Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Another picture of Sarah Palin from that SEAL-NSW Family Foundation fundraiser. And some video hinting about Bristol's broken engagement.

I think that the woman who posted this on her Facebook page really thought her friends might like Palin as well, but that does not appear to be the case based on these comments: 


Waste of film

Was she seeing Russia from where she was standing when you took the photo?

To be fair there were a few that seemed vaguely impressed, but not the majority. 

You know looking at her face it almost seems as if something is really bothering her.

I wonder what it could be?

Oh by the way I think we know what happened to Bristol's engagement ring.

Well it's only fair, she DID buy it.

Oh and there was also this interview from Extra TV:  

Sarah Palin spoke to “Extra” at The Seal-Navy Special Warfare Family Foundation just days before the former Governor of Alaska announced on Facebook that her daughter Bristol and former US Marine Dakota Meyer’s wedding will not take place on May 23, hinting that there may be issues... after tabloid reports surfaced claiming Meyer had a secret wife whom he wed in 2008 and never divorced. 

Palin said of her daughter, “She's very grounded, very practical in terms of making a lifelong commitment, she knows that hey, everything’s got to be worked out before you actually make that commitment.” 

Palin continued in her imitable style, "She posted something today, like, ‘Let god work everything out so that everything works together instead of maybe in the future everything falling apart,’ so that kind of speaks to her character and her heart, knowing that questions have to be answered, issues have to be worked out before you actually say I do, and I will be there with you for the rest of our lives... so that, just kind of alluding to some of challenges.”

Okay well I think it is fairly clear here that Palin at this point, which was on Saturday two days before the official announcement, knew that the engagement was off.

It just took a couple of days for Palin to fire up her ghostwriter and decide on a response.


  1. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Ah, yes. $carah dressed inappropriately once again. Bristles is "grounded"? WHAT, no more Pac money for plane tickets, is that what it is? Bristles is a PayMe air head with no work ethic, just a plain grifter. Business will pick up in the taverns around Wasilla, now that the biggest alcoholic is back. Battlin' Bristles is on the loose. hide your sons.

    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Comment from a regular on C4P:

      Reynolds88 • 11 hours ago

      I get Bristol Daily from Patheos. I don't think there is any hitch in the wedding. They are both "tightly wound" (IMHO) individuals though, but heck, sounds like they have something to go on. Nothing is perfect despite what you see on TV. (they might do well to try sober living though, since Ethyl can be an awful 3 person in any marriage).

    2. Anonymous8:22 AM

      I'd bet a great deal on the fact that this thing fell apart because of not only the not-divorced-yet Dakota (!), but, more importantly, Sarah's demands in a pre-nuptial agreement.
      When Dakota balked at whatever grifting was put down on paper, suddenly the engagement ended. He was going to sign away his life for the Palins, and his hometown lawyer, even his hometown lawyer, was smart enough to tell him not to sign it.

      Also, too, the Meyer baby that Bristol claimed was on its way decided to wait for another day, and there was no need for a quickie shotgun wedding after all.

      Add it all up: un-divorced Dakota; outrageous pre-nup demands; and a phantom pregnancy, and May 23 turned out to be just a plain old day like any other.

    3. Anonymous9:11 AM

      8:22 AM, I agree, pre-nup and non-disclosure agreement problems were at least part of the problem, and possibly the biggest one. I'm pretty sure the Palin's can ignore anything but someone threatening their grift.

    4. Anonymous10:22 AM

      No way. The pre-nup was signed, sealed, delivered before the engagement was made public. It contained more nondisclosure clauses than anything else. Basically stating that any joint speaking gigs or engagements would be split thusly: Bristol gets 65%, he gets 35% except at military based or endorsed functions whereupon the proceeds would be split evenly.

      The issue was that Dakota had said he had been ENGAGED before, not married. And there will be no proof of a divorce unless it's manufactured because there was no divorce. TPTB believed a fresh off the press divorce would not reflect well in his nomination packet for the MOH.

      Sarah is livid and can hardly contain her rage. Her lawyer was supposed to have vetted Meyer, which of course lends itself to absolutely delightful irony being that she was "supposed to be" vetted as well.

      This wedding will never happen and Sarah is going to push for an investigation into the MOH, then paint Bristol as a victim who was lied to by a predatory alcoholic who manipulated the whole family for fame and money.

      Which, again- delightful irony.

    5. Anonymous12:01 PM

      I swear I never get tired of the antics of this dumb family. They are an absolute train wreck. I confess....I can't look away.

      And 10:22, thank you. That explains a lot.

  2. Anonymous6:15 AM

    I just can not understand why she would wear her daughter's engagement ring.
    It is the weirdest gesture.

    1. Anonymous6:31 AM

      She paid for it so technically it's hers. Usually when an engagement is called off doesn't the girl return the ring? In Bristol's case that would be mommy dearest.

    2. Anonymous6:55 AM

      Because she's sick and twisted?

    3. Anonymous7:07 AM

      When I compared the close-up with a close-up of Bristol's, the band part was different. I have to say that Bristol's sure didn't look like a diamond in the picture. It looked more like CZ.

    4. Anonymous7:49 AM

      Anon 7:07,

      I agree, when you zoom in, the band is definitely thicker. It isn't the same ring.

    5. Anonymous7:59 AM

      It is the weirdest, there are no words for her flashing it as interviewed.
      Was it coordinated with Bristol's post of looking like an invalid who could barely raise her empty ring finger to show no ring?

      Whether Sarah bought the ring or not, WEIRD. Whether it is the same ring or a similar one, WEIRD.

    6. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Maybe she's trying to show the peebots what they paid for.
      Otherwise, an engagement ring would be returned to the suitor, if he bought it.
      If -- can you imagine? -- the Mother in Law purchased it, Bristol should put it in her safe deposit box and never let it see the light of day. The wedding is over, the marriage plans are over: take it to a pawn shop when things settle down.

      Or, if it came from QVC, throw it in the dead lake, to be besties with her mother's wedding ring.

    7. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Bristol's instagram picture of her flashing her hand with no ring right around the time Sarah is flashing her hand showing the ring. I would think it was a message to Dakota that this wedding is not going to happen. Maybe when Bristol left Kentucky, Dakota still held out hope of them working things out.

    8. Anonymous8:40 AM

      I'm 7:07 and am now back on the fence. I froze a frame from the extra interview and blew it up. The band looks thicker at first because there's another thin ring on top of the big diamond one which, does indeed look like Bristol's. Take a look:


    9. Anonymous8:44 AM

      The band part is different, because $carry has to wear a second band to hold the too big for her fingers engagement ring, which was sized for Brissy's fuller fingers.

