Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Sarah Palin, her politics of victimization, and how they became a permanent part of the Republican party.

I have actually written some version of this several times myself, but it is really nice to see that others have also noticed Palin's lingering influence on the party once referred to as the "Grand Old Party."

One of those is Washington Monthly.  

Here are a few excerpts from their take on the situation: St. Joan of the Tundra’s distinctive contribution to the conservative cause was not simply to serve as a lightning rod for resentment of the “liberal elites” that supposedly run the country, but to invite ridicule that she then turned into a sense of victimization and self-pity and a hankering for vengeance. For a while there, she could do no wrong, since every misstep turned into an opportunity for a fresh grievance against the mockery of snooty elitists. 

Palin will hang around the periphery of conservative politics for some time (she’s a relatively young fifty). Her essential role of stimulating resentment and then promising vengeance, however, has been taken over by more conventional and respectable pols, much as George Wallace’s raw demagogic appeal in the 1960s was co-opted and refined by Richard Nixon. Indeed, one of the more notable developments of contemporary politics is the widespread preemption of Palin-style posturing against elites by other Republicans. These include potential 2016 presidential candidates ranging from Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, who has been seeking to brand himself as the champion of conservative Christians besieged by secularists and Muslims, to Mike Huckabee, whose new book, God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy, is a seething cauldron of resentment toward those who do not inhabit what Palin once memorably called “the real America.” But to a dangerous extent the whole party has absorbed some of the poison. 

The Monthly goes onto to point out how Palin's "poison" infected the newly formed Tea Party:

Though it did not “sell” well enough to elect McCain and Palin at a time when the bottom was falling out of the economy, the pure politics of resentment spilled over into the Tea Party movement, which from the very beginning drank deeply from the right-wing populist well of belief in an overclass-underclass alliance of financial elites and bureaucrats and looters seeking dependence on federal benefits and the destruction of middle-class mores and virtues. One of the Tea Party’s great conspiratorial myths became viral after a Palin Facebook post argued that Obamacare would introduce “death panels” that would determine the fate of people with disabilities like her son Trig. At the peak of Tea Party influence, millions of conservatives had a tightly integrated view of Obamacare as representing an effort to cut “earned” Medicare benefits in order to vastly expand “welfare” and “socialized medicine” while attacking the sanctity of life from two directions through guaranteed, subsidized insurance for abortion services and (of course) death panels. 

 By the time of the 2012 campaign, Obamacare’s contraception coverage mandate became the target of a particular cultural resentment epidemic that embroiled the entire GOP: the religious liberty campaign, based on the idea that conservative Christians who viewed (against the scientific consensus) certain contraceptives (e.g., IUDs and Plan B pills) as abortifacients were being forced to subsidize homicide, and were thus being “persecuted for their faith.” The religious liberty campaign also became a pity party for those opposing same-sex marriage, with the victims being conservative elements of the wedding industry and a few TV personalities. At about the same time, a “scandal” swept the conservative media making the alleged slow walking by the IRS of applications for tax-exempt status by conservative groups who wanted to run election ads without disclosing donors into a frightful totalitarian specter of doors being kicked down and assets seized. And a remarkably large group of respectable Republicans—including new national GOP star Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa—embraced the John Birch Society’s “Agenda 21” conspiracy theory holding that local land-use regulations are part of a United Nations plot to kill private property rights.

Which brings us to the newest politician to apply a spray tan of the Palin-like camouflage of victimization in order fit in with the under educated fringe that now makes up the most rabid base of the Republican party.

Mike Huckabee.

And hell he even wrote a book about it:

While nobody has written a full-fledged manifesto for conservative cultural resentment, Mike Huckabee’s new pre-campaign book is a significant step in the direction of full-spectrum cry for the vindication of Real Americans. It is telling that the politician who was widely admired outside the conservative movement during his 2008 run for being genial, modest, quick-witted, and “a conservative who’s not mad about it” has now released a long litany of fury at supposed liberal-elite condescension toward and malevolent designs against the Christian middle class of the Heartland. 

