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"Deal with it!" |
So here are the things you should all get straight before you continue to mock me, judge me, and talk about me.
None of us are perfect.
I made a mistake, but it’s not the mistake all these giddy a$$holes have loved to assume.
This pregnancy was actually planned. (Say what?)
Everyone knows I wanted more kids, to have a bigger family. Believing I was heading that way, I got ahead of myself. Things didn’t go as planned, but life keeps going. Life moves on. (So is she saying that this is Dakota's baby? Does Dakota know that?)
But I do not regret this baby. This baby is not a disappointment, and I cannot wait to be a mom times two. Tripp is going to make the best big brother!!
(Uhh, then why did she say this: "I know this has been, and will be, a huge disappointment to my family, to my close friends, and to many of you." I mean she was apologizing to everybody right out of the gate.)
Bristol then goes on to point out that the Candies Foundation is standing with her (Which I pointed out yesterday.), claims she was NOT paid to be their spokesperson, and then incredibly claims that she is still employed at that dermatologist's office in Anchorage.
She then goes on to pathetically pander to the pro-life crowd:
When I realized I was pregnant, I knew I would be completely crucified. But I never even thought of aborting this child, NO MATTER WHAT THE CIRCUMSTANCE. (Sorry to the ghouls at Gawker, who said this baby is an argument FOR abortion. Not happening.)
I am pregnant. This is not the ideal situation, but life is important even if it’s not in the most absolute ideal circumstance. This is more confirmation on what I’ve always stood for. I’ve always been pro-life and I am standing for life now.
Deal with it.
Okay so there you trolls!
Bristol did not get pregnant because she is not smart enough to use birth control. She got pregnant by tricking some poor bastard into knocking her up.
Okay I have a question. If this baby was planned back when Bristol was still planning to marry Dakota, then where are his excited announcements on Facebook about his impending fatherhood?
Unless of course he doesn't know, or perhaps ISN'T the father?
If Bristol thought she was going to quiet her critics with his post, she is sadly, sadly mistaken.
In fact she may have even made the whole thing worse.
P.S. I think I should note that according to Levi Bristol also planned her first unwed pregnancy, so clearly this is a pattern with her.
Update: ET is having a little trouble making any sense out of Bristol's blog posts.
When you're lying, all kinds of stories are told. This flip flopping only means that someone is being evasive and untruthful. You are right, G; it doesn't make things better or change my opinion of Bitchdull. She is a lying, stupid slut!!
ReplyDeleteI am posting this again, I am not palmamoma!
DeleteThis post shows that Bristol has made SEVERAL mistakes including the DWTS baby which two networks hid for the palin cult!
I'm posting in hope Palmamama or Willow will contract Gryphen& b/c it made queen B and Saree so pissed off...
PalmaMama9:26 AM
At 8:13, according to bristol's sister, she was not pregnant by junker at Disney or any other time. She had two pregnancy scares with him and he is now one of two possibilities concerning paternity of the current tabloidling. However, Tripp HAS seen Bristol pregnant twice- right now, and during DWTS. After DWTS when Bristol was a new mom for the 3rd time in 4.5 years and trying desperately to cling to fame, she started taking prescription "ADHD meds" which as Willow explained are basically "legal speed". She lost her baby weight quickly and then some. I am gravely concerned for this current child as my daughter tells me Bristol is still taking these pills.
Willow also said during prep for filming for the wife swap show, Tripp repeatedly said "I have a new baby sis-tuh!" and he'd be frantically corrected with Bristol saying "he means baby cousin!" or "he means baby SITTER, he has a new baby sitter!"
Willow claims "everyone" at E network knew what was actually going on and yet nobody moved to break this bombshell. Willow says during Giuliana Rancic's interview with Bristol, she had to stop twice and rest because she was so heavily pregnant with the DWTS baby, going up a few stairs in her home led her to have contractions.
Now, Willow is certainly trying to get her parents' attention by spilling all this info as of late, but what I want to know is this- WHAT on earth keeps this tacky, ill informed, thuggishly greedy family so insulated and protected? WHY did two major TV networks go to great lengths to cover Bristol's DWTS pregnancy when it would have been ratings gold to put it out in the open?
Think about another young woman on DWTS, say Shawn Johnson or the girl from that foul duck family. I believe both claim Christian/pro life viewpoints. Can you imagine if either had turned up pregnant, simulating sex on the floor of this "family" prime time show?
Seriously, WHAT is it that protects them? The more my daughter talks to Willow and the more I find out as these past few months have gone by, the more I'm completely stunned at how this family's secrets stay cobbled together in this odd nucleus of hidden pregnancies and Christian propaganda. Willow said only that her dad "has the shit on people" when my daughter asked, but surely Todd Palin with his weasel face and ridiculous voice cannot have intimidated this many people! What IS it?! Right after Sarah announced her pregnancy with Trig, I remember everyone around Palmer saying it was ridiculous, she was going to be outed any day, etc. And yet here we are, seven years later- with Sarah and Bristol having made (and completely squandered, if Willow is to be believed) nearly fifteen million dollars based on the "we chose lieeeeefe!" schtick.
What in the actual f*ck gives here?
PS- I'm starting to use a name rather than post anonymously, as it seems more than just myself posts things told to them by Willow Palin, and I don't want to be confused with anyone else.
~Palin Truther
Tnx 8:59 AM
DeleteI hope Palma Mama has/will contact Gryphen. Get the back up needed and do something to make certain this fetus is not abandoned by the Prolife community.
If a pregnant woman is drinking, drugging, medicating, having unprotected sex and any number of things that is at the risk of great harm to a fetus and a child that is to be born.
The authorities must pay attention and take action.
Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, also, too, must be notified in public and question as to her neglect if she is doing nothing.
The whole gang have done enormous harm to children with their lies and cover ups. It is time they speak up and take questions and do something to show they care for fetus, babies and children as they claim. Also for troubled teens and mentally ill adults that repeat negative patterns and possibly addicted to being pregnant.
Sure some of these religions need babies for the adoptions but it is really a crime to use teens or sick people.
I love that this is being posted again and again at the beginning of these Bristol threads. EVERYONE needs to see this, read this. And the more it's posted, the more eyes will see it. Even reporters. Even National Enquirer reporters. Even MSM reporters. Yep, thanks HUGELY for the repost.
DeleteNow I want even MORE of an update from the Palin Truth Teller. Go FOR IT!
If this baby was 'planned' then Brisdull would nmae the father --- but she can't because she does not know who the father is.
DeleteI repeat the well known fact known by Alaskans that Brisdull has been a very heavy drinker since her early teens and very promiscuous also too.
$he does not know with any certainty who fathered this child and won't until DNA tests are done. That is also why no man has claimed paternity --- Junker, Dakota, several one nighters -- no one knows.
Bridull Paylin: No job. No education. No ability to speak intellingently. No curiosity. No plans to better her life. Yep, what a catch!!
Palmamama will not confirm her identity with Gryphen. That will blow her troll cover, Now all you pretend fan girls run on back to the European blog.
DeleteHear that, Palmamama? Put up or STFU.
Now we wait.
Will the Palmamama leave you fanbots hanging with your thumbs up your asses?
Popcorn time!
OOoooooohhhhh boy!!!
ReplyDeleteSounds like Dakota is IT - and he was not asked if he wanted a brat with this brat or not!
Actually, sounds to me like this might have been the reason she ran away from him - she told him she was pregnant, and he told her he was not ready and wanted her to have a 'white-out'...
