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What I thought was far more entertaining was this synopsis found in the middle of the article:
There is no easy way to say this: Sarah Palin’s grifting business appears to be foundering. The mast has snapped, the waves are coming over the gunwales, and the First Mate slipped, fell on a penis, and got pregnant again. Mutinies have been sparked by less, but mutinies require a mutinous crew, and right now, Sarah Palin stands alone at the bridge, spinning the wheel hard one way, then hard the other, like she saw a man do in a movie once.
Now see I thought that was actually a perfect description of what Palin is going through right now.
She really does seem to be all alone in this grifting enterprise these days, with one daughter getting knocked up (Again!), another off cutting hair, a third publicly giving away a pig that her mother had just written a post about and fighting with her sister about it, and of course the older brother still MIA as usual.
(Speaking of MIA just where in the hell is Todd these days?)
Personally at this point I think we can write the whole family off as a waste of oxygen.
I really only care about the well being of one of the kids t this point, and that is this one.
I still think that he is worth saving, and if he spends more time with his father, and less with this family of sideshow freaks, he will be.
Update: I forgot about Trig somehow. Yes I am totally concerned about him as well.
ReplyDeleteThe saddest thing I see is that little boy in the first photo. He was forced into smearing shit on his face and it shows in his eyes. Then he lights up for the camera for the next shot he was forced into. Sickening.
DeleteI've been saying it for at least three weeks now...WHERE IS TAWD?
ReplyDeleteDivorced long ago.
DeleteHe is off into the sunset singing "You light up my life" to his favorite hooker.
DeleteI agree. Your wife gets dismissed from the highest profile media contract she had, and your daughter is pregnant again sans husband, and you're not even available for stoic-looking still pictures. That's enough to convince me that its been over for ages, and Todd's done pretending.
DeleteHe's long gone. Hit the road. And good for Toad. It's the first intelligent thing he's done in about 30 years.
DeletePanic, Palin! That picture sums it up perfectly.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Palin looks like one of the aliens from "Mars Attacks".
ReplyDeleteAkk dakk.
DeleteExcept it was easier to reason with the Martians! Akk dakk.
DeleteTodd has been MIA since the USS Iowa fundraiser on May 16th in California.
ReplyDeleteAny chance he's fishing Bristol Bay like the good old days??
On June 15th Willow mentioned a trip from Dillingham back home with her father.
DeleteBristol commented about spending Willow's 21st birthday (July 7) in Dillingham.
So maybe he is there this year for the salmon run.
Maybe Todd knows the PAC is on its last leg and somebody has to have a job to put food on the table. If that is indeed what he is doing then its a sure sign the PAC is in trouble. Time will tell.
DeleteOnce he saw Sarah's plotting Bristol's marriage & trying to pull the wool over an MOH, Todd may have just said Toodle loo Sarah I want no part of this - going fishing, BYE. You created it, you finish it. He probably sensed it wasn't going to end well & didn't want to stick around or be seen. He probably actually has sympathy for Dakota!
DeleteTodd's been happy to exploit Sarah's fame and fortune for his own benefit. He has no scruples. He couldn't care less about anyone's MOH, only how it might materially benefit himself. I doubt he has anything but contempt for Dakota.
DeletePretty sure that it has been pimpin' and associated blackmail that has kept the Palins fed for the last twenty years, not commercial fishing.
DeleteHe might be fishing, but a good husband/father would come home during a crisis to at least make a show of support. So his absence to me during all this drama indicates to me that he and Sarah are spending time apart.
DeleteBoy, her and bristol is catching it on twitter, one of my favorite, "Thank the lord Sarah your just in time I ran out of toilet paper your op-ed will save me
ReplyDeleteI noticed on Sunny's Facebook page, she talks about the cost of health insurance for FIVE of them. In other words, Levi is carrying Tripp on his insurance. Yet the poor guy gets no credit.
ReplyDeleteWell, they are very young with low-paying jobs and little education, and they could have stopped at the first child, so no sympathy from me.
DeleteHe gets a lot of credit here..credit for not taking Bristol to court and showing all the idiotic things she has said and done since he was born. I'd think custody would be a no-brainer.
DeleteYo, Anon at 4:56: no one--including Sunny--was looking for "sympathy." The point is that there has been a lot of speculation about Trip's health insurance, and this explains a fact that wasn't known. Pull your head out.
Delete4:56 PM Are you referring to Bristol the BABY MAKING MACHINE? What will she name her next Bastard, Jamal?
DeleteThat rate is HIGH as fuck. Either she has no idea what she's talking about or he has a bad plan. And she doesn't really know what a deductible is
DeleteI bet it's because Bristol takes him to the Dr and pays in house costs.
That's probably fair at the end of the year.Typically parents split medical in some way
Anon 5:02 he can't. He "wrote" a highly ficitional book
DeleteBut there would be no point. There is no drama in visitation
I htought Bristol claimed Tripp was on the Indian Health Services - check the custody papers.I believe you posted them here, Gryphen.
DeleteLevi's book is not "fictional", you moron. You should be thankful he didn't tell the whole truth, that Bristol wasn't a virgin at 15 the first time he fucked her and that HE certainly didn't take her virginity in a tent.
