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Some students sit, while others stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. |
An eighth grader from Wilson Middle School in Carlisle, Pennsylvania was sitting in the nurse’s office last Thursday, waiting to be treated, when the Pledge of Allegiance was recited over the intercom.
The girl did not stand, which is apparently a choice she makes often.
However not usually in front of the school nurse it seems:
The school nurse ordered everyone present to stand up, but the student remained seated as she typically does. She reports that subsequently, when it was her turn to be seen by the nurse, the nurse asked loudly, “Why didn’t you stand for the Pledge?” The student replied that the Pledge exercise is voluntary and that no explanation for opting out is needed. Shockingly, the nurse responded by ordering her out of the room, yelling, “Fine! Then leave! I have the right to not service you!”
The student reports that she left the nurse’s office in tears and went to the administrative offices to call her mother. A secretary then led the student to an office, but at that time the same nurse appeared again, saying, “She isn’t calling a parent until I have a long conversation with her!”
Ultimately the girl saw her counselor who was only minimally helpful so the student told her parents, and they contacted the American Humanist Association’s Appignani Humanist Legal Center who sent this letter to the School District:
To say that the actions of school district staff in this situation have inflicted trauma upon this child would be an understatement. She was bullied and subjected to public embarrassment for doing nothing more than harmlessly exercising her constitutional rights. The actions of the nurse are indefensible, as she provides an example of the kind of overzealous, dangerous patriotism that any true patriot would loathe. The student was left angry and scarred by this mean-spirited hostility, which is only made worse by the fact that it came from a person trusted with the health and well being of students. Moreover, the nurse’s refusal to give the child medical attention calls into question her fitness for the job.
You know as somebody who was forced to not only participate, but as a TA sometimes asked to lead the pledge, I have to say I am very inspired by the young people today making this stand (Or if you prefer, sit.) against religious indoctrination.
I have always felt that the Pledge of Allegiance was a little to fascist for my tastes anyway, and participating in this ritual, or not, in no way indicates the level of a person's patriotism.
If I had it all to do over again I would have sat in my chair for every pledge from the first grade on.
She needs to be reported to the state's Board Of Nursing. STAT. She is in direct violation of the oath she took.
ReplyDelete"I have always felt that the Pledge of Allegiance was a little to fascist for my tastes anyway, and participating in this ritual, or not, in no way indicates the level of a person's patriotism."
Agreed! And Agree with @4:11!
First off, unless the phrase "under god" is taken out, it has no business being in school, and the fascist aspect that G mentioned, also,too AND The nurse has no business refusing to treat the student. If this was a "issue" it sounds like a "personal" issue to me and should of been reported to principal but then she couldn't "bully" the student now could she?
Also,too would Ms. Patriot nurse stand up if PBO entered the room?
My guess is no.
Selective Patriotism. Fire her!!! NOW!!!
This is a prime example of what's coming to the Jesus inspired Red States of 'Murica.
ReplyDeleteA nurse who refuses to treat a child because of a political issue.
An ER doctor who walks out on a gay man brought in from a car accident
A cop who decides to leave the scene of a traffic accident because a known atheist was driving one of the cars.
A firefighter who won't help put out the blaze because a secretary for an abortion clinic lives in the house on fire.
A teacher who won't have a Muslim, Hindu, or atheist student in her class, and refuses to show up for class.
A pharmacist who thinks a couple of young women "look gay", and refuses to fill a prescription.
According to people like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Pence, Franklin Graham, Palin, Limbaugh , most of our Congress, and a host of other bigots, the reason all these scenarios are justified is because of, "DEEPLY HELD BELIEFS"!
So where does it end?
"Sorry, but I'm not serving a bunch of Jews dinner, find another restaurant"
(Which actually happened to my family when I was a kid, back in the 60's)
"Sorry, you black people can find another hotel, because this is for whites only"
"Too bad honey, this bar is for men only, and you *unts can find somewhere else to drink"
Where does it end?
How did the USA, which made some progress in the 1980's and 90's end up heading backwards on civil rights for all?
Evangelical Christianity is 99% responsible for this hatred, intolerance, and bullshit interpretation of the New Testament, and most of it can be laid at the feet of the hypocrite named Paul of Tarsus.
Religion hits most people like cancer, and takes a fatal toll.
Some recover, some realize the insanity, but many never get over it.
DeleteIts extremism as bad as the feared "ISIS"! All of 'em any of 'em should be fired.
Religion is a personal choice and we are a SECULAR nation. These fundy aholes better get it into their head but it won't happen until a few SCOTUS heads roll for "Ethics" violations.
We are not a nation "under god" and I CRINGE everytime I here PBO have to SAY that BS to appease the RW idiots.
I am so sick of these idiots!!!