I'm betting ( by the sonogram) this is why Joey Junker was asking her what happened to the no drinking, he asked her that on Febuary 11th, my guess is
DeleteDakota..... You are NOT the father!
Joey.........You ARE the father!
If it was Dakota's there would have been no need to stop the marriage. I'm guessing Bristol's belly warmer popped out a bit too much and Dohkota knows how to count ( at least on one hand).
Isn't Dakota the same religious beliefs?
DeleteWhy would he have unprotected sex if he did not want to be a father?
When she says she plans to do something like this it denotes having a partner. Both partners would know they are planning together.
If not planning together, it is a dirty trick. More fraud. Bristol said they discuss past relationship, who knows what that actually means. She is acting like they did cover their pasts like adults and she had this plan to get pregnant. Dakota?
Right now he seems to be on the run. Calling it a mini vaca. I take it he will return soon to face the music with conduct befitting his honor and the medal of which he is recipient and honors Marines, military and the country.
Something is also very wrong and dishonorable with Dakota in all this.
He really must announce his baby or make a statement on this matter if he doesn't know this is his baby or not.
He ran from her because she was pregnant with another man's baby. It's not Dakota. I think Dakota is more than ready to have a family (he's obviously so desperate for love).
DeleteHow can Bristol Palin disparage Dakota Meyer's reputation anymore?
DeleteIt is good the military is full of creeps and assholes so he does not lose speaking engagements and income. David Petraeus was even charged but look at the sweet way he was treated,
Bristol is really ruining this man's reputation.
She is lucky she will not be sued.
Dakota has already been found out to treat women horribly. Hiding his first wife, lying and pulling a gun on another woman. There must be many more.
Now this. Bristol has severely damaged Dakota's reputation. The military will white wash it all for him, but anyone that thinks about women will note he has a pattern of being crazy and dishonorable in relationships with women.
Some men like to have sex with crazy women b/c they are wild and exciting. He must have just used crazy Bristol to get off. Or he was in on her plan?
$carah and Bristles thought Duhkota and his hillbilly family would be "easy pickings" They could get them married before she started showing. Unfortunately, those "hillbillies" are more worldly than they expected. One of his relatives or friends recognized pregnant when they saw it!!. The gig was up, and the PayMe's lost. The Meyers did not take to Bristles and Tripp one tiny bit. No photos, no wedding plans, no bridal showers - NOTHING. They did not want this marriage taking place. Not even a photo with $carah, the way the Duck f'ers and Poopy Pants Nugent had taken. No warm welcome from them. Glad they were able to talk sense into Duhkota. Joey must not have been eager to make her an honest woman, either. Maybe the father really is "some black guy from Anchorage". If he is smart, he will migrate south pronto.
DeleteI'll bet Dakota is NOT the father. The military will provide protection to him in this matter. Sarah and Todd Palin are finally up against something they cannot control with regard to Bristol's newest pregnancy.
DeleteI read elsewhere that a lot of soldiers get a vasectomy before they are shipped out, so they can't leave children behind. Wonder if this is true of Dakota. It would explain a lot.
And if that kid comes out with BRIGHT red head then what? Tricks are for kids! How is that skinny little Russian whore? Collect enough seimen deary?
DeletePerfect explanation for the expedited romance with Duhkota and the super-quick marriage. Not good to have three bastards (or is it four?) with the same mother.
ReplyDeleteIt is more like 5!!!!!
DeleteThat girl cray.
ReplyDeleteYep. And she's doing a Palin. I posted this the other day about what would happen with Bristol---and I'll be damned, she did it.
DeleteCry victim.
Whine for privacy.
Post crap on social media (cause---NOT private).
Make a statement about ---------- (insert Palin name) being strong, patriotic, having faith in God, the evil liberal media and how strong the pro-life bones in their bodies are.
Scream Liberal media blah blah blah blah blah. OBAMA.
Sells the story, photos, lies, crap etc. to tabloids so the grifting and stupidity can go on and on and on and on.
The Palins are always a freak show.
She sounds like she is now getting more ill advice.
ReplyDeleteShe is definitely on the grift, and trying to gain some anti-abortion sympathy.
She may be mentally unstable as well. Should not be having children. Major dysfunction in this Klan.
Well, I hope the ProLife peeps embrace her and go along with paying her and this grand plot of whoever is thinking this is a good idea.
DeleteIt will be a pox on the entire ProLife movement.
She plans a pregnancy before marriage so she can be a hero and not abort. What a grift. She is out doing Sarah Palin. Please ProLife attach your movement to this. Thank you!
And so much for wanting privacy, huh?!
DeleteBut, doesn't every pregnant woman who wants privacy post a picture of their unborn baby inside their uterus on the internet for the entire world to see?
DeleteCruz must be do proud of her!
DeleteIn a matter of hours, her "disappointment" becomes a "planned" blessing.
ReplyDeleteAn F-5 tornado do not spin this fast ...
She is totally nuts! Unless she has no clue what Sarah and Nancy concocted for her.
DeleteWhat a tangled web of lies
DeleteShe was so frumpy, with no chin. No wonder compared to that, she now thinks she is "all that and a bag of chips"
DeleteThat blog post by Bristle leaves a lot open to interpretation. She makes it sound like this is what she wanted as a part of her marriage to Dakota--and yet it's not clearly stated. So it's blogpost that is of the "Is he or isn't he the father" persuasion. It leaves questions which is the intention.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe the baby is Dakota's. She can lead people to believe it is without clearly stating it---cause she could get her ass sued if she says it is his baby--and it isn't..
Chris Kyle did not say Jesse Ventura's name in his book. Just saying sometimes the implications are enough.
DeleteVentura sued to clear his name. He won millions and could clear things up and feel his reputation was not harming his family and friends due to lies he was implicated in.
Kind of like she got raped by Levi but didn't.
DeleteTypical Sarah & Nancy double-speak. Same thing Sarahs almost-racist rants. 'Hang Him From The Highest Tree And I'll Bring The Rope'. See here, you can't call her a racist because Sandusky is white, but yet she uses the racist language and every body knows she hates Barack HUSSEIN Obama's guts.
Who's the Daddy? AFTADARK? Joey Junker? Anybody at the Mugshot Saloon? It AIN'T Dakota Meyer! Will you keep this baby if it is Black? Or will Dr. CBJ switch the baby at birth? How many months pregnant are you? Why did you and your Mother try to scam Dakota Meyer?
ReplyDeleteMy exact same questions.
DeleteIf the baby comes out 1/2 black then Bristol will claim that she PLANNED on going to the sperm bank and that they got the vials mixed up.
DeleteTo bad Dakota did not know about the "Palin Curse" before he got involved with them.
ReplyDeleteHe is about to feel the full impact of the curse. May doG have pity on him.
From the looks of her sonogram, how far along is the baby?
ReplyDeleteMy guess is 5 1/2 months along, maybe 6.
DeleteI think that sonogram is 12 or 13 weeks, but who knows when it was done or even if it's really for this baby.
Deletewas trying to check on google if this is not a stock picture, but each time I do, my iPad crashes. :/
DeleteDefinitely not 5 1/2 months. More like 3.
DeleteIt is a bogus sono without a date. I have never seen one without a date and time.
Delete>>was trying to check on google if this is not a stock picture, but each time I do, my iPad crashes. :/
DeleteNo worries, I checked both Google reverse image search and Tineye and there don't seem to be any other copies floating around...so either it's hers, for real, or it's someone else's that hasn't published it on the net.
She wants privacy? Forget the sonogram. I want to see the conception selfie!
