Thursday, June 18, 2015

As literally EVERYONE mocks Donald Trump's "candidacy" for being ridiculous,. His seemingly sole supporter is the also ridiculous Sarah Palin.

Of course I wrote yesterday about Palin's Facebook post welcoming Trump to the 2016 race, but MSNBC noticed that it seemed she was Trump's only real supporter.

This courtesy of MSNBC:  

When real estate mogul Donald Trump announced his bid for the 2016 presidential race on Tuesday, he faced fast-flying ridicule from the likes of comedians Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Stewart even thanked Trump for providing comedy gold for his final six weeks as host of “The Daily Show.” 

However, Trump does have one staunch, high-profile supporter — everyone’s favorite Alaskan, Sarah Palin.

Okay let me stop everybody right here to say that if Sarah Palin is your favorite Alaskan, you do not understand Sarah Palin, and you certainly do not understand Alaska. 

The former Alaska governor offered Trump words of encouragement in a Facebook post published on Wednesday. She congratulated the businessman for making “the malcontents go ballistic in the press” and backed Trump’s assertion that he will be “the greatest jobs president that God ever created.”

“His own success is testament to the job-creating achievements made possible when one applies the courageous and tenacious pro-private sector precepts we need to fire up the economy,” she said.

Yep, she's pretty much the only idiot besides Trump himself who would say all of that. The article then goes on to  mention that while Palin was stroking Trump's enormous ego she was also took shots at Hillary Clinton and the media.

They then mentioned Trump's invitation to once again join him for a slice of pizza on paper plates.

This got me thinking that Trump may be the ONLY political candidate who is immune to the Palin curse. Because let's face it, NOBODY could possibly damage Donald Trump's reputation more than Donald Trump.

Which of course includes the fact that it is now proven that he paid actors 50 dollars a piece to stand in the audience during his announcement and act like they gave a shit. 

Personally I hope Palin takes him up on that offer, after all what else does she have to do?

Speaking of things to do, exactly where is "Everyone's favorite Alaskan?"
Oh. She's in Michigan posing with cars.


Perhaps a little more interesting considering the fact that currently there is a deadly fire, which has already destroyed 12 square miles of forest and displaced 275 Alaskans, burning less than thirty miles from her house in Wasilla.

But hey who can be bothered with all of that when there are Facebook posts to write, candidate asses to kiss, and cars to pose next to?


  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Holy CRAP, look at the size of The Belmonts in that pic!

    1. Belmonts - they look positively matronly.

    2. Anonymous9:10 AM

      Damn! You beat me to it! Perhaps these are why AIP Palin was silent recently?

    3. Anonymous10:03 AM

      You both beat me to it, dangnabbit. Do Belmonts come in half-sag sizes?

    4. Anonymous10:47 AM

      I'm 40 and have been a D cup since I was 16. Hers look bigger than mine and about as saggy. (She's [allegedly] nursed babies and I haven't, but I've been fighting gravity for most of my life and she hasn't, so we're about equal.)

      This time I suspect it's not just the Belmonts. Sure, you can manipulate, force, squish, tape, and maneuver what you have to make it look bigger, but I don't think there was enough fat on her skinny chest last time I saw her to create even the hint of deep cleavage she's got here.

    5. Anonymous11:11 AM

      I can't blow up but look at the V line....? Fake chesticles?
      We've seen her blow up butt why not a whole FAKE chest like the guy "Venus" wore in Sons of Anarchy"?

    6. Anonymous11:16 AM

      She's going for that Dolly Parton look. Such an ignorant slut.

    7. Anonymous11:47 AM

      It looks like she is doing a public service ad to remind people to check the air pressure in their tires!

    8. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Here's the pic lightened and sharpened a little:

    9. Anonymous12:08 PM

      This is 10:47. After seeing that lightened image, I might have to revise my surgery theory. That V line looks pretty suspicious, and her "cleavage" seems to end abruptly where it starts.

      The woman is fuc_ing INSANE.

    10. Anonymous12:27 PM

      It's all fake. Even the 'cleavage', which is just a certain type of undergarment with skin color and some dark shading in strategic places!

    11. Anonymous12:39 PM


    12. Anonymous1:15 PM

      The Belmonts are still growing I see...LMAO!
      What a fraud!

    13. Anonymous1:47 PM

      OMG what in the hell is she wearing?

