Friday, June 05, 2015

Hey, how much have you missed this guy?

I have to say that I love the Colbeard, but I guess the clean shaven look is more late night TV appropriate.

You know I don't think I personally realized just how much I missed Colbert until I saw this video.

Now I am really jonesing.


  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Can't wait for Colbert to be back ! :)

    OT - it is getting harder and harder to find your blog by searching (even though I visit here several times a day) a search for the immoral minority never makes to the first couple pages of web search results - I have to type the immoral minoirty gryphen, then I can get a very old post or two to appear at the bottom of the search page - I guess because of the changes google made to boost sites that are more user friendly for mobile devices.

    1. Well that's odd.

      My blog is always the one at the top when I Google it.

    2. Anonymous10:37 AM

      I type only "imm" and the complete website link pops up in my Google search box.

      I hope you are soon able to find an easier way for yourself.

    3. Huh. You'd think 28,377,685 views would get Uncle G and his "defunct blog" to the top of your search.

      Try this. Google, " Bookmarks " or " Favorites "...

  2. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I never have any problem finding this blog.

  3. In NOLA9:41 AM

    Friend of mine got to meet him here in New Orleans yesterday. Said he was the nicest guy. I now hate my friend :)

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM

      I've heard that not only is he the nicest guy, for years while doing The Colbert Show, he stilll taught Sunday School!

    2. He is also a strong supporter of public school teachers. He has been a strong advocate of and just donated $800,000 so that all of the requests from South Carolina teachers could be fulfilled.

      His colleague, Jon Stewarts supports animals and bought a farm in New Jersey he is going to open as a sanctuary.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:43 PM

      Thanks for the links. Love Jon's support of schools and animals. I love both these guys and their wit

    4. Anonymous10:33 AM

      In NOLA, though I wish you could have met Colbert yourself, I'm glad your friend met him, and found him to be a good, decent guy.

      Jennifer K

  4. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Sites are organized differently on some browsers; I notice paying sites are given first search placement. Pay close attention to spelling. And Gryphen, you are a google-friendly site, so maybe when you search it comes up first.

  5. Anonymous11:02 AM

    This may be the show that makes me watch network TV again.

  6. I have mine bookmarked

  7. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I miss Colbert terribly. I have about 6 shows on my DVR so I can get a Colbert dose when I get the jitters. Haha! I am absolutely heartbroken Stewart is leaving. I wish it were John Oliver replacing him. He did a phenomenal job last summer substituting The Daily Show. I don't get HBO, but at least YouTube has clips. Oh, now I'm sad. Where's the ice cream?

    1. Anonymous12:11 PM

      Ditto, @11:57!

    2. So very true.

      While Larry Wilmore is OK and seems to be hitting his stride now, he is no Stephen Colbert. And sorry, I just can't drum up any enthusiams for Stewart's replacement. Yes, it should have been John Oliver but Oliver is contracted to HBO now so too late. Also, a lot of the old people are gone. Jason and Samantha. When Stewart leaves I'll be switching to Colbert on Late Night and watching John Oliver on HBOnow.

  8. Apple Watch!

    While it is a nice beard, I'm glad it's gone as it makes him look so much older.

    I fully expected the camera to pan back and him eat another bite of hot dog at the end.

  9. Anonymous1:21 PM


  10. Anita Winecooler6:45 PM

    He looks rather distinguished! I'm gonna miss them both.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.