Friday, May 15, 2015

Radar Online is on the Dakota Meyer previous marriage story. Update!

Courtesy of Radar Online:

What would Sarah Palin say? has exclusively learned that Bristol Palin’s new fiancé has a secret wife! 

According to a marriage certificate in Dakota Meyer’s name, he was married to a Michigan woman named Cassandra Wain. 

The official document shows Meyer and Wain were hitched in Campbellsville, Kentucky, on May 20, 2008. 

Here's my favorite part.

However, it remains unclear when — or even if — the two are officially divorced since information about the marriage is sealed, making it impossible to determine the current status of their union.

I actually had a phone call from a reporter the other day about this story, and they were really interested in pursuing it as well. And get this, THEY could not find evidence of a divorce either. 

I'm hoping this thing gets even more traction, and at some point Bristol, Dakota, or perhaps even Sarah has to come out and make a public statement.

Gee I wonder what they'll say?

And by the way does anybody else find it weird that, beyond the Palins and Dakota's social media accounts, there is really NO evidence that this upcoming wedding is even taking place?

Cause I find that a little weird.

Update: This courtesy of the Daily Mail:  

Bristol's rep told that it was the first he had heard of the relationship and had not discussed the issue with his client. is still awaiting a response from Meyer. 

Okay I think this pretty much confirms that Bristol and Sarah did not know about this wedding, or else they would have had a public statement prepared for when we dug it up. 

Right now there is a refrigerator in Wasilla, and possibly Kentucky, ducking for cover.

Update 2:  The New York Daily News has the story now as well.

Definitely catching fire.


  1. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Gryph I think you are losing it dude.

    1. Anonymous8:56 AM

      How is he losing it ... exactly? Meyer married in 2008. He didn't disclose it. It has now become public knowledge.

    2. LOL! The only one that's "Losing it", is you. What's the matter, afraid that Barstool's wedding won't be the fairytale that you hoped? I knew that it wasn't when word was that Sarahskank paid for the engagement ring. Betterstart sending more money to the grifter. Looks like she is going to have more "postage" to pay.

    3. Anonymous9:04 AM

      And the fact that it was missing, then added, then deleted from the Wikipedia page… Weirder and weirder. A Palin's gotta be involved! Why is everything connected to this family weird, crazy, shrouded in secrecy?

    4. Anonymous9:05 AM

      8:56. Because, so?

      Disclose, really? Like there is some legal obligation to disclose his married past to Gryph lol.

      You are all losing it. Nutters.

    5. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Have any of you crazy folks ever considered that his ex-wife (if that is all true) may have requested of Dakota to not discuss their married past so she could maintain her privacy?

    6. This has got to be a Palin. Look at the sentence structure (or lack of same).

      Honey you are wasting your ammo here. We have lots of time and resources to bury your sorry ass. Some of G's followers are the best researchers on the web.


    7. Anonymous9:21 AM


      Who said anything about disclosing it to Gryphen? Is that you Alicia?

    8. Anonymous9:26 AM

      9:05, you do realize that you are a huge hypocrite, right?

    9. Anonymous9:29 AM

      9:19 and 9:21, yes you are both right.

      You got 'us'.

      We, the Palins and Alicia have morphed, like the Wonder Twins, using our combined efforts to tamp down this totally huge story before it explodes into front page mainstream press all over the world.


    10. Anonymous9:33 AM

      834 don't talk about Sarah that way...

    11. Anonymous9:35 AM

      9:26, it is hypocritical to laugh at Palin obsessed people like yourself?

    12. Anonymous9:37 AM


      Keep LOLing. You protest too much. What's the matter?

    13. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Speaking of losing it. is a gem for the illustrious VG, a c4p Palin supporter....
      virginiagentleman1 Q
      38 minutes ago
      Bingo! THAT very same issue was discussed between them for the 2012 race. From what I hear, Trump and quite a few of his friends were going to put some big bucks on a Palin campaign with the understanding that she owed them nothing in return.

    14. Anonymous9:40 AM

      BTW 'Jaye'....

      ".....Some of G's followers are the best researchers on the web. "

      Are they, are they really? lol.

      Is reading something at Litman's blog, then posting it here considered research these days?

    15. Anonymous9:40 AM

      9:17 AM

      Cassandra Marie had a public and social media presence as Cassandra Meyer. Someone got to her and she has made changes as if to cover up.

      It is not only Dakota Meyer's marriages that are under question. He may be more of a fraud due to his questionable MOH recipient status.

      He is to represent honor for our country. He is failing.

      He is not to appear as a shady dishonest person in regard to the military or his private life.

      Which won't be private if he appears to be possibly breaking laws. He could have other marriages, be a bigamist, collecting welfare and the military helps him with his crimes because they invested in a poster boy.

      Dakota may want these secrets because the military is paying for his spawns that he wants to keep as undocumented or dishonorably documented. This may just be scratching the surface of a multitude of dishonorable crimes.

    16. Anonymous9:52 AM

      How is reporting on a story on another site, "Losing it"? Go to the nurses station and have them up your meds.

      Meghan in PA

    17. Anonymous9:53 AM

      9:40.... okaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

      Or, maybe the more obvious and realistic answer is she just wants to remain private.

    18. Anonymous10:05 AM

      If a Palin and a troll did indeed morph, as our righteous troll suggested, would the combined IQ hit 80?

    19. Anonymous10:14 AM

      9:53 AM

      It is her timing of 'wanting' to remain private. She suddenly 'wants' to be private simultaneous to the military cronies messing with Wikipedia for the miscreant MOH.