      She looks like a bag lady!!!! The cars aged better than she has.

    14. Anonymous2:58 PM

      What is going on with grandma's face? Talk about bloated. Sarah looks like Popeye the Sailor. All she needs is the hat and the corn cob pipe.

    15. Cracklin Charlie3:43 PM

      Okay, I want to admit right off that I am a terrible judge of fashion and what-have-you, so I don't usually comment on all that stuff.

      In looking at the lightened photo, she seems to be wearing several layers. Can someone explain to me, starting from Sarah's skin (ewwww) outward, exactly what all she is wearing from the waist up?

      Did she just put on every single item in her suitcase, in whatever order she picked them up?

    16. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Is the weight of the belmonts bending her over or is it just her usual shitty posture?

  2. Anonymous9:05 AM

    lol that same black cleavage get up when she made the blueberry pie with apples.

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      I can't believe she's wearing that fugly shirt under the dress.

    2. Anonymous9:38 AM

      OMG That IS the fugly ho-lee tricepteruptous shirt UNDER an evening gown. Now speechless.

    3. Anonymous10:24 AM

      LMAO! She is trying to hide her saggy skin arms.

    4. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Good God. Sarah, people do not wear tee shirts under gowns. Did your mother teach you nothing at all? Did you learn nothing from the RNC know, real adults who actually DID go to fashion schools?

    5. Anonymous11:20 AM

      Either that or track marks.

    6. Anonymous12:20 PM

      The way she dresses is a strong indicator of just how mentally ill she really is. No one in their right mind would get caught dead in any of the ridiculous get ups she wears in public. Next she'll be putting mismatched shoes on the wrong feet, wearing her underwear on her head and her pants on backwards.

    7. Anonymous12:41 PM

      1120 you might be right!

    8. Anonymous2:05 PM

      luv watching the crosseyed skank rotting before our eyes ..

  3. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Elvira wants her hair and wig back.

    1. hedgewytch11:21 AM

      Not too mention her tits. LMAO

    2. Anonymous12:41 PM


  4. Anonymous9:18 AM

    My God, she looks like a silicone-pumped, ratty-haired, slut-shirted old hag.

    I know it apparently can be personally traumatic when previously attractive women start losing their looks---but this isn't a start, it's an 80-mile-an-hour careen! Even I feel (slightly) sorry for her.

  5. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I guess Palin increased the "ante", to get more " support" for her PAC?

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM


  6. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Meemaw Palin sure looks matronly, especially in the face.

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      She looks like if one lit a match near her, she'd melt.

    2. Anonymous9:46 AM

      McWalnuts called; He wants his jowls back.

    3. Anonymous12:16 PM

      well, he'll have to rip them out of her bra.

  7. Suzy Q9:23 AM

    Pink and black, no boobs. Black and sparkles, BOOBS!

  8. PalinsHoax9:25 AM

    So THAT's where she's been hiding the faux pregnancy belly. She has just enough material left over to pad her rear cheeks.

    * * and * * *

    ". . . he paid actors 50 dollars a piece to stand in the audience during his announcement . . ." = Trump tied a pork chop around his neck - same diff.

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Did anyone notice how much heavier The Donald looked when he made his announcement? (stomach - neck - face - upper arm areas)

      He is not an attractive man and would not have an attractive wife were it not for his money! I wonder when the last time was that he actually worked out! A lot of golfers have beer bellies - they typically don't walk the courses, but ride in their carts!

    2. Anonymous11:31 AM

      I try not to look directly at the Donald. I never get past the dead animal on his head, anyways.

    3. Anonymous12:18 PM

      @10:49 am
      Trump has that aging bloated look of older alcoholics.

  9. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I am a DDD, and her Belmonts are WAY bigger than what I have.

    Does she not realize how ridiculous she looks when she goes up and down and up and down constantly? At the non-wedding reception BBQ, she was flat. I'm thinking she must have about 4 sizes of Belmonts.

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Whew girlfriend! Your shoulders must be tired - lol!

      My DDs make me think that $he has just halved a volleyball and stuffed the pieces in her shirt.

    2. When she was considering perma-boobies and the plastic surgeon showed her samples of the different sizes to choose from, she waited until his back was turned and stuffed them in her purse.

    3. Anonymous10:17 AM

      @9:39, I think that's exactly what happened!

