Sunday, April 12, 2015

Well Palin didn't make the big NRA event in Nashville, but her rolling billboard did.

That Political Earthquake PAC was super excited that Palin was scheduled to appear, so they hurriedly raised money for this sad little billboard.

Unfortunately for them her last minute decision to bail left them with a sign that is the very definition of pathetic.


  1. Anonymous4:33 PM

    How much longer are you going to milk these poor people, $arah? RUN. Let's see what you've got.

    Here kitty kitty kittty.....

  2. Anonymous4:45 PM

    See I told you Sarah Palin is going to Nashville. It was a 2D Sarah but she still showed up and thats what counts.

  3. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Clearly that should have been "Waitin'4Palin" (no 'g' in waiting) - these people can't get anything right .

  4. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Frank Bailey made it very clear in his book, this woman cares nothing about her supporters. She is a ruthless, demented, ugly person that preys on the mindless. And she normally gets what she wants. But I'm sensing a change in the winds. And I'm known for my intuition. This Meyer hookup was a huge mistake. Popcorn anyone?

    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      4:48, " the mindless" describes the truck billboard pretty accurately.
      Q sis

    2. Anonymous6:13 PM

      A major change in the winds was foreseeable in 2014, when the nutcase fringe and their crazy queen were an important demographic in a low-turn-out mid-term election. It would have made sense for TPTB to tolerate $arah until the second the polls closed. Looking towards 2016 and desperate hopes to regain the presidency, Palin is clearly a massive liability. As the serious and semi-serious candidates start to announce their candidacies, one expects messages are being conveyed in no uncertain terms, i.e., sit down and STFU. Between that and the physical/mental deterioration we've all seen, maybe the end finally is nigh.

    3. Anonymous7:15 PM

      "This Meyer hookup was a huge mistake...."

      Especially when she was still so drunk and/or high the day after she "hooked-up" with Dakota that she gave that bizarre, rambling speech at the Freedumb Summit.

    4. Anonymous3:51 AM

      They should have been worried about taking that to Nashville, with all the guns there for the convention. Did they leave before someone shot the truck up?

    5. Anonymous6:01 AM

      It's almost like Dakota Meyers phucked her brains out, except I'm not sure she had any brains to begin with.

      It's sad that this PAC would place all of their eggs in one basket with their sole focus on an Unstable 1/2 Term Ex-Governor, Failed Vice Presidential Candidate, Wanna Be Presidential Candidate that has appeared in some Reality Shows that I have never watched...

  5. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Yep: And the inbred rubes will be waiting "4" her until the day she --or they--dies.

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Please don't call them inbreds. Some of us are related to them! Just call them stupid, ignorant, uneducated, lazy, grifting embarrassments. That's what I call them!

  6. Anonymous4:53 PM


    That must be embarrassing for Sarah Palin to see that truck running around Nashville telling Sarah Palin they're waiting for her to announce her candidacy for 2016 president.

    Sarah Palin and every presidential candidate that appeared at the NRA convention knows Sarah Palin just wants her followers to keep asking Sarah to run .
    Sarah Palin is a bullshitting fake.

    1. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Not embarrassing to her at all. Minions doing her work for her.

      You've just been called out, $arah,by Hillary's announcement. Now's the time.....woman to woman....let's see who wins, shall we?

    2. SallyinMI5:26 PM

      Love how they copied the group that was "Ready for Hillary." But maybe these folks aren't as dumb as we think..after all they've been 'waiting' for and on Sarah since 2008. And still waiting. They are a patient group of delusionals, aren't they? Or would that be a delusional group of patients?

    3. Anonymous7:51 PM

      526...last one is it...

    4. Anonymous4:19 AM

      I don't think Sarah is capable of feeling embarrassed.

  7. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I do not feel sorry for these imbeciles. They were warned.
    Yet, they continue. Pathetic is accurate.

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      They are a special breed that think they can push Sarah Palin to run. They see it as their willpower being stronger than hers. They are used to their demands being met and think themselves smarter than the rest of us. It is quite amusing if you know the truth about the higher ups in the movement. Yes, pathetic is accurate.

    2. Anonymous5:59 PM

      They'll be quite disappointed.
      $arah isn't running for squat.
      Amusing indeed.

    3. Anonymous7:13 PM

      At this point, any supporters she has left are willfully blind or just don't care. The audio police tapes from the brawl are on-line and there's plenty of pictures of the Palins enjoying their ill-gained wealth and hanging out with hookers. It's there for the CPeers to see if they want to find out the truth. Or just noticing the numerous lies Sarah tells--missed Todd's birthday because she was out of town, "caught without make-up," etc. The ones left don't want to know the truth because the fantasy is all they have.

    4. Anonymous8:20 PM

      They are deaf, dumb and blind. They refuse to hear or see the truth. The brawl was an ambush...