DeleteBristol is the liar and now she has been found out once again having a whole bunch of illicit sex, only this time she doesn't have Levi to blame it on... or any other man. No man wants to claim Bristol or her latest litter.
Get your hand out of your pants, Alicia.
Bristol COULD carry Tripp on Native Health Setvices. She chooses not to because it will put another hardship on Levi. She knows it would cost her nothing to cover him but she wants to take food off Levi's table.
DeleteShe really is THAT bitter and mind bogglingly cruel to the father of her "whole world".
7:13: actually, she is that jealous of SUNNY. Does not want her to have ANY nice things at all, and would give her first born if that would stop all sunshine in Sunny's life.
DeleteIt should be know - Levi and Sunny are well regarded in Wasilla. They are a darling family - Levi is working - has an excellent career and they stay out of the Bristol and Palin fiascos!
DeleteOn the other hand, Todd, Sarah and Bristol are not regarded well in Wasilla! Most folks wish they'd moved permanently south as the family has brought a lot of embarrassment to their community and Alaskans!
Levi has an excellent job in Alaska and I'm sure is carrying their health insurance through them - for all his kids!
DeleteI wonder why - in the Court cases - Bristol wasn't made to carry their son on her health insurance (native coverage) since the cost would be considerably lower.
Wonder if Levi's attorneys could get that changed somehow?
Medical health insurance is very expensive for families today. I know what my kids are paying for their families and it isn't like it use to be when I was raising a family! (I'm referred to as a 'senior' now!)
Sarah's check didn't arrive in the mail so I'm not watching her video.
ReplyDeleteHas she found a way yet to blame her slutty daughter's latest pregnancy on "Presiden Tobawma"?
Have you seen Todd?
Has anyone had the courage to tell $carah that she about to become a grandma - AGAIN? Any chance that Taahhd bought that float plane with his divorce settlement? $carah used to post photos of his plane, but this one is not mentioned, except by Willow.
ReplyDeleteSarah knew about Bristol's pregnancy before she set her up with Dakota.
DeleteWouldn't doubt that...
DeleteOf course Sarah knew. Why else would she set up the couple?
DeleteBecause she cares about Bristol?
Of course she doesn't. Sarah cares about Sarah. She wanted to make Bristol Dakota's problem.
You are correct to care about Tripp, Gryphen because damn, look at that overbite and recessed chin! He has a serious malocclusion that could be fixed now when he is young followed up by some upper teeth removed to provide room to move his upper teeth back so he can have a normal bite pattern. Poor kid! He looks like a mini Chuck Heath; the genes seems strong in the Heath side, especially regarding the teeth/jaw issues.
ReplyDeleteWhere are his Native American features? Native Healthcare must scrutinize them each time they take him in for FREE treatment. How's that FREE NATIVE HEALTHCARE, Sarah? Is that the same as Obamacare?
DeleteIts funded by obamacare.
DeleteHe will be the little man until the fetus pops. After that no time for stud Trippy.
DeleteTripp will be thoughly confused, when Bristles keeps this baby. He is used to her giving birth, then passing them to someone else to raise. This one is staying.
DeleteWhat is all over that kid's face? And as someone else said, you don't take pictures like that after a child is about one and has a face full of birthday cake. After that, it's just embarrassing. Can you imagine what the parents of his classmates think about his lack of parenting? And what will HE think when he's a few years older and getting bullied because his mother is still making fish lips and screaming F***off on her social media accounts? Someone needs to be an adult here...Levi, please take this boy and teach him something!
ReplyDeleteDon't leave out the manicures and pedicures on a boy. I wonder how his classmates(whenever he is at school) view his girlish nail polish.
DeleteA pathetic attempt to make Tripp look younger than he really is. Most kids know how to eat without smearing it all over their faces by Tripp (aledged) age.
DeleteIn a couple of years Tripp isn't going to want to be treated like a baby anymore. Of course Bristol has no clue what she's in for with this child and won't be able to figure out why he's going rogue.
DeleteMost FAS and Down kids can also chew food well before five, but not Trig. Although, this photo is staged, like everything Bristol does.
DeleteTripp is going to run into a rough life in Alaska. Can you imagine what it'll be like for him when he becomes a teenage?
DeleteI so wish Levi and Sunny could win full custody of him. He so badly needs the 'constant' loving family unit! He needs to attend school every day, in the same school, and live a normal kid's life.
He assuredly isn't getting that from Bristol or the Palin group! She has admitted publically that she is a horrible mother.
No truer words were spoken!
Trig will be another sad story, but already is!
That bunch of photos with Tripp's face smeared with what looks like pink and white frosting is so phony. Someone either shoved his face into a very gooey frosted cake or carefully smeared the stuff all around his mouth. Most boys his age would not have allowed such photos to be taken. Most boys that age have already developed a sense of self worth. Bristol needs to stop treating him like a baby; in fact I think a baby shouldn't be treated that way and then have his photo shown all over the internet.
Does anyone really know what the Palins net worth is? Do people still fear the Palins because they wield so much power or are they now feckless, impotent, have no cojones (what are some more of Sarah's favorite adjectives for Obama?). When does the FEC report come out end of June or July? Will that give us any indication of what Sarah will be able to live on?
ReplyDeleteI vote feckless, self induced.
