Saturday, April 11, 2015

Sandy Hook truther arrested for making harassing phone calls to the school staff.

Courtesy of WFSB:  

A man accused of leaving harassing phone messages for the staff of the Sandy Hook Elementary School faced a judge on Wednesday. 

Timothy Rogalski, 30, of Wallingford, was arrested on Tuesday, according to police. 

The staff of the school, which is located in Monroe, said a man left four disturbing messages on the school's answering machine accusing them of fabricating the shooting that left 26 students and staff dead on Dec. 14, 2012. 

He called again later Tuesday morning and allegedly spoke with an administrative assistant at the school. 

Police said they were able to trace the calls back to Rogalski. He was then arrested at his home in Wallingford. 

He originally used his father's name in the first call and said he wanted to enroll a child. "I just wanted to make sure that there was going to be no fake shooting on the day that I enrolled him," court records showed Rogalski said. 

"I just wanted to clarify that he wouldn't get shot by a fake Adam Lanza." 

He eventually asked if Kaitlin Roig could be his teacher. Roig was teaching when the deadly shooting happened. 

"I know I may have offended people, but they were words, and I made no threats. I wasn't going to do anything," Rogalski said. 

What an asshole!

You know here's what I don't get. Even if you really believed that the whole thing was a false flag operation staged by the government to take away your guns, how would THAT make calling up a school to harass the secretaries at the front desk a reasonable response?

For me this hits a little too close to home because of course this is what happened after my Splitsville post made national news. Of course in my case there were actual death threats.

It is worth noting that the whole Sandy Hook false flag meme is one promoted rather aggressively by Alex Jones. You may remember him as the man who claims responsibility for convincing Rand Paul to run for the Senate, and now for President of the United States.


  1. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Make him go clean the 26 gravestones weekly for a year.
    Rat bastard.

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      With a toothbrush.

    2. Anonymous5:18 PM

      With his tongue

  2. Anonymous7:23 AM

    These people don't care at all that others are devastated. They call parents who lost children fakers and shills. The mean-spirited bullshit associated with these assholes is disgusting.

  3. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Refusing to live in the real world, refusing to see what the real danger is, fear of government taking away rights, guns, fear, fear, fear. Paranoia about government creating fake murders, and the right-wing pipers lead them. It's getting scary out there.

  4. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Perhaps he should be shown the horrible photos of the children that were killed, some nearly cut in half by the bullets. Maybe he still would be in denial, but I'll bet he would never "unsee" those pictures. Just like the poor parents that had to identify their children's remains.


    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      I suspect he would claim that it was all movie special effects.

      People like him have no heart or conscience, and there's nothing that can make them feel compassion for other human beings.

      What a horrible way to go through life...bringing nothing but pain to the people around you.

    2. Anonymous10:06 AM

      It's no use. People like this are too far gone down the rabbit hole.

    3. Anonymous10:45 AM

      Just remember $arah bought Tawd a new gun in honor of Sandy Hook "because I can."

      I remember the pic Gryph posted way back of little children in the halls covered by bulletproof blankets. the new "normal" drill in case. Ho utterly devastating that innocence of youth has been lost.

      Oh, and $arah? FUCK YOU.

    4. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Anon at 10:45 am. I thought what Sarah Palin did was absolutely awful too. And to think that she might have become vice president of this country. A woman with so little compassion or empathy.

    5. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Beaglemom, "also too" why I was disgusted with the Fu_k you Michael Moore sign. The MOH and her grinning, they thought they were so damn cute, and now he's going to be family.

      Good LORD how crazy can people be while professing God in the next breath.

  5. Anonymous8:09 AM

    wow...just wow.unbelievable. what a monster.

  6. Anonymous8:29 AM

    "Police also said Rogalski called again and told a secretary his daughter would be absent from school. When the secretary asked for a name, he allegedly said Dawn Hochsprung, the name of the deceased principal. The secretary then hung up the phone."
    This is a far, FAR cry from the "is your refrigerator running?" and "do you have Sir Walter Raleigh in a can?" crank calls of my childhood. Flat out menacing.

  7. hedgewytch8:36 AM

    Paranoid delusion takes on a lot of forms. This is the form of denial of reality. This guy needs help. A lot of it. In the meantime, take his phones away.

    1. Yes, but he also probably has guns which need to be taken away from him first.

    2. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Fortunately, in CR, sanity prevails and he will be dealt with severely. Of course, it will not be severely enough for my taste.

  8. Anonymous8:36 AM

    There are truthers and then there are truthers. The alleged Sandy Hook hoax is one of the worst conspiracy theories out there. I continue to wonder why RWNJ's have this need to twist truth into such vile theories that serve no purpose other than to whip others into extreme paranoia at the expense of grieving families.