Christianity and bigotry go tightly hand-in-hand
DeleteLet us not forget the corporate oligarchs, like the Kochs, who are exploiting this dynamic in order to dismantle our government and turn it into some kind of religious feudal system that benefits them financially. I no longer recognize the country I was born into: it has gone so far backwards. Heck, we're dealing with (Neo) Confederates again.
DeleteM. from MD
Back in the late 1930s, my mother was prevented from entering a restaurant in Louisiana because the management said she looked like an 'octoroon', or someone who had 1/8 African blood.
DeleteShe was travelling with my grandmother, who looked like the full-blooded Irish woman that she was. My mother was also full-blooded Irish, but happened to turn a bronze color when she was in the sun a lot, which she had been that summer.
It's frightening to think that we're quickly headed back in that direction almost a century later.
That nurse should be fired. Her actions are inexcusable.
ReplyDeleteShe may also be stand to be censored by the State Board of Nursing for abandonment.
Bitch needs to lose her license. I do not think the school nurse training or our law says she can not treat a child who did not stand for a political reason.
ReplyDeleteCome on fellow PA - let's "school" this nurse on what it means to be a nurse!!
Students aren't asked to stand during the Pledge at my kids school, but it is recited over the loudspeaker (led by other kids) and the kids all participate. I told my kids why I don't like the Pledge, but left it up to them whether they want to participate. It can be hard to go against the grain in elementary school and there's such enthusiasm, I know kids can get caught up in it. I did, however, tell them they shouldn't say the "under god" part at all, ever.
ReplyDeleteThis case sounds like a lawsuit (and a firing) waiting to happen. What the fuck is wrong with this woman?
Not only should the nurse be fired from the school immediately; she should lose her nursing license pronto! Unbelievably gross!
ReplyDeleteIm mixed. I grew up reciting the pledge at school. Being proud of my country was it. America was built and occupied by immigrants that fled their home soil for freedom of religion. They had Fear. And then brought the fear to America. A festering of the same in the year 2015. Nothing has changed. We still have evil clowns in the world trying to enslave humans
ReplyDeleteYou're "mixed"? Seriously? You think it's fine for a child to be bullied by adults in authority for exercising her constitutional rights?
DeleteAnd your history is seriously off: the Puritans came to America because they wanted the freedom to both exercise their own version of Christianity AND impose it on everyone else. The last thing they believed in was freedom of religion. Most of those who came after them immigrated for economic reasons or were fleeing wars.
DeleteI think 5:28 is "mixed" about whether or not to personally salute the flag not about whether the girl was being flag-shamed and bullied.
I'm very happy to be an American and I know my great grandparents fulfilled a dream coming here, but nobody should be required to pledge their allegiance.
DeleteI am often at a local high school during the 3rd period announcements, which always start with 'the Pledge,' since state law now requires it, and the local vets had to find the money to come up with flags for every classroom, since schools in MI are too strapped to buy books any more (thanks, Gov. Snyder!) Anyway, what I have seen is that the Mormon kids stop and hold their hands over their hearts and recite, and some evangelical kids do the same. mostly though, kids are still walking to class, getting drinks, or chatting with friends during this time. I'm sure the local GOPers who think they run everything would be appalled. We're the town of Gary Glenn, who recently put up an "ACTION ALERT!" on his FB because the new editor of our GOP paper, who has done excellent work for a decade, and deserves this job, came out as gasp! gay! He even lives with another man! Oh the horror. Glenn had to walk back his comments, sort of, in the true GOP way. He's "sorry if he upset anyone, and it's Easter, so he's glad Jesus will forgive our sins." Or some such claptrap. He got called out for that too. Oh, and Mr. Christian has blocked anyone with a negative comment from posting on his various sites. You know, the man elected to serve all the people? Yes sir, the GOP sure has learned from those Presidential elections. What they've learned is to be even less inclusive, more divisive, and more stuck to their version of truth.
ReplyDeleteEven as young as a third-grader (8 years old) I used to just not say "under God" when I said the pledge. It was on advice from my father - a life-long educator (principal and then school superintendent). It was my quiet little protest against BOTH state-sponsored religion as well as fascism. It was an education. Thank you dad (I love you man, RIP).
ReplyDeleteOne Nation, Indivisible!!! Unless you're not a Christian.
DeleteI did the same thing, tho' on advice from no one. when I was young. I am trying now to remember when we stopped saying the pledge. I think it was in Middle School.
DeleteI also, for a time, replaced the word 'indivisible' with the word 'invisible' because I thought they got it wrong and that 'indivisible' was not a real word.
Yeah, I really thought that.
What the hell is wrong with some people?!
ReplyDeleteI'm very impressed and encouraged with the number of people in the photo who are sitting.