    10. Anonymous8:45 AM

      In other photos you can see that Sarah has a thinner (wedding?) band on next to the engagement ring. That is why the band looks different in some photos. There are two rings.

    11. For Anon 7:07 and Anon 7:49,
      Reposted from below:

      I think the wedding band is Sarah's own fitted ring that she hauls out every once in a while to look like a happy married lady, and that she's wearing it with the stone ring to keep the larger-sized ring on her finger. Like a security retainer ring.

      You can tell it's being used for that purpose because the stone ring is closest to her knuckle and the wedding ring after. Normally folks who have both rings wear them the other way around.

    12. Anonymous9:20 AM

      There is a selfie-photo on Daily Mail (I think it is the Instagram photo) of Sarah and Bristol inside a car in Alaska and they are both making their weird hand signals with left hand......Bris wearing a plain band and Sarah wearing what appears to be a diamond, but it is not the same square shape as the Brissie one. Supposedly posted in Mother's day.

    13. Olivia9:45 AM

      It appears to be the same ring with a wedding band next to it. Here is a thought that is so gross but I wouldn't put it past her... maybe the wedding got called off because Sarah was just a little too infatuated with and got a bit too close to Dakota.

    14. Well, first of all, she paid for it.

      It's the ring she never got from Todd.

      She can fantasize it's her engaged to Dakota.

      I'll bet she's sorry now that it's not real.

    15. I believe engagement ring protocol is if the groom breaks the engagement the bride keeps the ring. If the bride breaks the engagement she returns the ring to the groom.

      Since Sarah bought the ring, naturally it would go back to her no matter what. Probably why she bought it in the first place, since we all speculated this wasn't a real engagement and a marriage wouldn't take place.

      So Sarah picked out a ring she'd like to wear, since Todd never gave her one. I guess she must have bought a replacement for the wedding band thrown in to Lake Lucille at the same time.

  3. Anonymous6:23 AM

    What kind of sicko wears her daughter's engagement ring? It's as if she's saying, "I own you."

    Also too, those clompy red sandals are so ugly.

    1. Anonymous6:37 AM

      Dansko Sandals

    2. Anonymous6:55 AM

      I have beautiful black (comfortable) Dansko Sandals. Those red ones are yuck, especially with her yuck toes.

    3. Anonymous7:10 AM

      Anon at 6:23. My thoughts exactly. That is beyond bizarre!


    4. Anonymous7:37 AM

      So Duhkota "has a wife that he never divorced"?? Well, that certainly would put a damper on any festivities!!!

    5. Anonymous7:38 AM

      Those sandals are OLD! Here's pics of her wearing them pre-2008:



  4. Anonymous6:25 AM

    So she sells her house and takes Tripp with her to go live with Dakota and then realizes she should make sure things work out before she commits? Bullshit.

    1. Anonymous6:35 AM

      Exactly. Something happened. Something dark, something ugly, and Sarah is desperate to cover it up.

    2. Anonymous6:59 AM

      As with the concocted brawl story, which wasn't anywhere near the actual police audio, you can take anything $arah says with a grain of salt.

    3. Anonymous7:03 AM

      i doubt the divorce was an issue with Sarah. she would have gone thru with it. once that was revealed by gryph it became Bigamy. shes used to doing things even if illegal,but this isn't alaaaaaska,is it,Sarah??!!

    4. Anonymous9:21 AM

      So how many trial daddy's has Tripp had now? That child should be removed from the Paylin home and put in the stable custody of his father, Levi. Any judge should agree that Tripp's current life is one lousy example after another. He is collateral damage.

    5. Explains why the asking price was so high. I'm sure it's still there with no bids. So she can just take it off the market and move back in.

  5. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Something was uncovered about the circumstances behind that first divorce. Sea O Pee desperate groupies are clutching at straws saying "Postponed" not cancelled, although nothing, anywhere, indicates that. The wedding is off. Instead of being concerned about Bristol, they focus only on wanting to believe the wedding will go on. That is completely bizarre to me. Weird fans this creep has, that's for sure. I firmly believe that erratic or violent behavior by Dakota was uncovered.

    1. Anonymous7:41 AM

      The report said he never divorced the wife!! I think it is more likely that his family and friends convinced him that Bristles is NOT "amazing" after all. Why no photos of his family welcoming Bristles and Tripp? They were tipped off about the grifters, that's why, not to mention the numerous pregnancies and hidden babies. Nowhere in any of the photos from Kintuck were any of his relatives shown.

    2. Anonymous7:43 AM

      According to "Extra":

      "“Extra” has confirmed the wedding has been postponed and not canceled."


    3. Anonymous8:15 AM

      imo... Bristol would be hurt but relieved and she would cancel.

      Sarah is hanging on, she can't bare to lose her replacement for Track.

      C4P are sock puppets. Chuckie2 feeds and controls how they think. Palin/Heath want them to go on with the marriage theme as Sarah is working on Bristol to get over things and get married later.

      Extra is one of Sarah's pals. If she says postponed, it is postponed.

      I was wondering if she was using a ring to flash to Dakota they are all still engaged. Wedding is only postponed.

      Will Bristol ever be able to be her own person and stand on her own two feet?

      Or what kind of gorilla outfit will Bristol wear next for Sarah? It won't be the wedding dress this Saturday.

      Can you imagine if someone wrote the Palin Facebook 'saving face' that Palin/Dakota used and there was a bar-b-q and all those people in Kentucky that you should not insult?

      Too bad she is so weak and all we will hear is some real bullshit from Nancy.

    4. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Has it occurred to anyone that this could all be about a prenuptial and/or confidentiality clause that somone doesn't want to sign?

    5. Anonymous8:44 AM

      I think Dakota would sign pretty much anything to get a little of that sweet, sweet Palin fame and fortune. In fact, I think he already signed it. In my opinion, this is about his dark secrets and the fact that idiot Bristol was going to marry a many she hardly knows.

    6. Anonymous9:04 AM

      8:27 I could believe that, among other possible options. Any of them, all of them could contribute.

      I used to think they took care of confidentiality clauses upfront from the get-go. But as we saw with the 9-11 photo settlement, Palin didn't mention her need for confidentiality until the paper agreed to a settlement.

      The paper, rightfully, said FU.

      That was my clue that the Palins are not as sharp with confidentiality as I assumed.