    I'm sure Alex Jones sold plenty of gold and prepper supplies with that story...shameful!


  9. Anonymous9:05 AM

    He reminds me of some people who, a few years after 9-11, told the families who had lost members in the attack that they should "just get over it".


    1. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Hey, it was Dubya's and Dick's attitude!
      Just following suit, right?
      Why a Republican should never ever be in the Oval again.

    2. Anonymous12:32 PM

      That insensitive SOB W said to go the the Mall and go shopping! There are no words bad enough to describe these people.

    3. Anonymous2:08 PM

      like Ann Coulter who said of the 9-11 widows who became activists, "I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much."

  10. Suzy Q9:18 AM

    Somewhat OT but Rand Paul ain't gonna' get the Republican nomination. You know that, and I know that but it is REALLY funny to watch him strut around and act like he's gonna be the Pres. And that hair piece! It's worse than any of Sarah's roadkill hairpieces!

  11. Boscoe9:21 AM

    Here's the thing that bakes MY noodle... if these morons really believe stuff is being staged in order to take away their guns, WHY HAS THERE BEEN ZERO EFFORT TO TAKE AWAY ANYONE'S GUNS???

    I've heard plenty of fringe-psycho-Alex-Jones bullshit about all the horrible freedom-destroying things this administration was gonna do to us, and THEY'VE DONE NONE OF IT!!

    So, at some point do these idiots finally realize that the crap they keep fantasizing about isn't coming true?

    -Hahaha of course not, they just move on to NEW psychotic paranoid fantasies...

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Didn't you hear? Obama and his cronies are just putting the finishing touches on the secret FEMA camps and then - BAM! - the feds will be rounding up all the gun owners, confiscating their weapons, and putting them in the camps, where they'll then drop the gay bombs on them and make them wear rainbow uniforms and sing show tunes. Oh, and they'll force them all to become Muzzlins, too.

      I read all about it in the Gay Agenda!

  12. This is a perfect example why Alex Jones is a dangerous man, especially when he has listeners, like this man, who most likely loves his a gun and is a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment. Jones makes all kinds of crazy conspiracies, but never offers any serious evidence to support for them. HIs ignorant, paranoid, and scare listeners, like this man, believes him and seem incapable of doing any thinking for themselves,,

  13. Anonymous11:34 AM

    The same kind of crazies are denying that the Boston bombing did not happen or that it was "staged" by the FBI. There are simply too many loose cannons around. A lot of people in this country need to learn that "freedom of expression" does not mean spewing forth outrageous lies and upsetting people for no reason. I'd like to know exactly why this guy thought it would be okay to call public school officials and make the kind of statements that he made. I would really like to understand what has warped his mind and heart so.

  14. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Let me introduce you to the latest conspiracy lunacy circling the intertubes via Alex Jones and the like. It's officially known as Jade Helm 15 and is an actual military exercise scheduled to commence on June 15th and run through the middle of September. The exercise will encompass 8 southwest and southern states and test troop readiness for attacks on the US.

    Needless to say the RWNJ's believe that this is THE event that Obama will use to round up the right wing dissidents and plunk them down into FEMA camps ultimately executing the worst offenders with guillotines (which apparently are already in place in AZ). Others believe that because it occurs on our southern borders Obama is planning an incursion of brown people and that the military will be there to protect their entrance into the US Then others believe that this is actual Martial (or Marshall-the RWNJ preferred spelling) Law. I'm sure there are other bizarre suggestions as well but these are the ones currently floating out there.

    The concern is that militia groups along the border are gearing up to 'defend' against this alleged assault on US soil. As we saw with the Bundy fiasco there are vigilante militias and individuals out there who believe it is their supreme duty to defend and will come armed. All it takes is one trigger happy RWNJ to shoot one round. Alex Jones continues to fuel the paranoia. This is beyond irresponsible. It is dangerous rhetoric.


  15. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I have to wonder why none of these nuts embraced the 9-11 conspiracy theory that W had forehand knowledge of the attacks and allowed them to take place, thus creating a reason to go into Iraq, which of course made his administration wealthy.

  16. Anita Winecooler4:55 PM

    Number one on the new President's agenda, rwnj reform. Free full frontal lobotomies. Although I admit I once saw a flying saucer after a long night out drinking. My then boyfriend took me to watch the submarine races and this thing goes flying through the sky.

  17. Anonymous6:01 PM

    I have been harangued by these nuts. They DO believe in the 911 government conspiracy too. It is all about FEMA putting us in secret camps and taking guns away. They are unhinged and sooo sure of their crazy stories. I was aghast. And Cliven Bundy still stands to challenge the almighty Feds who ran away when they all pointed their guns. . How on earth does this support their views of government conspiracy?


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