DeleteBut they have videos and probably dna samples of so many of Alaska's "best" having sex with prostitutes and women (men) who are not their spouse.
DeleteThat's one of the reasons they have so much power. They have so many of those in control by the balls (literally).
Todd didn't do all that prostitute providin' for just the money, he got the videos and photos which are worth so much more.
What a bunch of dufusses, anyone with any brains would know that if you screw around you better be sure to totally control the circumstances or risk having a tiny camera recording your every move.
Yes, zero feck.
DeleteI wonder if they have videos of Bristles with her one night stands, and occasionally two night stands? Taahhd might get her married off yet, to some poor slob who was unaware of who he was "getting into".
DeleteI care what happens to Tripp too but he has options. I also care about Trig; he is stuck with wretched Sarah with no way out. It would be so satisfying if Sarah's fraud concerning him were proven and he were taken from her. She would probably welcome that. The only one that really showed any care for him was the MIA,Todd. So he finally got tired of Sarah's shenanigans. What was the final straw for him? Was it the whole plot to trap a MOH for the HO? Was it when she gave her last speech at the Confab in February and talked nonsense? Or was it when she wore her fake boobs, fake ass and hooker shoes? Alaska is not that big, surely someone has seen him recently. Did he just get in his new plane and keep on going?
ReplyDeletePlease, like the pimp has any scruples? The only reason he'd go MIA would be Sarah's check bouncing.
DeleteI just checked out Brissys Instagram. She posted a photo with Tripp. She sure is making sure that her stomach area is hidden. Wonder why??? As public as she has been, I am surprised she hasn't posted any side belly shots. Dollars to donuts, she will pull another Tripp birth and some distant relative will announce the birth, without fanfare. My guess is that we will see a 20lb newborn.
ReplyDeleteDaily Mail Online has a posting on bp complete with ultrasound of her new baby. Anyone out there with professional expertise want to make an estimate of baby's age or how to verify it's, in fact, this baby?
. . . a premature 20 lb newborn.
DeleteWhy would Miss "Privacy please" send out an ultrasound pic? Someone paid her no doubt. Classy, Bristol, using your kids to make money...again.
DeleteI noticed her hiding too. I wonder why she doesn't want anyone to see stomach? The only pic that i've seen that I can date is the "sisters" one. With the top she is wearing you can't really see very well but she doesn't look that big. To me, it means that she's in the first three months. But I'm not glued to that theory either LOL.
DeleteIf she is trying to sell her mirror selfies of her belly she does not want to give them away for free.
DeleteShe probably has months of them stored up. She can post when she was 4 months and make it appear to be in current time when she is 6 months. That way no one will know how far along she is.
That looks like the standard 4 month sonogram to me. But who knows how long ago it was taken. We heard the only reason she announced was because she was about to be outed. I'd say she's headed into her 5th month.
Delete@ 6:17 -- where is the date/time marking? Has this been photoshopped? it could be anybodies's baby, at any time.
DeleteEveryone lives the same life. To say one person is a waste of oxygen is to say everyone is. I mean, when all your followers here were 10, what did they say they wanted to be when they grew up?
ReplyDeleteBetcha it wasnt "a full time blog hate troll who invents outlandish lies about normal kids"
No, Alicia, we all wanted to be psycho stalkers of Bristol Palin and have her hate and fear us.
DeleteBut only you made Bristol Palin hate and fear you. Congratulations, Alicia. I hope Bristol lands on your doorstep one day. She will kick the shit out of you and break all your fingers so badly you will never stalk anyone again.
I was 7 when I first realized I wanted to be a troll, but I was precocious...
DeleteAlicia, you can't prove that any lies were posted by Gryphen. You never offer any proof of anything. Why haven't you commented on the Setember, October, and November, 2010 DWTS Pregnant photos of Bristol Palin? Is that proof enough for you to see that Bristol has hidden a baby(Kyla Grace)??? Go away with your childish comments that mean nothing. We will be waiting for your 100 comments when the July 3 Bombshell is posted. You had better take your meds, it will be a long night.
DeleteWhen I was seven, I spent my time reading books, going toe school, helping my mom with the four younger kids (made them lunch when I was five and she was on forced bedrest after a miscarriage) and generally behaving myself. I never swore at my parents or anyone else. I never had food painted on my face for a stupid picture. I never looked crosseyed. I never got hauled across the country by a crazy woman..twice in a month. No, I just went to school, learned to love it, and actually graduated from a real college and got a job. Like normal people.
DeleteAnonymous5:44 PM - you are a raving lunatic, you know that?
DeleteTripp has always been the happiest kid.
DeleteNo he hasn't. Alicia. Stop lying. You know he has been often miserable and permanently confused and insecure for months, not having had a stable home since last year.
DeleteAnd he'd be a lot better off if you'd stop posting pictures of him and everyone he knows all over the internet, you creepy bitch.
Double snort!
Delete@5:44 How the fuck would you know, troll? You have never even met Tripp, and you NEVER will. You are a danger to the Palins and they would have you arrested on sight. You are a sick, stalking, Bristol obsessed Bitch. You are not helping her sad situation any with your JUVENILE comments.
DeleteFinish your sentence "When with his Dad and Stepmom"
DeleteNice try,
What do you think about a mom putting a pic of her toddler' diaper blowout on facebook with diarrhea up her back?
