challenge is on, and people are posting. I can only watch one at a time (need time to cry a bit in between). I am amazed and moved, not just by the testimonials but by the responses they are receiving from friends and family. Yet they forge ahead. There is power and healing and love in this for everyone engaged.

  11. I posted that to my Facebook last week and probably pissed off some but I don't care, he's absolutely right. It's fear that so many people are operating from. Instead of embracing change and accepting others, there has been such ugliness in our country. I am ashamed that Americans could be so horrible to fellow Americans because of the color of their skin or of their social standing. I know that the majority of people are good people but what we have witnessed since our President was elected has been nonexcusable.

  12. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Yes, he really means what he says on his videos, but please take a look at this:

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      ?????? Why are you so shocked that a southern man calling himself a redneck is educated?

    2. Anonymous8:39 AM

      I was just about to post that link, 7.45 am.

      Don't get me wrong - I think the videos are great. At the same time, I am somewhat disturbed that so many people immediately believed this man is who he says he is.

      It’s the Internet, folks.

      Kudos, Jorge Moran.

    3. Anonymous8:50 AM

      8:23 AM:
      What are you talking about?
      The link shows that he is an actor named Jorge Moran, who really means what he says in his video.

    4. Anonymous10:19 AM

      @ anon 8:39 am

      He is who he is, education or not. But I guess by my husband's drawl you would think he runs around in a rusty old truck instead of the one he just bought for over 80 grand.

    5. Anonymous12:25 PM

      I have no idea how your response relates to my comment. Sorry, but as a Brit, I don't have any background in judging Americans based on their drawls and what a drawl might mean in terms of the purchase price of trucks.

      I'm happy your husband can afford expensive wheels, though.

  13. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Thank You for posting this! As a youth I worked for a farmer down the road a bit I was young and he taught me to drive tractors and other things a young boy loves, but he also taught me racism. I grew up in a small suburban town in Connecticut that was lilly white and I could count the number of black families in town on a single hand...

    In school a boy in one of those became a close friend, our high school hired a black vice principal, I met a new local resident Moses Gunn an actor in Roots. I became color blind.

    That while significant is not enough I participate in an on-line forum for one of the building trades and a large number of the members would post racist hate messages thinking nothing of it. I took it as my mission to be the lone liberal voice of reason speaking out against the racism & bigotry on that forum. I wasn't going to let a single hateful racist message be posted without replying and calling it what it was.

    Privately I was cheered on by some...
    Others including some of the moderators sent messages of hate and from the moderators some of my posts were removed and a ban was threatened on several occasions...
    I pressed on relentless with my message oblivious to anything they threw at me.

    I pressed hard that the messages were wrong and should be eliminated from the forum as they reflected badly on members of the forum who aren't racist bigots and that our business names are attached to the forum making it double wrong. They then moved all of them into a private forum that is invisible to non-members.

    I pressed on not letting a single post have an ounce of slack. Soon several others joined me and others would visibly thank our posts. One of the moderator was called out by me for his bigotry toward "Rag-Heads" a term he often used and many others joined in resulting in him being asked to step down from being a moderator. Sometimes it gets old fighting the same old fight again and again Dixon D. White was just what I needed to re-energize my fight calling out racism & bigotry....

    Thanks Gryphen!

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      On a trade forum? The ugly really runs deep, doesn't it?
      Good for you, 8:20!


  14. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Dixon White/Jorge Moran is a good man. Respect..

  15. Anonymous5:01 PM

    I take him at his word, he's right on so many points and he gives me hope that others can learn from him.

  16. Anonymous9:49 PM

    I love the way he kept saying "Now, don't be so defensive; stop being defensive," It's the first criteria needed to allow a reasonable discussion. My dear husband tries hard not to be racist, but when we've tried to discuss white privilege, he immediately becomes defensive and denies that it exists. I can't wait to show him this video. Dixon may be just the person who can get through to him.


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