The clever conceit of God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy is that Huckabee is explaining to powerful and arrogant elites of “Bubble-ville”—New York, Washington, and Los Angeles—the sturdy folk virtues and beliefs of “Bubba-ville,” by which he means the rest of the country, though it often sounds like just the Deep South as viewed by its older and more conservative white residents. But the book is clearly meant for “Bubbas,” and it is meant to make them very angry. The first chapter is entitled “The New American Outcasts,” and it asks readers to identify with the martyrdom of Chick-fil-A’s Dan Cathy and Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson for defending the “biblical” view of marriage and homosexuality. Huckabee actually launched the very successful idea of a “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” on his Fox News show, giving conservatives the opportunity to show their contempt for “political correctness” by giving the chicken sandwich chain a record day of sales. And he’s long competed with Bobby Jindal in promoting Phil Robertson (a Louisiana native). But aside from these totems, the idea that “Bubbas” must fight back against people who would rob them of all liberty and property permeates nearly every page of Huckabee’s book.

In the article's summation it points out that though Palin is no longer considered a political player, her influence lingers on. Which I think should now be apparent to everyone.

You know much like when somebody hits a skunk on the highway but you can still smell it several miles down the road.

Speaking of a lingering bad aroma, guess who is NOT scheduled to make an appearance in the upcoming Faith and Freedom Coalition convention.

And the FFC is partnering this year with the group Concerned Women for America so that is a double burn.

By the way I encourage you to take the time to read the entire article over at the Washington Monthly. I only shared a portion, but the entire thing is quite informative and entertaining.


  1. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Sort of off topic, but that picture of her on the suitcase is so sad. Her legs, compared to photos from before her VP run, are so skinny and her chest is much bigger. Fairly clear that it is a mix of plastic surgery and starvation to reach some ideal form that she has in mind. I can't imagine giving up your entire body for celebrity.

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      So Palin.

    2. Anonymous5:33 PM

      This leg shot grossed me out. How can she walk with those sticks?
      June 13, 2014

    3. Anonymous5:56 PM

      5:33 PM, if you saw the pic of her legs going up the stairs to the stage in her pleather and lace skirt with her fake butt, best EVER! I still hoot!

    4. Anonymous8:19 PM

      She was looking so bad this time last year that my friends and I started a "deadpool" guessing when she'd finally succumb to her bulimia/anorexia. I bet a few hundred that she'd be wasted to nothing and gone by May 2015. Lost that bet.

    5. Anonymous8:35 PM

      She has brought out her fake boobs off and on for various photos. Sometimes we actually see her flat chested as can be. She's 50+ now and doesn't have the perky boobs anymore.

    6. Anonymous9:59 PM

      Well if she's hitchhiking? Then WHAT country is she in with that sign America?

    7. Anonymous12:32 AM

      "Well if she's hitchhiking? Then WHAT country is she in with that sign America?"

      Good point...LOL

    8. Anonymous3:23 AM

      She looks like a scarecrow! Does she honestly think she is sexy? Now she is repulsive even BEFORE she opens her ugly mouth.

    9. Anonymous11:03 PM

      Minus 3.8 mil from a Native corp to a biz in Hong Kong? Sarah you dirty little thief...catch you when they can hu? Lol.

  2. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Yes it's a good read. Palin is so desperate to stay relevant and in the media she tries so hard to be the so called outsider - the gun toting, anti-establishment, God-fearing, common sense gal who don't need no stinking book learning or experience. She talks straight to the heartland folk - the 'rill' Americans! But it's such a phony transparent act! Those of us that have really paid attention to this woman can see right through her act. It's a calculated act, too. Keep the anti-government anti-Obama anti secular nonsense 'coming at ha' so these same like-minded nincompoops will fund her non-working lifestyle. Hers and her husband, children and hangers-on. '

    1. Anonymous8:33 PM

      The only good thing I can say about Sarah Palin is that her baloney taught Alaskans a huge lesson.