DeleteNo one cares. Had she not made the announcement and then people found out and she said she wanted to be left alone, I think she'd have been left alone. She's an attention hound.
ReplyDeleteShe with her swearing that she tries to "lady like" with dollar sigh-ns is showing that she is immature. She lacks any depth or maturity. Please ignore her.
A fetus being inundated with toxic negative vibes from a sick mother, some doses of laughing gas, a mix of alcohol, prescription meds, street drugs, RedBull diet, vomiting and so on can't ignore her.
Delete9:35 - Bristol wants a big family, which means she will breed a big family, regardless of how utterly unfit she is to be a mother. The one kid she has is already more than she can raise properly.
DeleteUnfortunately, it's the stupid people least fit to reproduce having the most kids. It's survival of the fittest in reverse. :(
Isn't that absolute proof of insanity? j/k
ReplyDeleteIf true has she named the possible fathers?
She made such a determined decision, she must have given it a lot of thought. As well she would have approached each donor with consideration, like when one goes to a clinic and finds a donor. You wouldn't decide on the donor with traits you don't care for. It is only fair and decent the donor be fully aware of what is happening to his seed.
Did Bristol's donors also share in her planning? She must open up more if she wants her mother's a$$holes or anyone else to believe this latest scheme. Bristol is so very close to her wonderful family, it stands to reason she discussed this with her parents and close siblings and cousins and all that would be impacted by her plan. They need to be there and speak up with their support and part in her plan.
She must come out with her thought process on this if she expects to have any credibility. I would think even the other wing nuts would need to want that as much as anyone.
But...but...The Dullard has lamented how much she wants a daddy for Tripp!!
DeleteThe 'fact' that she would 'plan' to get pregnant without giving a rat's ass of consideration for the father is a new low, even for a Paylin.
What a lying $ack of crap.
Time to repost of the dws baby, trigger and the others. What a stupid slutbag. So vibrant!!
ReplyDeleteShe should have had an abortion as to this pregnancy! No more Palins need to enter this earth - especially via Bristol Palin. She's one sick puppy!
DeleteSo much for yesterday's post claiming she doesn't what people are saying!
ReplyDeleteOkay so she planned it? That just make her looks more stupid. How long had she known Dakota? Not long enough, because as soon as she moved in she realized she didn't like him. Probably should have been sure of that before committing to raising a kid together. Duh. And all that crap about not actually being an abstinence speaker and having a job all this time. Total bullshit. You should have posted the video from Oprah with your abstinence pledge and come clean and how you really have been living. Oh Bristol/ Nancy, can't you see how the charade just makes it worse for Bristol?
I highly doubt Dakota is the baby daddy.
DeleteAnyone who was effected in any way by her abstinence lies should put together a class action suit.
DeleteBristol and all her co-conspirators in any of the Palins fraud schemes need to be called out and prosecuted.
She is also a fake Christian. If Nancy French is an authentic Christian I will eat my hat.
Why do any Christians tolerate charlatans?
In fact she may have even made the whole thing worse.
ReplyDeleteWORSE! WORSE! WORSE! and then some!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a load or horseshit. And a pretty poor attempt at damage control.
ReplyDeleteIf that sonogram is really hers, which I would question on the face of it since she lies so damn much, then she looks to be 4-5 months along. So did she 'plan' this pregnancy with Dakota? And why is she still not naming the Daddy, if it is Dakota? He sure isn't carrying on like he's a happy new daddy, regardless of the relationship status. Yep, this is just a really poor attempt at damage control that no one is gonna buy.
Anyone can put up a sonogram. I don't trust Bristol Palin with ANY information she is putting forth regarding this 'planned' (?) conception! What a fraud!!!
DeleteSo that's what they're going with, huh?
ReplyDeleteUnmarried Bristol got pregnant on purpose with the guy she was about to marry.
Or unmarried Bristol got pregnant on purpose with a guy she was dating (Joey)
Or unmarried Bristol got pregnant on purpose with whatever guy she was sleeping with.
We know the first one isn't true because, if this was a planned pregnancy with Dakota, she would announce him as the father and he would be confirming it. It wouldn't matter that they aren't getting married.
If Bristol got pregnant on purpose, it was because she wanted Joey to marry her. And, I guess since Joey wasn't biting, she settled on pinning it on Dakota and hoping he would just go along with it.
Bristol really IS Sarah's mini-me. This is exactly what Sarah did with Curtis Menard and Todd.
And, Track is the son of Curtis Menard (deceased) who was killed in an airplane accident in Alaska.
DeleteAt the time, it was rumored 'someone' put water in his airplane gasoline that created the crash!
And, we wonder 'who' that could have been?!!!
The whole purpose with good PR is to clear matters up and present a celebrity or public person in a good light.
DeleteI have no clue what any of these clowns think they are doing with this most pathetic reaction.
More dirty filthy toxic muddy water from Bristol Palin.
The crazy ones can only get more confusing.
Now does Sarah Palin plan on chirping in?
Don't you know she will be real clear and help a lot?
Dakota, why is your baby Black?
ReplyDeleteBristol, I told you earlier this month, but I guess you didn't see it. You think you are going to get Dakota to claim this child? To give you child support? IF it is his, (and I think we all know that's very unlikely.) then you better deal straight with him. Military guys are very savvy to the whole baby daddy grift gig. You will be sued. You will be sued for defamation of character and for slander of a MOH holder, against a public figure with political aspirations. Keep on pushing and the Meyer's will take you down. Hard. While I will enjoy watching it, you have been warned.
ReplyDeleteYou can bet that Sarah and Todd Palin don't think the Meyers will go after Bristol via the military!
DeleteAnd, we know Sarah and Todd are guiding Bristol all the way through this friggin' mess!
So......was the called off engagement also possibly due to Dakota discovering Bristol was pregnant with a child not his?
ReplyDeleteI can imagine that could explain why Sarah was pissed because he thwarted her plans of getting a MOH into the Palin family clan when he discovered Bristol was unclean and broke the engagement (was she ever clean?...LOL)
Yes, she was :clean" Then she turned 15!!
DeleteBTW Gryphen, I love the pic of Bristol Pre-chin, at least we do know the chin implant was planned, unlike her pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteThat ultrasound photo looks like a pretty developed baby! Usually when someone is showing me an ultrasound, I can't see the baby. If this is her current ultrasound - then she must be pretty far into the pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteI would guess she got pregnant (who knows by who), Dakota thought it was his and so they quickly got engaged, then he had suspicions about her faithfulness, realized this wasn't going to work out, and now he is under a confidentiality agreement and can't say a thing, which makes her comfortable lying about the pregnancy being "planned". She's disgusting. No matter what she does, she cannot have what Levi and Sunny have. Speaking of Levi and Sunny, Sunny has posted that something exciting is in the works for them. I wonder what it is? A show? I just wish them the best, they are the cutest couple and the children are darling.
ReplyDeleteThey are a very lovely family.
DeleteAnd proof there is a God, and He doesn't care for Bristol.
Maybe they got full custody of Tripp! Would be the best thing that could happen to the kid!
Deleteno, looks like a business venture.
DeleteMaybe a new house? Something good I hope.
DeleteI also wish the best for Levi, Sunny and their lovely family!
DeleteIf Dakota isn't allowed to speak up for himself, then perhaps his military buddies will.
If there is fraud involved or some criminal activity a previous agreement can be voided.
DeleteSo, Nancy, it's better that Bristol got pregnant on purpose as an unmarried woman than if she go pregnant by accident as an unmarried woman.
