Sunday, April 12, 2015

Vanity Fair brings you a day in the life of convicted criminal Dinesh D'Souza. And it is even more pathetic than you imagine.

"The conservative accepts that the world is a dangerous place. I’d rather pull the bandwagon than sit in the bandwagon, and I think that’s probably what distinguishes me from a lot of other people."

Well that and being an unbelievable douche-bag. 

Here's Wonkette's take: 

See Dinesh walk the mean streets of L.A. with nothing but a latte and a camera crew for protection! Watch Dinesh shave! Observe as he ties his shoes! See him flash gang signs while dressed up as a fashion magazine’s version of a cholo!

Damn there is so much to mock here I quite literally do not know where to begin.

Everything about this video screams "I am a pathetic pretentious loser, pity me." While at the same time trying to convince us that he plays an important role in the fight against liberals and their agenda.

Personally I am torn as to what is more pathetic, watching him being dressed as an extra in "The Wire" or watching him shave around where his chin should be.


  1. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Hard to believe that the same publication that gave us Christopher Hitchens is giving us this. In fact the first time I heard of this douchoid was in a debate between him and Hitch (of course D'indicted went down in flames.)

  2. Anonymous7:02 AM

    I couldn't finish the video . whatta douchebag.

  3. Anonymous7:07 AM

    O/T but Gryphen, you have GOT to listen to this guy! Man, he doesn't mince words and he is ON THE MONEY! Amazing how he is telling the truth. I listened to the first video and now he has two more...

    After his first video rant got over 300,000 views

    Dixon D. White, who describes himself as “a simple southern guy, who was raised in a small country town in the south,” posted a video rant on YouTube, which he titled ‘I’m a redneck and I love America.’ It’s not the video’s title that gained the attention of the internet, however; it’s the subject of White’s rant – racism.

    If you were to judge the video just from the title, you’d probably never watch it. When we think of America-loving rednecks, we’ve seen enough videos from confederate flag waving, NRA supporting, card carrying KKK members, who upload YouTube videos complaining about how poor white people, like themselves, are the real victims in racist America. But don’t judge White’s video by the title alone.

    The content is hard-hitting, and surprisingly honest. So honest, that it may even make you cry.

    1. Anonymous7:19 AM

      Here is his video channel with all of his videos.

    2. Anonymous7:24 AM

      White Supremacy and the Bass Pro Shop

    3. Anonymous7:30 AM

      "A change gonna come" A Call to White America

    4. Anonymous7:39 AM


    5. Anonymous7:44 AM

      White Americans have been brainwashed about race — and it’s not just about black men

  4. Anonymous7:16 AM

    He says he's a "christian," donchaknow, so anything is allowed to him. Baring false witness being A#1. Thoaw folks haven't read their New Testament in a long time, if ever.
    But, hey, Old Testament: coveting thy neighbor's wife. What about that, old itchy pants D'Souza.
    It remains to be seen if, under state or Federal law, he's lost his right ever to vote again.

  5. laurensd17:32 AM

    He is just icky.

  6. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Why isn't he walking the "mean streets" in a Red state? Because he knows baggers would either harass him or a bagger cop would shoot him.

  7. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I don't know why he isn't in prison, I thought he was sentenced. I wouldn't click on the video to find out, though. He's beneath contempt.

  8. Walking on the beach?!? Spending nights in a "confinement center"?!?

    D'Souza would look much better in a jumpsuit and shackles... orange is his color.

  9. Anonymous10:40 AM

    He strolls a sunset beach and speaks of confinement while sitting on an expensive couch by a gorgeous picture window. May I please be confined too?

  10. Anonymous11:02 AM

    The beach he is strolling is La Jolla. Same as where the "office" is. Pitiful. - SJP (Hey Gryph!)

  11. He shaved with his shirt still on, I am at a loss for words for once in my life

  12. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Poor Danesh! So glad he's had time to reflect, but did he mention why he filed for divorce? Why he's got to report to confinement every night? It's a hard punishment, but someone's gotta take it. Do they allow prisoners real razors? And what if he sneezes and bleeds on his white conservative Donald Trump my Macy's white shirt? He's looking for pity, and a base of conservatives who feel he's been railroaded.

  13. Seems to me that every second he's not being pelted with flaming bags of dogshit is a lost opportunity.

  14. Who is Dinesh D'Souza and why should I care?


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