ReplyDeleteI teach high school in what I call a wealthy Republican enclave. The pledge of allegiance comes on a slide each morning right before the rest of the announcements. During time time allotted to stand up and recite the pledge, students in my class enjoy a lovely extra minute or so to socialize and relax. I've been teaching for years and not one kid has ever complained or wanted to pledge it. I actually almost forgot all about it until I read this article!
ReplyDeleteLet me repeat myself: Insanity is contagious, and preachers and politicians are the vectors. I doubt that the nurse will experience any serious repercussions from this violation of the tenets of her profession, which is disturbing in itself.
DeleteThe most astonishing thing about the US to this immigrant was the Pledge of Allegiance and making little children put their hands over their hearts and recite it. I had thought this only happened in Fascist countries.
ReplyDeleteThis immigrant here has been thinking the same for the last almost forty years. Here I thought (naively, as it turns out), that I had escaped the Nazi Germany my parents had been born into. How wrong I was. As it turns out, when we do not teach history in our schools, then history is bound to repeat itself, and we are right in the middle of it!
ReplyDeleteYou outrageous traitor to our exceptionally arrogant country! How dare you to be a free thinker! You are what is wrong with this country. Pack your stuff and move to a country in Scandinavia where they actually value their people. AND go in peace.
Yeah, I'm totally with you. I teach high school too. I had another teacher ask why I don't put my hand across my heart during the salute. I told her that I am not a nationalist and that the flag is a piece of cloth not the essence of my country. She was appalled.
The girl is waiting to see the nurse for a medical problem,does not stand,and the nurse sends her away?How would the nurse know if the girl felt faint,or number of other things? The nurse needs a different job.
ReplyDeleteOkay - every morning from now on every government official from the governor on down in every red state has to recite their oath of office with their hand on the Bible every single morning - let's see how long that would last.
ReplyDeleteAs a school board member, we have the Pledge of Allegiance before every meeting. I'm trying to be pragmatic about it - using the pledge as a way to reaffirm my oath to uphold the Constitution in the performance of my duties. But I still either leave out, or replace "Under God" with "Goddess". Most people never notice.
ReplyDeleteOld enough to remember when "under God" was added.
ReplyDeleteFortunately didn't have to put up with any of that nonsense after grade school.
I don't stand for, or sing, the national anthem at sports events either. Stupid bloody war-mongering piece of propaganda. Nor do I acknowledge God Bless America at baseball games, although I belt out a terrific "Take Me Out to the Ball Game."
This is one more example of why it's so absolutely critical that we elect another Democrat to the White House next year AND regain control of the Senate. We MUST get some Justices on the Supreme Court who will follow the Constitution, not the Bible. Their ability to inspire us - or corrupt us - continues long after Presidents come and go from office.
ReplyDeleteThe horrific Hobby Lobby decision by the Supreme (Christian) Court opened the door to a lot of this Christian oppression, and implicitly condoned the desperate efforts of the evangelicals to turn this country into a theocracy.
Before that, the Citizens United allowed corporations, billionaires, and shady political organizations to buy their local, state and federal governments. They use the fear and loathing of the far right faux-Christians in order to to manipulate them and maintain their support at the voting booths.
Unless the SCOTUS achieves some secular balance, we will continue to careen headlong towards the kind of country our Founding Fathers explicitly worked so hard to avoid.
The nurse and all admin that backed the nurse should be fired. THEN they all should lose professional certificates and accreditation. And become part of the unemployment statistics.
ReplyDeleteIN ADDITION they should be prevented from scamming via gofundme.
Wow, that nurse should be fired as far as I am concerned. Kids are really feeling their oats at that age and she should have a right to express herself. I remember protesting the Vietnam war when I was her age by wearing a black arm band to school, but no one stopped me and they didn't make me or my friend go to the pep rallies either. We were allowed to stay behind in class where we had much more fun drawing on the board and we weren't harming anyone, we just didn't have "school spirit."
ReplyDelete"wearing a black arm band to school"
DeleteRight on, man! As we approach the sad 45th anniversary of the Kent State Massacre, let's not forget that it wasn't that long ago that the government was shooting innocent unarmed white kids like they shoot unarmed innocent black men today.
And they call that progress?
"Tin soldiers and Nixon coming", said Neil Young:
And to the republic for which it stands,
blah blah blah blah blah....
Fire her? Over react much?
ReplyDeleteFiring her ass is warranted! She works for the school system and has no right in her actions against the student.
ReplyDeleteEva Brawn, MD needs to go before the AMA and show them where standing for a pledge is mentioned as a qualification to treat a sick child. And I'm proud of this young lady for not caving in and standing for her rights.
ReplyDeleteI'm a teacher. In the district where we teach we're trained in student rights, including the right to abstain from the flag salute. If we ignore minority rights, we will eventually lose ours.