Monday, May 18, 2015

Bernie Sanders is talking that sexy talk again.

I swear this is like political porn for liberals.

The guy should start a 1-800 number where for the low, low cost of five dollars a minute you can hear Bernie Sanders whispering progressive policy ideas into your ear.

He could probably finance his entire campaign this way.


  1. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Truth hurts, if you are a repub. It is ridiculous that the US feels as though they are responsible for the rest of the world, jumping in to "settle" conflicts. If some of these countries (Isreal) want to be aggresive, they should not count on having the US support them. Maybe if they were cut loose, they would decide to cooperate with their neighbors, to keep the peace.

  2. Anonymous5:07 AM

    A country that constantly touts itself as being an exceptional nation should have no hesitation in electing this exceptional man as its leader. Sadly, however, his integrity, his progressive policies and the passionate nature he brings to the political arena is seen as an negative by the majority of voters.

  3. Anonymous6:30 AM

    The military industrial complex and their whores on the Hill won't stand for that kind of talk. Don't fly in any small planes, Bernie...

  4. Sharon7:02 AM

    To say I love this man is an understatement, like the Obamas, it is flat out adoration....I adore him in every possible way. This is the only politician on the planet with honesty coursing thru his veins. He has remained the same on every issue, always caring about his country...all of its people. No religion, no slogans..just honest progressive thinking bringing plain speak out of the shadows and right in your face. I was thrilled when he actually announced his run, I just can't imagine how stressful this has to be on a man his age but....he doesn't care, he had to do it or he would explode!! His hatred of the Kochs is matched by Harry Reid and he is leaving, they are the only 2 actually calling them out by name...I love it!!! I would love to see Hillary asking him for that would be an awesome ticket.

    I am still getting over the finale of Mad Men...jeez, except for Peggy & Stan a total let down. It felt really rushed, but that's just me.

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Isn't it a shame that the days of politicians running for office because they really wanted to make a difference are so far behind us? I don't know if we can ever get back to those good old days, but it certainly won't happen with all the money to be made in politics right now.

      Although it was bad before with the overwhelming influence of lobbyists, the Citizens United decision has put the profits of a political career on steroids. Old time politicians like Bernie are few and far between...and dying out all too quickly.

  5. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I am glad you are coming around to Bernie, Gryphen. As a young progressive and regular (multiple times per day) visitor, I have been disheartened by your early devotion to Hillary. I don't "hate" Hillary, I rather like her as a person and as Secretary of State, but Bernie Sanders defines the future of America I want to live in. Bottom line, I feel like Hillary is in it for Hillary, and Bernie is in it for us. Thank you for giving his message equal play.

  6. I'm in a caucus state and I will definitely get off my "buts" to caucus for Sanders.


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