Monday, June 29, 2015

Cartoon of the day.

True that.


  1. Anonymous2:47 AM

    Bristol could've been discreet and sent a private email to the one or two thousand dedicated followers who hang onto her every word and begged one of them to step up and take responsibility for her little indiscretion i.e. bun in the oven, tart in the toaster, but NO. She had to come out publicly and imply that DuhCooter was the father and try to garner sympathy and pity votes for her newest reality show, which will also be a big failure.

    Here's a free clue for you Bristol, since you're too broke to buy one:

    ALMOST NO ONE CARES BRISTOL. Sit yourself down, enjoy a steaming hot cup of Shut The Fuck Up and just go AWAY.

    1. Anonymous3:36 AM

      Yes. That's what 'privacy' really means.


    2. Anonymous6:05 AM

      I can't really justify trashing Dakota Meyer by calling him names, etc. He has remained silent on Bristol's latest "situation" when he could've been trashing both Bristol and Sarah for trying to scam him into raising another man's child. He didn't immediately post pics and comments on social media to appear as though Bristol never existed. He may have a few screws loose as a result of his untreated PTSD, but I can't criticize the way he handled the breakup and ensuing news - he has stayed out of the fray.

    3. Anonymous6:25 AM

      That's true. He handled the breakup with grace and diplomacy. He is a grifting dimwit, though, and didn't deserve the MOH>

  2. Anonymous3:53 AM

    Better yet, get an education so you can support your growing family. Whoever took the DWTS baby and the Junker #1 baby might decide to give them back to you to raise. Give up trying to get a reality show, you are yesterday's news. Even if you had a tiny speck of talent, nobody wants to see you on TV. Tell your mother to stop with the Botox, her mouth is all one sided, looks like she is sneering constantly.

  3. Anonymous3:54 AM

    Bristol - discreet? No PayMe knows what that word means.

  4. Anonymous4:16 AM

    None of the Palins were born with the embarrassment gene in their DNA.

    Most folks when they fuck up crawl under a rock to hide. The Palins shove their mistakes in our faces and use it to grift more money.

    Bristol .. go find a rock to hide under. You are a loser.

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      None of the Palins were born with the embarrassment gene................I agree with that statement 100%

  5. Anonymous4:17 AM

    But...but....uh...Bristol planned to get pregnant so her abstinence program is still intact and this pregnancy is not a mistake! You betcha she just got ahead of herself. Do not be discussing the obvious. In Palin Christian Land lying is ok if lies give the impression of being Christian and the impression the daddy is the man she knew and quickly got engaged to.

    I bet the quickie engagement was to hide the fact she was pregnant again and Dakota Meyer is not the father.

    Bristol, when you make a mistake be accountable and accept the consequences such as you lost your abstinence persona and credibility again. Buying a house does not restore your credibility.

    It is disgusting what the Palin offspring do then the mother boldly lies for them so they do not experience consequences they deserve. Worse she orchestrates others get hurt falsely accused.

  6. Anonymous4:46 AM

    The difference between the Supreme Court upholding Obama Care and Bristol's pregnancy? The Supreme Court ruling screwed a bunch of idiots...Oh , wait...there is no difference.

  7. Rolling around in my head is the thought that safe sex was not practiced. And this is the perfect opportunity to discuss getting a STD test..... Your local drug store would love to have you purchase a test kit.

    It used to be that getting pregnant when you wanted a guy, sealed the deal....we ladies know this. Why men are not smart enough to wrap that rascal, I will never know.

  8. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Just read a suggestion for a Wasilla bumper sticker "Honk if you have slept with Bristol Palin" Everyoe thought the noise would be deafening. What a terrible reputatio she has.

  9. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Not garnering enough sympathy and attention with her first announcement, she changes the story and calls dissenters "fuckers." What a peach.

  10. Anonymous6:03 AM

    This cartoonist is obviously ignorant of all things Bristol. Instead of licking ice cream cones, he should have drawn Brissy and her lil Trippster cross-eyed and fish lipped. Brissy holding a cell phone at arms length and Tripp in undies only, optional.

    1. Anonymous6:36 AM

      There is no dignity in those photos. I am of a different generation but it is chaotic to claim wanting privacy then constantly blog and Instagram to followers then rail about anyone looking at what she puts out there. It is nutty.

  11. Anonymous6:15 AM

    There has been lots of FUC_ U and none of it involved Michael Moore.

    Dakota has mommy issues and basically slut shamed her in his book. He said he doesn't know who his biological father was....but he sure is a dead ringer in looks for the guy that married his mom three months after he was born. (Would someone please post a link showing the photo of the MOH and dad and grandparents in the Oval Office w/POTUS?)

    Dakota said when he was living with his mom after she separated from Mike Meyer that his life was like a washing machine. Well, now with the Palins, he had hit the spin cycle and will anyone ever come clean.

    Dakota's book "Into the Fire." Will he come out a hero after being hit with verbal sniper fire from Bristol?

    PS Bristol had pregger boobs at CPAC in February....or else she was wearing the Belmonts. She looked really hormonal.

    Junker would never marry her he was into freestyle and aerials. There was a picture of the really tall padded headboard in the master bedroom in house that Bristol sold. That must have set the stage for some rad moves. There's no way Dakota could do it like Joey, powder or not.

    True Detective

  12. Bristol was paid $262,000 as an Abstinence Ambassador for Candies. Now she says that she was not a spokesperson for abstinence. Bristol said, " I will not have sex again until I am married." She guaranteed it. She announces on social media that she is pregnant, didn't want any lectures, and she asked for privacy. When people responded with their opinions, Bristol went apeshit, and accused them of them of "giddy a$$holes". Now she says that this pregnancy was planned. Does that whore even listen to herself? She sounds like a bipolar asshole off her medication.

  13. Anonymous5:01 PM

    STDs can be transmitted with out involving sex.


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