ReplyDeleteI just don't see the logic. I think anyone can understand having sex and getting pregnant by accident (especially if she said it was failed birth control). But, getting pregnant on purpose with a guy who hasn't committed is a lot worse by anyone's standards, even conservative Christians. It's not like Bristol is a 40 year old woman who realizes this is her last chance to have kids. She's only 24.
As usual, it's amateur hour in the Palin camp.
I wonder if the oh-so-Christian Nancy French wants one of her daughters to have Bristles as a role model? At least Nancy will have lots of excuses at the ready if one of them decides to become a slut like Bristles.
Delete"I just don't see the logic. I think anyone can understand having sex and getting pregnant by accident (especially if she said it was failed birth control). But, getting pregnant on purpose with a guy who hasn't committed is a lot worse by anyone's standards, even conservative Christians. It's not like Bristol is a 40 year old woman who realizes this is her last chance to have kids. She's only 24"
Brancy has made the mistake of forgetting who her intended audience is for this sideshow.
I am so sick of the way Brisdull (and $arah) play the "God" card and the "good Christian" card whenever they feel it will be useful.
DeleteI have lived in the Wasilla area for 25 years and I can tell you that they nor any Palins have been seen in any place of worship, Sunday school, churcg function for at least 7-8 years.
Lying in the Name of God is the most unChristian thing a person can do,
For Shame!!!
She still has not made a peep about a man being involved in this pregnancy or having any rights or responsibilities at all.
ReplyDeleteNow she is claiming that she purposely got pregnant because she wanted another baby. She did not say that Dakota was the father, nor has there been any mention of any father figure being a part of this child's life or being a necessary part of any child's life.
She is making these statements with no coordinated statement from whoever the father is.
So, yes, she deserves criticism. She and her ilk have lambasted marriage equality supporters repeatedly because of the alleged necessity for a mother and father in a child's life.
She may have planned this pregnancy with the mentality of any teenager (she has not matured to mid-20s adulthood) who thinks that a baby will magically provide the unconditional love they desperately want, either from the hapless baby itself, or from the father who will of course marry her immediately so that they can all live happily ever after.
There is no way this emotionally stunted, cognitively impaired psychological train wreck purposely got pregnant with any reasoned thought behind her decision.
With every jingle-brained statement she makes, she contradicts her previous statements and sounds dumber and more hypocritical.
But, but, but..."Tripp is going to make the best big brother!!"
DeleteSo, she discovered she was pregnant. Told $carah. Junker was already out of the picture, due to her excessive boozing. $carah met Duhkota, and hatched the plan. No abortion, a baby will seal the "dill". Duhkota;s relatives suspected something was not quite kosher with the Palins, and cautioned him. Weight gain came fast, since this is her 5th child. The gig was up!! Too late for an abortion, so here we are, lying like a rug. Nancy French is a piss poor excuse for a Christian, she is a full blown liar also, too.
DeleteWhy would a narcissist need to have anyone like a father involved in their plans? A prop pop with some means of gift giving and support would be nice.
DeleteBristol is so independent, strong and on top of things she doesn't even need a prop pop.
Great post as always, Nefer. I'm hoping someone will pounce on Bristol's..."and I cannot wait to be a mom times two" statement.
DeleteBristol has been a biological mother at least three or four times ALREADY, just depending on which children are counted as Bristol's....Trig, Tripp, DWTS baby and Junker baby.
As for being a "mom"---lazy, self-centered, dim-witted, failure as a parent Bristol will always be a big fat zero.
There is something seriously wrong with this young woman. O know, I know. I have said the same thing about her mother. Such a very sick family.
ReplyDeletePat Padrnos
Neither one of them has an ounce of self respect - none whatsoever. They lie, cheat and face the cameras as though they are the salt of the earth. No shame, no self awareness at all. Where Bristles gets the idea that she is special is beyond me. Common run of the mill barfly.
Delete"I know I am fully capable of handling anything that is put in front of me with dignity and grace."
ReplyDeleteTo show her "dignity and grace", Bristol then goes on to call folks words like "fuckers" and "assholes".
Miss Crabapple here:
DeleteBristol, grammatically speaking, your statement should read: "I know I am fully capable of handling with dignity and grace anything that is put in front of me."
Otherwise, the things put in front of you are being handled with dignity and grace.
Also, from your statement of today: "none" can be either singular or plural. In your statement, I think it should be singular: "None of us is perfect."
This will help when you're homeschooling your bairns.
She is talking to her supporters and to Sarah's older supporters. It may be the most accurate way to address them.
DeleteShe doesn't pay attention to naysayers that don't go along with the Palin Programs.
She says zero to what she sees as negative. She also means FU!
Bristol did not type "assholes". That would be vulgar and low-class. No, she typed "a$$holes", which just drips with dignity and grace, dontcha know?
Delete8:59: Well said and not in a bitchy way. I admire that. Of course, since Nancy French is the writer, she bears the brunt. She is one big fake opportunist who hides behind her so-called faith. Bristol is not a thinker and really just reacts so, obviously, she could not begin to process your observations.
DeleteIf she was planning on marrying the father, whoever that might be, why didn't she do what common sense would dictate and get married and then get pregnant? She could have abstained from sex, or used contraceptives prior to the wedding if she wanted to have the baby in wedlock. How hard is this to figure? What am I missing?
ReplyDelete"Woot woot"!! She almost pulled it off. Then reality reared it's head, and shot their plan down. $carah must be really upset, no mention of the blessed event yet.
DeleteMeth heads are an impatient bunch. They aren't going to wait to marry to have sex, they don't wait to get preggers.
DeleteYou're missing how crazy Bristol Palin is. Not much logic resides in any Palin brain.
ReplyDeleteBristol is suggesting that you are the father of this child and you not making an announcement of your own doesn't look very good for you. If you are the father of this child, step up to the plate. If you're not sure or you know you aren't, make that announcement.
He probably wants to stay as far away from the Palins as possible.
DeleteRemember the party in Kentucky and Sarah pictured waving her finger at him?
She was probably telling him that he'd have the worst thing he'd ever thought of being thrown at him, by them, in his future.
The Palins are good at making up stories and putting it all out there - never giving one ounce of consideration as to how it effects other members of their families!
They are one evil, nasty bunch headed and taught by Sarah and Todd Palin!
He had to get away, he is not ready to be a man.
DeleteWhen he gets back for his vacation with the buddies he will certainly act with honor. At that time.
That means no lies and no tricky talk in circles and salad messy talkin'.
The people that support Dakota deserve open and frank answers to all the question that have come from this relationship he chose to engage in.
Not more lies and cover ups, Dakota.
Read about his brawl and how he handled what he did in that situation with a female.
Here's to hoping he has grown up since that incident.
Dakota does not know if he is the father, nor does Junker or any of her drunken one night stands.
DeleteIt is so obvious why none of them has spoken out and why Brisdull can't name the baby's daddy. They simply don't know who fathered this child.
She doesn't seem to understand that she's getting criticized not for getting pregnant, but getting pregnant out of wedlock while telling others how horrible they are for doing the same thing (a baby needs a mother and a father) .
ReplyDeleteNancy French is as big a scam artist as the PayMes. Wasn't part of their argument against gay marriage that "children need a mother AND a father in the home"?? So, now she does not agree. Tripp is proof that a father IS needed, he is a brat. Great Christian values, now only a mother is needed, even if she does not know WHO the father is. I doubt that it is Dakota.
ReplyDeleteNancy French is as big a scam artist
DeleteYES! YES! YES!