    4. Anonymous11:09 AM

      LOL 9:39 AM and Nefer!

    5. Anonymous12:42 PM


  10. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Wow! Granny Sarah looks awful! No tasteful jewelry, just tacky bands, bland make up, hair do that looks like she is head to the gym.

  11. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Jesus fucking christ she should be airbourne with the amount of inflation in her fake chest!! Fuck off skank!!

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM

      She heard they were going swimming later on so she wore her Mae West airbags.

  12. Anonymous9:33 AM

    She also looks sweaty hence stinky. Eeeuuuuwwww

    1. Anonymous11:50 AM

      rode hard and put away wet

  13. Anonymous9:33 AM

    The belmonts are propping up her granny boobs. Dumpster is mocked on every Tv channel I turn to this am. Wonder why??

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Bernie is drawing crowds numbering in the thousands while he talks of real solutions to Americans problems, laying a path into the future. Here we have grams Palin, living in the past, posing with a Model T, which, I must say, has aged much better than than ma Palin. The classic car is stock. Can't say the same about the Quitter. No matter how much work she has done, or how much make up she trowels on, she only appears older and more deranged.

    2. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Didn't someone post on this blog awhile back that we'd be seeing Palin posing with cars and boats - indicating she has hit the bottom?

      I think the classic cars will be much more enjoyable to view than the whore and grifter, Sarah Palin!

    3. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Someone sure did! Car and boat shows, and ribbon cuttings!

    4. Anonymous11:34 AM

      I predicted Kroger grand openings...

    5. "Anonymous10:44 AM
      Didn't someone post on this blog awhile back that we'd be seeing Palin posing with cars and boats - indicating she has hit the bottom?"
      Well, this was my guess back in April:

      "I, for one, will enjoy watching her appearances go more and more downhill, right up to sliding drunkenly off the hood of a car at an auto show after elbowing the cute young model aside, all in a misplaced effort to show off her emaciated sex kitten granny come hither look along with her best dog ear flattening screechy voice, yoo-hooing at anything in pants."

    6. Anonymous12:19 PM

      I predicted car auctions, but this is close enough. LMAO!

    7. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Nefer wins the pool, we all owe Nefer a drink!

    8. Anonymous12:49 PM


    9. Anonymous2:21 PM

      Next , it will be Walmart greeter. Between the face,the boobs,and the butt..Sally looks like her daughter. She looks like she got dressed in the closet at the salvation army. Too many yrs of bad diet and chemical abuse. Her type of Ugly goes clear to the bone. A face only a trucker could love...with a bag over her head!

  14. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Bristol, stop laughing at 'yo mama'.

  15. Anonymous9:39 AM

    there are quite number of young people here in easily who shared Sarah's post and love trump

    1. Anonymous10:03 AM


    2. Anonymous10:38 AM

      Guilty. We also claim responsibility for making Sarah dress like a cougar wannabe.

    3. Anonymous10:39 AM

      9:39, Is English your 2nd language? Is that you barstool?

    4. Anonymous10:58 AM

      As $carah would say "We who admire Trump and preemptively applaud his win to lead this great nation of ours and whatnot are thrilled that he has entered the race to be the leader also, too"

    5. Anonymous12:21 PM

      Whoa there Sarah, sober up before you try and compose a sentence.

    6. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Trump will instruct his limo to drive thru the Palin canals!

    7. Anonymous1:25 PM


  16. Anonymous9:41 AM

    The car deal look she is sporting is dated and makes her look much older than 60.

    Palin could watch that show Botched and check into getting better doctors. They can do all kinds of repairs.




    1. And she's only 51, same age as me and I do not look that bad.

  17. Anonymous9:42 AM

    The fact that while the Donald could take Palin to the finest restaurant in NYC, he offers her a slice of pizza - and he didn't even take her for our great pizza last time - just a touristy place in Times Square - seems to me like he is mocking her.

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

      He was obliging the paparazzi. He nods knowingly and delivers a freak show comedy. They pretend he's a contender.

    2. That what I thought too. Not another slice of cheap pizza. Not even Ray's pizza.

      Why didn't sarry know her idol was running? Because trump doesn't think about you.

    3. Anonymous11:50 AM

      She's the kind of woman that you do not bring to your home. I think that she would like to run with Trump to get more money and drive the fame train again.

      Can you imagine how happy it would make John Stewart if she hooked up with him?