      Maybe some are so dumb they don't get it, I doubt Cassandra Meyer is that dumb.

      Mrs. Meyer can't be that stupid. It is not rocket science to know about fame and having the name of a famous person.

    20. Anonymous10:22 AM

      If his marriage is no big deal, stop deleting it from his Wiki page.

    21. Anonymous10:45 AM

      The thing about the wiki deletions is that the documentation posted at IM did not meet the standards set for wikipedia. Wikipedia does not like what is called primary source information i.e. the link to the actual license.

      This is how it is there.
      What they like to see is secondary source confirmation.

      Like publication not by a website, but by a newspaper or media company (TV network etc employing "real" journalists with real people quoted on the record.

      So possibly the posting at the Daily Mail could already be enough to git-r-dun for wiki! Further non denial denials will be for sure.

    22. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Anonymous10:22 AM

      If his marriage is no big deal, stop deleting it from his Wiki page.
      Yep, because the #COVERUP is so much more! Its bad enough DUH "forgot" to disclose this to amazing barstool but the coverup when several sources have found the truth is disturbing and we know Duh has a history of lying just like a palins.....

    23. Anonymous10:55 AM

      Oh well now that the 'Daily Mail' is on it, claiming contact with an anon rep, well obviously all the speculation is confirmed as Gryph said, and true after all!..... You goofballs really are giving me the giggles today.

    24. Anonymous11:04 AM


      A newspaper announcement of the marriage at the time was also provided after the edit was deleted because of the primary sources rule. It was also deleted.

    25. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Anonymous10:55 AM

      Oh well now that the 'Daily Mail' is on it, claiming contact with an anon rep, well obviously all the speculation is confirmed as Gryph said, and true after all!..... You goofballs really are giving me the giggles today.
      So we are such "goofballs" where is the "offical" palin statement?
      Why wasn't Duh at Hero's and horses last night with BrisDull?
      Tell us brainless one?

    26. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Why is Bris-dull's "rep" responding for DuhKota???? Why is she putting word's in Duh's mouth???

      No word yet from the Major D'oh MOH? lol

    27. Anonymous11:13 AM

      $creech and clan were too bedazzled by Duh's MOH to delve any further into his past. Bwahahahah

    28. Anonymous11:17 AM


      It looks like LOLing and giggling aren't helping you shake it off. Try upping your meds.

    29. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Sarah Palin is past losing it. She is LOST.

    30. Anonymous11:23 AM


      Oh. I looked at the wiki edit history but missed that.

      More = better.

    31. Anonymous11:31 AM

      10:55, c4p uses the Daily Mail as a link source all the time-so if it is good enough for those gooses, then why not us ganders?

    32. Anonymous11:39 AM

      11:09 you seem to be missing the big picture (and maybe a few chromosomes)...

      Why exactly does Palin have to give any official statements on anything? Do they owe you something?

    33. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Are you dumbasses actually dumb enough to believe that the Daily Mail actually talked to any 'Palin Rep'? Are you all really that dumb?

    34. Anonymous11:48 AM

      The closer Gryphen is to the truth, the louder the trolls squawk...

    35. Anonymous11:58 AM

      Sure 11:48...... good grief.


    36. Anonymous12:11 PM


  2. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Wait 'til they find the two kids.

    They got married when she was pregnant with the second one.

    Then again, they have probably already disappeared into the Paylin vortex, redacted from existence just like the pics on Sadie's computer.

    1. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Only two? What about the baby mama's he didn't marry?

      Do they get the military benefits Cassandra and her children would have?

  3. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Poor Tripp!

  4. Anonymous8:36 AM

    The only thing I would bet on, is there will be NO photos of the (shotgun) wedding. Privacy issues, don't ya know...wink, wink.

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      What, couldn't they find one tabloid to sell the wedding photos to?

    2. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Photos will be taken and released once the bride regains a flat stomach.

    3. Anonymous11:28 AM


      The wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer was in 2008. When did they make babies? I think the gun baby was several years later. It is hard to say what was going on.

      Possibly they were married and making babies over the years, he was just not admitting to the marriage because he likes to fool around with other women or whoever.

      She did keep his name for some reason. I doubt it was because of a quickie marriage that didn't last.

      Cassandra Meyer has every reason to have moved on. For some reason she did not.

  5. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Perhaps there is no wedding, just the claim of one, if there is a messy marriage to end.There needs to be a pretend wedding, so that the Meyer's family can grow.

  6. Anonymous8:41 AM

    I read the radar story. Why no acknowledgement of IM, or did I miss it?

  7. Anonymous8:41 AM

    A theory ...

    Dakota's mother may hate Bristol (and spoiled Tripp) and may not want her son to get married into a family of grifting fame whores.

    Very few folks knew about this prior marriage.

    I think his mom is the source of the marriage certificate information.

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      I think it is just a sarah publicity scam. Besides who gives a rats ass about these two losers.

    2. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Dakota's writing about his mother, as he did, and yet it turns out that she was at his wedding (soon to be 7 year anniversary). That is as big a mystery as the wedding they want to hide.

      What he is not saying about his mother is a big secret. More lies of omission. There will be more to come. They can be the most toxic.

      Also, on his mother's side his grandparents are both minister's and Dakota's grandfather married the husband and wife.

      Now his grandfather will be lying by omission like the rest of the criminals involved in these scams. It is sad how Dakota drags down others into his cesspool of lies and cover ups.

    3. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Very few folks knew about this prior marriage.

      I heard that as many as 5 others around Sarah in Alaska knew about Cassandra Wain Meyer. Does anyone know about that?