ReplyDeleteKids eat cake messily. ALL kids have pics like that
There are diaper blowouts all over the internet. It's like a contest.
DeleteHave another look at the picture, Alicia. You can see that much of that stuff has been painted on. You can even see that it was painted on with a finger. An adult sized finger.
One day you'll get sick of being wrong.
It happens. That's part of life with babies and every parent who has taken care of a baby knows it.
DeleteDo you think Bristol has ever taught Tripp what a vegetable is?
Sorry, Alicia/Brooklynn/troll: *MY* kid NEVER looked that messy. Neither as a baby nor as a seven year old!
DeleteAlso, too: looks to me like the picture was posed - somehow I read his expression as "WTF are you doing to me, and then taking pictures of me to top it all off?!"
I think Bar$Tootles posted these two pics just to re-direct the attention of most people who showed her their contempt because she is such a hypocrite.
I think Bristol's personal troll is trying t convince herself. We all know better. Several here were predicting that Bristol was pregnant when she suddenly was engaged to Dakota and posted her (undated) "I can't have a bun in the oven 'cause I'm so skinny!" cinnamon roll picture. Bristol announced it because she couldn't deny it.
Delete5:47 PM Bristol is a horrible mother and she sleeps around. You kiss Bristol/s a$$ as your hobby and you know nothing else. Leave Levi and Sunny alone. They are living a REAL Family Life, not LIKE a Single Mom of 5 1/2 bastards who drinks, cusses, and uses drugs like a street hooker.
DeleteBingo, 7:10 PM.
Delete@5:47 PM What do you think about a Single Mom posting semi-nude photos of her 8 year old all over Facebook and Instagram for Pedophiles to see? YOUR OBSESSION WITH A MENTALLY UNSTABLE SINGLE MOM SAYS A LOT ABOUT YOU, ALICIA.
DeleteThat 7 year old is posed...again. He's being taught that acting cute and doing stupid things gets him attention (and for all we know, cash.) It's disgusting.
A delightful side effect of all of this is that Sarah is probably dying to screech about the Supreme Court's ruling on marriage equality. She knows if she does, she will be trounced about her family's take on traditional marriage (i.e. planned single mother pregnancies).
ReplyDeleteI'm personally waiting for her "I'm going to be a grandma" post for the umpteenth time. C'mon, $arah, every child is a blessing, right?
Delete"Less than idill circumstances, again. Some mistakes are worth repeating?
DeleteLevi and Bristol talked about having a baby for months. Why do you think Sarah enlisted a bunch of friends to help convince her to move back to juneau where it's safe? She spent literally all of Sept-Dec emailing and asking people like Ivy to convince her. And there was that Dec 07 email where Ivy was rounding up the girls for some movie.
ReplyDeleteSarah and Todd- proactive parents, echoed by Mr Whitstine
Sherry - excited to be a grandma and let her kids do whatever in HER house
Shouldn't parents be the ones to decide where their children will be raised, and by whom?
DeleteAlicia, you keep forgetting your periods. Easy tell, every time. You can't fix it, can you? Even after all these years....you can't learn a new trick.
DeleteSarah and Todd--absentee parents, totally disengaged, raising vandals, brawlers and shallow little baby-makers.
DeleteOh, look, Chic Fil A is giving away free EPT tests in their "Happy Ending" meals to honor Bristol's bravery!!!
Delete5:52 PM That was then, when they were teens, Bristol is 24 years old now and has not grown up yet.
DeleteSarah Palin should be proud to welcome a Black grandchild into her family, so that she can treat it worse than Trig. Todd will be absent.
I'm enjoying the snark on Wonkette over Bristol's latest Luv Child. I'm also enjoying her pleas for privacy while she posts pictures and swears at people on Instagram. Good old Bristol. Such a classy lady.
ReplyDeleteAnother fine, upstanding "Christian" girl - what an insult to those who, actually, strive to live a decent life. When will she learn to just zip her lips and go away?!
DeleteWho would be talking about this had she not announced it?!
Zip her lips? How about hang out with men who keep their pants zipped, and keeping her legs together? I know it's hard, Bristol, but million of unwed people do it every day (or they use 'headache pills' and get the same result: no unwanted babies.)
DeleteDakota's aunt wrote to Dakota a month before the wedding date "you're going to be such a great father." Now, I think it was because she's seen him with Tripp and clearly he likes the boy. Then you have Dakota posting that "my world" pic on the 15th.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I think Bristol did some thinking and missed Alaska. She loves living rurally as we know, but KY only had his family. And while they love her, it probably sunk in.
I think she discovered the pregnancy early June
Tip: think before leaping off a cliff or selling your house and getting engaged to someone you barely know, yank your child out of school uprooting him. Think before you run home to your lying mother who stabs you in the back having a party as if nothing happened.
DeleteAuntie would have stepfather, in reference to Tripp. It doesn't reflect well on Brisket to cancel a wedding just because she missed AK. Pretty selfish thing to do to MOH, her son who was put in a new school and her and his families, who spent money to travel to the wedding.
DeleteMost women 'discover' their pregnancies well before the 6th month.
DeleteBristol is not capable of rational thought. Her life decisions are terrible and her life is a hopeless mess.