  18. Did she never figure out that Trump taking her for pizza was a huge dis. Seriously of all the restaurants in NYC he chose a pizza joint I would have kept on walking The message was clear, she means less to him than an ant.

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Maybe Melania, his blow up doll wife, insisted he meet her outside their gold plated castle? Maybe pizza at a joint is all he can afford. I hear all his cash is tied up in real estate, and he is cash poor.

    2. Anonymous12:13 PM

      I think he took newt and mittens to really posh restaurants. Of course, not only can't you dress sarah up you can't take her out.

  19. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Trump seems to be the only gop candidate that will publicly acknowledge her pathetic pleas for publicity, any publicity. Pizza, sure, more publicity for him, and she can pretend to be relevant to more than the National Enquirer set. But then he is a stalking horse for Palin, no? Like Cruz was beforehand. These guys want her to become prez so badly that they will do all the work and then step aside for her. Or so the spiel goes at the pond.

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      They think Jesus Christ was a "stalking horse" for their Savior Sarah. Nicely done, JC.

    2. Anonymous12:54 PM

      They can want in one hand and shit in the other!

  20. Dear god, that dress. Words fail.

  21. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Do her kids actually claim her as their Mother? Is that why they are all fucked up?

  22. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Donald's job creation....$50. to cheer him on. Pathetic.

    1. How much is he paying SP?

    2. Anonymous10:40 AM

      I'm surprised Sarah Palin wasn't in the crowd when Trump announced. She normally does anything for money! Guess the problem was, she's not a good actress?

    3. Anonymous10:56 AM

      I know. Sarah's mad that she and her family missed out on that payday. Now she has to be an aging car model in Detroit. Hey Sarah. It's summer. Who's watching your kids this week?

    4. Anonymous11:07 AM

      She probably just didn't know about that fast fifty or she'd been there with spurs a janglin'.

    5. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Piper's new piglet is in charge of Sarah's brood.

    6. Anonymous1:26 PM

      1038 $50

  23. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I seem to be the only one who thinks this, but could her Belmonts not be indicative of a multiple personality disorder?

    1. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Why not? she's got disorders to burn.

    2. Interesting observation. You may be on to something.

    3. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Wow! Sybil?

    4. Anonymous12:11 PM

      What, there's a separate personality in each cup?

    5. Anonymous12:23 PM

      @12:11 pm
      A few of them in each.

    6. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Bazoomz that go up and down like hers have to signal some kind of body image disorder.

    7. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Now your starting to see what most already know!

    8. Anonymous1:07 PM

      YES!! She definitely has multiple personalities.
      You are all late to the party!
      I have been saying for YEARS she has many multiples. Many!
      It is the only explanation that makes ANY sense.
      She has an athlete personality, a MILF personality, an angry female meddle aged wife personalitiy, a wounded child personalitiy, a personality that BELIEVES she birthed Trig.
      Yes yes yes. She dissassociated when a toddler and daddy was diddlin'g her.

    9. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Call Dr. Phil or that other doctor!

    10. Anonymous2:18 PM

      You might be onto something, but I don't think it is multiple personality disorder. We had a friend who was manic-depressive. You always knew when the manic phase arrived, because she would show up at her kids' school activities with racy clothing, cleavage, etc. it was sad for her children.

  24. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Well Sarah certainly looks like a granny in that really, really stupid sequined dress with the "cold shoulder" cut outs. Who the hell dresses that hot mess?!

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Is she still shopping at the resale store in Wasilla? That dress with metal studs looks antiquated also, too.

    2. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Not even a real 'dress'. Two cheesy separates with non-matching black dye slung together. I was hoping to see the shoes she chose to 'complete' her look.

      She must have spent hours trying to find a chain that placed her costume jewelery pendant of the day between her faked cleavage. Just in case the geezers weren't sure where to train their rheumy eyeballs.

    3. Anonymous12:10 PM

      She's probably wearing her hog slopping boots to "complete" her look.

  25. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I always thought the biggest joke was that a man who is hooked on appearances and connections delivered a back-handed insult to SP by taking her to pizza with plastic forks. She was probably enthralled and didn't get the insult at all. Does she really think that anyone who DT really wanted to impress (and yes, he is really desperate to impress) would be taken to a pizza joint? And now he's expanding the joke by tweeting about pizza again. And completely unawares, she would accept in a heartbeat.