      If so, it is likely that Bristol may have known all along and she is fully aware of the whole set up. She knows she is doing this event and going to play wife because of a business arrangement.

      Which in real life comes out to be about scamming suckers out of money.

    4. Anonymous10:05 AM

      dear Sarah and Bristol. you wanted to be in the public eye based on fibs and fallicies. we are more than happy to give you a platform like you crave. so dont gripe when we respond with discust and laughter. your entire life stories are littered with dishonesty and corruption. how are the Grandsons? and another on the way. didn't you think to teach your daughters Abstinence? like gramma,like sarah,like Bristol. used goods.

    5. Anonymous11:34 AM

      9:01 AM

      Some care about the military part. The way they try to make people into heroes so they have poster boys or girls for warmonger recruits.

      This is possibly a minor lie for Dakota. It is good because it unravels more. What is more important is that one day it will unravel the military propaganda.

      Bristol and Dakota are two fools that are used and being used. No one cares about them. Not even their families care if they have decent, honest lives. The military is just using them and only cares if they lie.

      The public doesn't want to be lied to and wants the lies revealed. There are more to come.

  8. Anonymous8:43 AM

    how many more days is it?

    When Dakota leaves Bristol at the altar, pregnant and unwedded - it will be Obama's fault.

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM



    2. Anonymous10:23 AM

      The wedding anniversary for Dakota and Cassandra is a few days before the fake wedding.

      I would like to celebrate the 7 year anniversary date with the Meyers in mind. Both Cassandra's family, Dakota's mother and grandparents and the Meyers. All those that hide the deep dark secrets of the anniversary.

      The 2008 marriage is a real marriage and there is no divorce.

      The fake deal they are setting up is just part of another fraud. Now they are dragging in the Wain's and Cassandra's newest boyfriend.

      She may have be stringing poor Troy along. That would be a good reason she thinks to suddenly go private is a good idea. Is she that ignorant?

      Or does she have her own crimes to hide?

  9. Anonymous8:49 AM

    However, it remains unclear when — or even if — the two are officially divorced since information about the marriage is sealed, making it impossible to determine the current status of their union.

    We have seen the marriage certificate. Without the divorce it only means one thing.

    Dakota is married to Cassandra Meyer, she continues to go by his name.

    Sarah likes to control the media, she must want there to be a big mystery so there will be more investigating of this man's honor. Sarah is good at producing mysteries.

    The price will go up for people who are willing to speak the truth.

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      Lol. loony tunes you are.

    2. Anonymous9:14 AM

      When Dakota and Bristol apply for the wedding license, Dakota will have to state if he was married before and if he is divorced or annulled (or widowed or single). If he writes single, then he will be lying on an official document.

  10. Anonymous8:49 AM

    On Dakota's Wiki page the references to this are staying up now after being repeatedly deleted by a right wing Reagan loving military 'buff' every time someone tried to include this information. This had been going on for at least several days. Cassandra Meyer's public Facebook page has also been shuttered and her name on the University of Michigan website has been altered to make it less recognizable(it is now Meyercas, it was Cassandra Meyer). I didn't discover any of this myself but folks have pulled it out and it is out there.

    1. Anonymous9:08 AM

      Yeah imagine that, a young pretty girl doesn't want to be stalked and harassed by all you IM weirdos.

    2. Anonymous9:34 AM

      I have the feeling that 9:08 is the regular IM stalker. A bit hypocritical, isn't it?

    3. Anonymous9:42 AM

      This IM weirdo has no intention of stalking the young lady. Seems that others in the Palin putter family are not stalked by us. It is the rabid Palin fans I would worry about.

    4. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Hear hear, 9:42 AM!
      From a fellow IM weirdo/nutter. LOL!

    5. Actually, I'd be more afraid for Cassandra Wain Meyer because of Palinbots and Dakota Meyer military fanboys.

      Remember "the other McCain" and his pal Dan Riehl, who attacked Gryphen repeatedly, spreading ugly rumors, when Gryphen first began writing critical comments about the Palins?

      And how about when the Palinbots began flooding the DWTS voting mechanism to keep the talentless Bristol in her gorilla suit on stage? They attacked anyone who criticized Bristol or their own vote cheating.

    6. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Mysterious fires, water in gas tanks. Who would want any of the PayMe tricks played on them? Unfortunately, at least two of those dirty deeds cost human lives. It will ALL be exposed before it is over.

  11. My assumption continues to be that this is just a faux "wedding" for reasons that may include, but are not limited to, Dakota Meyer being still married.

    (I also believe Track Palin was never married to Britta. And yes, you can legally have a divorce without having a marriage, partly to make sure that you are not "common law" married in states that recognize it. Who knows whose child the daughter is, as the Palins never acknowledge her existence.)

    1. Anonymous9:12 AM

      Cassamdra, the first wife, still uses Meyer as her last name. Nothing faux about that. Britta was pregnant and has a child. Her pastor father probably wanted the child to have legally wed parents. There doesn't seem to have been a child from 19 year old Dakota's marriage. If the child was adopted, there wouldn't have been any need for the marriage.

    2. Anonymous9:24 AM

      There's no law that says you have to change back to your maiden name if divorced.

    3. Anonymous9:49 AM

      9:24, Most women do, unless they have children and want to have the same last name as those children. Most women who have brief marriages in their early twenties don't have a connection to a married name.

    4. I'm talking about the wedding to BRISTOL, not the marriage to Cassandra. I was answering Gryphen's question whether anyone else found it strange there's so little information about the upcoming "wedding" to Bristol.

      (And given that every Palin seems to lie in every situation, I don't have much confidence that Britta was ever pregnant.)