      Now I think that they just assume the person will go along with anything they say because: "Do you know who I am?"

      That may have worked before, but, as we are seeing, more and more people don't care who she is and what she wants. Dakota being one, since he is basically the same type of grifting, lying, narcissistic person Sarah is.

    7. Anonymous9:20 AM

      8:27 I can go along with that. One would assume that if you planned for a confidentiality agreement that would be stated and signed upfront.

      But as we learned with the 9-11 photo settlement which Palin is reneging on, she waited until after the settlement to try to get the confidentiality.

      And that was even with a lawyer helping her.

      I suspect the pieces at the Palin compound are unraveling faster than we know. And Sarah just assumed Dakota would just sign the papers, waited till way late in the process (of a quickie engagement).

      He may not be the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but he probably runs everything through his lawyers since he's used to dealing with them for his construction business.

      Palin is used to getting her way, and it didn't happen this time.

    8. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Things get loosey goosey when substances are abused and mental health deteriorates.

    9. Anonymous11:13 AM

      This was the week end Dakota went to Alaska and Chuck Sr. and Todd had a man talk with him. There was also rumor about an attorney and arrangements.


  6. Anonymous6:29 AM

    ...oops I just posted "erratic and violent behavior was uncovered by Dakota"....I meant, of course, that it was HIS behavior that was uncovered causing Bristol to cancel.
    Sarah involving herself in the whole fiasco is just icky.

  7. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Sarah looks horrendous. Worse than she has ever, ever looked.

    1. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Cannot understand why they keep pointing cameras at her.

    2. Anonymous9:43 AM

      What? You don't love the messy blond wig, on top of the mousy brown hair, on top of the dark brown, stringy extension look? Sarah has two hair school graduates at home!!


    3. Anonymous10:17 AM

      $carah looks like she should be hosed down and de-loused. She NEVER looks clean, and well groomed.

  8. Anonymous6:34 AM

    I have a different take on the break-up. I think once Sarah learned more about Dakota and his friends she started thinking...I've got a guy like that living in my garage...do I really need any more? Then Dakota having been previously married was all she needed to put an end to this sham and Bristol becomes the victim again.
    In the picture she looks like a drowned rat. Wish we had her speech!

  9. Anonymous6:35 AM

    The more I hear of Sarah Palin's comments on the subject, the more I am coming to believe that either Bristol or Dakota decided against getting married and Mama Grizzly is frantically trying to spin "called it off" into "postponed."

    1. Anonymous6:51 AM

      If it was postponed, Bristol would still be wearing the ring.

    2. Anonymous6:54 AM

      Of course. That's what everyone believes.

    3. Anonymous8:17 AM

      6:35 AM

      That is the most apparent scenario to me.

    4. Exactly. A postponed wedding would have the bride still wearing the ring. She's not. It's off.

  10. Anonymous6:37 AM

    I also suspect he's remained in contact with more than his ex-wife. He's unstable, volatile, and he sets off my "creep radar" big-time. I just don't buy the story we've been told about him. There is something underneath.

    1. Anonymous7:23 AM

      You are correct. This guy is not on the level. I think he'll probably hook up with the girlfriend he had in December.

    2. Anonymous7:24 AM

      You are correct. I think he will go back to the girl he was seeing as late as December-January. I doubt that he is crushed over this.

    3. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Maybe Bristles gave him an STD??

    4. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Maybe he gave one to her

    5. Anonymous8:22 AM

      From what I've read and learned about him, he is a sociopath, or worse. If he was caught pulling a gun on one friend, can you imagine all that has not been revealed?

      I see him as a control freak with women. At first those types can sometimes be the most idyllic. I don't know how many signs Bristol noticed before shit hit fan.

  11. Anonymous6:42 AM

    She is dressed unbelievably disrespectfully for the occasion.

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      All (ugly) black clothes, red leather jacket, ugly red sandals. She has the worst taste in clothing.

  12. Anonymous6:46 AM

    the screech is wearing Her ring. theres alot more problems than just a pesky divorce standing in the way. otherwise, it would still be on barstool's finger or in her box..I mean jewelry box,while divorce is taken care of.

  13. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Good dog, that woman is hideous. Those fugly hooves and talons. She looks like she hasn't showered in days and that nest on her head.....ewwww.
    I also see the abuse of Butthole continues (see MY ring?). There is only one reason a woman holds her hand out like that ~~ to show the world the beautiful ring you have.
    I honestly wish the wedding had taken place - imagine the juicy stories that would've come out from that pairing.

    Hey, maybe the real reason there is no marriage....Scarry and Duh-kota did the deed and Butthole found out!

    Earthymama / Chicago

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      Good dog, that woman is hideous. Those fugly hooves and talons. She looks like she hasn't showered in days and that nest on her head.....ewwww.

      6:47 Sounds like you are describing Satan.

    2. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Satan and Sarah both start with an S. There are two A's in Satan and two A's in Sarah and both have five letters each, coincidence? maybe or maybe not.

  14. 6:30, how dare you say that about the HO

  15. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Yeah, because there's nothing more practical and grounded than selling your house and moving yourself and your young son thousands of miles away to move in with and then marry a many you've only knows for a couple months.

    There's nothing practical or grounded about Bristol Palin.

    1. Anonymous7:19 AM

      "marry a many"
      Freudian slip!

    2. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Sarah uses the same old script, over and over. It is all known as lies. That won't stop her. Sarah will use this script of lies over and over. She knows her propaganda well.

    3. Anonymous10:13 AM

      I'm surprised they aren't blaming the breakup on Obama.

    4. Maybe she meant she grounded her, as in restricted.

      No TV, desert or sex for you young lady, for the next two weeks.

  16. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Whatever it was, it went down on Thursday, the 14th. Those were the last countdown-based pics posted, and they were no shows for the MOH dinner that night.

  17. Anonymous6:56 AM

    She IS wearing the engagement ring and the matching wedding band. Stop frame in the Extra interview and you can clearly see it. What kind of person does that?

    I still say, Duhkota really had the hots for Sarah. Maybe bristol figured that out when Duhota used the wrong name during sex. Lol.

    1. I think the wedding band is Sarah's own fitted ring that she hauls out every once in a while to look like a happy married lady, and that she's wearing it with the stone ring to keep the larger-sized ring on her finger. Like a security retainer ring.

      You can tell it's being used for that purpose because the stone ring is closest to her knuckle and the wedding ring after. Normally folks who have both rings wear them the other way around.

