Thursday, June 18, 2015

Nine killed, including a state senator, in shooting at historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina.

Courtesy of ABC News: 

Police and federal law enforcement agencies were in the midst of an all-out manhunt this morning for the gunman they say is responsible for killing nine people in a Charleston, South Carolina, church Wednesday night in what officials described as a hate crime. 

The suspect opened fire on a bible study group at the historic predominantly black Emanuel AME Church on Calhoun Street, killing eight people in an "unfathomable" act of violence. One other person was rushed to the hospital and died. Police originally said two people were hospitalized. 

Police said the alleged gunman, whom the mayor called a "horrible scoundrel," was inside the church attending the prayer meeting with worshipers for almost an hour.

The suspect has been identified as Dylann Storm Roof, which sounds almost like a made up name to me. He is described as between the ages of 21 and 25 years of age, about five foot nine, and “has a very distinctive sweatshirt that has markings.”

Update: He has now been captured and is in police custody. 

Considering this is a mostly black church, and the suspect is clearly a white man, I am going to assume this is racially motivated.

Especially since according to the Washington Post he made this statement during the shooting:  

A relative of the church’s pastor was told that the suspect in the Charleston shooting reloaded multiple times, and said: “I have to do it,” NBC News reported. 

“She said that he had loaded — reloaded — five different times. Her son was trying to talk him out of doing the act of killing people,” Sylvia Johnson, a cousin of Clementa Pinckney, told NBC affiliate WIS-TV. “He just said ‘I have to do it.’ He said, ‘You rape our women and you’re taking over our county. And you have to go.'”

Yeah I'm going to go with racism.

This is of course a terrible tragedy. Yet another, terrible tragedy where a gun is used to take the lives of American citizens.

Update: Here are President Obama's remarks on the shooting.

"At some point we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn't happen, in other places, with this kind of frequency. And it is in our power to do something about it."

Usually I would agree with that last statement, but if Sandy Hook was not enough to convince people that we needed much stronger gun laws, then what would be enough?


  1. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Sarah Palin had better hope that he was not following her on Facebook.

    1. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Palin and the other race-baiting, race-hating, gun-toting, fuc*ers are to blame for elevating the level of 'us vs, them' to a point that hasn't been experienced since the 1960s.

    2. Anonymous1:18 PM

      And of course the cow weighs in, oblivious to her role in getting us here:

    3. Anonymous1:34 PM

      There will be justice concerning Sarah Palin for all the hate and racists words she has spread throughout the years.

      Hell awaits her! Not the Heaven for which she thinks she has a priority because she is a 'christian'!

      She has no soul, no empathy, no concern for anyone except herself, no expression of love to anyone (much less her kids!) and no insight! Plus, she doesn't live Christian teachings! She's one nasty, evil woman that few want to even be associated with!

    4. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Yes, 1:34 PM! In the link to her post above, she links a gospel singer that's been shot eight times and opines a "come to Jesus" message. She is such a freaking fraud!

    5. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Anonymous12:20 PM

    6. Suzy Q4:53 PM

      Hate to break it to you 1:34, but the bitch doesn't believe in the afterlife. It's the here and now, what's in it for me, me, me, that is Sarah Palin! She learned early on to play the Christian card. It opened many doors for her but it's all an act. The real Christians have been bamboozled by her and they don't even know it nor do they want to admit it.

    7. Anita Winecooler6:43 PM

      She went there?

      "Don't retreat, reload"
      "Blood Libel" etc etc etc.

      Shut up, fame whore, you're clueless and owned by the gun lobby.

    8. Anon 1:18 I went the link you posted, I had to leave a few comments I was spitting mad. One guy blamed Obama for the shooting, one lady said the solution was more guns...and the third post I responded too was someone who put the blame where it belonged, on storm roof. But they were being attacked for it and I stood up and defended the poster.
      Then I left because my blood pressure was raising over the crap that was spewing over there!

  2. Anonymous12:13 PM

    What would be enough?

