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Can we stop pretending I want this job now? |
Bush delved into climate politics during a campaign-style house party in New Hampshire at which he took questions from voters on his viewpoints as he considers whether to seek the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.
While President Barack Obama and many scientists believe humans are largely to blame for climate change, Bush said the degree of human responsibility is uncertain.
"Look, first of all, the climate is changing. I don't think the science is clear what percentage is man-made and what percentage is natural. It's convoluted. And for the people to say the science is decided on, this is just really arrogant, to be honest with you," he said.
"It's this intellectual arrogance that now you can't even have a conversation about it. The climate is changing, and we need to adapt to that reality," he said.
So to sum up Jeb Bush is not convinced his brother was wrong to invade Iraq, thinks it's perfectly okay for Christian business owners to discriminate against gay people, and now comes out as a climate change denier. I'm sorry "man made climate change" denier.
So he was really never interested in being the President of the United States?
P.S. By the way scientists have indeed proven that the climate change is man made.
He's pandering to the most uneducated and misinformed ... those on the right.
ReplyDelete"He's pandering...". Anonymous 12:03 you took the words right out of my mouth!
DeleteFrom the famous Cato essays of the 18th century:
ReplyDeleteA libel is not less the libel for being true...But this doctrine only holds true as to private and personal failings; The exposing therefore of public wickedness, as it is a duty which every man owes to the truth and his country, can never be a libel in the nature of things? It has been hitherto generally understood, that there was no other Libels but those against Magistrates and those against private men.
Now to me there seems to be a third set of libels, full as destructive as any of the former can probably be, I mean libels against the people. Almost all over the earth, the people for one injury they do their governor, receive ten thousand from them. Nay, in some countries it is made death and damnation, not to bear all the oppression and cruelties, which men made wanton by power inflict upon those that gave it them.
And HE is supposed to be the smart one? Lord, he is almost as smarmy as Rafael Cruz.
ReplyDeleteJeb Bush:
ReplyDeleteThis too.
Jeb Bush says there's 'not a shred of evidence' NSA surveillance violated civil liberties
"Bush address Paul's opposition to the Patriot Act in an interview on Thursday.
"I think he’s wrong in saying that this is unconstitutional or saying that people’s freedoms have been violated by the Patriot Act," Bush said of Paul.
Bush has previously spoken out in favor of NSA surveillance. In April, he offered rare praise for President Obama when he declared the surveillance was the "best part" of the Obama administration. "
Work it Jeb. Work it.
As a Florida resident I lived through 8 years of Bush trying to do away with public education and substitute it with charter schools. I believe Bush is following the Koch brothers agenda, and he must certainly know better if he’s “the smarter one”. We don’t need this guy as president and he’ll make the same bone headed moves his father and brother did.
ReplyDeleteAs another Florida resident, I totally agree. Where I live, charter schools sprang up in run down houses, charged outrageous prices, paid in part at least by taxpayers, and for the most part were proved to be nothing but fronts for unscrupulous people. After several were outed, they were no longer welcome. Not however, before some scum made lots of money.
DeleteWill the media make climate change an issue during this presidential campaign? They've done a very poor job covering climate change thru the years. I don't expect they'll do much better this time, but they ignore it at their own peril. Climate change is the mother of all issues.
ReplyDeleteWhat's arrogant, is this arrogant piece of shit even pretending he knows anything about "the science" of this situation and what the scientific community agrees or does not agree on. What's arrogant is this piece of shit even thinking he could be President after what his family has already done to this world and the people living on it. Fuck you, Jeb.
ReplyDeleteIt certainly looks like he's trying to wave a bunch of shiny objects in front of evangelicals so they overlook all the baggage he is carrying:
ReplyDelete1. Rumors were rife during his time as governor that he was having an affair with a staffer (possibly two, in fact)
2. His wife Columba tried to smuggle $20k worth of clothes in from Paris
3. His elder son George was arrested for breaking and entering and destroying property
4. His daughter Noelle was arrested for drug use and has a long record of addiction
5. His son Jeb was arrested for public intoxication and resisting arrest.
6. His brother Neil has been involved in a long series of shady activities.
And then there's brother George who waged war for no reason and without paying for it, sanctioned torture, said that the Constitution is just a "piece of paper," and who all but destroyed the economy and created a massive debt. I really don't think that we can afford another Bush anywhere near Washington, DC.
A Bush commenting on intellect, how charming
ReplyDeleteBeginning with their Pappy, I've seen no indication that any of the Bushes have the intellect of either of the Clintons or Obama -- nowhere near. In fact, they seem rather stupid. Bush Sr. got shoved into various senior positions (CIA Director -- imagine??!!!) not because of what he was but of who he was and what he was "owed". The Bush family -- ugh ugh ugh!
Delete"Dammit, Pappy, you don't understand!!! You and my idiot brother got elected when it was easy. Now it's haaard!!!! You'd think taking both sides of every issue would guarantee me the election but somehow the sheeple keep finding out what I said before!! How do they DO that?? Do you think there's a spy in the campaign? Do you? Cuz if there is.... I know people.... You know what I'm saying? (draws extended index finger across throat) Remember, two immutable South Florida truths: the Everglades never gives up its dead and airboat rides are always cheaper on the Tamiami Trail. Anyway, I gotta go, Pappy. Hey! You looked great on Letterman! Love you!!!"
ReplyDeleteBarbara Bush shouldn't have let them be so forceful with the forceps when she delivered her children.
ReplyDeleteWhat drives me up the wall from people like Jeb & Sarah Palin arguing that humans may not be (or are not) the cause of climate change is that their argument doesn't even matter. Regardless of whose "fault" it is, isn't it our duty as humans to ameliorate its effects and progression as best we can??!!
ReplyDeleteOne would think that those ultra-christians would be especially concerned with helping to restore the earth and all of its creatures. Sarah Palin's attitude towards Alaska's wolves and polar bears is really distressing.
Nina--for them, it's just the opposite. If "God" did it, then it's His problem.
DeleteHocus -pocus! See, humans are off the hook once again as far as having to display any degree of personal responsibility for our fate.
But that's (most of) Christianity for you.
WAY O/T Duggar family values
He is addressing folks who think critical thinking is intellectual arrogance. They don't know how to do it but they have heard it is for effeminate elites. They are 'common sense' folks ... believers, not thinkers ... you know ... a flock.
ReplyDeleteHe's absolutely correct because...the Bible....ya know.
ReplyDeleteThere's too much ignorance to even begin addressing when it comes to Jeb. Everyone's jumping up and down because Hillary has been quiet, I just think she's enjoying the show. He kind of admitted that under his brother's watch, republicans spent too much money. No shit Sherlock, Bill Clinton left the economy pretty well off with a surplus. GWB came along and and what did he spend it on? Two wars, death, big oil, wall street and a sudden admission that he didn't care about Bin Laden or getting him. Keep changing the subject, Jeb. Don't want too much scrutiny your way.
ReplyDeleteHe's running to be President? Seriously?
Scientifically proven facts are intellectually arrogant to people that think the cave men rode dinosaurs.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to intellectual arrogance, he should know.
ReplyDeleteIntellectual ignorance too.
I'm not sure at whose feet to lay the blame, Barbara or G.H.W.
Gryphen speaking of global warming and oil? They got an ADN article on flooding? Well that's normal right? May be not? A commented said a truck driver told him an oil company built an ice bridge that washed out and blocking the river....can you look into that? What's the oil company and crew? Tnks