    2. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Nah, Bristles moans so loudly during sex, she hears nothing her partner says. Remember Levi's uncle complaining to Levi about that? Bristles was only about 16 at that time. She kept everyone awake a that time.

    3. Anonymous9:00 AM

      KaJo, Looking at the close up, it could definitely be Bristol's engagement ring and wedding band.

      And, yes, way she's waving it around, and the fact that Todd's with her for the 1st time in awhile, it does look like she's saying "See, at least I'M happily married!"

      Maybe with her crummy marriage, and now Bristol's broken engagement, she's feeling vulnerable in that department and needs to double down on the illusions/delusions.



    4. Anonymous10:14 AM

      I gotta learn how to do image links:


    5. Anonymous10:22 AM

      Whether it is actually Sarah's or Bristol's ring is no matter to me. What matter's is Sarah's INTENTION. Her and Bristol's intentions were to hurt Dakota.

    6. I say Sarah has the hots for Dakota and is living vicariously with the wedding set on her finger.

  18. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Hahaha, just read your comment 6:47AM

    We think alike.

  19. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Here's a couple more pics of the doofus...



    1. Anonymous8:00 AM

      My God, she looks just like Bruce Jenner.

    2. Anonymous8:11 AM

      The more plastic surgery you get as you age, the more you end up looking like the opposite sex.

  20. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Dakota, we Immoral Minority readers advise you not to go on any more airplane rides with Todd and Track without a parachute. We don't want to read how you voluntarily jumped out of their private airplane

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Also, too, make sure your smoke detectors are working.When you and your family and friends celebrate your Great Escape, make sure there is a sober person watching you and your house and vehicle.

    2. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Special danger alert warning for DuhKota:

      If Toad tells you that Trackmarks just learned to fly and invites you to go along on his solo flight while Toad will be on the dock filming for the new reality show... be very very careful!

  21. Anonymous7:01 AM

    You'd think there would be some emotion (empathy) for her daughter knowing the sadness that must surround Bristol and Tripp at this time.

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      Fuck Bristol and her fuck buddies.

      Feel sorry for Tripp, he needs to be returned to his father.

    2. Anonymous7:21 AM

      I'm no fan of Dakota or Bristol, but Dakota dodged a huge bullet by this marriage not taking place. This whole situation was a disaster waiting to happen.

    3. Anonymous7:35 AM

      From the time the "engagement" was announced, many of us here smelled a rat, 7:21 AM.

    4. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Bristles sad? She is back in Alaska, living vibrantly, giving the big middle finger to everyone same as always. I think Duhkota dumped her, once he was informed of her past activities with multiple partners and hidden babies. Who wants to marry sloppy seconds, thirds, fouths etc?

    5. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Why would any of that bother Dakota? He's a drunken, violent, moron with a sordid history and multiple partners of his own.

  22. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Don't you think you would do the thinking BEFORE you become engaged? Selling your house? Uprooting your young child?
    Why was this such a quick engagement and marriage?
    Why would they have to get married? Or get married in such a rushed manner?

    1. She was pregnant, but now isn't -- abortion? miscarriage? No need to snag a husband now.

  23. FJ Dandy7:04 AM

    Why does Princess Dumb Ass of the Northwoods (h/t Charlie Pierce) always look so dirty? Her hair looks greasy, her clothes are almost always inappropriate for the occasion (& look wrinkled & dirty), and her footwear and feet, my goodness!
    She needs an intervention.

  24. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Man old $arah is looking bad!!!! How twisted isit that she holds her claw up to show the world that SHE is sporting the engagement ring She bought for this latest grift. Sick, sick.

  25. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I'm surprised Todd is not wearing the infamous BrisD'Oh engagement ring.

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Through his nose so Sarah can drag him around by it.

  26. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Anonymous said 6:34 AM

    I have a different take on the break-up. I think once Sarah learned more about Dakota and his friends she started thinking...I've got a guy like that living in my garage...do I really need any more? 


    OUCH !

  27. angela7:18 AM

    There has been so very much inappropriate crap from the beginning of this "relationship" and it all seemed to start with Sarah Palin.

    Hands up anyone who would stand with their future mother-in-law holding a "fuck you" sign. I knew when this engagement got announced it was bad news for Bristol. I actually hoped that she would finally find happiness because she had a little boy who needs stability. But that will never be as long as her plotting mother is in the mix. And especially if Bristol is becoming her mother--only more clueless. The only way you can overcome a narcissistic parent is to flee them whole hog. Sadly, I don't believe that will ever happen because Bristol Palin seems to need her mother to pay her bills, one way or another.

    And please don't tell me Sarah is wearing her daughter's engagement ring . . . .Hell naaaaaah.

    1. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Hands up anyone who would stand with their future mother-in-law holding a "fuck you" sign.

      Guess you aren't what they are.

      Ever seen the pictures of children at lychings enjoying the spectacle and hoping for a souvenir? The had kids and they had kids and wallah you get the tea party.

    2. Anonymous11:20 AM

      I would if it said "F#@ck you Sarah Palin".

  28. Anonymous7:22 AM

    WHY is this cheesy lump of proto-plasm still in the news ??

  29. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I hope FOX that will invite Dakota on to talk about guns or something and the last question by the host is about his future plans. I doubt we'd learn anything new, but it would upset the Palin family that FOX "took sides" by having him on.

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Great idea for Bill O'Rilly to interview Meyer.

  30. Anonymous7:27 AM

    I have a question about the engagement ring Bristol used to wear and now Sarah Palin is wearing.

    Would it be inappropriate to ask if Todd originally gave that ring to prostitute girlfriend Shailey Tripp before it was given to Bristol.

  31. Anonymous7:33 AM

    If i were Levi, I'd be contacting my lawyer TODAY. Another trial daddy, moving the kid to Kentucky, uprooting him from his home, all the guns. The comments on Duhkota and Bristol's instagram's like, "Dakota will be a much better daddy," etc. ABUSE, ABUSE, ABUSE. But....granny has the money and money wins.

  32. Anonymous7:35 AM

    What mother would wear her daughter's engagement ring (even if she did pay for it) immediately after the couple have separated?

    Sarah Palin is one weird mother! Using her kids AGAIN!

    1. One more attention-getting device. Why are we surprised?

    2. One who always resented the fact her husband never bought her one, who picked out and paid for it and who secretly has the hots for her daughter's fiance?