    5. Anonymous11:13 AM

      9:24 AM

      No one is talking about that being a law.

      Everyone knows women with children keep an old husbands name. Also women who are still married have and use the married name.

      Whick or both is it for Cassandra Meyer?

    6. Anonymous11:54 AM

      The arrival of Britta and Track's baby sure did coincidentally coincide with the end of Bristol's DWTS pregnancy.

    7. Anonymous12:10 PM

      The arrival of Britta and Track's baby sure did coincidentally coincide with the end of Bristol's DWTS pregnancy.

  12. Janice A Soderquist9:02 AM

    What we will see is another Track picture of Bristol and Dakota on a hill or at the racetrack holding flowers in front of her stomach. Was Tracks marriage legal or common law. Maybe Bristol got hitched in Las Vegas to make sure she grabbed this man. Funny Sarah does not mention the wedding at all, only congrats her mother on Mothers Day. I am sure if there was a wedding in his town, something would leak out, the caked ordered, the church saved, etc. Where are his parents? Why no pictures of the Palin family in his hometown meeting with his folks.

  13. Janice A Soderquist9:06 AM

    Maybe his certificate to her is sealed because it says he was married to someone before too..... How many wives and kids does he have. Maybe she was pregnant when they got married too or maybe she has a child before the wedding that is not hers. I cannot understand why people don't come forward to know them unless he threatened them with bodily harm if they talked...

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Aw Todd's hero...fuck em all...of em!

    2. Anonymous9:55 AM

      When was it sealed?

  14. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Yes, come to think of it, it is TOTALLY ODD that Sarah Palin never ever ever every talks about her grandaughter thru Track. Yet Trig and Tripp promoted ALL THE TIME. Smells fishy What's up with that?

    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Maybe the little one is starting to look too much like her mother (Bristol) used to look pre-surgeries?

    2. Anonymous11:11 AM

      IMO Kyla Grace looks more like the Menards.

    3. Anonymous11:57 AM

      While I agree that Kyla was most likely Bristol's bio baby, Britta has full legal custody and probably (rightly) refuses to let the Palin's thrust her into the spotlight.

  15. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Go on bristols Instagram and look at the picture of her and piper in the car she posted a week ago. Bristols chin implant has a bizarre lump and piper commented "are you chewing on a gumball?" Hahahaha.

  16. Anonymous9:19 AM

    RE: Anonymous8:35 AM

    Wait 'til they find the two kids. They got married when she was pregnant with the second one.

    Then again, they have probably already disappeared into the Paylin vortex, redacted from existence just like the pics on Sadie's computer.

    Wanted to bring this up in the comments - anyone have any other details? The only thing I know of is the baby "Cassie" picture with the loaded gun .

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Not "Cassie" in loaded gun pic when D sucks baby's binky.

      Name was something like Jethro?

    2. Anonymous10:57 AM


    3. Anonymous11:36 AM


    4. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Rowan is that baby's name.

  17. Anonymous9:20 AM

    We know that Sarah wanted her (Bristol) wedding to be unconventional, that may be why she has gone into hiding.

    It is hard to say why there is no sign this is an actual engagement or going to be wedding. Whatever Sarah has planned there may be a staged wedding and she will allow head shots from Shealah Craighead one day to 'prove' this latest marriage fiasco.

    Shealah Craighead may also have exclusives on the wedding parties, showers and bachelor parties.

    Bachelor Parties are a must and a huge deal for Dakota and his buddies.

    Cassandra Marie Meyer must have a large investment in keeping these secrets. She has a terrific new man and what a shame she has to go dark be part of a big lie and drag Troy into it. It makes no sense why she would want to do that to a man she loves. She did keep Dakota's name, so I take it she didn't actually move on.

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Do you know the expense in changing your name back? any women don't. It is a NON-issue.

    2. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Unless children are involved, most women change back to their maiden names.

    3. Anonymous9:50 AM

      9:26, Expense? You are reaching.

    4. Anonymous9:53 AM

      You seem a little rattled, 9:26. It's cheap, just like changing it after marriage. The only people I know personally who keep the last name of an ex-husband are women who have a child with that last name.

    5. Janice A Soderquist9:58 AM

      I had my name changed after my divorce, the kids kept their fathers name. No big expense....

    6. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Do you know the expense in changing your name back?

      Yes, I did it. Not expensive. Cassandra uses both Wain and Meyer. The marriage must have been significant for her or she would not use both names. She would only use Wain.

      There must be a lot going on about this or she would just talk about it and go on with her life. She has a very nice man that loves her. I doubt he wants to wait for long for her to be over this Meyer mistake.

    7. My mom changed her name back FAST after her divorce.
      She's kept it ever since.

    8. Anonymous10:44 AM

      A coworker of mine changed her name back to her maiden name almost the day after their divorce became official. She has financial troubles, and was willing/able to afford the nominal fee for that. Her daughter begged her to do the same for her, too. No problem, no high fee.

    9. Anonymous11:08 AM

      The only people I know personally who keep the last name of an ex-husband are women who have a child with that last name.

      That says it for Mrs. Meyer.

      There may soon be 2 Marie Meyers.

    10. Anonymous11:32 AM

      I was married 18 years and had no children, but I kept my married name. I had become fairly well known because of my work, so I decided it was worth it to keep it. There are reasons other than children to keep your married name.

    11. Otto Katz11:47 AM

      In my state it's free to change your name due to marriage OR divorce, but there is a time limit. You have to do it within a month or so. If you wait longer than that then you pay.