She may be suggesting it's Dakota, but it's really Joey she's talking about. That was who she planned on having a life with.
ReplyDeleteSo, did she get pregnant on purpose by Joey months ago and then let Dakota think he was the father?
Or, did she get pregnant on purpose by Joey a few weeks ago even though he has a serious girlfriend? Or maybe it was while she was dating/engaged to Dakota, but Joey only wanted a one-night-stand (even though he has a serious girlfriend).
Or another of her one night stands?
DeleteIs Bristol claiming she lied to a guy about being on birth control? Or is she saying she sleeps with guy(s) too stupid to use a condom? Stupid, stupid, stupid either way.
ReplyDeleteFucking idiots all the way around! No man will touch Bristol again - would be my guess. She assuredly is NOT marriage material and no man is going to want her - with her history and everything that has been published about her, Sarah and Todd. Yee, Gods!
DeleteI feel sorry for Willow and Piper in having to admit that Bristol is their older sister!
Bristol, the main thing you are being criticized for is your hypocrisy about abstinence, not having an accidental pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteSaying you got pregnant on purpose makes you look even worse.
"When I realized I was pregnant, I know I would be crucified." (really..crucified?)
ReplyDeleteThey're all Christ-like martyrs when they get called out for being un-Christ-like a$$holes.
DeleteThey LOVE that word, don't they? They are just like the Lord. Remember when he's on the cross and he's yelling down at the Roman's to go fuck themselves? It's JUST like that!
DeleteYup, Palins are always the victim, even when they are actually the predator.
DeleteIn that case, being crucified was part of her plan.
DeleteThis fits in with the pattern of Bristol always being humiliated and made to look and be the fool.
Who chooses to be cructified?
In her mind does she think that is Christ-like?
Is that some kind of higher calling in the Heath/Palin family?
Are there any of Bristol's relations that care about her or this fetus? Why are they showing disregard with their silence? Wouldn't a close, caring family be speaking up with her and by her side?
Kind of the wrong time to publicly abandon Bristol.
Not good to abandon a fetus in these vital months.
Say what? Up is down is down is up? Bristol needs to step away from the computer and quit trolling for attention.
ReplyDeleteBristol honey, I have five kids and life has not been easy. But like many moms, I went to college, got a degree (on the GI bill) and have worked hard by going to work everyday to provide for all those kids. Lots of us do it. We don't expect any medals and we certainly won't be giving you one.
So, get off the pity pot and get going. Start with getting a real job and not that imaginary job you claim to have had for all these years when you were not even living in Alaska.
And now I am done. I will post no more forever on anything Bristol Palin.
She has a job with pro-life advocacy. That is her work.
DeleteWhen Tripp visits Levi, I wonder what he says about Dakota and KY and what went down on the farm.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if Levi is laughing or crying with all the stuff Tripp is saying.
Hope Levi is recording it all.
It would be fun hearing what Levi and Sunny think of Bristol's newest mess! But, they'll keep their mouths shut and should.
DeleteRemember, they want as little to do with the Palin klan as possible - knowing full well about the Palin's lies and deceit! They've experienced it big time and it's all in their 'past'!
I don't think Levi has a lot of extra time to laugh or cry. Father of 3, working, etc. I hope Levi's home is a safe harbor for Tripp where he doesn't have to think about Dakota or any other jerk in his mother's chaotic life.
DeleteI wonder what Mercede is thinking too. The Palin's treated her like shit.
DeleteStill no baby Daddy stepping up to support his "planned" child.
Someone needs to ask her point blank who the daddy is, or ask Dakota if it's his baby. This evasive shit is lame and a very fucked up way to bring a baby into the world.
ReplyDeleteJust when I almost felt a little sorry for her after her last "blog" too. She blew that out of the water now. She's still the snotty, immature, mean girl she's always been. So how long before she starts calling Dakota names like Hero Hollywood? How much is she going to ask for child support? I mean the baby was planned so all this had to be discussed by now right? What about visitation etc? She's such a fake!
I have a hunch that Dakota will fight her every step of the way. I know I would and the Court would see both of us - which the Palins hate to do and don't like having to appear!
DeleteLast time Bristol was in Court and on the stand she lied and having done so was covered in the media. (describing where she lived in Alaska!!!)
The Palins are ALL so fucked up! Have never seen such a screwed up bunch in all my life!
The reason no one in the media asks is that no one cares.
DeleteDid the guy make the baby "on purpose" too, or was only Bristol in on the decision? Did Tripp get a vote?
ReplyDeleteShe's obviously a pathological liar like her Mom. These are some very sick people.
ReplyDeleteI am pregnant. This is not the ideal situation, but life is important even if it’s not in the most absolute ideal circumstance.
-Bristol Palin
What is Bristol saying? "That is not the ideal situation"? HUH? Didn't Bristol say she planned this pregnancy? The un-ideal situation would be if Todd or Track is the pappy.
Any woman with a single ounce of intelligence uses birth control if she isn't in an "ideal situation" for getting pregnant. God, she's so stupid it's hard to believe she isn't a massive evolutionary failure.
DeleteIt does appear it is something like a Todd or Track plan.
DeleteIt is usually not the most difficult thing to be direct and open about the father of your child. Of course, with deep dark secrets acting like Bristol is doing here would make sense.
" life keeps going. Life moves on."
ReplyDeleteLife finds a way. And first it's the oohing and the ahhing and then it's the running and the screaming....
I wonder if Candie's will support her now that she's announced she didn't make a mistake, she PLANNED to have another illegitimate child. And how dumb is she? How many little illegits has she had? Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.... what is it when you've done the same damn thing three or four times? This girl definitely needs a two-bul.
I thought it was announced that Dakota was the father, but evidently, he's not. And she hasn't announced how far along she is, either- so another mystery birth announcement coming in three, two, one.... evidently she hasn't had time to think about when it looks best for the baby to arrive. Assuming, at most, 20 weeks along, we're looking mid-November. I'm betting November 18th. The 18th always seems to be their default date when they need to announce an upcoming "blessed angel from God."
She would love being talked about if we weren't all combining pity for her (how much chance has she had in life with those parents, anyway?) and laughing at her because seriously, how dumb can she be?
I posted a suggestion on Dakota's page that he insist on DNA testing before acknowledging responsibility. It's not like she's Polly Pureheart. Her reputation is pretty bad, actually.
When you know that the many branches of dedicated griftiness this family excels in will provide a comfy lifestyle for this loafer and her newest offspring, yeah it makes sense that she wants to keep those babies coming.
ReplyDeleteLike any disadvantaged ghetto girl or confused and rudderless teenager, the babies offer a sense of purpose to she who has none (outside of the GRIFT). Such a tragic role model for girls who have not perfected that nefarious trait and who are not enabled by the band of thieves known as her family. Yeah, she's SO BRAVE.
That sonogram... Isn't that the same that Levi posted several years ago? Isn't that Tripp? How old does this fetus seem to be? Seems to me to be quite a bit older than just two months along!
ReplyDeleteBristol has to see what color the baby is before she picks the Father.
ReplyDeleteShorter Bristol:
Stop talking Bristol. You are proving yourself even more pathetic than your mother. Yeah, yeah, yeah---you meant to do that.
"Deal with it." What an immature, obnoxious thing to say.
ReplyDeleteNo Bristol, I don't have to "deal with" anything. You have no influence or effect on my life in any way, shape, or form. whatsoever. I'll never have to lay eyes on your little "disappointment", let alone take care of it.
