Friday, April 10, 2015

Rand Paul abruptly walks away right in the middle of a question being posed by a reporter from the Guardian.

Courtesy of Salon:

 As if to say, “I am not a sexist looney tune hothead who only cuts off female reporters, but rather a looney tune hothead who cuts off any reporter whose questions I don’t like,” GOP presidential candidate Rand Paul cut short an interview with The Guardian’s Paul Lewis on Friday, leaving the reporter in the dark (literally) after being pressed for specifics on campaign strategy and criminal justice. 

After offering a terse response to Lewis on how he plans to reach both the Republican base and more centrist voters, Paul abruptly shut down the conversation and walked away from the reporter, who continued to push for “a specifics answer.” As Lewis explained to the camera that he and his team had been asked to leave, someone turned off the lights. 

Holy shit! This guy has the thinnest skin I have ever seen.

And once again the hard questions have really not yet been asked of Senator Paul.

Have we ever seen a presidential campaign start to go off the rails this quickly before?


  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    He's toast. He'll never make it in the big leagues. Or, he can go the route of Sarah Palin. Although Palin will never be a candidate for anything other than perhaps "grifting skank of the decade", she retreated quickly to the relative safety of Faux News. Randy Rand will probably do the same. However if I remember right, that's exactly what Romney did. Only appeared on Faux. Didn't work out to well for him, did it?

  2. Anonymous12:18 PM

    2010 Nevada's Sharron Angle comes to mind. She only wanted to answer questions she approved of. I recall her saying something along the line of 'I will answer questions after I am elected' or some such nonsense. Rand appears to be of a similar mindset.

    1. I would be interested to know how many Ron Paul supporters are NOT Rand Paul supporters.

  3. Anonymous12:31 PM

    All the guy has done in three days is show that he could NEVER hold the position of POTUS! His ego and 'short guy syndrome' truly get in his way.

    Look at the questions and treatment President Obama has received from the Republican party since he took his oath the first time! Rand Paul would have been crying huge tears, run away or quit, had he undergone the same treatment!

    Shit, he can't even answer simple questions! His attitude sucks big time!

  4. Anonymous12:31 PM

    OT ( sorry!)
    We have a Palin on the move!

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Thanks for posting that here.
      I did in the thread prior.

    2. Anonymous1:02 PM

      How was this a preferable venue than the NRA Convention?

      Clinging to God, Guns and Bible. That got old as quickly as you Sarah.

    3. Anonymous1:18 PM

      Log onto for a great article, "ain't that America? Something to see! Little Pretty pink guns for you and me!

    4. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Log on to and read "Ain't that America! Something To See? Little Pretty Pink Guns For You And Me" describes the pink gun crazies to a T.

    5. Anonymous1:45 PM

      I'm beginning to think she was disinvited to the NRA gabfest. They want serious GOP candidates there- and she's anything but!

    6. Anonymous2:04 PM

      her sideshow's old news. they didn't want the distraction.

    7. Anonymous2:22 PM

      so many of her comments sound like paid friends and family members. it was gross the *catcall like comments they made when she did her granny the hitchhiker gig.

  5. I worked for Ron Paul on a cpl elections, quite a nice guy actually...I had the pleasure of meeting Rand twice, once over dinner with staff, he said maybe 2 words, most of the people I talked to that knew him said he was always a dickhead, but again thats hearsay

    1. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Ron Paul is a lot of things (many of them not good), but he always seemed to be polite and professional, at least in public.

      His son obviously is a complete asshole.

  6. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Notice how he said, "white evangelical churches in Iowa would agree with me." WTH kind of statement is that for the melting pot that is America. Nice showing of your cards, Rand, when the game has barely started.

  7. Paul/Palin 2016! I'll start making the hats... with 'Paul' sharpied out. ;-)

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      dumb and dumber.

  8. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Paul/Palin. Ain't gonna happen! They both want to be POTUS. They'd fight like cats and dogs. and, their egos are huge and neither of them has much common sense!

  9. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Have we ever seen a presidential campaign start to go off the rails this quickly before?

    Yes, I'm watching the Palin for President 2016 vanish before it ever gets started. Sarah chose a non-event in Minnesota compared to the national media attention of the NRA meeting. That makes me think that the Republicans who run the joint did not want her as a distraction from the people who might actually run for president. Rand Paul and Chris Christie weren't invited and Donald Trump was. Donald Trump? He is as big a clown show as Sarah, but he has been saying that this time, he really is going to run. No, he's not, but he does have more money.

    By now it should be obvious that Sarah is vanishing before our eyes. Her last appearance on Fox was at the end of January-- around the time she held up that FUC- Michael Moore poster with Dakota Meyer. Hello, Dakota! Hello, Engagement! Hello, Veterans and Hello Guns and Good Bye GOP. Do you ever wonder why Dakota has not been held in the loving embrace of any other gun-loving veteran-loving Republicans?

