Sunday, May 17, 2015

On Rand Paul's website he will sell you a copy of your own country's constitution that he autographed for only $1,000 of your dollars. Merica!

From the Rand Paul website:

It's hard to find a greater defender of the U.S. Constitution in the Halls of Congress than Rand Paul. As a Constitutional conservative, he makes it the core of everything he does in Washington. If you would like a signed Constitution in a neatly bound book, contribute $1,000 and we will send you one. It's size is perfect for comfortable carrying in the pocket of a sport coat, a purse, laptop bag or in the back pocket of some worn out jeans.

You know you can purchase a copy of the United Stares Constitution on Amazon for less than seven dollars. 

So one has to wonder if Rand Paul is SO arrogant as to believe that his rubber stamped signature is worth an additional $993.00?

Actually there are a number of overpriced items on the Rand Paul website, under "Fun Stuff." (Though none quite so egregious as the pocket size Constitution.)

For instance they have an eye chart (Get it? It's because he's an eye surgeon.) that spells out "Dr. Rand Paul for President. Defeat the Washington Machine Unleash the American Dream."

I assume that Randy is the "American Dream" in that scenario.

Oh yeah, that thing on his head is certainly going to haunt MY dreams!

There are also beer cozies, tote bags, sandals, beer steins, hand fans, and something called the "NSA Spy Cam Blocker," which is actually a little plastic tab that you can slide over the built in camera on your MAC.

Man I have to tell you Randy has really taken political grifting to an all new level.

I mean by comparison the offerings from Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, and Marco Rubio are really limp. (Though to be fair Rubio does have a Rubio for President hot sauce. Cause he's Hispanic and wants to make sure nobody forgets that.)

You know if I were a more suspicious person I would almost think that some of these guys are really in this whole political game just to make a fast buck, and sell a couple of books, and have no REAL intention of ever being elected to the White House.

You know if I were a suspicious person that is.

Kinda makes me wonder how this one managed to fall so far behind in the grifting category.

Gee, don't you hate it when you have an idea and everybody just steals it and then makes it better leaving you in the dust?


  1. Scruffer2:32 PM

    It sure would look great together with that Sarah Palin autographed hockey stick!
    Did anyone win that yet???

  2. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Ray Ban said no way to Rand.

  3. James Madison3:11 PM

    I believe that any and every Congressional office -- Representative or Senator -- will give a visitor a free, pocket-sized Constitution. The kind that Ron Paul used to carry around and wave during the GOP debates.

    Copies of the Constitution can also be found in virtually every civics book, in the annual World Book Almanac, and just about anywhere on the internet. For free.

    1. Anonymous10:10 PM

      Yeah but that won't help senator paul in his quest to ruin America.

  4. The idiot still is still selling his Stand with Rand flip-flops (for $20).

    Flip-flops. What a maroon.

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      "Stand with Rand" flip-flops? Is he a little irony-impaired?!

      I just ordered my Sanders-Warren 2016 shirt.

  5. Anonymous3:27 PM

    If his website really says "it's size" he'd better go back to 4th grade English.

    1. Anonymous3:57 PM

      We here at IM are better than that, right, everybody?
      "It's" is a contraction of "it is" -- if you can't extend an "it's", then it is "its". Got it? Good.

    2. Suesahn6:24 PM

      The listing for the item should read "Constitution Autographed by Rand Paul." The way it reads now, "Autographed Constitution by Rand Paul" makes it sound like Rand Paul wrote the Constitution. Unless they're selling an alternate Constitution written by Ol' Goldilocks himself?

  6. Anonymous3:58 PM

    When I first saw that pic of the Palin I thought she looked like hell and it couldn't get much worse. Now the same pic looks like an improvement next to more current.

    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Right? I was just thinking how good she looked there (although the heavy makeup with t-shirt has always seemed bizarre, and I live in a part of the South where women trowel on their makeup) compared to the USS Iowa photos.

    2. Anonymous10:49 PM

      I thought the same thing!! I can't remember when the above pic was taken but it wasn't that long ago...maybe less than 2 years ago?

      Will she go for more drastic plastic surgery?


    The media’s reaction to Seymour Hersh’s bin Laden scoop has been disgraceful

  8. Anonymous5:04 PM

    His hairdoo looks just like the hairball my cat coughed up.
    Perhaps he should breed it with the dead muskrat doo of $ara's and sell the offspring.

  9. Anonymous7:14 PM

    To be fair, Bernie Sanders needs to stop running his hands through his hair looking disheveled with a Nutty Professor look.

  10. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Leave Rand "AYN RAND" Paul alone, Gryphen!

    You think he's had an easy life?? Not bloody likely! He never played sports. He talked with a limp and walked with a stutter as a boy. His father made him wear a red gingham dress to school until he was 24! He was mercilessly mocked and cruelly bullied. Followed by cruel mocking and merciless bullying! Mocked and bullied. Bullied and mocked. And then mocked some more before being bullied again! SHAME ON YOU!! He's just trying to make his way in the world!!! Would you trade ONE DAY of your awesome life for just 10 minutes of having to wearing his horrible hair?

    Seriously, would it kill you and your little libtard blog buddies to let him be president for a while? Ride Airforce One, get the little AF1 wings pin that all the kids get when they ride the big plane. Maybe use the Red Phone to call in an airstrike or two? What would be the harm?

    You libtards are souless bastards to want to deprive this chucklehead of a little joy in his horrible life.

    I am ashamed of all of you.

    STAND WITH RAND!!! 2016!!!

  11. Anonymous8:40 PM

    It's got to mean something terrible when a candidate prints his own name large than the entire phrase "United States Constitution".

    Especially when it's an actual copy of the "United States Constitution"

  12. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Rand paul looks a lot like Stan Laurel in Laurel and Hardy fame (silent pics).

    1. Anonymous10:52 PM

      Yes he does and so does Bristol. Why the long face Bristol?

  13. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Here's one for palin. She can sell fake tits with Amuricun flags on them. Red white and blue vibrators.and toilet paper with the constitution printed on it.No need to thank me sarah. I know you're hurting since your latest scam fell through.

  14. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I love the typo on that site.
    "It's size is perfect..."
    Oh my.

  15. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Would Americans 'really' purchase the stuff that he is advertising? Truly, you have to be kidding!!!

  16. I'm betting you can download the text of the Constitution and Bill of Rights for free.

    As for the spy cam, some tape works quite well.

    What is with Rand Paul's head? It's like the opposite of Donald Trump. Is he using a really bad perm to hide the fact he is thinning on top?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.