DeleteBristol loves expensive designer labels, she loves her possessions. She could care less about "living rurally"., Alicia. Get your hand out of your pants.
Nice try
DeleteSarah, being the enabler and poor parent she is did her best to lie for Bristol, lie about her to cover up a second pregnancy. The mother's sin of denying accountability was the role model. The mother scoffing education was the role model. The mother made her daughter go on Oprah to tell the nation what she would not do with her vagina until marriage. Sick family!
Delete"Live rurally?"
DeleteYou have never been to Wasilla, have you?
Bristol was living more "rurally" at Dakota's farm.
Regardless, Bristol has demonstarted that she is more interested in living ike the Kardashians than like a frontier gal.
Nope. Not buying. Why would she yank her son out of his school in Alaska, just before graduating the grade, and then yank him away from the newest 'daddy' who just had given him a baby cow, and who was so 'cool' to let him shoot a semi-automatic weapon and gave him the 'cool' military uniform? Why would she do that to her son, who probably was quite exited to be a ring bearer at her wedding, yanking him hurriedly away from the wedding? (I mean, wouldn't it have been 'natural' to have him be the 'darling' ring bearer???)
DeleteI really doubt Bristol bothered to enroll Tripp in a KY school at all. Kindergarten is not required, and she is such an brilliant thinker that it would never occur to her that school is important. Besides, he got to shoot big guns, and pet calves, and hang out with MOH and his loaded guns. I think MOH has had a vasectomy like some of his buddies, and so when Bristol excitedly tells him he's gonna be a real dad, he just kicked her to the curb. This baby could be Joey's, could be some guy she met drinking, could be anyone's. It's a sad commentary when a mid-20 year old, who has already had out of wedlock babies, does it again. I do think the girl has mental problems.
DeleteI'll bet it really, really, really pissed off the idiot, Sarah, when Dakota told her he had had the big "V" done and could not be the father of Bristol's bastard!
DeleteAnother Palin mouth to feed! Sarah's going to be a grandma again! Poor baby!
Really, Wasilla is rural? Google Wasilla, Alaska, people! It is one long strip mall with a lot of Texas oil workers and and retired-military sprawled out next to gravel pit lakes. The area is truly hideous and certainly not rural by Alaska standards.
DeleteWasilla is rural in the same way that the Palins live vibrantly (or are normal) and Bristle is strong.
DeleteNothing but troll poo.
Wasilla is referred to as 'gravel land' by Alaskans. And because for decades it had no zoning restraints (thanks, $arah!) the ugly sprawl of strip malls and junky shops goes on for miles. Rural it is NOT - even the federal gov't has defined Wasilla as 'urban.'
DeleteSo, the 'stoolz pregnancy was planned? Evidently she forgot to tell her fiance first. Now gay marriage will keep her forever from saying I do unless it's to the porn chick.
ReplyDelete"the first mate slipped, fell on a penis"
ReplyDeleteThat's hilarious and I can't stop laughing. She should name this one Fell since apparently she tripped the first time.
Sarah's hugest mistake of all has been trying to depict her family as something they are not. Now if she had of gone ahead and portrayed their real selves (brawls & all), their reality tv shows could have lasted for seasons. For rill the whole family is one beg fell.
I agree with you 100%. Come on you Palin's, when are you going to let it all hang out?
DeleteI rather like the name "Slipp" for the new baby.
DeleteSarah, You're really busy, we all understand, but you really do need to address your daughter's newest little bundle. At least have one of your ghost writers write up something showing support and how happy you are to once again be a grandmother.
ReplyDeleteThat's right, Sarah. Your silence suggests that maybe you aren't 100% happy about the upcoming bundle of joy or your incredibly slutty, stupid, hypocritical, foul-mouthed, uneducated, trashy, dishonest, lazy, shallow, vain, over-chinned, untalented and dull daughter.
DeleteSarah, What are you going to do about Dakota? You do know if he isn't the father that you and your daughter have messed up big time with a MOH veteran. Not good... You can't jerk him around like you did Levi; won't work. There are more veterans on his side than you have fans on yours.
ReplyDeleteBoy did Sarah ever paint her family into a corner. How true. She won't be able to control Dakota and that's fantastic.
DeleteI'll be Sarah & Bristol never heard of this:
'Oh, what a tangled web we weave...when first we practice to deceive.'
How's she going to get them out of this one? More lies and plots? For sure!
The new video is one minute seventeen seconds long. She spoke words that circle down a drain that made no sense except a skewed message government is taking away religious tolerance. Palin will lie about anything to scare people out of money.
ReplyDeleteSarah, It is time. Time to circle the wagons, (Palins) and support Bristol. She is floudering, badlly. Where is Todd? Pay him extra to come forward and present a united family. Do something.
ReplyDeleteIf I was a mentally deficient 25 year old in Bristol's situation. My parents had been like friends and fun to pal with.
DeleteSuddenly, I need them the most and they abandon me. I would be depressed, even if I had acted stupid and didn't blame them.
What has happened with her BFF Marina the exotic Russian? She really needs her friend now.
Maybe the daddy is Marina;s boyfriend?
DeleteOK, so I clicked on the gaping maw and couldn't believe another Palin contradiction. Her claim that liberals want to over-rule God and 'trust man' rather than God (bible) is on cue with biblical teaching, but, then in the same sentence she then places the Constitution and Founding Fathers as equal with the apostles thus concluding that we should 'trust' the FF. Man is man. The FF weren't aliens from another planet.
