Sunday, May 10, 2015

In a shocking turn of events a federal court has rejected a Nebraska woman's request to sue all of the gay people. And they call this a Christian nation!

Courtesy of The Blot Magazine:

 A woman’s quest to have homosexuality legally defined as a “sin” has been rejected by a federal court in Nebraska. 

In an order dismissing 66-year-old Sylvia Driskell’s civil lawsuit, federal judge John Gerrard found that the Auburn resident’s suggestion that homosexuality was against the teachings of God was not something the court could decide one way or another. 

“The court may decide what is lawful, not what is sinful,” Gerrard wrote in his three-page order released on Wednesday. The judge said Driskell failed to comply with the court’s rules for pleading, including setting forth a demand for relief. 

Driskell, who called herself an ambassador to God and Jesus Christ, filed a neatly handwritten seven-page application with the court last month. In it, Driskell sought to sue the entire gay population worldwide for committing what she claimed was a sin in defiance of the teachings of God. In her pleading, she cited several Biblical passages to support her arguments, many of which seemed to be largely in opposition to gay marriage.

As I wrote earlier I am still not sure why Christians feel the need to persecute gay people if they really believe that God is planning to charbroil them for their sins once they shuffle off this mortal coil.

However as an "Ambassador for God" you might think that they would at least hear this lunatic's case.

After all she might have a point. And not merely the one that her hair barely conceals from the public.

I think it's pretty obvious that this is yet another example of secular law overriding the Sharia law Christian law that many Americans believe should inform our legal decisions.

Besides, how much fun would it have been to watch this case unfold on all of the cable news channels?

But noooooo, some judge had to screw the whole thing up with "logic." Like that ever comes into play in our court system.


  1. Anonymous4:30 AM

    This woman is just another example proving that christianity is a mental illness.

  2. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Your excellent question? " I am still not sure why Christians feel the need to persecute gay people if they really believe that God is planning to charbroil them for their sins once they shuffle off this mortal coil." They don't actually trust God to do the "right" thing.

  3. Anonymous5:10 AM

    If the master of the universe hated gays, gay sex would cause hemmorhoids. Problem solved. Trust me.

    1. fromthediagonal6:33 AM

      By the same token, if there were a Goddess, that Mistress of the Universe would not give any mother hemorrhoids as a reward for giving birth! Happy Mothers Day to all! ;)

    2. Anonymous9:29 AM

      What's gay sex? They don't perform any sexual acts that straight people don't.

    3. Anonymous12:24 PM

      Good point, 9;29. Isn't it flat out crazy how obsessed this bunch is with other people's sex lives? They act like a gaggle of perverts. I find them repulsive and very icky.

  4. Anonymous6:04 AM

    While they refused her court case they should have given her a 72 hr (psych hold and eval.) "vacation". It sounds like this woman could be a danger to any person she meets if she assumes she is "doing God's work" (isn't that what half the serial killers say they are doing?)

  5. Anonymous6:15 AM

    I wonder if this was just a publicity stunt by the woman. Filing it knowing it will be rejected. Good move though in the fight for gay rights.

    1. From the moment she picked up a pen, I suspect it was her maneuver all along to get her own GoFundMe. Now that her 'case' has been dismissed and 'God's Ambassador' had been so cruelly turned away, surely the faithful will the pass the hat in her name.

      I should hope that Westboro Baptist has at least sent her some conciliatory flowers.

  6. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Let me get this straight (no pun intended) Thirty men heard a voice and together over a few centuries pieced together a book of rules they say were given by the voice they heard. If those thirty men were to write their book today their names would be Pat Robertson, Jimmy Swaggart, Oral Roberts and all the other quack panderers of religion who spoke of hate whill filling their pockets with loads of cash.

  7. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Welcome to being gay in a totally backwards ass state like Nebraska.

  8. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Imagine what such a fervent 'christian' could accomplish if she would apply even a fraction of all that fanatical Jesus-passion into doing something beautiful for someone else. Or doing something Christian.