  26. Anonymous10:20 AM

    We keep telling Sarah she looks "classy" whenever the Belmonts are deployed. Sarah is desperate for dog whistles. The holey shirt is "sexy." The heels are "hot."

    We got the retard looking like a crack whore!

  27. Anonymous10:24 AM

    The "Belmonts" are growing again.

  28. Anonymous10:38 AM

    The day before Trump announced, Palin was saying good things about Jeb Bush! She just wants a seat in one of their administrations (should either get to the primary!) even though she's qualified for shit!!!

    I don't know who in their right mind would run in the second seat with Trump. But, we are all going to have fun watching this fiasco! Only in the USA!

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      We ought to have a contest. Trump/Carly. Trump/Issa. Trump/Marco (one can't run casinos, and the other defaults on loans..what could go wrong?) Trump/Cruz (although I suspect they would have a duel after week one to see who should be on top.) Trump/Graham (the cracker jokes would write themselves.) Trump/Gump (I mean, one is fictional and one is dreaming of grandeur.)

    2. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Oh please... Not as if this is a real campaign. He hasn,'t even FEC filed. No pac, no campaign machine

    3. Anonymous11:11 AM

      The above paragraph should read ("should either get to the primary and be elected POTUS!")

    4. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Can you imagine anyone giving her a seat in their administration? They know how dumb she is!

    5. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Palin doesn't want a job, yegads, that might involve actual work. What she wants is to replay her glory days of the '08 campaign. She wants to bask in the attention of the national media, to have a full schedule of appearances before huge crowds, to have a security detail and staff to order around. She wants to feel important again.

      Poor silly little Sarah Lou. She hasn't figured out that will never happen again, and that it happened once was both a fluke and a national disgrace. Her destiny is obscurity, like any other dimwitted, nasty, dishonest housewife, which when all is said and done, is all that she is.

    6. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Maybe if she would be nicer to Mitt he would hire her to run his car elevator.

    7. Anonymous3:00 PM

      Old lady prostituting herself Again..a picture is worth a thousand words,sarah.

  29. Anonymous10:40 AM

    OMG I can't stop laughing at that inflated chest. WTF?! Lol!

  30. Anonymous10:43 AM

    What the fuck is going on with her bloated pie-face? Is she having an allergic reaction to the foam rubber in her fake tits?

  31. In that dress, she looks like she should hosting a horror movie night on some cheesy independent local television channel way up on the UHF numbers. A smoke machine, some cheap Halloween cutouts, and a pointy hat, and she's set.

  32. Olivia11:01 AM

    Jugs that big with no cleavage look like post menopausal saggy bags. Such a fashion maven she is.

  33. FJ Dandy11:03 AM

    She really doesn't know how to dress. And she always looks dirty.

  34. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I think she looks absolutely horrible at that car show. Boy, has she fallen!!

  35. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Looks to me like a good gust of wind would send that rotten to the core bitch flying to parts unknown.

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      And if she lands in water, she has her floaters strapped on.

    2. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Rofl to you both.

  36. How fitting that Sarah Cougar wannabe is garaged in a deteriorating Spider Man outfit.

    We know you read every single comment, Sarah, so we have to commend you on your choice of attire. Can hardly wait for the next warehouse cameo star studded appearance. You are being warehoused, right?
    So some advice (free) to ya' Sarah L.:
    "Get a job! That is why we are on this side and you are on concrete now."
    No Palin to be seen on any red carpet.
    Oh. We know . You are just jealous.

  37. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Her fake boobs are unnatural-looking. Does she even care? They take up each side of her chest, but don't really meet in the middle and there's no cleavage, which would appear for boobs that big.

    She has to be mentally ill to think that is attractive-looking.

    1. Cracklin Charlie12:03 PM

      Has she got some weird layering of her clothing going on there? Is it a top over a dress?

      The boob thing is just...I really don't know what to think.


    2. Anonymous12:08 PM

      Well the fact that she's mentally ill was established a long time ago.

    3. Anonymous12:45 PM

      The big ones are just pushed to the sides. I thought her act was vegas street walker, push them together, come on cleavage.

    4. Anonymous1:10 PM

      Marilyn gave her bad advice! Wink!

    5. Anonymous1:31 PM


  38. Anonymous11:16 AM

    O/T But read This:

    Read this too:

    The Truth is EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING is about SEX!

