Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Did the Pope just call out the Military Industrial Complex?

Courtesy of Ansa:  

Pope Francis said Monday that "many powerful people don't want peace because they live off war". The Argentine pontiff made the hard-hitting comment in response to a question from one of the 7,000 children taking part in an audience held with the Peace Factory organisation. "This is serious," Francis told the children. 

"Some powerful people make their living with the production of arms. 

"It's the industry of death".

Damn! Good for the Pope!

You know it must be getting harder and harder for the conservatives to support this guy.

Of course it should be noted that the first person to REALLY expose this group, was perhaps the last great Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Nobody seems to have listened to him at the time, I wonder if people are ready to listen to the Pope today.


  1. We know who is in charge.6:35 AM

    Along those lines:
    In House bill, arms makers wrote their own rules

    Contractor group brags that measures "in some cases were word-for-word adaptations."

    By Austin Wright and Leigh Munsil

    5/12/15 5:08 AM EDT

    Now all they need is some good press for starting another war. Wherein the offspring of OTHER people are sent to fight.

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/05/in-house-bill-arms-dealers-wrote-their-own-rules-117842.html#ixzz3Zw1lxxFj

  2. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Awesome!! Kudos, Francis!!

  3. Seymour Hersh - The killing of Bin Ladin

    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      It's all bullshit. Based on heresay. He's getting nailed right and left for his hysteria.

      The many problems with Seymour Hersh's Osama bin Laden conspiracy theory


  4. Anonymous7:07 AM

    OT Have you seen this nonsense? Dakota Meyers latest venture. I wouldn't give these fools a dime!

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      That is disgusting. Yep the dipshit that barstool is marrying in a week is a fucking NUTJOB FREAK. Poooorr Tripp, he's doomed.

    2. Anonymous2:12 PM

      This must be a joke. Please?
      It's the wet dream of junior high boys everywhere, playing paintball in the back woods.

    3. Anonymous2:17 PM

      We won't have more killing and wars if not for those like Dakota Meyers. He is exactly who Pope Francis is talking about.

  5. Anonymous7:16 AM


  6. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Gryphen, did you see this?


  7. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Totally OT...Sorry! But I scrolled quite a way down and couldn't find a related post for this. Anyway, good article just out in Newsweek (which, of course, mentions Palin as ignorant or evil re. death panels...of course she's both).


  8. Anonymous7:32 AM

    On topic: Yay Francis! He's the only decent Pope, ever.

    1. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Too bad he's still anti-female reproductive rights, anti-birth control, anti-gay marriage, anti-female priests, etc. Just like all the rest.

    2. Ah, but he is a big step in the right direction generally.

    3. Anonymous8:38 AM

      I'm 7:32 and said he's "decent", which I can't say about any other pope. Believe me, he still is NOT making me want to become a Catholic!!!

    4. Me either, but it's a start. I will give him credit for that.

    5. At: 7:47 am.

      He's decent, not perfect.

      If he was perfect, he wouldn't be Pope, he'd be God.

  9. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Americans need to stop voting Republicans into office - across the land! They are a horrid party and do nothing for women, the poor or middle class.

    Shit, they try to negate everything - Social Security, food stamps for the poor, the production rights of women, have shown many racist actions - especially when it comes to President Obama, voting rights being demolished, etc.

    They do NOT represent Americans!!! When are people going to wise up?

    1. They will shit kittens if President Hillary Clinton puts Barrack Obama on the Supreme Court bench.

    2. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Ong wouldntthat be interesting?

  10. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Good for Pope Francis!!! He and Ike have both said the same thing! Is America paying attention? Hell no!

    Get rid of the Republicans who are holding office in your country, states and cities. They are bringing destruction to the USA!

  11. Anonymous7:44 AM

    IRAQ-CHANEY'S WAR $$$$$$$$$

  12. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Uh oh, under the short bus you go Pope Francis. Cheney,Palin, Cruz and the rest of the Tea Party nuts won't like this.

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM

      They don't dare - the TPGOP needs conservative Catholics to vote their way. But then again Palin et al have never been accused of being intelligent.

  13. Anonymous8:13 AM

    from you know where

    Pete Petretich • 4 hours ago
    "Ben Carson Says God Helped Him Ace College Chemistry Exam by Giving Answers in Dream"

    Audrey_I • 5 hours ago
    The Democrats are the true misogynists. The Democrats want to keep women pregnant and support their abortions.

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      Ah yes,God--the ultimate source source of handouts for those too lazy to work.

    2. hedgewytch9:17 AM

      Typical logic and information challenged person. When you study really hard and are stressing about tests, your sub-conscience takes over when you sleep. I always knew I had been studying really hard when I dreamed about the test questions. But this guy - its not his brain - its God. It's kinda "god" for me too- but that I appreciate this wondrous material that allows some humans to think critically and apply logic skills to problems.

    3. Wouldn't that be cheating? Even if it was God giving you the answers?

      Yet another doofus hearing voices in his head. He and that high school principal need to get together for lunch and compare notes.

  14. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I remember from reading about Ike that before his speech, an aide reviewing his notes convinced Ike that Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex was too harsh. Turns out Ike knew well what he was talking about when he included Congress in the matrix of corruption.

  15. FrostyAK9:32 AM

    Francis is the first Pope to really live in and take on the modern world. He is the first one to get any respect from me.
    In order to really reform the catholic church, he needs to take mysogyny out of the doctrines, actually punish the pedophile priests and their enablers, and give at LEAST 1/2 of the multi-billions in the church coffers to the poor. WWJD, Francis?

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      He will NEVER do those things -- EVER.

  16. Anonymous10:08 AM

    This is telling:

  17. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Go Pope! Truth to power!

  18. Anonymous3:34 PM

    As Pope's go, I kind of like this one, but I still wonder why the other one stepped down and is living directly behind Francis. Him I don't trust as far as I can toss him.
    Pope Francis picked the perfect name, he's kind to animals and hates the war machine.


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