Monday, April 13, 2015

Yeah actually they do.

I sometimes get accused of focusing too much on Christianity.

But trust me I am an equal opportunity critic of ALL religions.


  1. Criticism is important and necessary for deeper understanding, but to be productive it should be well-informed.

    Your commentary about Christianity shows a superficial understanding of the religion--on par with the fundamentalists you like to skewer by posting items along the lines of "woman sees Christ in burnt toast." It's reasonable to assume that your grasp of other faith traditions is on a similar level, although you reserve personal bitterness for Christianity.

    You've written that you took a course in comparative religion. You say you've read the Bible--a collection of ancient works which isn't entirely accessible without expert scholarly guidance, which you didn't have. At least read some Richard Rohr, Thomas Merton, Lesley Hazelton, Karen Armstrong, John Duns Scotus, Julian of Norwich.

    Religion is a powerful force, regardless of belief or non-belief, and if you feel compelled to comment on it, do everyone a favor by educating yourself first. There' s misunderstanding and distrust among people of various faiths, and even among factions within the same faith. Taken to extremes, the results are catastrophic. We are all at risk from the promotion of ignorance and intolerance surrounding religion.

    1. Anonymous5:27 AM

      According to you, one can only criticize religion if they read the authors YOU suggest?? No thanks, my critical thinking skills serve me very well and I realized 10 years ago that I do not believe nor do I need/want any religion in my life.

    2. Anonymous7:21 AM

      I agree with you Jude but only to the point that those who seek out and desire to be involved in a religion need to be educated regarding religion. Many of us raised as Atheist have zero interest regarding ANY religion and have no desire to study them or learn anything about them.

      I don't really care what flavor of belief that others have and telling someone I'm Atheist should be message enough that I'm not interested in religion. I'm happy to study astronomy, geology, biology and other natural sciences, however I don't feel duty bound to educate myself regarding religion because it's something I have no interest in. Don't care, don't care to know and you do what you want, just leave me out of it.

    3. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Jude - you only have a superficial understanding of self-deception. Maybe a little research will ease your arrogance.

    4. Anonymous10:46 AM

      If there is an entity somewhere that cares about the "flock" then who wants to learn about a "leader, maker" who allows all the carnage and starvation of His/Her young people? How more uncaring and sinful can you be than to let the little children in your care be beaten, raped, massacred and/or starved to death?

      If this was a human in our country treating children like this they would be jailed.

      Savior? If so then the definition needs to be changed because the inhumane treatment of so many youngsters around the world by an omniscient deity is called murder.
      Enlighten yourself, open your eyes and ears to the hatred and violence leveled on these pure, defenseless beings - and a god that cares not enough to stop it all? I don't think such a body exists, anywhere.

      I do not have the answers but I know how to be rational about what I see and read about regarding the happenings in this world.

    5. Anonymous11:55 AM

      Criticism is important and necessary for deeper understanding …

      One does not need a PhD or a ThD in coprology to understand that shit happens. The rest is detail.

    6. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Stupid atheists.

  2. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Interesting photo. No guns.


  3. Balzafiar4:47 AM

    Your headline says it all and I agree wholeheartedly. I don't like to see small children being brainwashed -- in any culture -- but it is happening. In my own family it is happening because of intense religious nonsense on the part of their parents who were brainwashed by their parents. There is nothing I can do about it other than hope that one day the children will wake up to what has happened to them.

  4. CorningNY12:11 PM

    You say that the bible is "-a collection of ancient works which isn't entirely accessible without expert scholarly guidance." Well, here's news flash: I bet 99% of the people who read the bible and claim to live by it have never had any "expert scholarly guidance" on it. They just do what their fundamentalist pastors tell them to. So it's really not fair to ask that those who criticize Christianity to read scholarly books about it, while Christians get to force their religion on others without such guidance. Just saying.

  5. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Actually, any book, like, say, DR Seuss requires scholarly guidance from others who have studied the books, read them carefully, and translated them from aramaic and on and on. Anyone here an expert on BDSM? I just started fifty shades and wouldn't want to misinterpret anything because I was too lazy to find an expert in the field.
    Imagine how much it would cost to read science and hire real scientists to explain their interpretation?

    Anyone who didn't read their car's owner's manual cover to cover with engineers available before leaving the dealer, raise your hands and kindly explain how you possibly did it.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.