Monday, May 11, 2015

It appears that another gap in the fossil record has been filled.

Courtesy of CBC News:  

How did fish evolve into four-legged beasts that roam the land? A key part of that mystery has been solved by fossils found on a Nova Scotia beach. 

Tetrapods, named for their four limbs, are fish-like amphibians that made the transition from the sea to the land about 370 million years ago. A 30-million-year gap in the fossil record of tetrapod evolution has puzzled scientists since the 1950s, says Jason Anderson, associate professor of veterinary anatomy at the University of Calgary. 

But tetrapod fossils found at Blue Beach, located on the Avon River estuary on the Bay of Fundy near Wolfville, N.S., suggest the gap may have been an illusion. The findings were published in a new paper published in PLOS ONE by Anderson and Canadian and British colleagues. 

Tetrapods first developed flipper-like limbs and started crawling out of the water about 370 million years ago, Anderson told CBC's Quirks & Quarks. At that time, they were quite large, about the size of a person, and very fish-like, with tail fins and internal gills. They also had variable numbers of fingers and toes — "up to eight," Anderson said in an interview that airs Saturday.

Anderson also suggests that the so-called "gap" in the fossil record may not exist at all.  

"This gap itself isn't really a thing," he said. "It's just the result of a poor fossil record and the difficulty of finding rocks from this particular time."

Of course as we know these so-called "gaps" are what Creationists use to undermine the veracity of evolutionary science, so it is important to remind the public that the fossil record is becoming more complete all of the time, and to stress that it is unnecessary to see every single piece of the puzzle in order to identify what is being revealed by the ones that we have already found.

And do I even need to mention the stunning hypocrisy of demanding that evolution be 100% verifiable while refusing even the most basic scientific scrutiny of the religious belief which drives their doubt.?


  1. Leland2:45 AM

    "And do I even need to mention the stunning hypocrisy of demanding that evolution be 100% verifiable while refusing even the most basic scientific scrutiny of the religious belief which drives their doubt.?"

    Their ultimate hypocrisy has yet to surface. Just wait to see what they will state if we ever do get it 100% complete.

  2. Randall6:45 AM

    Anatomists, biologists, osteologists predict what fossils would need to be found to close some gaps in the fossil record, and as time passes, sure enough - eventually 'gap' fossils are found and most often they are quite close to what science had predicted.

    In the meantime, creationists keep screaming "STOP LOOKING! STOP LOOKING FOR FOSSILS!"

  3. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Yeah, God made the fossils to throw smart people off. Right, creationists? And all you got is banana boy and his banana,

  4. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Science.... Filling in the blanks...
    7 Day and nights walking with dinosaurs...

    Yea... Um... Okay....


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It just goes directly to their thighs.