      When Amy Demoski starting playing the same games, Anchorage voters saw right through her and she lost the race to Mayor of Anchorage! I sincerely doubt she'll hold another office in Anchorage or Alaska once she has finished her term on the Anchorage Assembly. She is a resident of Eagle River and created a divide between their area and that of Anchorage.

  3. Anonymous5:36 PM

    'You can fool some of the people all of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. It must gall Palin that not everyone believes her particular brand of BS.

    1. Anonymous3:25 AM

      Well, something tells me $carah is just getting started. The donations for her slush fund are drying up. Her entire family depends on that money. $carah will have to do something - FAST.

  4. Fuck it, kick 'em while they're down. Just be wholly truthful, not out of context, and keep hitting them. Dishonest, bad faith actors deserve every political punch.

  5. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Once Huckabee's presidential book tour is over, I predict that Sarah Palin's victimization schtick will bite the dust too.

    Sarah has already lost her audience for her usual bullshit and people will soon get tired of paying good money to hear hate rants with nothing positive in them, whether from Sarah Palin or any of the bajillion wingnut candidates.

    Sarah was stupid enough to think that she could toss her stupid repetitive word salad for the rest of her life, and folks would buy it. Wrong, Sarah.

    Now get up off of your bony ass and get a job, you lazy bum.

    1. Anonymous3:30 AM

      Huckerbee, Santorum and others are just in this for the $$$. They would CRAP if they really thought the job was about to be hannded to them! Too much hard work for any of them. Rand Paul's son with 3 DUI's. Huckerbee's sons skinning a stray dog, hanging it and beating the poor thing first. Then trying to board a plane with a loaded gun. The party of "family values" has feet of clay. Maybe they want the Koch's to pay them to go away, so little cross-eyed, wimpy Scott Walker can get into the WH?

  6. Anonymous5:47 PM

    I can't imagine why anyone spent so much time discussing the role of Palin-as-victim and her influence on the Republicans and the Tea Party. I don't care to invest even a few minutes reading about Palin. She is past history.

    Palin has lost her voice on Fox. She has not been on Fox News or one of its sister stations since the end of January. Sarah relies on her private Sarah Palin Channel to "broadcast" meaning post 2-to-3 minute videos to a declining audience. Today, her number is the worst that I've seen, 339,560. Her PAC is desperate for money yet the website for her PAC hasn't had a new post since April 1.

    Sarah posts infrequently on her Facebook, sometimes posting ghost written political messages and sometimes writing the gibberish herself, proving again that she did not get a degree in journalism from any institution, not even a mail order school.

    Rachel showed 22 potential Republican candidates for the 2016 election and Sarah Palin was not included. She teased everyone in the last election proving that while she could attract a lot of attention from the media, she got attention for all the wrong reasons, ringing those bells and firing those warning shots. Her own party did not invite her to the Republican convention in 2012 and she had been their VP nominee just 4 years earlier.

    Sarah has little to offer other than playing the victim. She didn't really say that she could see Russia from her house. Tina Fey said it in a spoof on SNL. It doesn't matter who said it. It was a joke because Sarah based her foreign policy experience on Alaska's proximity to Russia-- which is not foreign policy experience. "What do you read?" is not a trick question. As a good Christian, Sarah should have answered, "The Bible, a verse every night before I go to sleep." You can only be got by a gotcha question if you are too dumb to remember Exxon Valdez, and the Supreme Court awarding far less in monetary damages than actual damages.

    Sarah Palin's act wears very thin, and she is hardly a victim. She is the high school mean girl who still knows how to manipulate people and making them feel sorry for her. I finally ran into the pretty, blond high school mean girl that I remembered from high school. She attacked people and gossiped about them as an offensive move because she was one dumb bunny. She was frightened that people would see how dumb she was so she attacked first. She still is dumb and not very good at disguising it anymore. We have all grown up and she doesn't scare us any more. Palin once was a frightening prospect, turning health care talk into death panels. Her act has worn thin and she has little to say. Sarah chose reality TV over studying issues and being a strong conservative voice. Now I'm wondering why Bristol's wedding could be taking place in Kentucky when this would have been Sarah's moment to shine and attract the spotlight, throwing the wedding of the century. That's what the Mother of the Bride is supposed to do, be the hostess at her daughter's wedding.