  39. Anonymous11:22 AM

    LOL!!!! Plain at the Motorsports Hall of Fame.... Was she inducted for her Wild Ride?

  40. Anonymous11:24 AM

    My much older highly narcissistic sister used to "model" at car shows in Chicago in the fiftys. No big deal Sarah.

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM


      The really pretty girls do local TV commercials for the dealerships.

      This time of year the bikini models are in highest demand.

      There is nothing sadder than an old woman who wears her sexuality up front. They always elicit the "Yucky!" response.

      Sarah is like the fat geezer in Speedos.

    2. Cracklin Charlie12:00 PM

      She is "modeling" the perfect model of car for her supporters.

      Is that a Tin Lizzy? show model

    3. Anonymous12:16 PM

      I car modeled a few times, it paid well and paid my rent while I put myself through college, along with bartending.

    4. Anonymous4:43 PM

      12:16 PM Did you look like Sarah looks?

    5. Anonymous5:38 PM

      I heard she's there promoting the faulty air-bag recall.

  41. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Where's Tawd? Have they given up the appearance of being happily married?

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      SarahPac is losing money monthly, Tawd is only hired per event as a purse carrier now. "What's in it for him?"

    2. Anonymous1:12 PM


  42. Anonymous11:46 AM

    How do you go from a b cup to a triple d cup from one day to the next. Are her boobs that saggy that when she's braless she tucks them into the waistband of her pants and when she has to wear a bra she needs to stuff them into a huge one?

  43. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I have not seen him since the flowers in the memorial at the dead lake. You don't suppose someone put water in his gas tank, do you?

  44. Anonymous11:49 AM

    She looks like she is 75 to 80 yrs old.

  45. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Cut the old lady some slack, peeps.

    Sarah is just trying to hide her man boobs.

    1. Anonymous12:36 PM

      Is she using a Bro or a Manzier?

    2. Anonymous1:32 PM


    3. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Actually, it's called "The Mansour". I see Sarah has removed the genuine artificial chest hair patch that is included with the deluxe model.

  46. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Okay, back to Sarah's appearing and disappearing boobs. I think she has been going with "vacation" boobs ( google it if you want to verify).
    What that is consists of them injecting saline directly under the skin of your real breasts, giving you bigger boobs for a few days or a week for an event or vacation.
    I think Sarah has done that time and again to help stretch her "fried egg" boob skin. Then I think she finally got expanders put in, expanders are saline implants that keep on being filled to expand your tissue to fit a bigger implant, they do that with a large bore needle pushed through the skin and into a valve on the implant. And now we are seeing the final results, she got her porn star boobs. LMAO! She looks ridiculous, like a Granny porn performer.

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Its just a stuffed bra. She's too cheap and lazy for injections, believe me.

    2. Anonymous4:40 PM

      I agree...Stuffed. When she wears lighter clothes, they're all lumpy.

  47. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Her fans think she's going to announce her run at the Presidency and she is off looking like a sad hag of an aged car model. Teeheeheehee!

  48. Anonymous12:09 PM

    The first word I thought of when I saw this picture was NASTY. Sarah just looks nasty like she has not had a bath or washed her hair for weeks.

  49. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I'm sure I don't need to say this, but the only constant coverage that Sarah Palin (Bristol too!) receives is on this blog - with the vast majority of the commentary being negative about her, Bristol and Todd!

    I read it because of her idiocy and the fact she has basically killed herself as well as her family members!

    Alaskans can't stand her - she isn't regarded well at all by the 'national' Republican party - she's not invited to participate in anything governmental anywhere - anymore - and she is now showing herself at a classic car show? All I can say is WOW, just WOW! She is now at the bottom of the heap!!

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      They don't spare her feelings on Huffington post!

    2. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Oh, pleeeaaasse! C4p, p4p, p4a, salon, wonkette, mediaite, not to mention all the sites listed on the left side of this blog...

  50. I was going to comment, but previous posters covered all the salient points, so I'll just read and enjoy. :-)

  51. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I think Track and his pharma tech friend must be in charge of stylin' the ol' gal now that both Bristol and Willow won't have anything to do with her.

    And Tawd, well, he's been back on the roof for a looooooooong time, now.

