Monday, June 29, 2015

Oklahoma Republican Senator James Inhofe says that he has gay friends who dislike the recent Supreme Court decision on marriage equality. Riiight!

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

Sen. James Inhofe (R) told KJRH that the U.S. Supreme Court is “A very liberal court and we saw what happened last week,” referring to an earlier court decision allowing the Affordable Care Act to continue forward. 

Adding, “They haven’t ruled right on anything in a long time,” Inhofe turned to Friday’s landmark decision making same sex marriage the law of the land, saying he has gay friends who agreed with him that it was decided improperly.

Okay first off what kind of self respecting gay person would be against the Supreme Court ruling?

And secondly James Inhofe has gay friends? 

Yeah, I'm sure they hang out with his black friends, and the scientists who don't believe global warming in real,  in a place called bullshit mountain.


  1. Anonymous4:04 AM

    The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, was appointed by G.W.Bush. The swing vote on many decisions is Anthony Kennedy, appointed by Ronald Reagan.
    Five years ago, this "liberal" court declared that corporations are citizens: Citizens United, anyone?
    In 2000, this liberal court appointed G.W. Bush as president.

    Mr. Imhofe is hoping his listeners are dumb, or as dumb as he is.

    1. Well, he's in Oklahoma, so that's probably a safe bet.

    2. Okies, always on the wrong side of history.....and damned proud of it.

  2. Anonymous4:11 AM

    Rules improperly? No, son, that would be Citizens United, and Hobby Lobby, which the Koch Governors will now use in their defense of letting County Clerks decide if it is "against my religion" to issue a legal marriage license. I read some comments about Texas that were aghast. "Where does it end? What if a the grocery clerk doesn't like a woman in an Indian sari? Or a guy with tattoos and multiple piercings? " Gee, took them long enough to understand why Hobby Lobby is an invitation to discriminate!

    1. Anonymous5:44 AM

      If a government employee who's sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution (all are), refuses to carry out the duties for which he or she is being paid -- issuing marriage licenses -- then that government employee is violating his oath of office and should be fired.

      Jobs are available at Hobby Lobby and Papa John's, I'm told.

  3. Anonymous4:11 AM

    Sen. James Inhofe has NO gay friends.

    In fact anyone he calls a friend probably smiles at him, eats his donuts and still hates him.

  4. Well Jimmy boy, why didn't you invite those "gay friends" to share the camera time with you and opine for themselves...?

    Speaking of those proverbial "gay friends," have we ever seen Palin with the ones she alleges she actually has?

    1. Anonymous5:35 AM

      You beat me to it, dvlaries!

    2. Balzafiar1:41 PM

      All of Inhofe's gay friends are deeply closeted politicians.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:48 PM

      Great Comment! dvlaries. At least a "selfie" of him doing the "Macarena" with his imaginary gay friends?

      That's SO Inofe!!!

  5. Anonymous4:22 AM

    He is a truly disgusting human being. What gay person thinks it's OK for the children of gay couples to be discriminated against? The answer to that is NONE.

    I hope something happens soon that gets this total bastard out of politics for good. The only Oklahoman I've ever known is very sweet but dumber than dogshit, which must be how creeps like Inhofe find their way into national politics.

  6. Olivia4:29 AM

    What kind of self respecting gay person would be a friend of James Inhofe?

  7. Anonymous4:40 AM

    This "my gay friends are against it", is the chant at c4p, as well. Pete, who lives in Cleveland, also shared that after the ruling, black people told him that they were upset with the ruling, also. I guess the conservative game plan is to try to convince everyone that only straight liberals wanted marriage equality.

  8. Isn't this the same guy that proudly stood in front of his huge family and proudly proclaimed there had never been one of the gay people in his family? Yes, I believe Inhofe has gay friends, black friends and scientist friends. I also believe in Bristol's born-again virgin story. Oops, bad example. Santa. That's always safe. I believe Inhofe as much as I believe Santa.

  9. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Much akin to ALL the black folks who were upset by the Civil Rights act.

  10. LisaB25955:07 AM

    One of my first thought when the ruling came out was that there was some gay person in a relationship with someone they didn't want to be with forever, and was grateful marriage wasn't on the table. Then the ruling comes out and their partners like "Now we can get married!" and this person's like *half-hearted* "Yaaaay." :(

    1. Anonymous5:41 AM

      Exactly! Gays are allowed to be married, but they're not being forced to marry, any more than anyone else is.
      It could lead to some awkward discussions, as you point out -- "are you willing to make a commitment?" But those awkward discussions happen between two people all the time: recently, between Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer.

    2. Balzafiar1:42 PM

      Divorce lawyers everywhere are licking their lips in anticipation of the mountain of money that will be coming their way.

  11. Anonymous5:10 AM

    What a crock. The gheys marrying will have no effect on traditional marriage. Given the divorce rate, it seems to me that hwteros are doing a bang up job all on their own!

  12. Anonymous5:24 AM

    It is automatically the thing to do for rethugs. Lie , make shit up ,
    . Hopefully ,some folks will see through those evil politicians.

  13. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Stephen Colbert. HEART.

  14. Anonymous6:13 AM

    The first lie is that Inhofe has any friends, just buyers! And I don't believe any gay person would be buying his shit!

  15. ibwilliamsi7:08 AM

    I think that by "my gay friends" Inhofe means "the men he pays for sex". They probably also tell him that he's a "great lover", but he shouldn't count on that being true, either.

  16. As with everyone else, gays are entitled to a myriad of points of view. There is no gay credo that requires all to think alike. I have no doubts whatsoever there are gays who felt SCOTUS ruled improperly. Perhaps some who think gays shouldn't marry at all. Everyone, even Inhofe, are entitled to their opinions.

    The problem with Inhofe's statement is that he and his select group of friends don't represent the feelings of a majority of Americans.

  17. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Of course he has gay friends, Sen. Mark Kirk R-IL, and Sen. Lindsey Graham R, SC. I'm sure he's friends with Denny Hastert as well.

  18. Anita Winecooler6:40 PM

    Where was he when "Citizens United" became law? Was it not the same "Supreme Court" that handed down that disaster? I'm sick of these politicians farting in the pool and saying condescending things like he did. Guess he has some African American, Mexican, Russian, Greek, and Serbo Croatians in his circle of friends? . I guess "Some of his best friends" are big business donors to PACS, cause he was pretty quiet that passed.

  19. Anonymous1:19 PM

    The gay friend is the guy he sees when he looks in the mirror.


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