Friday, June 05, 2015

So this is something that happened the other day.

Well I for one would like to welcome Chris Christie into the presidential race as the first transgendered candidate in American history.

What, he's not transgendered?

Well then what in the hell is going on down there?

Okay does anybody else have this song playing in their head right now?

I don't know which one of Christie's staff told him that dressing like this was a good idea, but they should be fired immediately.


  1. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I can't quit comment!

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      He looks like humpty dumpty

    2. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Where did they get the bb uniform? Ted's Tent and Awning?

    3. Anonymous10:46 PM

      Egg--sactly like Humpty Dumpty!!

      I cannot stop giggling :-D :-D

      I'm cracking up … ;-P

  2. angela12:05 PM

    I'm sorry. I try not to go there with people's physical appearances because we all are what we are. Weight, hair,
    scars etc.
    But should Chris really be wearing white pants---even if its June. Some of us full figured people should just stick with black. Especially---uuuummmm, form fitting baseball pants.

  3. Yeah, he so shouldn't wear white pants.

    He shouldn't wear stretchy cotton/poly/spandex pants either.

    He also shouldn't pretend to be a pro ball player. Just throw out first pitch and then go sit down.

    Christie would be insane to announce he's running for President. Not enough room in the clown car for him in those tighty whities.

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      All Christie's opponents are going to have to do when campaigning against him is bring out these photos.

      What a sad situation! I thought he'd had gastric by-pass surgery? Obviously, he didn't stick to the plan given him as to what he should eat!

      What a waste of money for the surgery! He's a mental mess, obviously. And, being the 'big bully' isn't working for him either!

      POTUS? Forget it!!!!

    2. Anonymous12:57 PM

      How did he hide his penis and balls in those white pants? How does that work? I'm truly curious!

    3. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Can a male answer the question of 12:57 PM? Curious as hell how he actually hid his privates.

    4. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Even though Christie is such a big dick, he evidently has a very small one.

    5. He could have avoided all this ribald speculation by wearing a jockstrap and a cup.

    6. Anonymous5:54 PM

      That tiny bump between his thighs looks the size of a Johnsonville brat.

    7. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Did Lardass use the state police helicopter this time?

  4. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I've got "Humpty Dumpty" running through my head right now.

  5. Anonymous12:07 PM


  6. Anonymous12:09 PM

    That's a half-cameltoe. Such a stud...

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Camel toe, my first thought also too!! And not even enough goods for full one. I can't stop laughing... need it after reading the $arah $pew! Bwhahahahahahahahahahahha

    2. fromthediagonal6:49 AM

      I did not want to enter the fray, but half-cameltoe it is.

    3. Anonymous6:36 PM

      On Guys, it would normally be referred to as a "Moose Knuckle," but, in Khristie Kreme's case it looks like "Gerbil Knuckle" would be more accurate...

      Good thing he has a big ego to compensate....

  7. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Let's hope that he does't dress up in a soccer or basketball uniform.

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      How about some red nylon bicycle shorts!lol

    2. Anonymous7:39 PM

      Be sure to a fat tire bike there big guy!

  8. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Ok. That picture totally destroys his tough-guy/bully persona he likes to maintain

    Now he just looks like a retard.

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      He will never, ever live this down. He looks like an imbecile, and the image is burned into our retinas. And it does, does it burn!

    2. Anonymous12:43 PM

      I think Chris Christie is utterly despicable on so many levels, and I hope all of his crimes are publicized and prosecuted. But I do feel a little guilty for laughing at his physical appearance. And yet I just can't stop! Every time I look, I just double over. My abs hurt!

      Even though I feel a tad sorry for him, I do think it reflects his poor judgement and inflated(!) sense of himself. But his advisors! Who let him go outside to play in that outfit? I guess when bullying is your chosen managerial style, your people won't risk telling you what you don't want to hear. They leave it to the rest of us! So here it is: Bwahahahahaha......!

    3. Anonymous5:55 PM

      He looks like a beach ball.

  9. He claims he's lost about 100 pounds after having weight loss surgery two years ago. Just imagine what he would have looked like before!