ReplyDeleteWhich is it Sarah? Trust men or trust God? The FF were men. A document is man-made. A flag is man-made. Every government is of man, Democrat and Republican. God is no respecter of persons, the bible declares.
Piper do you have any news for America?
ReplyDeleteseh mangles theology and doesnt afraid of anything
ReplyDeleteCan Bristol's new baby get free Indian Healthcare if her baby is half Aftadark?
ReplyDeleteNow THAT made be laugh. Thank @7:11 PM.
7:11 lol, I thought you said Bristol's baby was 1/2 aardvark. No wonder the gotp is freaking out about gay marrige, it would mean Bristol could marry the aardvark who is the father of her baby. The gotp is right once you allow same sex marriage marrying an aardvark is next.
DeleteOh, I laughed till I cried, reminded me of the SSMinnow.
ReplyDeleteJust sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a fateful tripp
That started from this tropic port
Aboard this tiny shipp.
The mate was a mighty sailing man,
The skipper brave and sure.
Five passengers set sail that day
For a three hour tour, a three hour tour.
The weather started getting rough,
The tiny ship was tossed,
If not for the courage of the fearless crew
The minnow would be lost, the minnow would be lost.
The ship set ground on the shore of this uncharted desert isle
With Griftagain
The Bristolr too,
The Trumpster and his wife,
The hair stylist
The pimp and Willow,
Here on Griftagain's Isle.
So this is the tale of the castaways,
They're here for a long, long time,
They'll have to make the best of things,
It's an uphill climb.
The first mate and the Piperr too,
Will do their very best,
To make the others comfortable,
In the tropic island nest.
No cell phone, no makeup no morals,
Not a single luxury,
Like Robinson Crusoe,
As primitive as can be.
So join us here each week my friends,
You're sure to get a smile,
From seven stranded castaways,
Here on "Griftagain's Isle."
The thin wigged, crazy lady shows the "Congress shall establish no religion....." part while defending her faux christian bullshit, of course she goes back to thousands of years, none of them are alive to sue her butt for slander and libel. What she do, have a seance????
Wonkette got a lot right!!!! Dried up check! fell on Penis check. Gee, Grandmom didn't mention Tawd's firstborn being with child and "crucified" because of "it". Sarah, at a loss for words? that's cause for a celebration!!!
The family that grifts together, has fallen on their own sword.
Can't wait for Church Lady (Betty Bowers) to cover this one
Amen to the two hurt most by all of this, Trig and Tripp. .
And soon to be Trapped.
DeleteBravo! The 3 most hurt which includes the fetus which is already getting it's own selfies on the internet. Stupid move Bristol and Sarah!
DeleteI hear the fetus is a real party animal. Booze and dope all day and night!! WOOT! WOOT!
DeleteExcellent work Anita Wine Cooler! Brilliant.
It's very cunning how Bristol's lie about 'planning' this latest unwanted pregnancy is somehow meant to suggest that Dakota Meyer is the baby daddy.
ReplyDeleteSpeak up, Dakota. There is no other way to get this family of parasites off your back.
Dakota Meyer scolds media days after ex-fiancée Bristol Palin announced pregnancy
Dakota Meyer has lost it. He is dispicable however you see him in this mix up with the Palins.
Worse yet he has no honor and he is running scared like a wimp.
And what kind of mother and father leave their daughter out alone to deal with the biggest disappointment of her life? They set her up to be in the public arena and now they leave her to the wolves. Whether she deserves it or not they are the real a$$wholes.
Dakota is smart in keeping his mouth shut and out of Bristol's newest pregnancy disclosure! Especially since he isn't the father!
DeleteHe is a failure not to make some kind of a statement.
DeleteI am sure he has been advised by his attorneys to not respond to the social media. He should keep his distance.
DeleteAfter Brissy tried to trap him into marriage while pregnant with another man's child, I'd say he is well within his rights to let her twist in the wind in this mess. If she's stupid enough to be pg and not know who the father is, how is it his problem.
DeleteWonder if she'll name the new one Trapp?
DeleteIf you read his facebook page, Dukota is having too much fun on vacation to bother making a statement about his "dishonorable conduct".
Maybe when he sobers up, he will grasp the consequences of having his reputation trashed, but then again from the comments on his FB page, he is a marine and boys will be boys.
dakotameyer0317 is trying to sell his never outgunned shirts after he IS OUTGUNNED
ReplyDeleteThere are some trying to support the lout. they are like weak tea.
....rogerthat1980 You should really speak up about your (possible) unborn child. Don't let the palin bullies try to scare you into keeping quiet
....rogerthat1980 @momoftwins714 @momoftwins714 she has always made fun of her peers who didn't come from wealth like her. She still does. In fact just made fun of a girls weight and height on her last post. Along with judging everyone with a different opinion than her on her blog written by Nancy French. She is nothing but fake down to the chin she got implanted. I feel horrible for whoever the father is.
....rogerthat1980 Dakota is way too good for her. I was giving him encouragement. It's all public information and cold hard facts.