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Because Miss Priss found her vet who is more than willing to take on the pass-around-pack for fame and fortune. Fox is now featuring him in interviews, this is ALL calculated. Holy crap, she even bought the ring.

    2. Anonymous8:44 PM

      "I don't care to invest even a few minutes reading about Palin. She is past history."
      Yet you take the time to write 7 paragraphs about her?

    3. Anonymous6:38 AM

      that's becuz they're hiding something,as usual. whens brizzles Rill due date,screech?

  7. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Her "politics of victimization" is a manifestation of her narcissism. She has no fundamental political convictions.

  8. Anonymous5:57 PM

    This article was prophetic: On election night Amy Simple Demboski held forth, and talking about the press said; (according to Alaska Commons website): "We are going to make mistakes and they should report that. But, you know, to go after somebody’s family is disgusting." Is that straight from Planet Palin, or what? Also, I followed the election more closely than most, and I have no idea what she's talking about. All that was said about her family was that 1) she was a former military brat and 2) her husband is a fireman, and the Firefighters Union endorsed Berkowitz. Also, too...(sorry) I do not think it's a particularly good posture to approach the people w/ "I'm a victim". Who are you going to attract, except other victims? America likes a winner...a victor.....a champion. Not someone wearing a "Kick Me" sign. But I guess the GOTP knows better than I.

  9. Anonymous5:59 PM

    How are those wedding plans working out for ya' governor. We have'nt heard a word about the nuptials. Or are we already working on the baby shower? I heard baby books are all the rage. Must teach Bris to read first.

    1. Anonymous5:09 PM

      They're testing out the teleprompters. "I Do" is too many words to remember.

    2. Anonymous5:35 PM

      It is now out that Dakota was with a successful beautiful woman name of Judd. I don't know if she is related to the Judd's or not. She and Dakota were still an item 11 weeks before he became engaged to the Palin.

      Judd is not the type to have friends in the internet porn business, nor would she sell shoes or faux luxury items. It would have been a different kind of wedding had he been able to marry her.


      Wedding Planner.


    3. Anonymous5:32 AM

      Looks like Dakota and Regan Judd were together for quite a long time

      Dakota employed the same gushing tones as he uses regarding Bristol when telling his social media audience how much he adored her. Hmmm.

  10. Anonymous6:01 PM

    These radical right-wingers and tea-party'ers must be getting a whole lot tired at hearing the same old lines. Do they sit all day hanging on every word from these Repub clowns?

    Tornadoes and severe weather are sweeping through the plains and Oklahoma tonight, so these people must have some skill at learning how to think for themselves and use survival skills. Why can't they use common sense to see these charlatans like Huckabee, etc. do not have their best interests at heart. Natural disasters keep ripping through every state every week, it seems, floods, drought and storms, and the Bubba's are all in line waiting for their government catastrophe checks, while Huckabee, Jindal, Cruz, etc. get jetted off to some luxury island while the storms blow through. They are all hot air. They have no intention of repealing Obamacare, deregulating every law that the Obama Administration put into place, immigration, equality, etc. That's absolutely all talk. They have no convictions. Their convictions are saying anything that will get them elected.

  11. Not off-topic: I'm concerned that those who can't acknowledge that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, and similarly can't accept that September 11th was no "Inside Job," will fail to recognize how truly grave is the situation the developments cited in this article denote.

    1. Anonymous7:03 AM

      Bush knew nothing. it was the Saudis. there was to be 12 planes. the Cuban they arrested the woman had seen and reported looking over the fence at the gradeschool had the plans with him. fortunately those planes were grounded.plans were to hit towers in L.A. overtake the gradeschool killing the kids ect. then sleeper cells would begin killing in the streets. fortunately that woman noticed that guy watching the gradeschool.

    2. Anonymous5:11 PM

      By the People for the people...we are watching....