  10. The guy is a pissant. All I got to say about him.

  11. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Fight or Flight: A Short History of Rand Paul's Amazing History of Press Run-ins, Run-outs and Hush-ups.

  12. This is what the Republicans have in answer to the Democrat's Hillary Clinton?

    Or...Ted Cruz?

    I mean, seriously. Let's not forget Donald Trump.

    It's a clown car.

    No amount of BenghaziBenghaziBenghazi and e-mail effrontery is going to mitigate the likes of Cruz, Paul and Trump representing the right wing.

    Can't wait for Rick Perry, Scott Walker and Marco Rubio to announce.

    Man, they all make Jeb Bush look almost viable.

    1. Anonymous3:50 AM

      Then you remember who Jeb Bush is and he becomes as "unviable" as any of the other Klown Kar occupants.

    2. Anonymous1:56 PM

      yes. last week he was Hispanic.

  13. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I'd love to see this guy in a debate. He'd stalk off the stage with his widdle hurt feewings after the first question.

    Please, please let him be the GOP nominee!

  14. Anonymous3:21 PM

    We all know what happens when 2-year olds don't get their way....instant melt down.

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      he'll Hold his breath!

  15. Randall3:46 PM

    IF Rand Paul were to ever get to the point where he had to debate Hillary Clinton she would leave him in a whimpering pile of tears and snot.

    Either that or he would run from the room crying and messing in his pants.

  16. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Who's running Rand's campaign? Sarah Heath Rice Palin? Can't wait for Hillary to take out the trash with this idiot. I just hope she remembers to toss his toupee in the recycle bin, that thing doesn't have a natural fiber in it.
    So this is the game plan, carry a big stick, speak loudly then run away when pressed for an answer.

    Imagine any President comporting himself in this manner. We'd be the laughing stock of the world, again.

  17. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Pre-president Randall "Ayn Rand" Paul did EXACTLY the right thing by walking away from his tormentor! Isn't it better that he slink away to privately lick his wounds from rough questioning than to endure the humiliation of breaking down in tears in front of a reporter?

  18. What an infant. I'm seeing it now; he cannot take criticism in any form. His campaign is going to implode spectacularly by August after he goes through 2 more campaign managers.

  19. physicsmom9:22 PM

    To be fair, the reporter said he had one more question. He asked it and Rand pretty much dodged it. When interviewer tries to get in a follow-up question, Paul says, "you said one question," and walked away. Also, for 12:48, the reporter is the one who first brought up white evangelicals, so Paul parroted the idea back to him.

    That being said, I still think he's a dickhead, but I wouldn't give him that much flak about this particular inelegant exit.

    1. Anonymous10:26 PM

      Actually I do not think this was a horribly egregious thing in and of itself, but taken in context with how he's behaved in many other interviews, it clearly shows he's learned nothing about how to handle a media interview.

      At this point, he should be expecting and anticipating the questions that make him uncomfortable, and have come up with, at the very least, a set of polite responses (or .... non-repsonses).

      The operative word being ... polite.

      Yes, Paul did not storm out in a huff, but why didn't Paul just politely come out and say, loudly, directly to the interviewer, something like "I really appreciate your dedication, but I've got another appointment and really have to get going now.

      He may have said "you said one question" but it was pretty much inaudible and the optic then becomes what is being reported - he 'walked out' of the interview (because he did).

      He could have finished it by doing something like what I suggested above.

      So, why didn't he choose to do the thing that would have made him look like the better man in the interview, the more professional man, the more presidential person?


  20. Anonymous4:54 AM

    he stirred it up at republican doodah in Idaho then left the stage. that's the thing with him. he knows he has no reasonable ligit answers that'll fly with the public! Mr.I'LL TAKE MY TOYS AND GO HOME!

  21. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Handy info, courtesy of TPM:

    Fast & Fringiest: Meet the Top Cranks & Conspiracy Theorists in Rand's World

  22. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Remember his Dad's campaigns always abruptly ended in the middle of the summer. Just disappeared. It must be a family coping mechanism. Quit if it gets hard. Shut down if you aren't having fun anymore. I will be relieved when he disappears. I hope Allison L Grimes can run for his seat while he is on this losing course. He cannot be on the Kentucky ballot twice so he has to choose one or the other. I do not think she can beat him if he is running, but he can't run for both. Anyone know when the deadline to get on the ballots is. That might just be why his Dad's campaigns so abruptly ended.

  23. Anonymous8:14 PM

    He endorsed and heavily campaigned for Mitch McConnell in KY then railed against GOP establishment making a career out of politics in DC and serving for too may years. If he made Mitch an exception to HIS rule for KY politics; how many more exceptions will he make as POTUS. Paul is a hypocrite.


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