Sunday, May 17, 2015

It's 2nd Amendment Sunday as three biker gangs (That's right, three.) shoot it out in Waco, Texas. Update!

Courtesy of CNN:  

Gunfire erupted Sunday among rival biker gangs in Waco, Texas, leaving at least nine people dead, according to police. 

Authorities had anticipated trouble and pre-positioned officers. 

"There were at least three rival gang groups here this morning for whatever reason. As they were here, we had officers on scene. We expected issues," said Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton, a police spokesman. 

The fight broke out at Twin Peaks restaurant and spilled into the parking lot. It quickly escalated from hands and feet, as weapons, to gunfire, Swanton said.

It was reported that employees of the Twin Peaks restaurant hid in a walk-in freezer, and that more than 100 weapons were recovered.

Yep you read that right, one hundred weapons.

Isn't it great that we live in a country where upstanding citizens like this have access to such a large number of guns?

I mean if they had not had all of those guns they might have had to resort to name calling, and hitting each other with their hands like common animals.

How barbaric.

I bet on days like today the police departments involved REALLY wish they could meet the founding fathers who helped draft that 2nd Amendment and punch them right in their fat faces.

Update: It looks like it might have been at least five motorcycle gangs


  1. Anonymous4:34 PM

    100 guns = 100 undersized, shriveled, dried up penises

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      No, a 100 weapons, that includes the knives and chains they confiscated ( not that it makes the situation any better).

    2. Anonymous9:24 PM

      Hey not such a good idea eh? Stupid

  2. Anonymous4:41 PM

    It's the black thug gangs that are the threat. White supremacist biker gangs are upstanding Christian men. Your a bunch of commie librul haters.


  3. Bad news, but I've got measured sympathy for cops too.

  4. angela4:53 PM

    This is a damned shame and a horrible waste of human life.

    But . . . . I'm waiting for Senator Rand Paul to let me know what
    kind of fathers these men had growing up. And . . .What does
    this say about the white community? What leader will speak out against biker gangs killing each other. Thugs or victims of the ongoing white riot effect. Or-----Texas?

  5. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Damn ghetto, dark skinned, Obama lovin', gang bangers...let them kill each other. What...wait? Oh, well, that's different. God Bless Amurika and God bless our constitution!

  6. Anonymous4:56 PM

    But...but...I don't understand! The NRA says "The armed society is a polite society." So I'm sure these gentlemen were just politely discussing modern manners and that ol' liberal media misinterpreted everything, right?

    Tom, in FL

  7. Anonymous5:05 PM

    So did they kill each other or did the cops get smart and finally shoot to death some dangerous white ARMED people?

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      I understand the cops did more than their share of the killing.

      I'm guessing they just wanted to rumble (like they started out) and it wouldn't surprise me if it was the heavy police presence that was the cause of the escalation to guns.

      In any case, if they really wanted to kill each other they'd do it away from the public eye and away from the police.

    2. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Yeah, cause the gangs are always so considerate to the general citizenry.

  8. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Maybe I'm harsh, but my druthers would be for them to all be sent to a large open field and made to finish what they started.

    1. Anonymous8:39 PM

      Well you are in luck, because it's not over and won't be over for a long time. As soon as the police presence goes down it will be settled with more violence.

  9. Crystal Sage5:16 PM

    What's with Waco? Is it the epicentre of craziness? David Koresh took his last stand there. Lots of guns then too. Always making headlines for second amendment "interpretations" that leave many dead. Frankly, you couldn't pay me enough to live in Texas.

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Waco is fast becoming the meth capital of Texas. It's a scummy town and always has been.

    2. Anonymous5:56 PM

      5:39 PM Kind of like the meth capitol of Alaska - Palin land - Wasilla, Alaska. Crime rate in horrible in Alaska too - but, mostly in Anchorage...guns and knives...killings every couple of days!

      Majority states of Republicans - Texas and Alaska! Go figure!

  10. Anonymous5:22 PM

    This guy is too sane for c4p. If he didn't support Sarah, I would be in love...

    an hour ago
    'thugs' stage shootout in Waco restaurant parking lot. massive outbreak of white on white many come from fatherless homes?....listen to hip-hop? outsiders headed to Waco, will there be a curfew to stem more violence

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      GeraldGoff has always seemed quite sane outside of his admiration for Sarah. A lot of the pees don't like him at all.... and the little racist pricks especially won't like that comment.