    5. SallyinMI3:57 AM

      I was responding to some of them on some website yesterday..they are truly delusional people. "Sarah, you are the last hope for the USA!" "Sarah, you are such a great leader with all the right answers." "Sarah, we need you. Please run! You will win!" "The new SARAHPAC sure looks Presidential!" They are too dumb to even know that should she run, SARAHPAC would not be legal any longer. I tried to point out some things, but all for naught. I isn't stick around long enough for the name-calling.

    6. Anonymous2:41 PM

      357...well if Sarah is around something strange long becomes normal...

  8. Anonymous5:01 PM

    That SarahPalinUSA link was the one I was looking for for the Safari post.

    Notice the STUFFED bear on her banner?!?

    It always offends me when I see it. Alaska has more than enough beautiful live animals in their natural habitat and Sarah chooses to used a STUFFED bear from some museum display.

    Or more likely given the source, it from one of those roadside tourist attractions. Last time Sarah was in a museum was when she was photographed with SpongeBob BabyBump.

    That stuffed bear to promote her image sure nails it. The fake outdoorsy, woodsy woman prefers faked nature settings.

    She's more comfortable with stuffed animals than real live dangerous ones. Gotta always be in control and animals are so unpredictable.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      She's a copy a t...nothing original...when those audits reveal her backs are a bitch

    2. Anonymous2:44 PM

      516...hey I was having lunch in Wasilly and thought I saw the Kid come in with an Elder..they sat down and ate...but what slinked in after they arrived was live who was that in the red truck Sarah smoking a cigarette? hmm?
      Shake of head...I do hope you noticed the WPD sitting in front of Value Village watching all that unfold...hope they pulled them over for stalking...need video cams?

  9. Anonymous5:03 PM

    If those crazy earthquake people had known Sarah was appearing at a casino venue, they would have shown up. Of course they would have bypassed the event and headed straight for the slot machines. But, then the grassroots/earthquake PAC coffers would be dry.
    Q sis

  10. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Anon 4:48 said:
    "She is a ruthless, demented, ugly person that preys on the mindless."




    suffering from dementia.

    driven to behave irrationally due to anger, distress, or excitement.

    "a demented, dangerous, and sadistic Mafioso"

    synonyms: mad, insane, deranged, psychotic, out of one's mind, crazed, lunatic, unbalanced, unhinged, disturbed, non compos mentis;, crazy, mental, psycho, off one's rocker, nutty, around the bend, raving mad, batty, cuckoo, loopy, loony, bananas, screwy, touched, gaga, not all there, out to lunch, bonkers, crackers, cracked, buggy, nutso, squirrelly, wacko, vulgar slang batshit

    "the paranoia of a demented old man"

    Oh that explains Sarah Palin's behavior.

  11. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Well isn't that special, Sarah cared more about exterminating the animal population than her fans.

    "Waiting for Palin 2016", at least it will be cheap to re-use the sign, they only have to change the year, since they will be wait' along time.

    Wonder if Toad had some business deals going on at the casino, also too. Did he have to ship in his own hookers or did he make a deal with the local pimp?

  12. Anonymous5:08 PM

    OK, now I have cooties. I clicked on the #steelspine link above and they actually are comparing Sarah in Chick-fil-lay tea shirt from the psychotic ballgame with a very bad photo of Hillary.

    Hello, they missed this photo (or chose to see it as some sign that Sarah is running for president. You know, those stoned out eyes show that she will step right over the biggest stones blocking her path to that open door).

    1. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Fucking disgusting. Sexist pigs. Women only matter if you want to fuck'em, right?

      Well, Ted Cruz constantly looks constipated and Rand Paul looks like he has pubes on his head.

    2. Anonymous8:02 PM

      659...SNL had a skit about pubes on the head...funny as hell...

  13. Anonymous5:08 PM


    1. SallyinMI5:29 PM

      MORE like WAITING4PALIN2060. Their kids will hold the torch high (assuming there is a world left after the GOP gets done destroying everything) and keep the light on for Bristol, or Tripper, or Trigger happy. Or a great-grandchild of theirs. Maybe the crazy will have evolved to merely insane by then?

    2. Anonymous5:33 PM


    3. Anonymous6:54 AM


  14. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I'm certain their soap-less leader would have much more preferred to have been given the $600 they paid for this waste of mobile digital display and gas.

    How long do you think it took to scrape those pennies together? You all could have had a steak in a restaurant that uses real fabric napkins instead.

  15. Anonymous5:28 PM



  16. Anonymous5:30 PM

    What's a "Hillay" and why should a "Hillay" fear Sarah Palin?

  17. Anonymous5:35 PM

    IIRC they paid hella bucks for that stupid ugly sign. Even better.