    Shooting the Pope in cold blood?

    A massacre of the entire leadership at an NRA convention?

    Shooting all the Republican Presidential candidates at a debate forum?

    The gun fanatics in this country won't budge I'm afraid

    1. Anonymous2:19 PM

      You're right. If the all-white 6 and 7 year old kids killed at Sandy Hook didn't do it, a black congregation getting shot up DEFINITELY won't do it.

      Though I doubt a lot of NRA members would even call the shooting of 9 members of a predominantly black church a crime.

    2. Anonymous2:43 PM

      No, they would call it "a start".

    3. Anonymous3:38 PM

      And shut down fox news. Play Beethoven 24/7 to deprogram these idiots.

    4. Anonymous4:56 PM

      Really, 3:38? We need real solutions.

    5. Annie1:01 AM

      I'm afraid the answer to the question that 12:13 posed is all of the above. And even if they all came to pass, any realistic hope for positive changes will still be a crap shoot.

  3. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Not once, in all the hours of coverage on various news outlets did I here him get called a thug, not once.

    Trayvon Martin bought skittles and was walking home has been portrayed as a thug
    But this cat ( sorry if I'm aging myself) is a methhead that knowingly planned and carried out the mass murder of nine people has repeatedly been referred to as a "young man" in the media. Already the apologists are out, saying he had a bad childhood, his parents were divorced etc so they can argue for him not to receive the death penalty.

    This is the one and only comment I am going to make on this racist bigot murderer.

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      This 50's white lady thinks he is a deranged thug. And, Trayon Martin was killed in cold blood by a big shot punk.

    2. Anonymous4:34 PM

      I called him a white racist shithead in my twitter feed.
      Its funny how the RW waits for "their marching" orders on how to "reframe" this and then they will attack.
      Damn straight most people with a brain and DAMN fucking sick of this gun shit.
      Those people probably welcomed that little shit into their church too.
      I guess we need metal detectors at churches now? Mosques, malls everywhere.
      RW retard 'merika 2015.

    3. Anonymous1:17 AM

      Thug is too good of a word for this worthless waste of a human. He may find out that Karma is a African American pro football sized guy who decides to make Dylann his little bitch. One can hope at least.

  4. Anonymous12:21 PM

    So, why are virtually ALL mass shootings perpetrated by WHITE people, and yet we call blacks THUGS???!!!

    Also, a question I have: since he was reloading supposedly FIVE times, and had the time to talk to someone while doing this: WHY did nobody try to tackle him and stop him? That kind of blows my mind.

    My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their surviving families. May the killed ones R.I.P.,and may the wounded ones recover completely and fast from their physical as well as their mental wounds!

    1. Please don't blame the victims and potential victims for not stopping the meth-head-shoe-sole-scraping from reloading! We don't know enough about the minute-by-minute circumstance...

      Also, too, it's a fair bet that the Bible-study students weren't packing heat. They most likely were both paralyzed by fear (wouldn't you be??!?) as well as thinking first of hustling others and themselves--in that order--out of danger.

      During the Virginia Tech mass shootings, SOME students were able to save lives by dragging heavy tables to block classroom doors, preventing the murderer from entering. But far more lives were in danger, and the death site was large enough to permit this action while Choi was killing elsewhere...

    2. Anonymous4:45 PM

      At least a few of the victims were elderly one was an 87 y o woman.

  5. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Fox News and Frothy Mixture are already playing victims, calling it a "war on religion".

  6. Anonymous12:25 PM

  7. FrostyAK12:30 PM

    It is only a guess, but I expect he is a home schooled Talibangelical RWNJ, who listens to GOP talk radio.

  8. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I swear I'm going to go off on anybody who says the answer is more guns.

    I really don't want to live in a country where a church needs armed security guards and people get concealed carry permits so they can protect themselves at a BIBLE STUDY!!