  12. Bill O'Reilly interviewed Nicole Wallace tonight and she was not kind to Sarah with which O'Reilly said, she is no friend of mine... Great, can't wait for her response...

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      BillO is a pompous ass of the worst kind but it's pretty clear he has no patience for the likes of Sarah Palin.

    2. Anonymous3:42 AM

      Bill-O is truly a pompous ass...but he's a pompous ass with a brain and no patience for the dim witted. Sarah is a braying mule, on top of which she is wholly uninterested in the finer points of playing in that arena. Bill-O's increasingly open contempt for her is very influential, and likely marks a real turning point in her celeb "career"

    3. Once a few rightwing sheep bleat against her, the rest will follow. "She is no friend of mine..." It's a start.

    4. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Wallace has really been digging into poor Sarah. She was asked about her new book, a work of "fiction" about a female president, and she was outright asked if she realized Sarah's name would come up a lot. Nicholle got this "who opened the blue cheese?" look on her face and said "I've been through the Sarah Palin experience, I can deal with her"
      Well, Nicholle, shit or get off the pot. What have you got to lose?

  13. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Sarah Palin can't be against contraception. How else would she keep her daughters from getting pregnant and son from getting a girl pregnant. It would have worked for Bristol but she wanted Levi's seeds and children.

    1. Anonymous3:37 AM

      Also, too Gino's and Joeys - TWICE!! Duhkota had better get a DNA on the coming bundle of joy.

  14. Anonymous6:10 PM

    You know much like when somebody hits a skunk on the highway but you can still smell it several miles down the road. 

    Gman you're too funny but in Sarah's case, its like a car hitting a rotting fish.

    1. Anonymous10:20 PM

      That attracts the flies...

  15. Anonymous6:13 PM

    check some of this shit out......


    1. Anonymous6:52 PM

      2008 articles.

    2. Anonymous7:26 PM

      this is a mirror of the game plan Amy Demboski tried to pull .....same same bullshit

  16. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Help, please.

    Someone on another thread said the "Washington Monthly" is a conservative publication and that makes this article even more pointed.

    Is that so? I think it would be helpful, Gryph, and others, if you state what many of you probably think is "obvious" so that us who don't eat, sleep and breath this stuff can be clued in.

    Especially, if this is the case here. If a Right-Leaning publication comes out against Palin or how the Republicans operate, that's a big deal. We should be told that by someone. So we can better understand what it means.

    Also, it helps us to tell our conservative friends, that we saw in a conservative publication, "So and Such" that they said this. Gives them a reason to pause and consider the issue, not just blow it off as some "liberal elite fallacy."

    Of, course if the "Washington Monthly," isn't right leaning, then it won't apply now. But the need to clue us in on how the different publications leans is important nonetheless.

    Thank you.

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Let's just say that the 4pees are extremely put off by this. They, also too, are upset about the following. :)

    2. Anonymous7:01 PM

      The Washington Monthly is not a right-leaning publication. It is a non-profit magazine started in 1969 whose current editor-in-chief is a former Bill Clinton speechwriter. This particular piece was written by Ed Kilgore, a Democrat of long standing, former speechwriter, former member of the DLC. He currently writes a daily column on the WM website called Political Animal, in which he provides political analysis and intelligent discussion of current politics. I believe this bit of writing came out of the review he did of Huckabee's book. I would highly recommend his columns-intelligent, articulate, thoughtful.

    3. Anonymous9:21 PM

      I believe you're thinking of the Washington Times. It is basically the newspaper version of Fox News -- i.e., Republican propaganda. However, their readership is very low. I doubt many modern-day Republicans read newspapers; TV-watching is passive (easy), reading is active (hard).

    4. Anonymous10:18 PM

      7:01 Thanks for the good info.

      6:39 Thanks also, too to you, too. It's always interesting to see what the PeePonders are upset about--especially since I don't go there or click on anything that links there.