    2. Anonymous5:39 PM

      He probably is getting called a troll.

    3. Anonymous6:16 PM

      They have rolled out the welcome mat, since jr8 & pbp ran off another new supporter and were warned to be nice to visitors.

    4. Anonymous6:55 PM

      They are tripping over each other to welcome a newbie tonight. Me thinks it is an earthquake plant. I can't believe the put a choke chain on jr8 (now, if they would just yank it HARD). Come on, Jr, don't kiss izs ass! Wuss!

    5. Anonymous7:13 PM

      I am just wondering why CPS hasn't added his 2 cents here. I guess he is too busy masterbauting to tbos & jrs innuendos. He has gotten so obsessed, he keeps trying to steer the conversations sexual. Sad.

  11. Anonymous5:25 PM

    If only there had been a bunch of Good Guys With Guns there to prevent the tragedy...

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      They were there! The police were there first.... if by Good Guys With Guns you mean the police.

      This gathering was apparently no secret.

    2. Anonymous6:11 PM

      5:39, I think this was a snark at the NRA, "good guys with guns stopping bass guys with guns"...

    3. Anonymous6:51 PM laptop is possessed.

  12. Anonymous5:45 PM

    UPDATE, 7:45 p.m.: Police believe five motorcyle gangs involved in deadly Twin Peaks shootout

    "Officials had also closed off several streets downtown, including the bridges spanning the Brazos River. Reports were trickling in Sunday evening of various restaurants and bars that were closing early because of the potential for more violence in the city."


  13. Anonymous5:45 PM

    It's Philo Beddoe's fault. Clyde flipped them off!

  14. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Let us know how this fb post works out for you Twin Peaks Waco. Instead of posting this kind of stupidity maybe you would be smarter to just STFU. jmo.

    Twin Peaks Waco at Twin Peaks Waco
    32 mins ·

    Statement from Jay Patel, Operating Partner, Twin Peaks Waco franchise:

    "We are horrified by the criminal, violent acts that occurred outside of our Waco restaurant today. We share in the community's trauma. Our priority is to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for our customers and employees, and we consider the police our partners in doing so. Our management team has had ongoing and positive communications with the police and we will continue to work with them as we all want to keep violent crime out of our businesses and community. We will continue to cooperate with the police as they investigate this terrible crime."

    1. Anonymous8:42 PM

      They are losing their franchise because of this. No amount of apologies will change that.

  15. Anonymous6:48 PM

    I hear there have been some complaints about lead contamination in the food. And in the customers.

  16. Anonymous7:19 PM

    'member this?

    1. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Most motorcyclists are not members of any outlaw clubs.
      That's as bad as the reichwing blaming all Muslims for extremists.

  17. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Fine with me, let the fucks blow each other away. RIP (not)

    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      let God sort 'em out.

  18. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Previously on Sons of Anarchy....

  19. A Superfan In Atlanta9:41 PM

    Sanders Smacks Down CNN Host For Demanding Food Fight Between Him And Clinton

    Who says he can't win against Hillary? Puh-lease!

  20. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Darwinism in action...the gene pool is that much safer today.

  21. And Texass just passed an open carry law.

  22. Anonymous9:04 AM

    But the Governor deployed the National Guard to monitor the U.S. Special Forces. He should be more worried about his own citizens.

  23. What happened? Did they run out of pie and coffee?

    That said, if the location had NOT been given, how many would have had Texas as their first guess?

    How many would have guessed Waco as the city in Texas.

    Man, just let them secede already.

  24. Anonymous2:26 PM

    100 weapons mostly clubs chains and knives
    only a few guns

  25. Anonymous4:00 PM

    The restaurant was explicitly asked not to promote "Biker night", and held the event anyway. After all of this, the restaurant will be closed for good. So that helps the wounded and dead in what way? On the local news, they showed the flyer promoting this, and it was like chum in the water for the gun sharks. Not saying all texans area dumfucks, but it seems to me they have more than enough for the whole country.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.