  33. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Palin said of her daughter, “She's very grounded, very practical in terms of making a lifelong commitment, she knows that hey, everything’s got to be worked out before you actually make that commitment.” 


    "practical in terms of making a lifelong commitment,"?

    Ex fiancé Levi
    Ex boyfriend Ben
    Ex fiancé Levi
    Ex Trial husband Gino
    Ex Lover Joey
    Ex live in fiancé Dakota


    "practical in terms of making a lifelong commitment,"?

    Okaaayyy ex vice-president candidate / quitter governor Sarah

    1. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Really Sarah? You need to stop making excuses for your family. You look and sound like a damn fool.

    2. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Practical, grounded Bristol knows everything has to be worked out before making that life-long commitment?

      Having a baby is by far the biggest life-long commitment that anyone can make.

      Bristol had a baby without a husband, without an education, without her own place to live, and without a job.

    3. Anonymous8:08 AM

      I seem to remember Bristol calling Tripp a "mistake" and that she learned from her mistake. Yet, she's been making nothing but more mistaken ever since.

    4. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Being grounded before making that commitment. Sorry, but Sarah can claim that Bristol and Dakota dated for a year, but the truth is that they were set up as the match made in heaven the moment that Sarah and Dakota held up the FUC- Michael Moore sign in Las Vegas at the end of January. Bristol and Dakota were photographed by Sarah's official photographer at CPAC. By then, they were publicly holding hands. Bristol visited Dakota in Kentucky. Dakota came up to Alaska for a week, and then they were engaged. That's not grounded, not for someone with PTSD and for someone else whose life had been manipulated and managed by her mother. They were pushed into a speedy relationship, and then Bristol rushed off with Tripp to live with Dakota in Kentucky. I know people who date, live together for a year or so before taking the big step of thinking about a more permanent relationship. Bristol and Dakota were rushed into a situation that they were not ready for. The proof is that when Bristol learned that Dakota had been married before, all of the crap hit the fan. A few days later, Bristol was out of there, leaving as quickly as she arrived. That's not being grounded. If anything else, she had a child to consider, and dragging him in and out of her emotional life is not being grounded. It's unthinking and immature. And Dakota is no great catch either.

    5. Anonymous9:39 AM


      Just b/c she says it doesn't make it so.

      "PALIN: It would be my honor to assist and support our new president and the new administration, yes. And I speak for other Republicans, other Republican governors also, they being willing also to, again, seize this opportunity that we have to progress this nation together, a united front."


    6. She spends a lot of time on the ground with her legs spread, feet up in the air?

  34. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Wonder what the View has to say about Dakota's good news that he dumped Bristol.

  35. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Bristol's home sale doesn't seem to be closed,

    Dakota appears to have ADHD and more than a few hard knocks to the head. Dangerously impulsive.

    Big Mike Meyers looks enough like Dakota to be his bio father. He is ten years older that Mater's mom and they lived four mailboxes apart on the same rural route. It sure wouldn't look good to get the preacher's teenage daughter knocked up. But someone did and Mike married Mater's mom three months after he was born. The two sure do look alike in the photo with the POTUS at the MofH. Less than Menard's difference between the two. Or perhaps Mike Meyer just did the best he could do. Good salt of the earth people.

    And, in all of this mess of bullshit and diamond rings, it would be a good time to sacrifice a fatted calf in the name of BBQ.

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Home sale closure delayed = demonstrations in Baltimore! Have you forgotten?

    2. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Baltimore has been peaceful for over two weeks so don't think that could be a factor in a closing delay now.

      I hope that was snark 8:02 and not slacking on the facts.

    3. Anonymous9:06 AM

      8:34 -- snark, of course. I didn't think every joke needed to be labeled as such.

    4. Anonymous9:20 AM

      8:02 was actually reminding us about that information a week or so ago and wondering if something was up then.....I think:)

  36. Anonymous7:53 AM

    "criminal charges that he faced and all the other secrets that have yet to be revealed"


    Apparently all the talk about the secret wife of Bristol Palin’s soon to be husband and the criminal charges that he faced and all the other secrets that have yet to be revealed have caused the weekend wedding of Bristol to Dakota Meyer to be canceled. Sarah Palin is the one who made the announcement which is only fair considering she bought the ring he used to propose to Bristol.

  37. Anonymous7:58 AM

    "Let God work everyone out, so that everything works together", she said. First of all, that Instagod message that Bristol used, said something about being patient and letting God's timing, however long in our minds, to play out, and if we trust Him, it will all work out.

    Now, most christians know this. But they have to first make that effort to let Him sort it out. They don't rush in and move in with their kid and play house. They do some abstaining while they wait. Then, things will play out if they do it God's way. Sarah forgot to mention that Bristol didn't do it God's way.

  38. LisaB25957:59 AM

    It occurred to me that this is Bristol's second broken engagement.

    I guess that makes her a serial fiance.

    1. Anonymous8:07 AM

      3rd (2x with Levi)

    2. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Two failed engagements to Levi
      One failed engagement to Medal of Honor recipient Dakota.

      Three failed engagements sure does make Bristol a cereal fiancé (I know its serial, just trying to put a smile on Sarah Palin's embarrassed face).

    3. Anonymous9:29 AM

      as if she would have caught the homophone!

    4. Anonymous10:41 AM

      as if she would have caught the homophone!


      Another thing the Paylins should be worried about!

  39. Anonymous8:04 AM

    This is sad but true:

    Anonymous5:55 AM

    Cassandra Marie Wain & Raelyn Marie, we're sorry for the unnecessary pain, misery and suffering you and your family are going through. Your name has been dragged into this rushed Palin wedding that many has said was doomed from the start. 

    You are not alone Cassandra, you along with Track Palin's ex-wife are victims of the powerful Sarah Palin Curse that has brought turmoil to a lot of people as well as brought down elections. 

    Why can't Sarah Palin, Todd Palin and their children live normal trouble free lifes without bringing torment and agony to innocent people like yourselves is a question that has plagued our communities in Alaska. 
    God Bless.

    Radaronline :
    .... In a long post on Facebook, Wain’s sister Raelyn Marie criticized Meyer for hiding his past from the Palins and involving Wain unnecessarily. Less than a day later, however, Raelyn and Cassandra both deleted their Facebook profiles.....

    As Radar previously reported, Bristol and Dakota were set to tie the knot this very week. Interestingly, Bristol has traveled back to Alaska while Dakota remains in Kentucky.

    According to recent reports, Bristol has even been spotted without her (fairly large) engagement ring.



