Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Did Marco Rubio even watch the show?

Yes because who wouldn't miss out of control sexism, racism, and alcoholism?

But wait, good news, those are all still with us.

(H/T to Salon.)


  1. Anonymous3:07 AM

    He is referring to "Plan for a New American Century".
    A Heritage Think Tank neo-conservative 1997 document (signed by Cheney, Wolfowitz et al). This strategy plan to control the mid-east oil resources spelled out the need for a new "Pearl Harbor" (read 911) to rally Americans to support invading Iraq and adjacent countries.
    Google it, read it, you'll be amazed!
    If you loved Cheney, you'll like Ruby.

    1. Cracklin Charlie5:54 AM

      Marco must be in need of some big donors if he is willing to blow that dog whistle.

      Good luck with that, Thirsty!

    2. hauksdottir12:22 PM

      Thank you. I was going to post that very same thing.

      Pax Americana and continual war to keep the machine lubricated with blood and money. Pah!

      Perhaps he is angling to be Jebby's VP choice, since his cabinet of advisers are mostly signatories also.

  2. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Rubio's New American Century reminds me of the Old American Century...the 1800's.

  3. Anonymous3:46 AM

    That stupid, stupid man. I can't watch the show because it is such a reminder of what I when I started working years ago. I tried a few times watching, then stopped. It wasn't pleasant for many women. You were an ultimate tease or you gave!


  4. Anonymous4:35 AM

    "Did Marco Rubio even watch the show?" There was a show?

  5. Anonymous5:37 AM

    I can't figure out why any women that had to endure the corporate workplace at the time would give the "Mad Men" show a minute of viewing time. Of course, for many of us, the sexism was far, far worse than the show portrays. Still too raw for American viewers to handle I suppose.

  6. Anonymous6:57 AM

    The 20th century was over 15 years ago. Did Rubio just slither out from under a rock?

  7. Chenagrrl7:45 AM

    Marco doesn't count beyond 20.

  8. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Sounds like he wants a rewrite of PNAC, the debacle that brought us 9-11.

    WTC-7? Oh it just fell down amirite?

  9. Anita Winecooler5:14 PM

    Of course he watched it, but instead of buying the world a coke, he wants to buy the world five gallon jugs of water.


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