Sunday, June 28, 2015

After Univision cancels Miss USA telecast due to Donald Trump's racist comments, Trump sends letter forbidding them from setting foot on any of his properties. Trump diplomacy at work.

Courtesy of ABC News:  

Donald Trump has banned any employee of Univision from stepping foot on one of his properties after the Spanish-language network cancelled the Miss USA telecast. 

The billionaire real estate baron, who is now running for president, sent a signed letter to the company's CEO and made threats about future policies. 

"Please congratulate your Mexican Government officials for having made such outstanding trade deals with the United States. However, inform them that should I become President, those days are over. We are bringing jobs back to the U.S. Also, a meaningful border will be immediately created, not the laughingstock that currently exists," Trump said in the letter.

 Yes this is the guy we won't negotiating foreign policy with Putin, or working out a nuclear agreement with Iran.

The guy would start a war over the slightest provocation.

Essentially he is a big orange baby, with weird hair, and an over inflated ego.

He actually may be too clownish to be permitted to sit in the GOP clown car. And that's really saying something.


  1. Olivia12:09 PM

    I am sure that is exactly how he plans to defeat ISIS.

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Yes! He will send a threatening letter. Certainly, given WHO the sender is, they will cower in fear and awe and immediately cease all operations.

  2. Cracklin Charlie12:11 PM

    Oh, that's a great idea! That outburst should really drive customers to his "properties" in droves.

    Ya know, for someone who is so scared of Mexicans, the Donald's skin is a most odd shade of marron.

  3. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Poor baby. Have to find another station to exploit those young women on? I hope everyone drops your sorry butt. And no, Donnie, you will never be POTUS. America is not that stupid.

  4. Anonymous12:15 PM

    A legend and self importance in his own mind.
    A bully and a clown.
    Fu trumpet!

  5. Virginia12:18 PM

    Love how splotchy his Orange makeup is in that pic!

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      He really need to get a blender sponge.

  6. Anonymous12:21 PM

    "Yes this is the guy we won't negotiating foreign policy with Putin, or working out a nuclear agreement with Iran."

    won't ---- want?

  7. Anonymous12:22 PM

    There goes the Latino vote......

  8. Anonymous12:38 PM

    O/T but Gryphen, and IM readers, if you haven't yet listened to our president's interview/chat with Marc Maron, here it is.

    I have to say it really offered me an insight into how he thinks, and answered lots of questions for me about why he does what he does and how incredibly intelligent and deeply thoughtful he is.

    He covers so much beyond saying the 'N-word' that the media was in such a spin over. In fact, when you hear it in it's context, and the tone in his voice, if you blinked, you'd have missed it, that's how NON sensation it was, but it took the media to pump it up out of all proportion.

    Marc welcomes the 44th President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, to the garage for conversation about college, fitting in, race relations, gun violence, changing the status quo, disappointing your fans, comedians, fatherhood and overcoming fear. And yes, this really happened.

  9. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Mental Illness does discriminate. Even the Donald trumps of the world have it. And here is a classic case. "Donald Trump" so deranged and full of daddy's and everybody elses money!! The clown is coo coo. And a complete asshole.

  10. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Another repukkklican clown trying to buy America after he sold her out.

  11. Anonymous12:51 PM

    What a vile, ugly inside and out piece of slime Trump is. His nasty son goes around killing elephants and other animals in Africa. I guess it makes him feel so important to slay an innocent animal. I think the Trumps are low life scumbuckets. Besides being a racist blowhard, he would destroy this country within a month's time. Ego maniacal freak.

  12. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Donald may be Bristol's baby daddy ....

  13. Anonymous12:52 PM

    "..too clownish....for the clown car...?" I disagree. I think they should let him DRIVE.

  14. And yet there are people, feeble-minded and powerless enough who'd admire and envy this kind of swaggering, misused power, and would vote for Trump just in wishful kinship.

  15. He sure does live in his own version of reality, doesn't he? Fortunately, it's only his and his alone.

  16. Oh, I thought he had banned all Mexicans from stepping foot on his properties.

    Of course, that would mean replacing all of the illegals he pays less than minimum wage under the table.

  17. Anonymous1:02 PM

    We really need to outlaw self tanner.

  18. How to win friends and influence people. :) LMAO

  19. Anonymous1:21 PM

    O/T regarding your previous baby blanket post on 6/20


    Gryphen -- had you already heard the Bristol pregnancy rumors when you posted this "cryptic" message?

    If so, touche!!