    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Don't forget the trouble they put on Levi and his family. Sarah, meet my sister Karma....

    2. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Good one 8:10 ha ha ha
      -Louis Sarah

  40. Anonymous8:06 AM

    If that was Bristol's ring on her ring on Sarah's finger, she would have to be some dangerous psychopath. It would be akin to mafia leaving a subliminal message to their enemies while doing an interview. This is some crazy. No sane mother would wave her hand around showing the ring to reporters, knowing that her daughter and grandson are home in distress. Why further humiliate her child and grandchild by doing this? It's sickening and very psychopathic.

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Sarah bought the ring for Bristol in contemplation of being married to Dakota, I mean, thinking about the great political alliance it would be when Dakota would be her son-in-law. So, if Sarah bought the ring to cement that relationship, she could take it back when the relationship fell apart. People who take back a gift are called "Indian Givers,' but that's not fair to Indians. Sarah pulled the strings, and when the puppets began dancing to their own tune, Sarah showed who still was, and will always be, the puppet master.

    2. Anonymous8:36 AM

      SOP for a narcissist.

    3. Anonymous8:57 AM

      When is Bristol going to have the smarts to get away from her horrible parents? Things are not going to go well for any of those kids and it's going to be a sad state of affairs to watch!

      Sarah Palin needs to be put in a ward and the key thrown away. There is one in Anchorage called API!

    4. Anonymous9:09 AM

      knowing that her daughter and grandson are home in distress.

      and posing the daughter's ring less finger.

      I think Dakota is another one in the psychopath category.

  41. What a debacle this "engagement" has been for $arah. All her hopes and fantasies crushed because smart, intrepid folks who follow IM and other blogs refuse to believe one word out of her mouth or on her fb.

    I told you long ago the "fu" picture would end you.

    Desperate $arah the grifter refuses to know when to call it a day. Huh. Imagine that.

  42. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Sarah and Bruce Jenner -- more and more alike each day.

    1. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Except Bruce Jenner is a kind person and loved by his children!

    2. Anonymous9:12 AM

      That's not fair to Bruce.

    3. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Bruce was at one time the best in the world at something, and he had worked to get there. Totally the opposite of lazy, stupid, talentless, grifting Scarah.

  43. Anonymous8:28 AM

    “She's very grounded, very practical in terms of making a lifelong commitment, she knows that hey, everything’s got to be worked out before you actually make that commitment.” Of course sarah would say that. What's she going to say? "My daughter is clueless, and Dakota is an idiot??

  44. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Failed vice president run
    Failed girlfriend - Glenn Rice
    Failed mother - mother of dysfunctional drunks
    Failed wife - Curt Menard Jr Brad Hanson
    Failed mayor - Wasilla hockey rink
    Failed governor - quit

    Multi $cam$:
    Amazing America With $arah Palin
    $arah Palin's Alaska
    Hockey $tick Raffle

    When will $arah Palin's followers wake up and smell the coffee?

  45. Anonymous8:43 AM

    She needs to get out of her daughter’s life and her daughter needs to get her own life.

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      If Bristol ever finds the sense, strength and stamina to leave a toxic relationship (with her parents, mostly mother) the world will know. There are relationships that are recommended to have zero contact. Bristol needs something like that and the cult deprogramming.

      Not likely to happen. She will have to go out on a gurney with Tripp sobbing and trying to beat up the bad guys. Sarah will probably tell him what bad guys she wants him to blame.

  46. Anonymous9:10 AM

    It is kimd of amusing to me to read how everybody is blaming this on Dumbkota.

    Has anyone here even considered that HE might have had second thoughts and had them (Brissy and brat) thrown out of his house after he learned that she could not and would not cook or do any household chores any wife would have to do?

    Can you imagine Bar$tool cleaning the house, going shopping in the tiny town where everybody knows everybody and talks about her behind her back (or even openly)?

    Can you imagine her and her brat having to help on the farm, mucking out the stable, milking the cows, etc?

    I can't.

    OTOH, there was something that triggered it all - the proverbial 'straw that broke the camels' back'. It happened the day when Dumbkota was supposed to be one of three honored heroes. Who knows just what kind of fit Bar$tool threw over not being allowed to wear her low boo tins. or her brat threw one too many fits and got disciplined in front of mother dearest, and she could not handle it.

    1. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Well, I'm not saying your scenario couldn't have happened, but he's the one who posted a picture of Bristol and Tripp with the caption "my world" after Bristol went back to Alaska. She's the one who posted a picture of herself without her engagement ring. It sounds like he didn't want to break up.

    2. Anonymous10:32 AM

      9:27 AM

      Yes. They are all liars and tricksters but if those posts were as accurate as they can manage, I think it was Bristol who left his world.

  47. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Not once in my many years of professional or social life have I ever worn a shirt or blouse that is undone to the middle of my breastbone. If I did, the result would be tremendous cleavage. Palin has her shirt unzipped to the middle of her breastbone and not even a hint of cleavage or even a bra.

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      sarah has always wanted to be a sex symbol. look back over her pics ....she didn't know how until she had more confidence. she is a sad example.

    2. Anonymous11:04 AM

      I don't call that confidence.
      I call it a HUGE lack of self-esteem.

  48. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I was skeptical at first, because it looked like the band on Sarah's ring was thicker than Bristol's. Plus, the idea is just too bizarre, even for a Palin.

    BUT, I got a screen shot from the Extra video and blew it up. Holy Shit! It IS Bristol's ring!

    This pic should be included in the main post, in my opinion, for other people who are skeptical:


    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      what mother does that??? immediately wear her daughter's engagement ring after her wedding is called off? that is sick...dysfunctional, psychopathic.

    2. Anonymous9:57 AM

      In that shot it doesn't look like her ring to me. Either way, she is obviously flaunting a wedding ring - no one who has been married more than a year holds their hand like that in the obvious "look at my rock!" posture. It's something a psychotic narcissist would do to rub it into their child's face that they no longer have a ring, ha ha. But really, the idea that it actually IS the ring that was presented by Dakota to Bristol is more than I can take. Tell me it isn't...pretty please?

    3. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Sarah's attitude is that she gave Bristol the ring so now she can take it back. Does it work the other way, too? Can Bristol ask to take Trig back?

    4. Anonymous10:13 AM

      Wearing the ring or even suddenly wearing a nearly identical one is an act of cruelty. Waving her hands around is like twisting a knife. She is beyond insensitive. Lying to spin this travesty of quickie romance and wedding portraying Bristol as wise, prudent is an injustice to Bristol.