  18. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Haha! Sarah Palin made the earthquakers look foolish and they wasted their time and donors money! Way to go, Sarah! Maybe they should go ahead and cancel that sky writing prop plane for the RNC and the stop working on the float for the inauguration day parade. Just saying'...

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Actually, they make Sarah look foolish. If the goal was to get some buzz going about Palin prior to her NRA speech and possibly sway some attendees, EPIC FAIL! Hard to get support for a person who disses the event by being a no-show, especially when all the serious speakers actually showed up.
      This group could potentially do more harm than good for the Palin cause. Go earthquake!

    2. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Serious speakers? In this group? Hahhahahahah!

    3. Anonymous8:16 PM

      Serious, in that they agreed to show up and speak and actually showed up and spoke.

  19. Anonymous5:49 PM


  20. Anonymous5:49 PM

    'Proven track record'... Yeah, of QUITTING each and every time!

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM

      Yep, and my mantra will always be for every last thing she says "Run $arah RUN" and she won't. She can't. It's crashing down around her and she knows it.

  21. Anonymous6:16 PM

    I fear this will happen more if anti-cop assholes keep controlling media sites.

    What a dumb bitch. I would taser her, then beat her twice with a night stick, then pepperspray her, then write her a $500 ticket

    1. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Troll or asshole, take your pick...

  22. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha......

    She's a laughingstock! An INTERNATIONAL laughingstock!!!!

  23. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Love lov luv downin yer heart oh love love love down in yer heart. Oh the joy. The in laws and out laws. mental on both sides of the barrel of a short fuse. July? Fireworks or perhaps May? mothars day and memorial day. Pass the popcorn please. Hey? When will the Shailey Tripp Movie be out?

  24. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Does she ever get tired? tired of the constant whirlwind of moving? of explaining? of preparing, the stress the lack of privacy. Why? For what? rapture? insanity? ignorance? money? Holy than thou and the perfect con artist wink wink

  25. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Did anybody see Sarah Palin with
    Willow-shampoo girl?
    Bristol -face girl?
    Todd - purse carrier?
    Dukota - Sarah's sniper and security guard?
    The professional SarahPac photographer?

    I didn't see Sarah's entourage in Minnesota, is SarahPac going broke?

  26. Anonymous9:10 PM

    This is interesting. This was posted today just a few hours ago:

    "Perhaps I spoke too soon. Just saw on Dakota's enjoygram that he and Bristol are celebrating their 1st wk of living together in KY, so perhaps she is moving there w/Tripp."

    I also noticed that Sunny posted 2 pics on her fb that have Tripp in them on April 10. So how many trial marriages has Bristol gone through by now? Maybe they eloped so she won't be living in sin since she's such a huge christian and swore to her fans that she will stay celibate until marriage. Or either they are just living together & sleep together & she just swallows like a good "christian" girl?

    1. Anonymous10:11 PM

      Maybe she swallows or....

      She uses the "loophole."

    2. Anonymous10:18 PM

      Lucky Bristol that she's *in love* with Dakota for now. Remember that pic she posted with buns she just got out of the oven? If it's true no wonder Sarah bought the engagement ring. Couldn't have another "embarrassment" could she by her promiscuous daughter? IF Bristol is preggers they will say she secretly got married because they didn't want the attention of the press and as newlyweds needed privacy. Of course that would be a first for any Palin and we all know that would be a big fat lie! Only time will tell. Like Bristol told Tripp on her failed reality tv show, "I'll find you another daddy" when she kicked Gino out of the car.

      And that redneck bridal shower photo...woo wee. #peopleOfWalmart It's just their style. #ValleyTrashAndProudOfIT

    3. Anonymous8:08 AM

      I also saw on Sunny's FB page that she mentioned something about having THREE kids (getting some kind of monthly deal at some gym or spa, which includes quite some nice pampering, 'very much needed with three kids')

  27. Anonymous9:54 PM

    9:10 pm said: "Dakota's enjoygram that he and Bristol are celebrating their 1st wk of living together in KY"

    I don't believe CHRISTIAN ABSTINENCE Bristol is living in sin. Especially after all her affairs with Dylan, Levi, Ben, Levi, Gino and Joey.

    Sarah Palin did you raise your children to be like this? Which parent did Bristol take after?

    1. Anonymous10:57 PM

      in the conventional sense, barstool didn't have any parents - instead cheatin', lyin', lowlife thieves ...

    2. Anonymous11:42 PM


    3. SallyinMI3:50 AM

      Both of them. Sarah was pregnant when they married, remember? And Malia has proven how faithfully Christian Todd is. So yeah, all those Christians who think Bristol and Dakota are such fine examples for their kids...not so much. And where's Tripp? He should still be in school for another month. Other than the picture of him with the assault rifle, I haven't seen any of him with the happiest couple on Earth.