...rogerthat1980 @kmayer_ I won't get into everything Bristol has said and done and lied about. The list would go on for days. Im not targeting one comment she made. Im talking about years of being down right evil to people and lying for money while she sleeps around a 9h
.....rogerthat1980 Dakota, get you a paternity test and don't be afraid to expose who Bristol is. That's all I'm saying. Ttyl
..... donnadavisaaronnjohnaaron You may have rescued your fellow soldiers and one can call you a hero, but to leave your ex- girlfriend whom you planned to marry to hang out to dry while the media vultures surround her that's not what I call a hero, or even a decent man!! I think you know what truth is in your heart!! You should have not only told her about your previous marriage but that you were still legally married!!! You are to blame for all this just as much as she is, at least she isn't backing away from the truth and facing the music but she's having to do it all alone while you still give out your daily inspirational quotes and talk about terror attacks!! We all know about that and it's terrible but you need to step up to the plate and realize it's time you did the right thing!! People are urging you to get a paternity test do that if you must but I think you already know the results!! You lived in Alaska with her and her family for several months last winter and she had stayed with you in Ky for awhile prior to your breakup so I think you need to realize your responsibility!! What is it they say in the military Never Leave Anyone (your soldiers) Behind!!! In this case it's the mother of your unborn child, Man Up if you can and don't leave her to face the media vultures alone and for once learn to take responsibility for your actions!! I don't all the truth of this situation but I hate to see one person having to take responsibility for this all by themselves!! It takes a REAL man to be a Father and a role model to his children, now that my friend is a REAL HERO!!
I seriously doubt Dakota is the father! He was smart to get the Hell out of Dodge, Alaska too! Bristol Palin is a mental mess!
DeleteHope Bristol didn't tell the pappy-to-be on Father's Day that he's a new father?
ReplyDeleteThat surely would have ruined anybody's day.
Oh, oh, oh, she probably did, it's sounds like something Bristol would do. IF she knows. I'm not convinced either way, yet.
DeleteIt sure looks like he figured it out all by himself, and long before Father's Day. Why else was the Redneck Wedding of the Century cancelled at the last minute?
DeleteI doubt that Tripppp is going to handle the sibling thing very well. I foresee crying and temper tantrums commensurate with the spoiled little girl she is.
ReplyDeleteI think you're quite right. And Bristol will also pay for the endless disruption she has caused in his young life. It's going to be a very long time before Tripp feels settled with her. How very sad.
DeleteBristol hates her Mom. She did this on purpose to get back at her for putting her out there when Sarah was picked by Mccain for VP.
ReplyDeleteSarah was never around for support, never, all she ever cared about was Sarah. Will she cut off Bristol's money? It seems that Bristols new house isn't near what she had before. The Palins money is running out and they will have to sell properties to go on. The well has gone dry, Fox dumped Sarah's ass she has no upcoming speaking engagements and a whole lot of property to maintain. I give it two years until she is broke she has a husband who won't work but likes expensive toys, she has kids who are uneducated grifters who leach off her. Bravo! Sarah you raised a bunch of losers.
I haven't read all the comments, but he looks like a serial killer. Scary.
ReplyDeleteHave a feeling tomorrow morning we'll be reading statements from all this, maybe coming from Dakota or friends of his. They won't stand for this - Bristol making these cryptic messages, giving readers lots to speculate on who the father is. It isn't fair to DM and his family. They didn't hurt Bristol and am sure they opened their arms to her and did lots to make her feel welcome. She sure does not appreciate anyone. Putting them through this now. I wonder what Dakota's family members think about Sarah and Bristol now.
ReplyDeleteHe asked his FB readers never to post anything negative about Sarah Palin when he first announced his engagement. Wonder if that stands today.
"He asked his FB readers never to post anything negative about Sarah Palin when he first announced his engagement. Wonder if that stands today."
DeleteHe deleted ALL pictures of the PayMe family. That should tell you all you need to know!
We tried to warn Dakota the MOH about the Palin Curse but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO he had to go and shack up her. Now he's going to have the ball and chain around his leg for the next 18 years. You sleep with dogs, you wake up with fleas.
DeleteAnd in other great news for the weekend, John Luke Robertson, 19, married Mary Kate Duggar, also 19, Saturday night. Honeymoon and baby bump selfies due any day now.
ReplyDeleteShe's not a Duggar if her name doesn't begin with a J.
DeleteI hope Bristol posts another "poor me, you bitchez" post tomorrow. She's so funny with her "I planned for my baby daddy to date-rape me in a tent so I could have even more child support to live off of, but my scam didn't work out- poor me".
ReplyDeleteBristol, the rule is "More time at work, less time on my back servicing men". It's not hard for a normal woman to remember but someone like you could at least try.
There is still something to be said about the original post, "OMG so ashamed" and after garnering no sympathy, "fuck you, I choose life." Bullshit, Brissy, but keep spinning it. I highly doubt that you, your mother, Nancy, Marins, nor whomever is advising you will ever get what a farce you have now made of yourself.
DeleteWhen I clicked on the gaping maw, I got a commercial for toilet paper!!!
Sarah is Uggly.
ReplyDeleteThough Bristle makes it look easy it's very hard to slip when when wearing her Louie Bootons and to manage to land on an ejaculating penis, it's even harder to do when it's a Planned slip.