      The KY paper will now report the low down on the bull shit celebrating life barbecue.

      I want to comfort Tripp and shield him from the Palin's and their thoughtless deceptions.

    5. Anonymous10:34 AM

      It's almost like Sarah thinks life is a game of Eskimo Bingo.

  49. Anonymous9:24 AM

    So Bristol's going to have to wait for her "very own first wedding".

    I predict that by the time her vajayjay is the size of the Grand Canyon (which shouldn't be long), she'll finally tie the knot was some unfortunate lunk.

    And then that should last about a couple months.

  50. Anonymous9:25 AM

    If you look at Dukota's FB page post on this you'll see most of the commenters do not like the Palins. You have to give the dude some credit for not censoring comments like Palin does.

  51. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Maybe I have little understanding of the court system, but it seems to me that Levi should be given complete custody of Tripp immediately given how unstable Bristol is. She moved her child in with a man she barely knows and then breaks up with him a few weeks later. In the meantime, Tripp is told his new daddy is a swell guy who showers him with a cow, guns and pickup rides. This is only the most recent fiasco for Bristol. Give the poor kid a chance with his father and his family.

  52. FrostyAK9:31 AM

    THE RING - almost identical for sale on Amazon.com for under $10. We KNOW the bitch wouldn't spend much money for a ring that had such a short half life.

  53. Anonymous9:32 AM

    “She's very grounded, very practical in terms of making a lifelong commitment, she knows that hey, everything’s got to be worked out before you actually make that commitment.”

    Yeah, right, that's why in the space of a month she sells the house, moves cross country, and shacks up and spreads her legs for a suicidal alcoholic, bringing her vulnerable 6 year-old child in tow. Yeah, that's really being practical and working things out in advance. Lying idiots!

  54. Anonymous9:46 AM

    A Lexington KY paper and WKYT.com have the story and the comments are 99% critical of Bristol and Sarah Palin. Pretty much saying Dakota could do a lot better. They do love their hero, and will be more forgiving towards him, but don't trust the Palins.

    The comments say a lot. Don't think Bristol and Mother-in-Law would have been too welcome there.

  55. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Dakota and Bristol could still work this out, but they'd have to realize it can only be done WITHOUT Sarah Palin. They'd have to demand that Sarah not post anything about them, that they want their privacy, and do not want Sarah's 4 million FB fans knowing what how who when about their relationship or marriage stall.

    She could have contacted the wedding guests herself, not post this on her FB. Sarah Palin acts like she's still a viable politician or national leader, she acts like she's her own press agent that has to stand up behind a podium and give account daily press briefs of her 'administration' that exists only in her mind.

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      And then BrisDull and Duhkota have to lock their Instagram and FB accounts and quit communicating with the public about their personal affairs. Yeah, like that's gonna happen.

  56. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Oh Bristol. I really should feel sorry for you. But you deserve the humiliation you attention seeking whore.

    My guess is the wedding got called off because she tried to sell EXCLUSIVE pictures of her wedding to any magazine who would buy them. And nobody offered a dime.

    I'm sure she's sitting somewhere sobbing because mom snatched her engagement ring.

    Sorry Bristol, looks like you'll have to find another way to buy your $300 sunglasses that you wear at night to pretend you are some kind of celebrity. Within the next five years you'll be doing porn

    1. Cracklin Charlie11:30 AM

      Do you have a daughter?

      Can you imagine taking your daughter's engagement ring, putting it on your ring finger, and getting photographed wearing it on some dumb red carpet event, right after that daughter had "postponed" her wedding to a man she couldn't wait to marry?

      What kind of woman would do such a thing?

      She is a monster.

    2. Anonymous11:46 AM

      I think you're on to something with the comment about selling the story. No one gives a shit.

  57. Anonymous10:06 AM

    If Duhkota was with Regan while (as her best friend says) still corresponding with Cassie.....AND starting a relationship with Bristol, I believe Bristol discovered and flew off in a huff. I also believe that there is a dark side to Duhkota that she discovered as well.

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Who is Reagan?

    2. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Regan. She is the girl Dakota was very serious about until about December 2014.

      He contacted Cassie in October 2014 while he was still with Regan Judd


    3. Anonymous11:33 AM

      The girlfriend he was publicly still seeing when he met Barstool.

  58. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Lol...I think it's that vehicle tampering incident...it involved an Elder and if it were not for others stopping the vehicle to check on the tire 'deflated' then an accident would have occurred...the fact that the power steering line was cut but the vehicle didn't show problems until leaving the Elders residence...30 miles away...God was there hu Bristol?
    Crimes involving an Elder...with a Personal Aide...cough...
    Cough...crimes against Grandma are felonies...and DC knows
    I will let Murkowski know 'some things never change' lol...

    1. Cracklin Charlie11:21 AM

      Did the tampered vehicle legally belong to the Personal Aide...or to some other entity?

  59. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Ok I'm confused. I could swear that yesterday, the news from Sarah was that the wedding was 'postponed' and would be held the following week. Am I just crazy? Don't answer that, cause I am ... But I was sure I read that somewhere yesterday. So now, it's officially over, wedding not happening, but a big old family bbq in Kentucky. Sounds fishy and suspicious for sure.

  60. Anonymous10:29 AM

    OT - Are you sure Bristol sold the house in Wasilla? NO docs filed that would indicate such. Only thing I could find in relation to SM Properties, the entity which owns the property, is that the registered agent withdrew as such on 16 March. The whole marriage thing was definitely a call for attention.

    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Maybe Sarah realized Bristol should keep that house as a safety net in case her plotting of the marriage thingy didn't work out. I wonder when did she first start realizing that Dakota has a mind of his own when it came to Bristol?

  61. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Damn! I was going to write a little ditty to post this weekend, just for the lovebirds. My version of "Send In The Clowns." Dang it!

    Blue girl Liz ... still living in a red state.

  62. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Booeffinghoo, the old saggy bag is wearing your ring Bristol. How very strange to us normals. But you inbreds it is ok.
    You paymes are not like us, not even like celeb of which we are not either.

  63. Anonymous10:40 AM

    "What Happens When Only President Obama Has an Umbrella?"


  64. Anonymous10:40 AM

    all I can say is; Rah-rah needs to get off the speed. Her hands are going to fly off, and her brain blow out of her ears if she doesn't cease and desist. Oh, and her tongue is going to turn blue and die, too.
    Plus that, she's such an idiot!