You, on the other hand, will have to "deal with" being a slut-shamed, hypocritical, unwed mommy of two kids by two dads for the rest of your sad, pathetic, miserable existence. You, and ONLY you and your family have to "deal with it". Everyone else can just laugh at you and move on.
DeleteIt will be at least 3 kids by 3 daddies. She's only 24, eventually she'll grow up trick a guy into marrying her and they'll want kids. She's made herself the stereotypical welfare queen the right always rails against lol All those baby daddies, the poor kids.
DeleteShorter Bristol blog post: "How dare anyone criticize me!"
ReplyDeleteWhoever the father of Bristol's planned now to be a bastard, or one of the many fathers... SPEAK UP!
ReplyDeleteJoey is looking like a real dirty louse. Lies and cover ups are not going to help these heathens or modern day Christians.
So Joey was in on Bristol's plan? WTF? I thought Joey and his family were old fashion Christians. Now Christians have sex outside of marriage? All the players in this need to open up explain and clear up this entire mess.
Joey won't be labeled a whore or a slut and he can still be a representative of Polaris or whatever it is this week. He will represent his employers as a real stud and his plans and decision making will represent their businesses. But to remain silent and dumb makes him look worse than an idiot that plots this kind of Christian deal with a Palin.
Jesus Christ! She is even more fucked up and mentally unbalanced than I thought! She must really enjoy being in the press - even though the vast majority of the comments are negative!
ReplyDeleteShe has so few supporting her already and now she releases this statement? She really is sick! Did Sarah help her put this 'new' slant to the story?
And, there is no doubt about it - Bristol is her mother's daughter! Changes the story - lies - and is a fraud. That poor bastard she is having!
And, I'll wager big time there is no father that will be named since now we know she was being deceitful when spreading her legs - with the intent to get pregnant? Fucked up broad!
He will never pay child support nor have to. What a case he will have should she change her mind (and story again) as to a specific father. Doubt she'll get child support from anyone! Know I'd fight her every fucking step of the way!
Oh god - she is such marriage material! (kidding, of course!) Pardon me while I go barf!!!!
Think of her children reviewing all of this when they are old enough to understand what an idiot they have as a mother. Bristol is going to have kids that hate her - at about the teenage level!
I hope Levi and Sunny can protect Tripp in some way. That poor kid needs to live permanent with them would be my suggestion.
24 year old woman intentionally decides to have a baby with a man that she does not want to raise a child together with. And the GOP went nuts over a fictional character, Murphy Brown!
ReplyDeleteThe same idiots gave her a free pass in 2008.. She got pregnant but chose life instead of an abortion. What a complete load of bullshit!
DeleteShe needed to give the press something new to talk about. Tripp was old news. Lame brained thinking, but considering the source would make it feasible. Just another way to try to get attention and "sell" herself again. Hopefully, it won't work this time...no magazine covers, etc. Make it on your own, hussy. You made this dumb decision, I hope it backfires!
DeleteBristol, let's not hear another word from you until your baby is born. That means months of silence. You've said all there is to say.
ReplyDeleteWhen you are delivered of that baby, it will be clear when it was conceived, by its height and weight. You may already be demanding DNA tests from the possible prospective fathers.
Don't let the public know how many there are. And, maybe, this time, don't weasel for child support. You tricked some poor fool into paternity -- that doesn't mean he's tied to you or the baby for life. Unless HE wanted it, too, the responsibility is all yours. You wanted a baby. You're getting one. You just didn't hook a husband, again. Live with it.
I myself would not rely in the least on reported dates of birth, places of birth, attendees at the births, times of births, or conditions of the newborns when it comes to Palins.
DeleteAdd to that list, date of conception, sperm supplier(s), and owner of occupied uterus.
I also don't rely on a picture of doting grandparents standing in a hospital visitor room holding a supposedly day-old premature Down Syndrome infant.
Awesome comment.
DeleteI hope to see the day when Bristol and Sarah start calling Conservatives Christians "haters" for holding them accountable for their behavior.
Bristol was being chastised by Pro-Lifers for calling God's gift a "disappointment." Bristol revealed her true self on the record. It is going to be interesting to see how much financial support they give this ungrateful bag of deception.
A huge disappointment. A child born in less than ideal circumstances. I know that I'll be royally crucified. I just want my privacy and to live my life in private.
ReplyDeleteBristol did not write that she and Dakota were planning to get married and have children. Bristol makes it sound as if she was already pregnant before she met Dakota. Was she going to make him think that this was his kid? Did he even know that Bristol was pregnant?
Less than ideal circumstances is a laugh. Bristol has millions from her lame reality shows, Candies and her mother. Bristol has been the recipient of undeserved good fortune. She can't dance, write, speak or do anything well--but she seems to be quite fertile and sexually active. There is so much wrong with Bristol's latest lame excuse, but the ones who will really suffer are those kids who will grow up and be able to read that they were mistakes and huge disappointments. What a legacy for the Palin family.
So two days ago she is trying to "keep her chin up" in how she disappointed her parents and now the story is that the pregnancy was planned? Which day was she lying on?
ReplyDeleteI wondered the same thing. Bristol, like her mother, shouldn't be allowed near any device that can allow her to make statements to the world without any thinking at all.
DeleteSo, Bristol, just keep quiet. Get a job, have the baby and live your life but without blaming the world for your stupidity. And try to be nice to the baby. It's not the baby's fault.
"All of 'em, any of 'em" - sorry, obligatory!
DeleteMaury should invite Bristol on his show and make her do a lie detector test. This would clear everything up (meaning she is a liar) and would make for some great tv.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin and a lie detector test would clear up a lot.
DeleteThat baby in the sonogram looks like pretty much full features. Like if it was born now, it might survive. Babies weighing over 1 pound have survived. Maybe she is tricking us and that is not her sonogram. When was this baby conceived? That is a big baby.
ReplyDeleteThe Palins are masters at concealing conception dates and even birth dates -- and even birth locations. As with Trig and Tripp and even Trackk.
DeleteSure wish Levi would hire a really good writer and put forth the real story, the true story. He surely knows most of it, and a good writer familiar with the complicated and conflicting datapoints could figure out the rest.
A good nest egg for his family, a truth that would be the healthiest for Tripp and Trig when they eventually start reading about it, and closure on the giant preg hoax of the failed VP candidate who used a disabled child to further her political ambitions , as the real-life example of the right-wing "family values."
Levi or Sunny: just make the phone call to this v reputable lawyer and book broker: he will set you up with everything you need and get you the best price, just like he did for Sarah. Or, he will refer you to the right agent. All you have to do is talk and answer questions for a big payday AND the truth to be out there at last.
Robert Barnett,
She is one nasty piece of work. She is dominant for the Palin Nasty Gene and it is working very well.
ReplyDeleteThe media does not care. No one cares. Once the hypocrisy was exposed in one news cycle, it's over.
ReplyDeleteDon't try to milk this, Bris. NO ONE CARES.
Bristol just unintentionally put her nose dive into terminal velocity. She burned through all of her mommy's political capital and is on her own. I want to see Bristol beg. I want to see Bristol's $400 sunglasses, $800 shoes, and LV bags auctioned off on ebay.
ReplyDeleteBristol Palin:
"Oh fucking, hell no."
"They took my shoes. They took my sunglasses. My $300 sunglasses."
"Where's my shit?"
"All I have on my face is beer and makeup."
And sperm.
DeleteI want to see the Palins - Sarah, Todd and Bristol have to grovel in the biggest pit - with no money.