ReplyDeleteThat was worthy of Wonkette. Congratulations.
DeleteI don't know how hard Levi is fighting for Tripp but surely he can point out to a judge the harm that putting his kids photos out on a public blog and being made a pawn and subject to ridicule is not in his sons best interests.
ReplyDeleteLevi is not a hero here folks, looks like he is just the lesser of two evils and not much smarter than Bristol., he needs to put his foot down as soon as she has this next kid we will see a lot of photos of "chicken nugget" and the new money maker.Children should have some rights too! so until i see Levi trying to get his son out of the fray he is just another slack parent.
I am acquainted with both Levi and Bristol and can tell you Levi is light years ahead of Bristol as far as gray matter is concerned. He's also a good and decent human being who loves all his kids. He is still sacrificing considerable time and money to deal with the custody issues.
DeleteSo. Levi is a hero in my book.
I disagree with you. Trip is in the grip of the Heath'n Palins and so he is forming in their mold. More so, the Heath'n Palins have money and are vindictive. Levi needs to let Trip go for now and focus on his other children with his wife. Trip will grow and be an adult one day and then he can decide what kind of relationship he wants with Levi. It is not fair to Sunny and their children for Levi to use up his energy and financial resources fighting the Heath'n Palins.
DeleteOf course another option is for Levi to ask the judge for a court appointed lawyer to represent Trip. Chances are the judge will have some connection to or bias for the Palins, so Levi getting an impartial ruling is nil. I don't expect much from the Mat-Su judges.
DeleteI agree about Levi. He's no smarter than Barstool, and he hasn't exactly been effective in getting custody of his son.
DeleteLevi wants to live to raise his kids, so he has to be careful. Houses have gone up in flames, with people inside, planes have gone down because of water in gas tanks. Levi knows what they are capable of, so he has to be careful to protect his family.
DeleteGee, as soon as Levi receives your check for the next hundred grand he'll be at his lawyer's office so fast.... grow up, fool.
DeleteI agree with you, I have a feeling that Tripp is a little hellon on wheels, who would expect anything else. doesn't seem to have any discipline or schedule, mom uses him for photo shoots of her "little Man" which is really disturbing and all the confusion from all the men that come and go in his life.
Look at that first photo, if looks could kill, I expect we will be hearing about Tripp's problems in the future.
It surely seems that the Palin Empire is crumbling at its foundations. Where's that awesome family now?
ReplyDeleteSomething is really weird. Sarah keeps on screeching, but where is the family now?
Maybe Bristol will have fraternal twins with 2 different fathers, neither of which is Dakota.
ReplyDelete... or triplets. You never know.
DeleteTo 4:56,
ReplyDeleteI suspect the name Jamal is used derogatorily, a reference to Bristl's alleged relationship with a black man? I detect more than snark here. The suggestion is that as low, ignorant, and uncouth as the Palins are, giving birth to a black child is worse. This is how white privilege works. The Palins have been able to make millions off of their lies and deceit because they are white. What black VP candidate can parade a pregnant daughter around, fake a pregnancy, and make millions giving inarticulate, unintelligible speeches? It's time to own the Palins. She's a white cultural phenomenon.
I wholeheartedly agree with you 3:50am. That was a very sage observation.
3:50 Sadly I picked up on the Jamal reference. I did nothing nor said anything.It will not happen again. Thanks for caring.
Delete$carah looks like she was just told the news that Duhkota is NOT going to own this latest baby of Bristles.
ReplyDeleteWillow must be away because either Sarah or Trig have been doing Sarah's hair for the past couple of weeks.
ReplyDeleteDeuteronomy 23 2
ReplyDelete. 2 A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
Oh, puhleeze; stop with the Bronze Age stupidity.
DeleteIt is pertinent because of their false public piousness. These are from the book they claim to live by.
DeleteI don't think anyone her believes this crap, and i don't think most preachers do either.
It's the grift. always the grift.
8:16, you're not even using that verse right. Bastard in the biblical sense means someone not fully Jewish, a person with a foreign parent who worships different gods. Not someone whose parents weren't married. But seriously, don't use their shitty behavior to justify yours.
DeleteOkay I watched the just-over-a-minute long video about religious liberty. My question is: does Sarah believe in religious liberty which means the freedom to believe or not to believe and the freedom to do so without the interference of the government? How much "religious liberty" can there be if the government if forcing one form of belief down the throats of everyone? Wasn't the best idea the one held by the Founding Fathers that government should stay far away from religion? Remember that the recent ancestors of these men had lived (or died) through religious wars that plagued Europe for over a century. Sarah Palin is, as the venerable Keith Olbermann said, "an idiot."
I had to laugh that Bristol believed that she came from "wealth." She came from a family who terrorized a small community and who found small reality series and poorly written books to be more lucrative than a Governorship.
ReplyDeleteI am wondering how anyone can give a shit about any of them.
ReplyDeleteWhat does Miley Cyrus think about Bristol? Or does Miley even know who Bristol is?
ReplyDeleteI don't know? What does Shailey Tripp think about all this?
Deleteaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa RINGY DINGY.....ringy dingy. Hello? Alaska? would you kindly gather up yer village idiots and keep them in yer poor state for now. The lower 48 has had enough of the half term nit wit gov and her kids. Thank you, click.