    1. Anonymous12:56 PM

      Nope, I am just not going to go there.

    2. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Here he is before -

    3. Two years and only 100 lbs. Sorry but not following the diet and exercise required for that program.

      No self discipline.

    4. Anonymous3:36 PM

      My brother lost that much after the first three months!

    5. 1:25 PM, Christie definitely isn't at the weight shown in the right-side picture. It looks like he gained half of that 100 pounds back.

    6. Anonymous6:05 PM

      I think he's always thinking about his next meal. More that than just about anything else. Sex, money, are nothing compared to food with this guy. And I'm NOT judging all people with obesity!!!, I'm judging Christie.

    7. Anonymous6:37 PM

      I hear jail food is really starchy!

    8. Anonymous1:57 AM

      If he had gastric bypass, then he couldn't be eating too much. if you overeat the slightest bit after that operation, you will bring it all right back up. At least that's how it was w/my sister-in-law. He must have had some other procedure that doesn't have as high a success rate. Too bad.

    9. All he has to do is eat a little all the time. Every hour he has a little. And you can stretch your stomach out a bit after bypass, little by little.

      Has nothing to do with the type or success rate. Has everything to do with the fact he has no self discipline, does not exercise and does not follow the dietary guidelines he should have.

  10. Olivia12:25 PM

    He is an egotist on the Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin level. They each think they are so fabulous, powerful and attractive that they can do anything and the public will swoon. Sarah Palin is like that too. She goes out in public looking like something that was extracted from a wet carpet and she thinks the public adores her.
    I had a couple of long haired cats like that. We always shaved them in the summer to keep them cool and they looked absolutely hideous. You couldn't even tell they were cats. After they were shaved they would preen and walk around acting like they were the most beautiful creatures on earth.

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      lol. :)

    2. Anonymous7:09 PM

      I love a good kitty story! Thanks.

  11. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I don't like Christy--he's an absolute bully. That said, I thought he'd had gastric surgery about a year ago and was losing weight? I am suspecting all the Bridgegate revelations and charges swirling around him--and the loss of any real Presidential hopes have him back "stress eating" again. As one who has had to work really had to lose weight over the years, I have sympathy for him and everyone. It isn't easy. But, I'd have a lot more sympathy/empathy for him, if he seemed to give a damn about anyone else.

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      He'd like to give a damn about you. Just donate a minimum of $100,000 and he will kiss you a$$!

    2. Anonymous1:16 PM

      He had his surgery years ago,and he has admitted to losing 80 pounds! His lack of self control, in "all" things......would not bode well as "Leader of the Free World"

    3. I'm wearing 50 pounds more than I need, and I know it, but I have the sense not to be photographed with athletes, or put on form-fitting garments. If this wasn't Christie's absolute own idea, then there's some sabotage-minded folks in his staff. But then, what would you suppose is the collective morale of people who work for him?

      Perhaps without any sense of shame, it's also impossible to have any honest body sense, one that tells you the days you might have presented yourself like this are long gone.

    4. Anonymous2:00 PM

      I'd suggest that Christie is such a bully that none of his staff speaks up and/or counters him. Hence, this NY outfit (weird - why not New Jersey?) catastrophe! Plus, we already know he has one huge ego!

  12. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Yeah, I saw this picture the other day, and I thought I saw a pussy tat, er, I mean..I thought I saw a camel toe.

  13. Anonymous12:36 PM

    No G not that song

    This one Fat Bottomed Girls

    Or Pour Some Sugar On Me

  14. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I'd say it takes Balls to go out on the field dressed liked that but as we (Unfortunately) can see that is clearly not the case with him. lol Now we at least know were his anger comes from.

  15. Anonymous12:41 PM

    He looks like the comic character the French guy plays. Humpty Dumpty like. Who ties his shoes for him?

  16. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Is Christie's ego so big that he didn't/doesn't see how horrible and repulsive he looks to the average American?

    He will never be POTUS for more reasons than just his obesity. He is one unhealthy looking dude! His poor wife and kids! I hope his children are being followed closely as to having weight issues like their Dad!