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      I wondered the same thing myself. G always holds his cards close to his vest - which drives a lot of people crazy - but he is very careful.
      With that said - would it be too much to ask for a total and complete review of all of the baby scandals? This is a perfect time to remind all who are interested that this is not her second pregnancy - as she would like to have people believe.
      Her ex - Dakota is also being careful not to say anything right now - which is leading to a lot of speculation on sooo many sites. Bristol is getting ripped to shreds. Her two conflicting posts are exposing her as the incredible ignorant fool she is.

      Pat Padrnos

      Pat Padrnos

    2. Anita Winecooler4:12 PM

      That's what I like about Gryphen's Blog and his style of writing. Unless he can verify something through another source, he'll hold back the post until he's sure. If he's mistaken, he'll apologize and set things right. Looking at the photo in the heavy winter coat with her first propp on her back did raise questions in my mind. But then she, herself, announced it to Nancy, who then announced it on her blog. And the world laughed and laughed at her hypocrisy and plea for "privacy for her and her son"

    3. Anonymous4:20 PM

      She and her mom can get as ticked off as they want - makes no never mind. Liars and con artists. They really think the rest of the world is stupid. Of course, they do have their enablers who really are that dense.

      Pat Padrnos

  20. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Good for them in not telecasting! Trump's bullying ways are NOT going to work this time! Who in the hell would want to stay at his facilities anyway? There should be a boycott done on all his properties - to include his golf courses throughout the world! Turn about is fair play!

    He'd make a horrid POTUS! His way or no way - he'd declare war in a second - would send money like there is no tomorrow, has no negotiating skills, has no debating skills, etc.

    Fucking asshole is all he is! Feel sorry for his wife and family!

  21. Anonymous1:46 PM

    OT - President Obama is discussing how to save our planet/environment with David Attenborough. BBC America. Now.

  22. Anonymous1:59 PM

    What an angry looking signature Trump has!

    1. Yes, it looks like a mile-high fence around his mind to keep reason out.

    2. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Right on as to both your comments!

      He is angry and reflects it every time he opens that hole on his face!

      Can't watch him! Always change the channel! He'll never be POTUS!

    3. Anita Winecooler4:14 PM

      BINGO! He takes up as much space allotted and his tight spacing and odd penmanship makes it as ugly as he is.

    4. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Barbara, your comment was one of the best I have read! Bravo!

  23. Anonymous2:29 PM

    When is it exactly that he will be dropping out of the race to spend more time with the family because he won't want to have to turn in one of those pesky papers that show how much he is worth?

  24. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Since none of Trump's spoiled, elitist children would ever consider serving this country, why wouldn't Donald use force to bully other nations? No "art of negoations" necessary, when you have no skin in the game, besides war makes rich men richer.

  25. Anonymous2:51 PM

    And he pals around with seditionists:

  26. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Want to see something really ugly?
    Watch The Donald with the volume of tee-vee turned off

  27. This letter-writing fad among the republicans?

    They seem really proud of themselves, I suppose because they are not using crayons on lined paper. It certainly can't be the content of their silly literary effusions, which are stunningly ignorant at best, and dangerously aggressive at worst.

    It is so embarrassing to know that the Mexican government, after laughing like a row of buckets, probably called the Iranians to share some guffaws at the expense of the stunningly stupid Americans..

  28. Anita Winecooler4:23 PM

    Another Trump fabrication, from the legend in his own mind. He's also, too, drawing crowds as big as Bernie Sanders, so THERE!

    What's he doing? Giving free samples of his signature china made cologne, exclusively available at a Macy Store near you.... the bottle says "Success" his face says "Suck cesspool".
    Sorry, but I doubt Univision had any plans of entering any of his properties, unless it's to buy Taj Mahal and make it their headquarters. Way to get the hispanic vote and middle class vote.
    Did Trump make a spanish version of the letter? LMAO

  29. Anonymous4:25 PM

    I can not stand this prick. What a little pussy boy!

    Remember when he was trying to get his golf course built in Scotland? There was a a little farming community that didn't want anything to do with him and were trying to get him out of there. He threw a shit fit.

    The nasty filthy things he said about those people was beyond disgusting. The tantrums he throws are not pretty and neither is he. How old is he? Ten? What a fucking freak!

    1. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Money cannot buy class, can it?

  30. Anonymous7:33 PM

    I just can't stop laughing. It's all a joke, and so is he.

  31. slipstream7:35 PM

    You kids, you get off my lawn! Do you hear me? Get off!

  32. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Could this man be any sillier?

    No wonder the pond love him so, he clearly has the same IQ as Sarah.

    What a pair of bad-wigged bookends they make.

  33. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Jake Rapper asked The Donald in a recent interview what is so traditional about having been married three times?! For once, the idiot was dumbstruck. Lovin it!

  34. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Epitomizes "GOP:" Grumpy Old People


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