    1. Anonymous9:31 AM

      Hating others not just like you has always been a christian trait. It has been used to murder, rape, pillage, enslave, and torture others.

  9. Anonymous9:13 AM

    7 handwritten pages? What, god couldn't provide her with a computer and printer?

    1. Anonymous9:32 AM

      She couldn't go buy a computer because she suspected at least one employee at her local computer store had "teh gay".

  10. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I hope the Supreme Court will have the courage to rule similarly - that it is not the role of the courts to decide what is or is not a sin. Further I hope that the SC sees that it is the role of the courts to protect the rights of the individual, in this case, members of the homosexual community, from acts of prejudice for whatever reason. My husband is reading a biography of Alan Turing, the British mathematician/scientist who was largely responsible for devising a way to break the Germans' Enigma codes during WWII but who was found guilty of "indecency" less than ten years after the war. The "indecency" was simply acknowledging that he was homosexual. What a horrible thing to do to a person who was harming no one and especially someone who's efforts had saved so many lives (although no one knew of his WWII role because of secrecy laws).

    1. Came to say this. The contribution that Alan Turning made to the progression of modern civilization can not be overstated. Wikipedia lists him as:

      A British pioneering computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, philosopher, mathematical biologist, and marathon and ultra distance runner. He was highly influential in the development of computer science, providing a formalization of the concepts of "algorithm" and "computation" with the Turing machine, which can be considered a model of a general purpose computer. Turing is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.

      He is in very large part the reason why Allied won the war. It is estimated that breaking the Enigma Code shortened the war by at least 2 years, saving many thousands of lives.

      So how is this amazing, incredible man awarded? He is given a choice of either going to prison or being forced into chemical castration. He chooses chemical castration so he can continue to work. He commits suicide one year later after falling into a deep depression, possibly due to the chemicals forced on him.

      People like the woman in the article would push to bring back this barbaric practice. I wonder if they have any concept that life they enjoy today is in large part due to this man. This homosexual is the reason why the Enigma code was broken, so we are not under a Nazi rule today. Of the thousands of lives saved, one may have been a direct ancestor of hers, she may not have even been alive today without him. That doesn't even touch his invention of the computer, which has changed all of our lives in ways too numerous to mention.

      For those interested, this is an amazing timeline of his life from the BBC.

  11. Anonymous12:55 PM

    When can we move onto cures and solutions vs dictatorship and control. The amount of wasted time and money at the common middleclass taypayer expense? These clowns riding in the "clown bus" ????? listen carefully and you will know whom in citizen united is the owner of that clown. Listen my friends and vote for CHANGE maybe Bernie? and Elizabeth? or ?

  12. Randall1:20 PM

    You know... I've read your Bible...
    (Both the King James Version and the Douay-Rheims Version)
    I remember ONCE in the Old Testament, in Leviticus, where God declared homosexuality an abomination - right along with shrimp and lobster and crab.
    In the New Testament, Romans for example, it wasn't GOD (or Jesus) that declared Homosexuality an abomination - it was Paul.

    But that's about it: two times (maybe three? Once in Corinthians? It's been a long time since I read the Bible(s).

    Anyway, a few times your Bible says homosexuality is an abomination...
    and it says OVER and OVER and OVER again to help the poor.

    So how come, when you "Christians" hate somebody, you DO something about it? But when it comes to HELPING somebody pray?

  13. Anita Winecooler4:26 PM

    I have people in the christian cult in my family, and one of them has a son who happens to be homosexual. He celebrated Mothers day with us, I call him my own son because we practically raised him. This nutjob woman sounds exactly like my sister, with whom I haven's spoken with in over twenty years, and that was to get signed papers to act in loco parentis in case something happened to her son while in my care.
    Well, this one got her name in the papers, bet they're over the moon with their warrior for Christ, even though the outcome wasn't what they wanted.
    Say goodbye fame and fortune and crawl back into your cave.


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