Saturday, June 13, 2015

Apparently Jesus is like a Wal-Mart greeter for Hawkins, Texas.

Courtesy of Politicususa
Speaking for Jesus? Isn't that what the whole "Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain" is talking about?

Well it might not anger Jesus, most likely because he is a mythical creation, but it did upset the FFRF.

This from KMOO: 

The Freedom From Religion Foundation has sent a letter to an East Texas City Council requesting they remove a sign posted on city property. 

The group states in its letter that the “Jesus Welcomes You to Hawkins’ sign posted on East Front Street is an unconstitutional religious display. 

The letter states, “The Jesus Welcomes You to Hawkins’ sign sends a message to the City’s citizens that the Hawkins government is endorsing and compelling a belief in a particular god. By endorsing such a belief, the sign sends the message to nonadherents that they are outsiders, not full members of the political community, and an accompanying message to adherents that they are insiders, favored numbers…” 

The letter ended by requesting the City Council to reply back with a plan for how to proceed.

However the mayor of Hawkins says that the creation of the sign was a "community project" and thinks the community should fight to keep it up.

And the mayor thinks you should show your support even if you are NOT a Christian, because Jesus was a good guy:

“Citizens should voice their support,” Rogers said. “Even if you don’t look at Jesus as a religious leader, you have the humanitarian aspects of his life while he was here to consider.”

You see they just like Jesus for being Jesus, they don't want him featured prominently on their sign to indicate any kind of religious preference in their town.

Yeah, right.


  1. Jim In Texas4:17 AM

    "Jesus welcomes you"? It doesn't even make any sense. The people of Hawkins have some special insight into what Jesus "thinks/desires"? Strangely, I never noticed in the New Testament where it said "I welcome everyone to Hawkins, TX." Insufferable arrogance on their part. If not outright blasphemy.

  2. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Just because he was a good guy and a humnaitarian? So where's their "MLK welcomes you to Hawkins ?" Or "Jonas Salk welcomes you to Hawkins?"

  3. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Why not "Sadie Welcomes You To Hawkins" ?? This looks like the type of town I would drive through, carefully, and move on to somewhere SANE.

  4. Anonymous6:30 AM

    You can tell Hawkins, TX is a town of proud Real 'Murikans - no, not by the Jesus sign, by the even more universal symbol - an 'Murikan flag proudly displayed on a muddy Japanese truck towing a rusty, cobbled-together trailer.

  5. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Funny, I talked to Jesus this morning at brunch and all he mentioned was Lebron's wardrobe malfunction on ABC.....he thought it was hysterical BTW

  6. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Are you sure it's not Hawkins' favorite Hispanic store owner welcoming us all to town? Could be you know...

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      I always heard it's nice to hear "Jesus Loves You"....unless of course you are in a Mexican prison!

    2. OMG, I would LOVE to go to that town and ask where Hay-zoos is- does he run the filling station?- be nice to say hi, and all...

    3. Anonymous9:21 AM

      You guys beat me to it! Yes, this town did not mean the biblical Jesus, but they meant the HISPANIC Jesus, pronounced Hay-Zoos!

  7. The exasperating thing is they think he existed. You know, the Jews were a literate society. The Romans were a literate society. Yet there are absolutely no contemporaneous accounts of the life of a man-god who allegedly turned both the Jewish and Roman communities into turmoil. Even the Gospels were not contemporary with Jesus- they were about 3 or 4 generations past the time of his alleged life. How could that be? Supposedly, he attracted "multitudes." And nope, nothing written about it.

  8. Leland9:15 AM

    Ivyfree, there is literally NO evidence of the guy actually existing and that is becoming more and more accepted. Unfortunately, you will NEVER convince the believers because they will tell you that the bible is all the proof they need - despite all the evidence to the contrary.

    You would have a better chance of convincing Hamm the ark never happened. (I'm still waiting on the final report of the possible MAJOR flooding that was detected on the floor of the Mediterranean near the Bosporus. At least that would give some credence to a flood in those days, but even that wouldn't be world-wide!)

  9. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Well, you left out the first name of Mayor Rogers of Hawkins Texas. The linked story says

    "Hawkins Mayor Will Rogers"

    lol. That name seems familiar for some reason. TEXASS!

    But a different story from last summer reports the a$$clown's full complete name is

    "Hawkins Mayor William Rogers"


    "E. Texas mayor arrested for official oppression

    HAWKINS, TX (KLTV) - The mayor of Hawkins was arrested on a charge of official oppression on Monday.

    According to the arrest affidavit, Hawkins Mayor William Rogers went to a woman's house in Hawkins to give her a ticket and fine her $500 because her grass was too tall. The woman told police that when Rogers arrived, he blocked her in with his vehicle.

    Rogers admits being at the residence, but denies trying to issue a ticket or blocking the woman with his vehicle.

    "At the time this occurred, I gave them my business card as mayor and talked very nicely to the parties that we are speaking about," Rogers said.

    While there, the woman said the mayor also asked her how much she was selling a portable concession stand stand that was parked in her driveway. When the woman told him the price, the mayor allegedly told her the amount was too high and she would have to remove it or risk a $500 ticket every day."

    Full story and mugshot of the @$$clown mayor of Hawkins TX at

  10. Anita Winecooler5:57 PM

    Is there a way for the people of Hawkins who don't believe in Jesus, despite what the sign says, can, say, pay their taxes into an escrow account until the sign is changed to "E,T, Phoned home from Hawkins" or something less polarizing? I don't know the law, but the escrow shows "good faith" (pardon the pun) that all are represented equally, or not at all on a "Welcome" sing? I thought public displays of religious faith, on public land was unlawful?


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