Sunday, May 10, 2015

Good point.


  1. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Enough with the Texas bashing. To paint all of its citizens with the same broad stroke is foolish. Can we just concentrate on discussing SP & the rest of her loco family?

    -A Texas Democrat

    1. I second that.

      - Another Texas Democrat

    2. Anonymous8:15 AM

      I third that.
      A Florida very Liberal Independent.

    3. Anonymous8:18 AM

      The fact that a couple of Texans ^^ are taking this jab personally is a good thing.

      There is hope....

    4. Cracklin Charlie9:05 AM

      We all gotta take our lumps.

      I live in Missouri. Nuff said.

      I just wiki'd the number of military installations in Texas. Wiki said 31. They're already there.

    5. Anonymous9:26 AM

      I can understand your frustration, however he is an equal opportunity basher. Alaska, Texas, Florida.. we're all in the same boat.

    6. Then why have they continued to elect the likes of George Bush, Rick Perry and let's not forget their ed. dept's special textbooks. It's the voting majority doing this. If there are so many sane people in Texas, then let the get together and vote in some sanity. Until then, expect to be fodder for late night comedians.

  2. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Too bad, so sad. You work in Texas, you support by your taxes its policies. And, you have an outsized and undeserved impact on other states. SO you need to work HARDER to make that impact a good one. If you feel you can't cahnge it, then you or obligated to leav, or you are complicit. If you feel it can be changed, then work harder to do so.

    1. Anonymous6:50 AM

      Much easier said than done. You are echoing a refrain that the Republicans often use.

    2. Anonymous6:53 AM

      Then perhaps you'll be so kind as to list the states where the population is perfect and I'll quit my job, pack up my family and move tomorrow.

    3. Anonymous7:01 AM

      That sounds just like something Sarah would say.

    4. Anita Winecooler4:30 PM

      I always loved this derailed train of thought. How easy is it to pick up roots and find a utopian state that's nut free? It's not just a matter of moving your furniture to a new house. And what if where you end up turns out worse than where you're from?

  3. Anonymous6:08 AM

    So true! These Texans have been losing their minds for many, many years years now.

  4. Ever since the conspiracy theorists began ranting about Jade Helm 15, I've had a little trouble sussing the cognitive dissonance of "honoring the troops" and all that Tea Party BS, with their paranoia about martial law threatening to overrun "hostile" states like Utah and Texas.

    It's an EXERCISE, where do the Tea Party morons expect our military special forces to train, Antarctica?

  5. Anonymous9:07 AM

    No Alaskan is going to be sympathetic to an Texan.

    1. Gabriel3:48 PM

      ¡Callate estupido pendejo!

  6. detroitsam5:46 PM

    We Petition the Obama Administration To...

    Move all military bases and personnel from the State of Texas.

    We Petition the Obama Administration To move all military bases and personnel from the State of Texas.

    Texas Governor Greg Abbott's actions have potentially placed our military personnel and their families in danger.

    The actions of Texas governor Greg Abbott demonstrates that that state does not deserve to continue reap the economic benefits of our military bases in that state.

    Published Date: May 06, 2015

    1. How about we remove all federal support including all tax money and cut them loose?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.