    12. Anonymous11:50 AM

      11:32 : yes, of course you keep your name after being known under it for EIGHTEEN YEARS. But not if you are just barely married for a year or two, and not if you are known to also use your maiden name on and off!

    13. Anonymous11:56 AM

      I was married 20 yrs and had 3 children. I kept my married name. Partly because I wanted to keep the same name as my children and also that I had an identity in a professional area. It would have been difficult to change my name and maintain the connections I had with clients.
      There are many reasons a woman would keep her married name. If I had kept my maiden name originally it would be a whole different thing.
      To be really honest, I didn't like my maiden name and was not proud of some of my ancestors. A whole other reason.

  18. Anonymous9:24 AM

    The troll is agitated. Something stung.

    1. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Troll is exhausted from working the threads at radar and here at the same time. Poor troll.

  19. Anonymous9:31 AM

    OT - Chris Christie says he'd chose someone like Sarah Palin for VP!!!!!

    How did I miss that story ! I live in NJ and Christie is almost has embarassing as having Palin for a govenor - but this is just insane!!!

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      It is a SATIRE site - catch up!

  20. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Normally, it would be an honor to say, Hey, I was married to that guy, who was awarded the medal of honor. What happened? Well, we were young, and you know how kids are. With him away in the military, it just didn't work out.

    But nobody said that. That's too easy to say. So, what are they hiding?

    1. Anonymous9:41 AM

      I'd still like to know why he didn't show up to the dinner where he was supposedly a guest of honor last night.

    2. Janice A Soderquist9:57 AM

      What dinner?

    3. Anonymous10:08 AM

      At the Hero's and Horses event last night. Dull and Duller had tickets to go. There was a comment on his facebook page from a guy that was very disappointed Dakota was a no show.

    4. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Not showing up at a dinner honoring yourself is very bad manners. People in the south don't forget things like bad manners.

      It is a bad sign I think. Perhaps he and Brissy were too drunk to go. Or Tripp had a tantrum and wouldn't cooperate. Or they had a fight over what to wear.

      Or they could be so much in love that they forgot about it.

    5. Anonymous10:36 AM

      I have a feeling that Cassandra might have tried to scam the system by keeping his name. Getting some government benefits she is not entitled to get since they are divorced.
      Either that, or they are still married.
      Definitely doubt the possibility of domestic violence, hence the divorce records sealed. If there had been domestic violence, she would not have kept his name - not even if there were kids involved!

    6. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Yeah. Seems like Bar$Tool wasted over $200 for three tickets she ended up not using. (Tickets went for $75/ea.)

    7. Anonymous11:05 AM

      The Louisville Courier would have made a big deal if Dakota and Bristol had kept their obligation and both appeared to help the veterans.

      Did the Courier mention that they were a no show? Quitters they are!

      The Courier is doing a poor job for the people of Kentucky if they cater to a MOH and don't mention he wasn't there or the reason he gave them.

      It would show the Courier has bias and promotes fake people if they only tell what the manipulators want told.

    8. Dolley Madison11:09 AM

      "People in the South don't forget things like bad manners."

      I'm ah-mopping my brow, thinking of such an outlandish violation of etiquette, down here in Dixie.

      Guess what, Dixiecrat, no one, anywhere, in the U.S., Uganda, St. Petersburg, Kyoto, or Prague, forgets bad manners. The South doesn't have a lock on "how to behave graciously and generously."
      That's just the old Confederate lie.

      If the Dakota man, Marine or plain old citizen, blew off an occasion that was dedicated to him, no one should extend any more invitations, nor accept any more invitations, to anything to do with him. He simply doesn't know how to behave in polite company.

    9. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Kirby Adams should be doing the appropriate upkeep on the happenings at Heroes and Horses. If Dakota was proper and called in why he and Bristol did not attend after saying they would and getting tickets, Kirby will report.

      Check out how well she covers matters at Churchill Downs. She is not going to half ass things for the veterans. That would be disrespectful. They were trying to get money for homes. The last thing they need are people who don't care and act like trash.

  21. Janice A Soderquist9:38 AM

    What town does Britta live in? Why don't Sarah and Todd have pictures of her with them, holding her like Trig? Don't they accept her? Only Track brings her over on holidays. How come Sarah and Todd don't acknowledge her? I read somewhere that Track does not pay child support, why?

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Britta is just paid to care for Bristol's DWTS baby.

    2. Balzafiar10:38 AM

      Trick doesn't pay child support for one very good reason -- he doesn't have any children. That was all a sham marriage to hide one of Brisdull's bastards.

    3. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Britta was groomed and set up by Sarah for her roll in the Palins life. It makes no sense she and Sarah would not be friendly now. Britta has a private account but she does comment on Instagram. She promotes herself as "Hans daughter" or something like that. It is sad. Just like the pictures of that baby shower, wedding too.

      The way they have used Britta makes her look so pathetic. I quess she is trying to feel better and needs to say Han's daughter. It is just so sad.

      Britta was very used and abused. More damaged goods.

  22. Janice A Soderquist9:43 AM

    What all does Bristol have to disclose on a marriage license too?

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Any previous marriages, dates of those divorces.
      age, legal name, swearing that you are nor currently married. Just the regular things.

    2. Anonymous10:11 AM

      You have disclose whether you've been married before. I wonder if they already got the license and he lied? So many questions!!

    3. Anonymous10:47 AM

      I would say it would be logical that they already have the license - don't you get that one before you set a date for the wedding ceremony?

  23. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Is it wrong that I can't stop laughing? So glad this got picked up by the tabloids! The Daily Mail has it too!

    A bad day in the Palin world is a good one in mine.

