Tuesday, April 14, 2015

"We’re raising a generation of mass killers." NRA seminar teaches that guns are not the danger, children are the danger.

Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, professor of "Killology."

Courtesy of Think Progress:

“Sandy Hook is just the beginning. We’re raising a generation of mass killers.” 

Lt. Col. Dave Grossman repeated those lines to a crowd of hundreds at the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Nashville on Saturday, telling the gun owners to fear for themselves and their families and that the only solution is to arm all of our citizens. 

“Can we take the lessons learned in Columbine and Jonesboro and Virginia Tech? Can we take the lessons learned on 9/11 and in Sandy Hook Elementary School? Or do we have to wait until our kids die?” Grossman asked the audience during a seminar called “Sheepdogs! The Bulletproof Mind for the Armed Citizen.”

Grossman then went on to lay out each school shooting in graphic detail, while suggesting that; “you’re going to see daycare massacres and school bus massacres.”  Before summing up with this:

“Folks, we have raised a vicious, vicious generation of children,” he said. “They have given us crimes on children like nothing in human history. Sandy Hook is just the beginning. Our founding fathers knew there would be days like this… And they created the Second Amendment for just a time like this. And in the midst of all that, the politicians want to disarm our citizens. That is flat out treason.”

So to be clear the problem is NOT easy access to deadly weaponry, it's simply that children are inherently dangerous these days. 

I would assume that Grossman bases this idea on the assertion that today's video games make kids more violent, even though research has proven that is a false premise.

Another false premise is the idea that more guns make us safer. They don't.

By the way this Grossman character claims to have founded a new academic field called, and I kid you not, "Killology."

You know considering the ravings of this lunatic, along with that other guy who claims that Americans need to harden themselves against the death screams of the people they gun down, I'm beginning to think this NRA conference sends out a very dangerous message.

Nah, I'm probably being too sensitive.


  1. Anonymous2:52 PM

    So, if kids are dangerous, we should give them guns?

  2. TwoBlueJays3:43 PM

    Children enter this world as beautiful blank slates. They are not born racist, violent, or cruel. What they learn is what we teach them. I KNOW this is the NRA and I know I should know better than to react to this idiot's rhetoric. But to point the finger, literally or as a metaphorical weapon, at children being the problem? This is just plain sickening.

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      It makes me sick. I was born in the late fifties, and Bugs Bunny/Road Runner cartoons were my absolute favorite. At no time ever did I think that they were violent, they were just cleverly written and I loved 'em. I never ever thought to pick up my Dad's rifles and confront someone I had issues with, and I was bullied big time in school and by my sisters. BB/RR was taken off as "too violent" yet violent video games and movies remain.

  3. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Maybe I am off base, but I suspect that when this frightening man says we are raising dangerous children, he is referring to the killers at Sandy Hook, Columbine, etc, and not the innocent students who got killed by them. He and his NRA cohorts are still enough to make my hair stand on end.

  4. CorningNY4:30 PM

    If violent kids are the problem and not guns, then why aren't we seeing huge numbers of mass killings with knives, cars, poison, bombs, bare hands, etc.? Could it be that guns are much more readily available and easier to use, and any idiot can get his hands on one (or many) and use it to commit mayhem quickly and easily? Nah, that can't be it.

  5. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I fear even more now for our children. He just proclaimed Open Season on them, and there are many lunatics who listen. What a dark future these people are creating for them, for all of us. American the Exceptional is becoming America the Embarrassment.


  6. Anonymous5:02 PM

    We learned that lesson on 9/11?
    Every single person in those two towers could have been armed with bazookas and those two towers were still going down. Idiots. #FUCKTHENRA

  7. Anonymous5:52 PM

    This guy is supposedly a professor of "killology," and expert on gun violence, yet he's unaware that the peak year for violence in general and gun violence specifically was 1993. There has been a steady (and pretty dramatic over time) downward trend ever since. This is a very well-known fact among criminologists and others who care to understand.

    I guess it's sexier for him to rile everyone up with talk of protecting ourselves from all those killer kids that are out there.

  8. Anonymous5:53 PM

    I guess the NRA's solution is to leave their guns lying around so kids can kill each other while they're still babies and toddlers. If the kids don't get any older, they can victimize the rest of us.

  9. Anonymous5:59 PM

    The picture: Retired Lt. Col. Dave Grossman speaks at a military conference about warrior resilience on Tuesday, November 3, 2009 in Norfolk, Va. Grossman teaches leaders within the armed forces to warn soldiers of the necessities and consequences of killing in order to help prevent PTSD. (Preston Gannaway | The Virginian-Pilot)

  10. Anonymous12:28 AM

    And just where the hell do these gun-nut adults think that children are learning this behavior from? They see adults glorifying guns, packing them around with them in public places, when a police officer shoots and kills someone they're called a hero, etc, etc....

    It's suddenly cool to own a gun, and adults anticipate and even WANT the opportunity to shoot an assailant. Kids see it and they mimic it.

    Violent video games are fantasy. But mentally unstable, flag-waving, assault-rifle wielding parents are reality.

  11. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Is this guy's solution simply to incarcerate all children by the age of three (think of the story the other day about the three year-old who killed his one year-old sibling) or to arm all children by the age of three so that they can kill one another and save him and his buddies forever? What kind of drugs is this guy taking?

  12. Anonymous5:54 AM

    “Folks, we have raised a vicious, vicious generation of children,” - True.

    NRA fuckheads have raised them to this level of depravity. Now we've got to arm EVERYBODY! What convoluted assholism.


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