  9. Suzy Q12:37 PM

    It's not just racism, Gryphen, but rather home grown terrorism. Sadly, nothing will change with our gun laws. There is a very informative history lesson of the Charleston AME church over at The church dates back to the early nineteenth century.

  10. Heard again from Faux Gnus, "Those people in the church weren't saints!"

  11. Anonymous12:42 PM

    We are one horribly racist country! That kid should be taken outdoors and shot! No need wasting the money on him in prison much less the cost of taking him through our justice system!

    He obviously committed a 'hate' crime based on what he is reported to have said to the black folks before he killed the nine! How frightening it must have been for them! I'm so sorry they and their families (and friends) have had to go through this idiocy!

    I should probably say that I'm white and a senior citizen!

    Where did he learn to hate blacks at such a young age? 21! Does anyone know anything about his parents? Friends he hung out with, etc. This hasn't been mentioned as yet.

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Why did he think white women were 'ours,' and the USA is "ours"?
      White women do not belong to white men, nor does our country.

    2. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Don't retreat, reload???

    3. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Knock it off, 2:16 PM, you heartless bastard.

    4. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Well not fat white women anyways...

  12. Anonymous12:53 PM

    There is no turning back on so many evils mankind has created.

  13. Anonymous12:56 PM

    If most mass shooters were black, and they were gunning down white people, our mostly white lawmakers would only make it harder for minorities to get guns. But, since most mass shooters are white like this fucking asshole, our mostly white lawmakers won't do shit. The only way this country will ever get real gun control is when white people are outnumbered. Whites make the laws, and most gun-nuts are white. Whites are paranoid, and they love their guns. Whites are the problem. Period. Sorry, but that's the truth.

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      Ole Hoohah had to open her trap on FB. Shut the fuck up racebaiter!

    2. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Amen, SPHASH, I posted the link above for everyone. I was taught not to hate but I seriously detest that bitch.

    3. Anonymous3:34 PM

      may the racist harridan rot in hell.

  14. lets give a few minutes so we can blame Obama for this. we all doing all right until we all elected him and now its all his fault. I am so sick and tired of the same blame on our president . why ... reasoning behind all this is just pure hate. and Obama elected just renew the hate that many have in this country. its Obama fault.

    1. Anonymous2:15 PM

      ??? are you drunk?

    2. Anonymous2:40 PM

      2:15 PM, daniel is just saying, "give it a minute, and it will be all Obama's fault." Look at how the likes of Palin, Trump, Limbaugh, Beck, Savage, and Fox "news" have amped the fear and distrust and, yes, hatred in this country since our President took office. Gun sales soared! They are complicit in every one of these, not to mention the NRA and a cowardly Congress that refuse to do a damned thing about it.

  15. Anonymous1:06 PM

    yet another NRA "Special event" - nothing will change

    Maybe the white gunman was jealous of the white police

  16. Anonymous1:16 PM

    It's good to be white.

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Only if you have guns.

    2. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Or if you get arrested.

    3. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Hey Lou Sarah at 1:16 pm, your Baileys addiction is showing again. Whatsamatter? Got no mo family minders to keep you off the tubes when you're lubed?

  17. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I blame every single Fox news talking head, every single Republican, and the NRA. They all have blood on their hands that will never ever wash off.

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      I primarily blame Sarah Palin and Sean Hannity.

    2. Anonymous6:56 PM

      I left out Rush Limbaugh and that hatemonger should not be left off the list.He's way above Sarah Palin.

  18. Anonymous2:07 PM

    "I’ve had to make statements like these too many times. Communities like this have had to endure tragedies like this too many times"

    1. Anonymous4:00 PM

      And you know that, by tomorrow morning, all of Fox News and CNN will have shifted focus to the "racism" of President Obama's remarks when all he did was speak the truth.

  19. I'm at the point where I don't see why anyone should be allowed to have a gun. I guess I understand that we are intelligent people and we should be able to devise a system where farmers and hunters can have rifles and some--few--police have guns and that's it. Yeah, I know I'm being "un-American." But I don't want an "America" plagued by both violent and negligent gun deaths and gun accidents.