    Dakota didn't make to a dinner that was honoring him and two other vets last night...Hmm wonder why? Big strong, courageous MOH is afraid of the media? Pussy.

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      It's hard to explain your dates expanding waistline, if she attends public events, also too.
      Biscuits and gravy sure do make a girl look pregnant...

    2. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Any "man" hooking up with a Palin IS a pussy. We all knew there was something behind this quickie pairing. I laugh as loud as you do!

    3. Anonymous10:53 AM

      The scaredy-cat is missing work now? That is his job to help vets. He is to put himself and his fears behind him and be there for his brothers.

      It was even said Bristol had tickets for the Horses and Heroes.

      What a coward if he didn't show and do as he promised.

      Already his addiction to the Palins is causing him to miss work.

      Dakota Meyer needs an intervention.

  24. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Hey time you try to kill somebody make sure you do it right! Why is all those attempts fail??? Look up dipshit! And then look down...its all you'll see in the end....this is the end...lock and load bitches!

    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Ah so THAT is why they left Alaska! Homeboys found out...ouch! I wish I coulda been there to see the LOOK on their faces...uh...that's OUR home girl...silence and glares...ditch the sunglasses and RUN Barstool!

    2. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Lol...yea that exPalin's a lot...doesn't it? Must be the money...there must be a deadline of the 23rd for legal actions... They are saying its a marriage...ok then.

    3. Anonymous12:05 PM

      11:49, I think the kid is dropping hints. I am losing faith, though.

  25. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Quote from Daily Mail
    "Bristol's rep told that it was the first he had heard of the relationship and had not discussed the issue with his client. is still awaiting a response from Meyer"

    I wonder what's taking so long for a response?! Why can't Dakota clear this up immediately?????

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Bristol's rep? He? Who the heck could THAT be?

    2. Anonymous10:47 AM

      Dakota is a habitual liar. He will have to pile lies on top of lies if her were to pretend to clear things up.

      He will do what the Palins do when they are too scared to face a matter. HIDE!

    3. Anonymous11:24 AM

      WTF is Brisdull's 'rep' responding for Duhkota?? Can't Duh speak for himself?
      The plot thickens ... along with The Chin's waist. lol

  26. Anonymous10:08 AM

    The Daily Mail has picked up the story and when they contacted Bristol's Rep he said he was not aware of it. She has a Rep? wow! she is really a star isn't

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Who's that? Nancy? LOL

    2. Anonymous10:46 AM

      She has a Rep but no one does any PR for her?

      Not a decent or sane publicity agent. No one would handle a wedding the way the Palins did for this mess. It makes Track Palins wedding to poor Britta look like they had grand wedding plans.

      The two most pitiful people in the world are those that are said to be marrying a Palin. They just have the saddest weddings.

      Sarah Palin is too cheap to have a decent publicity agent so she makes these awful messes of her crap.

  27. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Ok. I have not read any of the comments yet, but


    Two drunkards (DOH and MOH), the secret marriage information being revealed one week before the supposed marriage is supposed to take place, and LOADED GUNS everywhere... :(

    Also, still wondering what is going on with that secret first wife who kept her married name until now. Either they are still married, or they are divorced, but she is skimming maybe military benefits through him. Either way, she as well as he has some 'splaining to do - possibly to some government authorities!

  28. This whole scenario is off and turning bizarro!
    But if it gets that little boy out of a potentially dangerous household. ...

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      That's Palin World for ya! What's up is down, and what's down is up.

    2. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Now's the time for one of those Youtube clips from that German film, The Fall (I think) with Sarah playing the part of Hitler. "Mein fuhrer. Steiner...."

    3. Anonymous11:43 AM

      And in and out and in and out...yep, that Palin world.

  29. Janice A Soderquist10:19 AM

    Do you find it odd that Dakota had a gun on the nightstand open? No one keeps their guns visible, all are hidden. Is he bragging he is ready if needed or bragging he has a gun. I would think the mother of that baby would be horrified. Maybe the open gun is a threat to her.

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Yeah, it is how he rolls.

      Think of what he did to his friend, the girl he pulled a gun on while drunk.

    2. Anonymous12:18 PM

      I guess we can add PARANOIA to the long list of dysfuc_tions of Sgt. Sphincter.

  30. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Yahoo! This is better than a soap opera. Way better cause it's real time.

    Wedding only one week away. Everyone must be in a tizzy with all the plans and preparations.

    Oops, what's that you say? There's a glitch?

    Will there or won't there be a wedding? One week and counting.....

    1. Janice A Soderquist10:23 AM

      Something is going on. No mention of wedding by Sarah, no new pictures on any of their sites and Dakota did not attend the 3 ticket event last night, fundraiser.

    2. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Oh, I'm sure the wedding will go through and we're going to find out WHY soon after!

    3. Anonymous10:28 AM

      I know, it's like Christmas!

    4. Anonymous11:45 AM

      I know it is for me! And, I have been very, very good!

    5. Anonymous11:54 AM

      10:23 AM

      You know what they say when a person starts to miss work. It is time Dakota gets into rehab. The ones that can work. Not like Sarah would send Track to or the gun range type rehab/therapy.

    6. I can't be gleeful. There is so much darkness involved.

  31. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Why are Dakota's records sealed?

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      He is not an honest man. He would dishonor the Marines and our country.

    2. Anonymous12:10 PM

      where is the evidence that they are sealed?

  32. Anonymous10:27 AM

    The Palin Curse rides again!

  33. I love how the palin(bots) keep referring to an "ex-"wife, pretending there was a divorce and Bristol is not shacking up with an already married man. Also, too, it's hilarious how the bots claim this marriage is based on info gathered from a "blog," as if an official marriage certificate doesn't exist.