  65. Anonymous10:48 AM




    best comment so far!

    "Paul Young · Top Commenter · Anchorage, Alaska
    I love it every time this family gets the headlines.

    It should remind everyone how pathetic the Republican Party is that they thought Mrs. Palin was a credible choice to run for Vice President of this country.

    So much fail. So... Much... Fail."


    You betcha!

    1. Anonymous11:41 AM


      ADN has Barstool's wedding cancellation under politics?!


  66. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Reflections on the Time I Led a Palin Protest Outside David Letterman’s

    I have been involved in some strange circumstances in my often bizarre career, but this week’s retirement of David Letterman brings back mostly horrific memories of one of the dumbest things I ever did.

  67. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I think Sarah got lucky the certificate bubbled up because it gave her a reason to order Bristol to take the next plane home pronto. Everyone knows she lives vibrantly through the younger version of herself and that she uses Patheos as her 2nd platform to rant at Obama, leftists, gays, world leaders and foreign affairs (SO laughable) pretending to be her daughter. Heck, she even wears her clothes!

    Maybe it was beginning to dawn on Sarah that Dakota is not the type after all to allow her to orchestrate his married life with Bristol as she's always done with her own children and she was about to lose Bristol for good. Perhaps yes Dakota's lawyers were too smart to allow Dakota to sign whatever Sarah cooked up as a pre-nup giving her control of the marriage basically. No telling what all reasons she told Bristol that she had to call it off. The news about the previous marriage was a lucky opportunity for her to get Bristol back! And who knows, if Sarah knew about it already maybe even her lawyers were behind the leak.

    Then being right smack dab in the middle and behind this "union" Sarah-Its-All-About-Me speaks for Bristol with the lamest excuse that Bristol was okay with Dakota's past but leaves everyone scratching their heads asking, well then why call it off?? Personally I believe it was a surprise to Bristol. Sarah plays her cards close to the vest when it comes to Bristol, keeps her in the dark and distracted & bedazzled with all the material benefits. It just wasn't going to work out the way Sarah planned it would so she cut her losses and ran.

  68. Anonymous11:16 AM

    As with all things Palin, who knows what rilly caused them to call off the wedding but IMO, it could easily come down to just two drunks just being drunks.

    You only have to look back to the Anchorage Birthday Brawl to know how Bristol acts when she's drunk and/or drugged. Then listen to the tape of Bristol talking to the police about what happened to her. Other party goers said she had her 6 yo son at an adult party at midnight. While going after Willow's ex-boyfriend's mother, she was stopped by the host then started punching the host. The young woman is a drunk, a violent, unreasonable, blubbering, lying drunk.

    Then there's Dakota. After drinking, he "pulled his truck over, took out a gun and tried to shoot himself". When drinking he punched a woman who punched him back and he got knocked down. Then he gets up, takes out his gun and his friends had to restrain him from shooting the woman. Also too he's is a liar. Dakota's a drunk. A violent, unreasonable drunk.

    Both Bristol and Dakota are liars. Neither of them have any education. Both are dim-witted. Neither of them exercise any self-control. All the things they have in common pretty much guarantees that their relationship would self-destruct sooner rather than later. It's one thing to be able to get along while you hop on planes to run around the country, all that fun, exciting, razzle-dazzle stuff. Once they got back to Kentucky, settled into a somewhat quieter life, they did what drunks do. They both got drunk and maybe threw some drugs in with it. Ka-powie! It all blew up on them.

    Bristol and Dakota have been doing what drunks do best, what drunks do repeatedly. They can't help themselves.

  69. For those who keep pushing the; it is postponed not cancelled meme: IF that were true, then they would still be engaged, and she would continue to wear the ring that mommy had to buy.

  70. Anonymous11:21 AM

    The Pee Pond is going with The Sarah Version of this failed attempt to replace Track Palin and make her daughter a PAC now that she is part of the Power Couple act.

    Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer Wedding Postponed, Not Cancelled Posted on 19 May 2015
    Sarah Palin • Trust In God’s Timing Posted on 18 May 2015.

    I am certain they will interpret it to all mean Sarah is running for office and it is all her brilliant way of making her announcement.

  71. Anonymous11:28 AM

    It's absurd that this VERY IMPORTANT (to Sarah's new military theme) marriage was cancelled because of some "headlines," or even because he had a teenage marriage. I'm thinking he is NOT actually divorced. Perhaps the initial papers were signed in 2010, but I bet a final decree was NOT entered. DUH is just DUHmb enough to think he could get away with this. He seems to have convinced himself and everyone else (including in his "memoir") that he wasn't married.

    If he is divorced and hid that from her, I can see why Barstool would be transiently pissed. But enough to cancel a potentially valuable ($$$) relationship between the Palins and a MOH? Don't think so.

    P. S. IMO, that's not Bristol's ring that Sarah's wearing. Sarah DID supposedly get a rock for her anniversary a while ago...right? I suspect Bristol wanted the same or similar for her engagement, so SarahPAC bought it for her.

  72. I wonder if skanky leg celebrates her engagement dates each year. she is one desperate idiot.

    Didn't someone say tripp goes to school in Kentucky? Didn't skanky pull out the poor boy and put him in another school at the end of his school year?

    The delusional, silly sperm bucket doesn't care about tripp, she is all show like her mother is to trig.

    Her first priority is to her ego. The retard lacks a superego.

  73. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I've got a new theory. Former girlfriend Regan looks like a nice young woman. She may have warned Bristol about safety and having a child around someone as unstable as Duhkota.

  74. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Here is the picture of Brissles shooting at Levis face on his book cover. When will she shoot at Dumbkota's picture?


  75. Anonymous11:43 AM

    To the current office manager and employees working for Dr. Cusack's dermatology clinic in Anchorage.

    If Dr. Cusack brings back Bristol Palin and you are demoted from office manager, contact Immoral Minority's Gryphen.

    If you work for Dr. Cusack's dermatology clinic and you are angered if Bristol is brought back, contact Immoral Minority's Gryphen and I'm sure he will keep your name and office position confidential.

    Same thing if Bristol Palin is brought back and given a position she doesn't deserve.

  76. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Desperation is not becoming of a true lady. Not just brassy but all little girls. WTF why on earth settle for anything. Seriously. Why do they breed with losers? Why do they have kids before they grow up? Odd. Quitters. Embarrassing immature outrageously indecent manners and lack of refine kosher and uncivilized etiquette. Guessing the in laws might not be thrilled to be associated with such.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.