    5. Anonymous3:51 AM

      The Washington Times is a newspaper owned by the family of the Reverend Sun Yung Moon. I lived in the area when hundreds of their religious followers were assigned mates and the arranged marriages took place in the football stadium. The publication is ultra conservative, and for decades has worked very hard to legitimize itself in order to be viewed as more neutral than it is.

      Washington Monthly is an award winning, well respected magazine which leans some to the left of center, evident in the background of its writers and editors more than the actual content

  17. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Was this song written for
    Sarah "Why's everybody always pickin' on me" Palin?

    Charlie Brown -Why's everybody always pickin' on me
    (Song by The Coasters)

    Fe-fe, fi-fi, fo-fo, fum
    I smell smoke in the auditorium

    Charlie Brown, Charlie Brown
    * He's a clown, that Charlie Brown
    * He's gonna get caught
    * Just you wait and see
    * (Why's everybody always pickin' on me)

    * Especially these lyrics
    Perfectly written for that doofus

    1. Anonymous10:24 PM

      Nickleback - Shaking Hands

  18. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Would someone pick up that bitch and drop her off at the front gate of Passages in Malibu, CA. for an extended stay!

  19. Anonymous6:41 PM

    And now they can ROT in that pot of swill they created until they’re gone.

  20. Anonymous6:59 PM

    She most certainly has been put out to pasture of which, may I add, is her own doing. She can say whatever she wants to about the 'elite' but she wanted in that crowd SO bad in '08. She didn't want to go back to Alaska. The Palin brand is kaput and she knows it, so how better to further herself to arrange a marriage and put MOH out there? He's as stupid as she is and will do whatever she wants.

    1. Anonymous5:32 AM

      this retarded old nag should have been sent off with the 'nacker to be ground up for dogfood..Jill's dogfood.

  21. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Sarah Palin is her own worse enemy.
    Sarah Palin is her children's worse enemy.
    Sarah Palin is America's worse enemy.
    Sarah Palin is public enemy number one.

    1. Anonymous7:14 PM

      You forgot Sarah Palin is Alaska's worse enemy.

    2. Anonymous10:26 PM should see the music video...features John boy making sure those arms got to Isis...posed with em too! What an AmeriKKKan...

    3. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Red White Black

  22. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Anonymous5:59 PM

    How are those wedding plans working out for ya' governor. We have'nt heard a word about the nuptials. Or are we already working on the baby shower? I heard baby books are all the rage. Must teach Bris to read first.


    Sarah Palin is probably waiting for Dakota and his family to sign the Sarah Palin Family Confidentiality Clause before Sarah allows the marriage.

  23. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Everyone, you just wait! Sarah is just going to enjoy a simple down-home wedding with Bristol, but see, accordin' to the folks at C4P, she's been working "behind the scenes" on a run. Immediately after the 'weddin, she's going to announce her candidacy on FACEBOOK and change the way elections are run, FOREVER! C4P folks says she doesn't NEED money like all those other schmucks in the clown car. Nope, Sarah's going to to it all on her own. Can't you tell? Her Website is enough to take over the world with her smile and charm. Our Sarah only needs her phone and social media in order to win the hearts and minds of all Amuricans.

    1. Anonymous8:43 PM

      Have at it, $arah, trout out MOH and D'OH as the latest and the greatest.

      How many years will these fools wait for you to run and accept your excuses why you can't? The time is now in my book. Who hides behind social media and a defunct TAPP channel to make their views known? A coward.

  24. This is precisely why I keep up a Palin watch, and thank you for your blog for keeping at it. She was used to unleash the basest of base human instincts. There was a ready audience in uneducated, newly unemployed, newly bankrupted citizens who have been preyed upon by the 1% since Reagonomics. They took the bait and have been howling their resentment and latent racism at what Palinism tells them is bad government.

    1. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Indeed, she is a vector for Ebolic thinking, a mindless virus looking to infect those stupid enough to wade in the water of her idiocy.

    2. Anonymous9:18 PM

      You give her too much credit.

      For all practical purposes, nobody is, or is going to pay attention to her.

    3. Anonymous10:50 PM


  25. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Sarah Palin: Out. Carly Fiorina: In

  26. Anonymous7:30 PM

    How about a Palin/Fiorina 2016 ticket.