DeleteYou can be assured no one would help them due to all the crap and lies they have put out there about others! They are one evil group and it's been proven time and time again!
If the child is Dakota's, then the child will be grow up thinking she or he was the reason that the parents did not marry, or that the father did not want them. Kids believe that they are the center of the universe, and believe that they are responsible for so much.
ReplyDelete"I'm not going to have sex until I'm married. I can guarantee it,” she told In Touch magazine in 2010.
ReplyDeleteOprah Winfrey encouraged the daughter of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to retract her statement. "Why set yourself up that way? It may be 10 years before you get married. Why set yourself up so that everybody you go out with, you date -- the media is going to be looking at that person, trying to get that person to sell you out, to say, 'Did you have sex or not,' " Winfrey said, according to ABC News. "It's nobody's business when you chose to have sex."
But, at the time, Palin said it was “realistic” for her. The hypocrisy of her statement was the underlying tone throughout the blog post Thursday when she announced she was pregnant for a second time. She wrote about keeping her “chin up” and how the pregnancy news is “a huge disappointment to my family, to my close friends, and to many of you.” She seemed even more bitter about the post when she wrote, “I do not want any lectures and I do not want any sympathy.”
It's pretty obvious Bristol should have listened to Oprah instead of her mother!
Delete"So here are the things you should all get straight before you continue to mock me, judge me, and talk about me."
ReplyDeleteWOW. This bitch is unbelievable. Bristol, we will mock you and judge you as much as we fucking want to! Don't like it? Well maybe you should have thought of that before your stupid self was flying high, thinking you were above it all and could mock and judge everyone from our President to any minor or major famous person who dared to disagree with you about something. This is called KARMA, you disgustingly rude and unpleasant little idiot! You have a lot more coming. Don't want to be talked about? SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GO AWAY. Take your stupid, snotty bitch of a mother with you!
I hope Tripp isn't going to be the parent for all of the kids that Bristol wants to have.
ReplyDeleteIf I were Mercede Johnston, I'd be laughing my a$$ off at Bristol right now, except for the effect on Tripp.
ReplyDelete... The talk show host told the teen mom, who appeared on Winfrey's show alongside her mother, the former Alaska governor, that she was likely setting herself up to fail and asked if she regretted making such an absolute pronouncement.
ReplyDelete"Why set yourself up that way? It may be 10 years before you get married. Why set yourself up so that everybody you go out with, you date -- the media is going to be looking at that person, trying to get that person to sell you out, to say, 'Did you have sex or not,'" said Winfrey. "It's nobody's business when you chose to have sex."
Bristol gave short answers to Winfrey's queries, saying, "No, I don't," to a question about whether she felt she was setting herself up to fail at keeping her abstinence pledge.
"I'm just wondering if that's a realistic goal," said Winfrey.
"It's a realistic goal for myself," replied Bristol.
Winfrey told Bristol she was "going to give you a chance to retract or ease that statement if you wanted to and not say categorically, 'I'll never have sex until I'm married.' But if you want to hold to that, may the powers be with you. So you're going to hold to that?"
But before Bristol could answer, Sarah Palin asked a surprising follow-up question.
"Does that mean you're going to marry pretty young?"
Bristol mumbled a response: "I don't know, Mom."
Former Gov. Palin, who recently took a job working at Fox News, said she was not encouraging Bristol to get married.
"I'm telling her, don't think she has to find a man and marry young. The world is her oyster and she's going to be able to pursue an education and career and avocation opportunities without a man," said Palin.
I don't believe this is Dakota's child. Who cancels a marriage because they are pregnant? Besides, Bristol said that she would not sleep with Dakota until they were married. He has yet to weigh in on this. You would think a Medal of Honor military veteran would be a standup guy for his own child.
ReplyDeleteHe's smart not getting into this discussion. I applaud him. Bristol should have had a legal abortion - she's put enough kids into this world already!
DeleteNO MORE PALIN BIRTHS should be the new bumper sticker!
And she says she has never been an abstinence spokesperson,liar. What were you pimping then Bristol? video lasts forever.
I'm sensing that there are probably at least a couple of men who think that they may be the father, and Bristol is possibly not exactly sure herself. So she'll just have to keep giving confusing signals about who the daddy-to-be is, until she can get a dna test and sort it all out. Then she'll take whoever the lucky guy is to court, and her income will have doubled. But until then, the world will just have to wonder.
ReplyDeleteWhy is Sarah ignoring Bristol? What more does Bristol need to do for her mom's attention?
ReplyDeleteI Sarah's in on everything, just staying silent on social media to give the impression that she's upset. It's all about the grift. Poor Bristol, dumped or hurt by the violent/unstable MOH winner.
DeleteI don't think Nancy French wrote this post--French is at least literate. And I don't think she'd use a word like "a$$holes."
ReplyDeleteIt occurs to me that this may cause French to bail, if she hasn't already.
Well it looks like mainstream media's got better things to do cause so far not a mention of this latest diatribe on Twitter.
ReplyDeleteGood! The entire thing is such bullshit!
DeleteSo many more important things going on in the world!
There are more important 'good' people to talk about in Alaska and country than the Palin idiots!
Is Bristol softening us up for future news of a miscarriage?
ReplyDeleteOh, somebody had a last fling with the Junker and Mamma Monster directed the whirl-wind engagement to a better dad? Or maybe Sarah thinks it's DM's and BP is keeping a little secret....
ReplyDeleteTell me she's NOT pregnant?
How much does Maury pay for his guests? Anything?
ReplyDeleteIn the final analysis, this is a tragedy. Bristol has seen her mother spin a web of lies and get away with it, so it's the modus operandi of the family. The only problem is that her lies are too obvious, so she has to keep inventing new ones, which only get her in deeper. Her life will be a miserable one because she is so confused about who she is and has no role models to help her improve.
ReplyDeleteIt is really sad, too, that this young woman doesn't have the self-discipline to use birth control regularly. This lack of self-discipline is also a family trait (see Sarah, Todd, Track, Willow)--a mess of a family that dares to claim superiority over the rest of us. Bristol's parenting styles will only carry this chaos on to the next generation, unless the fathers can provide better alternatives. So far, Levi has shown a maturity that Bristol lacks. Let's hope he can stay on course. We'll see how the new baby's father (whoever he may be) reacts and involves himself in its life. I'm not hopeful.
Lots of pics of pregnant DWTS Bristol:
I'm wondering if Dakota was "outgunned" and someone shot off a baby in Bristol before he could do the job.
ReplyDeleteA few noteworthy points about paternity in Alaska. Should Bristol ever file for any type of federal or state funding to support the baby's health or welfare, she will need to list who the father is. The agencies involved will then look to the father first before 'doling' out the monies. And what if the mama lists 'unknown' in the daddy place on the bc? Well, mama's word isn't good enough. There are investigators who will do some probing and with she, who is probed by many to get her bells ringing, it will be also too about job creation, Charlie.
ReplyDeleteOn another note: It sure seems to me that Nancy is still in Bristol fantasy mode in writing these screeds. I betcha a load of poopy pampers that Nancy has NO idea that Bristol was sleeping around like a adderall-fueled bunny - before - a little during and a lot after the aborted engagement with Dakota. Nancy is in for more rude awakenings. And THAT is going to be yet another well-deserved blow for this hypocritical, pious and greedy spewer for the American Taliban.
You know, I am so sick of her and that whole damn tribe. She could take the high road but, just like her mother, invents a new reality and all she has to reply on her instagram is "fuckity fuck fuck fuck you" to any derogatory comments and promise an ass kicking to those non-ass kissing.