  52. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Well this out to throw Serror into a tizzy fit:

    Russell Simmons: Kim Kardashian Would Be A Better President Than Donald Trump

  53. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Gee...I just saw this and was going to comment on the belmonts, but it looks like I'm not the only one who noticed. alsotoo, good lord the woman is delusional. big time

  54. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Why do her hands look like they belong on a 7 foot tal basketball player?

    1. Anonymous4:42 PM

      She is deformed.

  55. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Is that the hooker shirt she wore for the cooking video,tossed over a jersey knit dress that's a different shade of black?

    1. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Yes, but I think it's another jersey knit cheap top thrown on over with a knit black skirt of another shade of black. Three cheap articles of clothing throw together to look like a before pic for "What not to Wear".

  56. Anonymous12:55 PM

    What does she have on? Where does she buy her clothes? Hookers-R-US?

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      No at ISlutty, or Sluts-R-Us.

    2. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Backseat Barbie!

    3. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Fred Reeks Of Hollywood

    4. Anonymous4:09 PM

      Victoria's Shameful Secret?

    5. Anonymous4:10 PM


    6. Anonymous4:11 PM

      L.L. Hasbean?

    7. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Lost Salvation Army?

    8. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Macy's "Donald J. Frump" line?

  57. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Ok. I cave and will comment on her 'appearance'!
    Old, washed-out granny, about seventy y/o, with librarian glasses to make her look 'scholarly'. Old-fashioned wig that hasn't been washed in a year or more. At least triple layer of clothing: undergarment that is skin colored on top, but black below, so it looks like 'real' cleavage, then that fuuugly Ho top with the cutout sleeves, and on top of all that, a black sequined top. At least she will be quite warm with these toppings on top of her fake Belmonts. By now, the skin below her Belmonts must be quite squishy - kind of like the Belmonts themselves (remember how your skin looks after you take off a Bandaid? THAT is what her real boobs/chest skin looks like after a day or two with these Silicon contractions strapped on!)

    $arah, granny: go to that fashion show on TV, where a couple of gay and lesbians teach you how to dress and do age-appropriate make-up and hair styles! (I forgot the name of the show, but it was with a guy and a gal, and they did a fashion make-over for some really frumpy looking people)"
    Ditch your two fashion-advisor daughters. They do you no service by making you trying to look like twenty-something. They have no talent for that.

    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      What Not To Wear, she's such pigfuck mess Stacy & Clinton wouldn't waste their time on her.

    2. Anonymous1:38 PM

      They will be sing "dude looks like a lady"

  58. Anonymous1:20 PM

    I'm distressed if she is still in Michigan. Just knowing that she is in the vicinity of the state where I live annoys me.

    1. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Probably visiting Nancy and annette

    2. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Sterling Heights is infamous for "Chaldean alley".

      Sarah is so stupid she probable will think they are all Mooslims, maybe that will get her out of state rapido.

  59. Anonymous1:45 PM

    If Sarah is at a car auction in Michigan, who's feeding and watching Trig?

    1. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Jill the dog and Piper's piglet are in charge of Trig so he's getting better care than Sarah ever provided him with.

  60. Anonymous1:49 PM

    How much did those dumbfucks had to donated to SarahPac so Sarah can make this trip to the lower 48?

  61. Anonymous1:52 PM


  62. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Sarah Dolezal and her belmonts.

  63. Anonymous2:06 PM

    The Trumpet &The Strumpet

  64. Our Lad3:28 PM

    What we are witnessing would be Shakespearian in the epic sweep of Mrs. Palin's descent if the central character were not Mrs. Palin. This is more like fucking Elmore Leonard.

  65. Anonymous3:36 PM

    I see the racist cow has interjected herself in the latest tragedy.

  66. Anonymous4:28 PM

    It looks like she has bottles of tequila in her bra???

  67. Anonymous5:12 PM

    OMG, her rack is ENORMOUS. Here's another pic from yesterday:

    She appears to be sporting the same clingy dress she wore a couple of years ago at a TV industry event. I think that was the first time we'd seen such huge (bigger than the Belmonts) boobies on her. The weird lumpiness reminds me so much of her fake pregnancy appliances.

    Sarah, dear: WE KNOW.

  68. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I just googled a bit, and it seems to me that Granny Grifter is wearing something like this on top of her flat chest:

    The sheer "V" even looks like it's showing under her black top. BTW, this product has "cross dressing" in the keywords!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.