    Call it the "I Quit, No You're Fired" ticket.

  27. Anonymous9:28 PM

    So Sarah Palin in fact made Pig-Ignorance fashionable with the Not So Far Right?

    LMAO, keep trying to drag them down to your level, Sarah. One day they'll be stuck there. Then we'll walk all over you all. I won't mind a little blood on my "Johnny" Choos, you oafish twat.

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      no disrespect to the Pig.

  28. Anonymous9:36 PM

    I suspect that, since the world has forgotten about Sarah Palin (probably deliberately) and there's nobody asking her if she's going to run, she might not make any pointless announcement except to her little fan club.

  29. Anonymous3:26 AM

    The Huckster evidently forgot that low information voters don't read books, and those who do read books aren't likely to read this one. So the most mileage he can get is from Fox talking heads and radio hosts TALKING about the book, or interviewing him, etc. All of which is very short lived in the context of what promises to be a very long run-up to the primary.

    So that leaves the real question: is it too much to hope for that Huck actually spews this stuff himself, and we'll get to witness him getting all worked up into some jowl-quivering snit? I'm going to need more popcorn.

  30. Anonymous5:37 AM

    I want to thank sarah for bad behavior. you have been a shit stain on anything you touch. you have made it clear to your own party the depth of which you will sink to lie and cheat. Now, even they have turned away from you. your lies and dirty dealing will continue to be revealed. you are their very own Typhoid Mary. turds like you ,like dead bodies, will always eventually surface. you have been a one woman wrecking ball to your own party. thanks again!

  31. Anonymous8:39 AM

    There she is abusing the American Flag again (cowboy boots!). Hang her from the tallest tree!

  32. Anonymous9:30 AM


  33. Janice A Soderquist1:26 PM

    Dakota had a full time girlfriend, Reagan Judd, in December, 2014. Did Bristol know she was breaking up their relationship and did she even care. She demands to get what she wants...

  34. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Bristol tried to break up Levi and Sunny’s relationship but failed big time. Levi married Sunny and their marriages is solid as a rock.

    Bristol went through several guys and then started another public relationship with Dakota, Reagan Judd's boyfriend.

    Karma is a bitch Bristol. Your marriage to Dakota will not last. Dakota will get drunk and cheat on you because you are too clingy.

    Bristol you are too clingy in the wrong way. Your relationships with every guy you've been with after Levi was done to show Levi you are attractive and wanted by all the guys.

    Why do I say this? Is because your relationships with all the guys has been the same and made public. You would post pictures of youself kissing guys and Tripp hugging and having fun with these guys just to try to hurt Levi.

    Bristol the pictures of you kissing Dakota and pictures of Dakota playing and having a relationship with Tripp on the internet is no different than your other internet pictures with those other guys.

    Bristol your relationship with Dakota is no different.

    1. Anonymous10:24 PM

      Bristol Palin is a vindictive bitch just like her insane Mother.

  35. Anonymous9:29 PM


    Dakota Meyer, Medal Of Honor Recipient, Vows To Run For Congress

    At 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday, after Congress failed to avert a government shutdown, Dakota Meyer, a Medal of Honor recipient, announced via Twitter that he intended to run for office. "Congress 2016. POTUS 2024!" he tweeted.
    -Huffington Post

    1. Anonymous10:21 PM

      9:29 PM Was he drunk again?

    2. Anonymous5:19 AM

      drunk And stupid...again. people generally try to vote for someone they consider a Little smarter than them. this guy is the bottom of the barrel. looks like he will be hawking t-hirts and living off brizzles child support from her litters of bastard babes instead.

  36. Anonymous10:32 PM

    So there was rioting in Baltimore, a young man died from police brutality, and Butthole is worried about her escrow papers?  FUCK YOU BITCH!

    And why were the docs coming from the east coast anyway?  Who in the east coast would buy Butthole's house?  Unless SarahPac bought it.
    -Sarah Palin Had A Serpent's Heart


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