    Bristol, "home wrecker," Palin is boasting about living with and being engaged to a married man. A bigger hussy never lived - at least Sarah tried to be discreet with Brad.

    Dakota lied to the tabloids about never being married before, making his engagement to Bristol one based on lies.

  34. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Had a big news story happened today, this might have gone under the radar, but it being a quiet Friday, this story is exploding.

    The "Rep" whoever that might be, could have known about the first marriage. If he did, and gave false information to the tabloids about it being first marriage for both, he's going to take the fall.

    However, if he (the Rep) didn't know about the first marriage, he'll still take the fall. He'll be blamed by the Palin machine. It's going to be interesting how this spins.

    And the scandal isn't about Dakota's first marriage, it's about him omitting it in his book, and allowing the press to announce their engagement with the little lie in it. He never corrected the mistake. He wrote in his book, as well, that his mother was never part of his life, but behold, she was at the wedding.

    His Mom at the wedding should be another angle the tabloids and press need to address.

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      The more peeps let them know what they want to know and their interests. The more questions, and possible better, deeper reporting on the truth.

  35. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Wikipedia (May 15, 2015) :
    Dakota married a Cassandra Marie Wain, a woman two years his senior, in May of 2008, when Dakota was only nineteen years old. They were married in the Shiloh Cumberland Presbyterian Church near Campbellsville, KY.[26] A petition for divorce is hard to find.

    On March 13, 2015, after a brief courtship, Dakota became engaged to Bristol Palin, daughter of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.[27]

    How long will this stay on Wikipedia until Sarah gets rid of it?

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

      The divorce papers will either show up or there was no divorce.

      Mr. and Mrs. Dakota Louis Meyer are still married as of now.

      No one can prove there was a divorce.

      Next the taxpayers need to learn why no divorce. Or if a divorce why the double life for Cassandra Marie Wain Meyer?

      Did Dakota ask her to scam the system for a reason? Is he innocent of her scam?

      Dakota has a lot of support coming from tax payers that believe his MOH story. It must all be based on honor and truth.

      It is vital to get to the bottom of all this. As of now it is not clear who all the frauds are and why they are scamming.

  36. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Journalists must question Bing West.

    His book must be a pack of lies.

    1. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Read the McClatchie reports and view the video tape of the helicopter surveying the area where Dakota supposedly killed attacking insurgents. As for as the book, Dakota never told the account of him "killing a taliban member with his bare hands and a rock" until after the MOH award...that was saved for his book later. right......don't think so..the guy is a manipulator and know like his kindred spirit, sarah.

    2. Anonymous12:03 PM

      And Chris Kyle.

  37. Wondering what is the date of when the records were sealed?

    1. Anonymous12:07 PM

      They aren't sealed. If the marriage were sealed, there wouldn't be numerous sites with photo copies of the marriage certificate.

  38. Anonymous10:39 AM


    As some poster wrote on ROL shortly ago, this story goes deeper than Bristol's vaginal canal (that's my own analogy).

    If a MOH recipient lied about this did he then lie about the events that "earned" him the MOH? It seems the whole thing we should be worrying about is how to get the accounts of the other marines out into the public eye more and maybe petition the pentagon to review Meyers MOH status/story seems to me it should be stripped from the liar.

    1. Anonymous12:09 PM

      If a MOH recipient lied about this did he then lie about the events that "earned" him the MOH?


      What was Bing West's part. It makes no sense he would not have included the first marriage. Dakota likes to honor military women, wives. Or so he says.

      West would know if he did any research. Which is what a legit author would do. He would not just repeat words by a person the book is about unless it was a propaganda piece full of lies. Alleged that West is a legit author. Clearly he is not. Whether he knew or didn't know about one marriage, he failed in writing that book.

  39. Balzafiar10:41 AM

    I wonder if Brisdull finds herself suddenly unhappy because she's been putting out for Duhkota with nothing to show for it? The baby likely is not his.

    1. Anonymous11:20 AM

      There is another problem for Bristol. She sold her house in Alaska and moved to Kentucky with Tripp. She doesn't want to have to turn around and go home after a few months. She just got those shoes arranged on the white shelf in her closet.

    2. Anonymous12:02 PM

      Yeah, she just got those damn shoes lined up just right and no way is she gonna pack them up again.

  40. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Here are some VERY interesting comments on topix from when Dakota and Bristol announced their engagement.

    SURE sounds like they know Dakota VERY well!

    Bowling Green, KY
    #5 Mar 19, 2015
    Glad Regan Judd got smart...way to beautiful and sweet..

    Bowling Green, KY
    #9 Mar 20, 2015
    panda wrote:
    Glad Regan Judd got smart...way to beautiful and sweet..

    Definitely glad she finally got away from Mr. Meyers..too controlling..glad her and her family seen right thru this druggy..

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Too controlling??? A druggy??

      Wow this is getting crazier and crazier!

      I'm not surprised that he has these problems. He sounds like such a catch. No wonder his past relationships were short. He is tailored made to be a Palin though. Will he hyphenate his last name when they marry? Dakota Palin-Meyer??

    2. Anonymous12:09 PM

      Bristol-Meyer might be more appropriate.
      Better living through chemistry.

  41. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Radaronline comments :

    BlueberryT2 hours ago
    How interesting that a MOH recipient failed to disclose the fact that he was married in his biography or anywhere else. Why hide it? I wonder if Bristol knew this prior to saying yes? (I'm not suggesting she doesn't have her own big secrets; I happen to know she does.)
    10  Reply

    zane1  BlueberryT2 hours ago
    Disclosed were all the horrid alcohol issues, but not the fact that he was/is married. Interesting. Some MoH. What integrity.
    8  Reply

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Dakota also made it sound as if his mother abandoned him but she was a witness at his wedding.