  20. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Sarah Palin the ultimate divisive. racist, hater, white chick.

    1. Anonymous4:40 PM

      All in the name of God and Jesus?
      NO, all in the name of Queen Heifer.

  21. Anonymous3:49 PM

    The death penalty is too good for this f'ing punkass murderer. I hope he gets a life sentence in a Supermax with NO possibility of parole.

  22. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Nothing will be enough to dampen the zeal of the NRA and American gun lunatics, so I don't think there will be much change in our violent gun culture. But we must keep tryin.

    I found the comments on the New York Times site interesting this afternoon. Most people expressed their genuine sadness and shock at yet another blatant act of racism and yet another example of our crazy gun culture. But, as usual, there were a few commenters saying that one should not get politically partisan about this (none of the commenters had been politically partisan in their remarks) and that it cannot be called "racism" because the perpetrator was clearly mentally ill. Well, I disagree with those commenters and "with no due respect." The Charleston massacre was a clear act of racism, done by someone who should never have been allowed to get near a gun. Having the flags of two defunct apartheid African countries blazoned on his jacket show where the young man's sympathies lay. Whatever was his father thinking when he gave him a gun for his birthday? Or did his father share his son's racist views? I guess we'll find out at some point unless the whole matter disappears under the radar as so many of these acts of blatant racism do. Unfortunately, when the victims are African Americans the news cycle gets amazingly short.

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      I thought things would change after Sandy Hook, but sadly nothing has and nothing will.

    2. As a commenter said on HuffPo:

      "Welcome to NRAmerica!"

    3. Anonymous4:44 PM

      I have relatives and friends who own guns, most of them responsibly. After the Coral Ridge Mall incident I posted some questions on Facebook, asking them to weigh in on what they thought might help prevent violence of that sort--better laws? better enforcement? I asked people to be civil and refrain from speculation like "If he didn't have a gun, he would have used a knife."

      The first response I got, barely civil, was that if I wouldn't allow speculation, then I didn't really want a discussion, I just wanted a platform to justify my liberal goal of taking away everyone's guns. I had explicitly stated in my post that I didn't and don't want to take away *everyone's* guns, but I do think we need more controls over who can own guns. The utter irrational nastiness of the response upset me, because it proved a point I was hoping to disprove to myself: that rational people can have a reasonable conversation about a problem. And that no matter how many people die, they are acceptable casualties in the battle to safeguard our "second Amendment rights."

    4. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Beaglemom, you always hit it spot on, and remember South Carolina still flies the confederate flag.

  23. So, the problem, according to Virginia Bigot at C4P, isn't rampant racism and uncontrolled gun violence and the deaths of 8 humans. The problem is Obama's "grab for [our] guns":

    "virginiagentleman1 • 2 hours ago
    Is anyone surprised that the commie-in-chief and his rag tag band of scum would use the deaths of nine innocent people who were murdered while at worship, to futher his political agenda, which includes gun control?

    And are you surprised that race baiter supreme Al Sharpton sped his way to Charleston, even AFTER black leaders said that they did not want him there?

    Suppose that the maniac had used a chain saw, or a knife, or a car? Would the racists in charge of government raise a hue and cry to BAN THEM?

    What if the shooter had been a delusional black instead of a delusional white? In Chicago, blacks kill each other in volumes, yet where is the outcry for those innocent victims? Why must it take a white being involved to GET JUSTICE for the innocent victims? Would Sharpton, Obama and AG Lynch have even bothered to bestir themselves to address the issue if a crazy white kid wasn't the shooter?

    This is what racism, political correctness, and the grab for guns have come to, an America divided."

    Why is this evil bastard (Virginia Gentleman) still alive?

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Reading that gave me chills. I live in the Deep South. VG is not the only one who feels that way.

      I would like to know, for the sake of argument, when is the last time someone committed mass murder with a chainsaw outside of a horror movie.