  28. Anonymous10:09 PM

    That looks more like a still spin to me.

  29. FrostyAK10:26 PM

    The Tundra Turd(tm) herself is the definition of pathetic. I often feel sorry for someone who can be described as such. No sympathy, however, for this witch.

  30. Anonymous2:27 AM

    The sign is spelled wrong and I don't have any idea of "nochange" even means. Sad little losers indeed. Who are these people?

    1. Anonymous6:17 AM

      I'm still laughing over "HillaysNemesis..."

      WTF--they can spell "nemesis" but can't spell "Hillary?"

  31. Janice A Soderquist4:50 AM

    It would be interesting to know exactly how many Pac's, open and secret the Palins have. Sarah may be digging herself deeper and deeper all the time. She best hope the IRS and FEC hasn't been tracking her and her Pac...

    1. Janice A Soderquist5:04 AM

      There are several Pacs on the net requesting donations for Sarah... does anyone in our government care what this woman is shaming in the name of Politics. She is not running for anything. She is begging, getting and keeping all the money herself. All she does in get some idiot in each state to open a Pac and a new one starts.....

    2. Anonymous8:12 AM

      I bet you anything that $he does NOT declare any of the PAC monies on her tax return. Wonder if anyone here has info that can be released to the IRS? (I believe there are certain info that need to be given in order for the IRS to act, and I don't know just what it is, or I would do it myself!)

  32. Janice A Soderquist4:56 AM

    So she is living in Kentucky now. Who is cooking and cleaning house? Who is washing their clothes and cleaning the bathrooms? I bet you anything that Bristol only took a couple suitcases of clothes. This will not last. Does she expect Dakota's mother to cook all the meals? Where did Dakota get the money to buy the nice house he lives in? There are pictures on the net of him inside his house. Grab your popcorn.

    1. Anonymous7:14 AM

      about 15 hours ago

      myself and @bsmp2 celebating our first week living together in ky by shooting our...

      Dakota and Bristol are "celebating" (is that a new word -- celebrate & masturbate combined?).

      Bristol and Tripp have already moved to KY? WTF??

    2. Anonymous9:31 AM

      I think he meant celibate-ing?

    3. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Maybe he meant "celibate" as in not banging?

    4. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Hmmm. Both are wearing ear protection in this pose. Guess they read a little something on IM. Anyone know if those are the ones he "sponsors"?

  33. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Somehow I do not think that is what "Palinistas" had in mind when they donated their money for a "Billboard".
    That is the most pathetic excuse for a "billboard" that I have ever seen. Truly, ever.

    1. Anonymous6:13 AM

      What makes me laugh is that the P-bots seem to think no one is aware of Sarah "Look at me! LOOK AT ME!" Palin. They believe that all they have to do is put up her name and picture and people will go, "Oh, yeah! That's who I want as President!"

      As if anyone could have been unaware of the self-promoting little grifter for the past eight years.

      Let me clue you in, C4Peers--no one likes Sarah. She has thrown herself in front of cameras and microphones since 2008 and NO ONE CARES. Accept it. You are just making yourselves look pathetic. Or should I say, more pathetic.

  34. Anonymous5:40 AM

    If you want to witness pathetic, visit that wretched "Political Earthquake site". Click and explore some of the links. There are 13 members on the Facebook group! The fact the copyright on the site is still 2014 speaks volumes on how attuned these losers are with the present day.... time for the eye bleach.....

  35. Anonymous6:14 AM

    That's wasn't an earthquake. Prolly just another instance of Barstool's chronic flatulence. Too many diet pills & Red Bull chasers.

  36. Anonymous6:20 AM


    That represents a significant portion of the Social Security checks of some desperately ignorant red state peebots. Kinda sad, really.

  37. Janice A Soderquist6:31 AM

    Sarah cam get donations from everywhere to sell herself.
    It is not her money, she does not care where it goes.

  38. Anonymous8:28 AM

    This photo from bristol's instagram-so why does trig have his missing baby teeth and Tripp already has his adult teeth? Does Down syndrome delay tooth loss? Curious!

    1. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Things that make you go "hmmmmm".

  39. Anonymous1:14 PM


    GAWKER -
    Is This Guy Sporting a Chubby Next to Sarah Palin or Nah?

    The photo has since been removed, but archived graciously by a "middle-aged blogger in Anchorage, Alaska, questioning everything" at theImmoral Minority Blogspot. Thanks to him and the tipster who brought it to our attention.

    Here's a closer, more scientific look.
    Boner? Or just well endowed? I'm going with boner.


  40. Anonymous4:43 PM

    So very proud of the imbiciles who proudly display their stupidity. Sarah can't possibly run, she can hardly walk. Keep sending your last best donations to keep Sarah relevent in your own minds. Wonder how much the new hubby is costing her?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.