  42. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Dakota being the kind of guy who loves drinking with his buddies, where are the plans for the bachelor party? Will Dakota get a bachelor party? They'd better get to it.

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Good point. It should be scheduled for this weekend.

    2. Anonymous12:11 PM

      It must be top secret. Who is handling security?

  43. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Now, considering we love to talk about the Palins and find out what they're up to, they could accuse us IM'ers of having a love-hate relationship with them. And, by their constant need for attention, posting their life on the internet and tabloids, they suffer the consequences of curious on-lookers, but love to blame the on-lookers. They want em' and then they don't want em'. They too have a love-hate relationship with media. However, they started this whole process and they can't stop it. They are forever seen as that family that want attention and want to hurt anyone who dares question their lies.

    And they play games with their family members, and sometimes spread their own rumors, just to hear the reaction. Everything they do and say in public is for public reaction. The Palins must be in heaven right now, enjoying us try to dissect what the motives of this marriage are about.

    There's something nefarious going on. Other innocent people will be affected, hurt, scorned, and humiliated; what comes to mind is the Meyer family. Maybe finally the State of Kentucky conservatives will taste a dose of Palin poison and see her for what she really is.

    Wait and see how this develops. It wouldn't be surprising that Sarah and Bristol blame Dakota and his family.

  44. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Meyer is a loser but so is Bristol. Why would anyone expect either of them to marry an honest, upstanding citizen? He's 25 or 26 and has been married before! So what? Not too surprising that he got married when he was 19 and that the marriage ended in a divorce. Why does it matter? Who cares? Anyway, for those of you agonizing about his sin of getting a divorce and not telling the world about it, which is the worst sin? Having a hidden marriage and subsequent divorce or shacking up with 5 or more trial daddies like Bristol did? Why not get back to exposing Sarah's lies?

    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Oh you missed the point big time. It isn't a problem that he was married before. It's not a problem IF he is divorced. There is no evidence that he IS divorced and he is supposed to be marrying someone else in a week. THAT is the problem.

    2. Anonymous12:01 PM

      Divorce is not a sin. We never even mentioned the word 'sin'. You did.
      What we are talking about is the fact that there is a marriage certificate, but NO divorce decree. What we are talking about is that DuhkotAHH might be committing fraud by claiming to not be married, but in reality BEING married - and NOT divorced. That he might be getting into a bigamous relationship. In which case his second marriage would be null and void. In which case Tripp would get to be completely screwed up re. relationships with the other gender.

  45. Anonymous11:10 AM

    1. Janice A Soderquist11:54 AM

      Great, the whole marriage license, thanks

    2. Janice A Soderquist11:57 AM

      Bristol will be pissed if she game Dakota a huge sum of money for his house or movie?

  46. Anonymous11:41 AM

    This brings new meaning to the hashtag they used if Dakota never divorced Cassandra...


  47. Maybe the wedding has been OFF for a while now, and this is 'the excuse' they have decided to use to explain the breakup. "We'll publish the former marriage as if it had been a secret - and poor Bris is shattered that he didn't tell her all about it, hence no wedding." How much money has come in from happy fans??? Would it be returned? (HAH!)

  48. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Might Dakota have a potential Marine Corps problem here?

    Marriage/divorce status would be included in one's military record and certain scenarios would preclude being eligible to receive a Medal of Honor.

  49. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Welcome to fame. It is not on your terms. Hahaha

  50. Anonymous11:46 AM


    "I love a good love story like the rest of them, but I'm also a Mama of a 5-year old daughter and a 25-year old stepdaughter, and this story makes the protective-mama part of me get a little unnerved.

    Because Bristol Palin's fiance' has a freaking WHAT?

    A secret wife?

    According to Daily Mail:"


  51. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Write reviews of Dakota's book asking why he doesn't mention his former wife, especially given that she had a child with him.

  52. Scruffer12:02 PM

    Bristol has a post up on that blog about Planned Parenthood and her outrage OUTRAGE! about choice and abortion.
    Which probably means she went and got herself an abortion.

  53. So, Mr. Lily White Medal of Honor is about to commit bigamy? Because unless he produces that certificate of divorce, that is what the media is going to run with.

    I find it hard to believe no one can even find a high school graduation photo in a year book of his current/ex/whatever wife. You know it's out there somewhere.

  54. Janice A Soderquist12:08 PM

    Bristol cannot play a victim here. She let her mom pay for an engagement ring. She did not know him at all when she said she would marry him. She moved in with him and gave herself to him. What woman with a brain would do any of this. She is just a dumb Palin, uneducated, and she needs to take responsibility for trying to grab a man she doesn't know anything about... Please don't make Bristol or the Palins victims of this man.....

  55. Anonymous12:14 PM

    How many kids does D'Oh-kota have?
    How many kids does BrisD'Oh have?

  56. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Oh Dakotas FB page someone commented today about being disappointed that he didn't show up at last nights gung honoring MOH recipients. Sounds like Dakota's in hiding

  57. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Oh Shit !!!!!!! Can we get an interview with miss cass wain please. guessing this simple little world of hero and wains might shake and roll abit before the circus leaves town. I almost feel sorry for all involved except well you know the palin gang. shit just flows in that direction

  58. Anonymous12:20 PM

    If there is a divorce, then why hasn't Dakota simply put out a tweet stating the fact and shut everybody up?


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