ReplyDeleteGood GOD, Bristol, would you PLEASE grow up.
I think the original blog post was done by Sarah via Brancy and Bristol was blindsided. Now she is speaking truthfully in that she will CONTINUE toget pregnant to make up for the baby Sarah co-opted from her. This "planned" it angle is a direct threat to her mother about stealing Tri-G, which is the reason Bristol DID purposely get pregnant with Tripp.
ReplyDeleteBristol is relieving the past trauma and will again and again and again. She is mentally ill and stuck at 15 years old - the age she was pregnant with Tri-G.
Sounds reasonable, 9:54.
DeleteI don't think Bristol uses words like 'mock' and 'ghoul'.
DeleteSarah likely penned both posts with an assist from Nancy French to find the Candies quote.
OK, so one of the first comments quotes PalmaMama: "At 8:13, according to bristol's sister, she was not pregnant by junker at Disney or any other time." Someone else posted on IM the other day quite certain that she had 5 pregnancies - Ruffles, NOT Trig, Tripp, DWTS and this one. They said there was a Junker baby, but this person says no......but, let us also not forget the quicky engagement to Levi about 2010 and that weird pose they did with her in the Grecian looking white dress on the cover of some tabloid. Same pattern here -- wasn't Ben Barber her BF at that time, but then quicky engagement to Levi once she looks pg again? Very weird!
ReplyDeleteYikes, never seen this collection before...what an enormous range of changes.
So she's saying she deliberately tricked some poor idiot into being a sperm donor? How...low.
ReplyDeleteWhat I want to know is, why is she keeping this one when she gave away her DWTS baby? When Willow gave away the baby she was so obviously carrying during the filming of Life's a Tripp? Is it because she's jealous of Sunny's new baby? Or because Tripp is getting to be a bit too big to be carried around? Does she suffer from the same disorder as Michelle Duggar?
Inquiring minds want to know. Oh, and B: no one cares if you "chose life;" we believe in CHOICE, remember? We just wish you'd learn how to choose birth control.
When Sarah was at Bristol's ex-wedding/celebration of life and Bristol was hanging out with Marina Lupas for a "girls getaway," she instagrammed a photo of herself holding a dog that looks very much like Joey Junker's, which makes me think he was there and is (maybe) the baby-daddy. Unless they have matching dogs, the photo strikes me as a coded message to her ex-fiance or maybe a big FU directed at her mother and Sarah's plan to make a MOH recipient her son-in-law for good PR:
ReplyDeleteSee photo of Bristol and Marina: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3098542/Bristol-Palin-speaks-time-called-wedding-Dakota-Meyer-saying-son-Tripp-beginning-rebuild-lives.html
Junker's dog, Lucy on his instagram: https://instagram.com/p/0vsWQDP_9P/?taken-by=junker907
The reaction from the pee pond over Brancy's latest post is as predictable as it is ridiculous...
ReplyDeleteSome aren't happy with Duhkota:
Carmtom13 korn8131 • an hour ago
Dakota hasn't said a word he just let Bristol take all the slings and arrows from the leftist loons and drones and went on vacation with his friends.....
Great guy huh!
TheresaAK Carmtom13 • 34 minutes ago
Don't be too quick to judge him, Carm. We don't know the circumstances.
Let's just let life happen, it does to all of us. And pray for both of them.
I know it's all going to work out for the good.
By the way, good morning to you.<<
Carmtom13 TheresaAK • 14 minutes ago
Good morning! I know you are right but it really bothers me that Bristol is taking all the slings and arrows and Dakota says nothing about it, he had something to do with it to and to me its just not right. Oh well maybe its just me feeling that way.<<
Then of course there's the Bristol fans who can see no hypocrisy in her latest announcement:
c4pfan korn8131 • 2 hours ago
I don't know, but Bristol's pictures on Instagram seem to indicate she's doing things herself. Like putting the kitchen cabinets in etc. She's very independent. In other words, no man needed.
LoveconqueredUs c4pfan • 2 hours ago
Yes, she was the one who left the relationship when she realized it wasn't right for her. We can't know the exact reason and that doesn't matter. It likely has to do with geography. While she appeared happy in KY and his family liked her, Ky is FAR from Alaska. She probably loved the idea of her kid(s) having more in terms of offerings. But it is still a large distance from her family.
But that is speculation.
Things will be fine because she is ground and a good mother.
One of my best friends got married a few years after college and divorced a year later. His ex wife gave him full custody of their infant daughter and she walked away.
There is no wrong. The worst thing you can do it stick around when your heart craves different.<<<
It amazes me the contortions Palinbots put themselves through to justify the actions & decisions of the entire Palin family.
ReplyDeleteBristol cries because Tripp doesn't have a father and it is too hard for her- now she plans a second child. Is Tripp the new Willow nanny?
Oh please. If this baby was planned, why did Bristol not even know she was expecting until the THIRD month? Women who are charting temps, trying to get pregnant usually pee on a stick before their cycle is even supposed to start. Yet Bristol who nobody could claim was unfamiliar with pregnancy, did not know until she was an estimated 14 weeks along.
ReplyDeleteA baby whose existence you have to make your sister enlighten your parents about because you're too ashamed is not "planned". God, I used to think the comments about Bristol being special needs were a joke but maybe she is that stupid. Because this latest blog post makes her look really, really stupid.
Gryphen: "In fact she may have even made the whole thing worse."
ReplyDeleteThat may have been the point. The Brancy post has Sarah's MO all over it. I think she loves and needs chaos even more than attention.
I think she loves and needs chaos even more than attention.
And a good excuse NOT to run. Viola!
She is always so mean and angry. If she does not like the media spotlight she should just step out of it. Instead, she goes online and calls people a$$holes. Yes, people online are unnecessarily cruel. Everyone knows this but she does not have to be so nasty and rude.
ReplyDeleteI think she is looking for a "pro life" gig.
This timeline doesn't prove anything but it does show what was happening with Bristol & Dakota.
ReplyDeleteJanuary 23 SHOT Show in Vegas (Michael Moore FU poster)
February 26 CPAC Sarah's speech with Dakota announcing her
February 27 - March 1 Bristol in KY "spending weekend with this cutie"
March 6-8 Dakota in AK asking permission to marry Bristol
March 13 engagement in Vegas
March 29 wedding shower in AK
April 5 Dakota in AK for Easter
April 12 celebrating first week in KY living together
May 15 Bristol leaves KY to return to AK
May 23 wedding date
Side note:
February 20 -- Joey Junker still commenting on BSMP2
"At the end of the day there’s nothing I can’t do with God by my side, and I know I am fully capable of handling anything that is put in front of me with dignity and grace."
ReplyDelete- - - - -
Taken from Gryphen's first posting a couple days ago, when Bristley first announced that she is "with child".
1. Bristley, you do know that God, the Great Universe, the Divine Being, whatever you want to call it, is beside everyone, not just you. So you are nothing special in that regard.
2. Also, the language that you choose to express on Brancy's blog, instagram and all your other social media is hardly indicative of "dignity" and "grace". Do you even know what those two words mean?
3. That hole you are digging for yourself is way past Russia and you should be seeing China any moment now. But keep digging, keep revealing all your excuses. Show us how you really handle "what is put in front of you" with such ineptitude.
4. There's more to "standing for life" than just popping out a baby. Sally Heath chose life and look at how Sarah has turned out. Sarah chose life and look at how her children have turned out. Those are some of the saddest examples of "chosing life".
Oooh, she's getting nailed!