    2. Anonymous7:46 PM

      I just posted THIS to VG for his little rant, who will probably never see it:

      With all due respect, sir, the Virginia Tech shooting was done by one Seung-Hui Cho in 2007, and that was on Dubya's watch, and the ban on assault weapons lifted in 2004..The original term "going postal" happened in 1983 in South Carolina when the disgruntled employee came back and opened fire. That was President Reagan, of whom closed down mental health facilities during his tenure.

      This is not an Obama problem, as you would like it to be. It is a culture gone wrong with politicians and the NRA in each others' pockets and we, as citizens, helpless to stop it.

  24. Anita Winecooler7:03 PM

    I've been so hearbroken by this event and I'm sure I'm not alone. Hearing President Obama, again, having to speak of gun violence, racism and hate with a tone of resignation in his voice is what shook me to the core. Sandy Hook taught us who's on the side of hate and who's not. Domestic Terrorism at it's worst. The epitome of hate.
    Why are we still flying the confederate flag? And why at half mast along with the nation's flag?

  25. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Vice President Joe Biden & Dr. Jill Biden

    "Hate has once again been let loose in an American community. And the senseless actions of a coward have once again cut short so many lives with so much promise. Our hearts ache with sorrow with the entire Emanuel AME Church family as they seek solace and comfort in the shadow of a gunman’s act of pure evil and hatred. Our love and prayers are with them.

    "We last saw Reverend Clementa Pinckney less than a year ago at a prayer breakfast in Columbia. He was a good man, a man of faith, a man of service who carried forward Mother Emaunel’s legacy as a sacred place promoting freedom, equality, and justice for all. We pray for him and his sister as we do for the seven other innocent souls who entered that storied church for their weekly Bible study seeking nothing more than humble guidance for the full lives ahead of them.

    "We have no doubt the coward who committed this heinous act will be brought to justice. But as a nation we must confront the ravages of gun violence and the stain of hatred that continues to be visited on our streets, in our schools, in our houses of worship, and in our communities.

    "As Mayor Riley made clear, all of Charleston’s heart bleeds today—but the overwhelming display of unity will bring forth the city’s healing. We will never forget those innocent souls who lost their lives. We will be there with all the strength and support and prayers we can offer to the families who now grieve. And as a nation we will come together."

  26. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Michelle Obama Lights Candles For Victims Of Charleston Church Shooting

  27. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)

    "The Charleston church killings are a tragic reminder of the ugly stain of racism that still taints our nation. This senseless violence fills me with outrage, disgust and a deep, deep sadness. The hateful killing of nine people praying inside a church is a horrific reminder that, while we have made significant progress in advancing civil rights in this country, we are far from eradicating racism. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and their congregation."

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Sen. Bernie Sanders should have voted in favor of gun control and not against it. He is a very good speaker; he should be able to explain to Vermont's hunting population that there is a difference between responsible gun ownership for hunting purposes only and gun insanity. That's a senator's job many times - to convince the electorate of what is best for everyone.

  28. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Jon Stewart ROCKs tonight!!

  29. physicsmom10:48 PM

    I saw the President's response to the tragedy in real time. He looked completely wrecked. I've never seen him this disheartened and sad. I was so glad when he turned the discussion to gun laws at the latter end of the speech. He was very honest about the prospect of getting new laws: it ain't gonna happen soon. He called for us to remember Charleston and fight for gun control when the time is right. Afterward, one of the MSNBC pundits said that the Pres. has had to make 14 such statements since he took office. Fourteen! The whole thing breaks my heart, and it obviously has broken his.

  30. Veronica in Houston12:36 AM

    This latest (though certainly not the last) incident of unmitigated gun violence combined with blatant racism truly saddens me. My thoughts & prayers go out to the victims, their loved ones & all of Charleston. I lived near Jasper, TX when James Byrd was murdered & this crime reminds me of the sadness that enveloped our community following Mr Byrd's murder.

  31. Anonymous1:39 AM

    The second amendment is going to destroy our country


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