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      And which of his advisers would be able to tell him this was a bad idea? lol

  17. Steven B in LA12:46 PM

    This is like that time Michael Dukakis had a picture taken of him riding a tank. Didn't work out so well for him...

  18. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I think a Speedo swimsuit or one of those Greco-Roman wrestler outfits would better suit his physique. But running the bases after a hitting a homer might be a strain on his heart, so he should pick a safer leisure activity, maybe take up crochet.

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      A sumo wrestling thong thing would be appropriate for his physique.

    2. I'm sure that's why he pitched in this game, according to American League rules I suppose. No baserunning for AL pitchers.

  19. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Christie and Huckabee - two very obese and unattractive (along with each of their many other negative issues!) men - neither of which will ever be POTUS!

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      But they're calvin klein models compared to ted cruz in terms of handsomeness.

  20. Caroll Thompson12:50 PM

    I really have no words. What was he thinking?

  21. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Well, you gotta admit it takes a lot of balls to wear that outfit - but I doubt he's actually seen them in years!

  22. There are already close-ups of his junk running on Facebook since this morning, about the last thing you'd wish to see on the first cup of coffee. Or at any time.

  23. Would someone kindly explain to me why he is wearing a baseball uniform with NYPD on it. Is that not New York Police Department? Why would he be wearing that rather than something that shows his affiliation/allegiance to NJ?

    1. Anonymous2:50 PM

      He was playing in a benefit game for NYPD. His team won.

  24. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Politics aside, I couldn't vote for a candidate who's morbidly obese. He'd have health issues -- heart, diabetes, circulation -- that would hinder his abilities. What about a stroke, Woodrow Wilson style?
    I have concerns about keeping my weight down, too, but I also can't look at someone like Christie and wonder about his self-control, his anger issues, his sense of self.
    None of the other candidates are movie stars, but they look like they've got themselves under control.
    It's another reason Sarah, though she won't run, would never be elected. She looks like she hasn't eaten or washed in several days. Something deranged up there in her noggin.

  25. Leland1:18 PM

    There was something running around in the back of my brain ever since you posted this, Gryphen. I have waited until I could coax it out. And here it is:

    Tweedle DUMB?! Where's Tweedle Dee?

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Yes! Either that or the team mascot. Not a good move Gov!


    2. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Tweedle Dum. Especially with that beanie-like baseball cap.

  26. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Gryphen, it's a funny picture, but transgender is not a joke. I wish you would not use it that way. Thanks.

    1. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Yes, and neither is obesity. I think it's fair to make fun of his wardrobe choices, but not his weight problem.

      But aside from political correctness, it's probably not even politically smart, given that more than two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese.

    2. Anonymous7:15 AM

      Neither "transgender" nor "obesity" is a joke but Christie certainly is one, even more so in those duds. I'd like to see him running the bases.

  27. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I am the responder who asked that transgender not be used as a joke. In thinking about it, I guess I should be fair and say that obesity isn't a joke either. I can't ask for one thing and laugh at the other. Anyway ...

    1. Agree, 1:31.

      That said, I'd publish it without comment, but only because Christie is a sanctimonious son of a bitch and deserves push back on EVERYTHING, including his poor clothing choices.

      If President Obama's first pitch clothing can be critiqued, and it was, so can Christie's.

  28. krbmjb051:51 PM

    He can be the backup for this Baseball Hero:

  29. Olivia1:55 PM

    OT: More of Fuckabee family values.

  30. Anonymous2:15 PM

    There are four or five thin people trapped inside Chris Christie's body fighting to get out.

    It doesn't matter what the man wears, he'll always be a FAT, SWEATY BULLY!

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Those must be the names in waiting, you forgot Piggy and Liar.
      Can't wait for them all to explode from that piece of shit..

  31. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Here's your sign:

  32. Sharon3:34 PM

    I was born & raised in NJ...he is disgusting in too many ways to mention. He was a criminal working in the attorney's office and continues in everything he does now. His management of funds alone, OMG....Sandy victims still waiting for payments while the millions sit and earn him interest. It has been reported that millions went to towns and projects that had nothing to do with the storm...all paybacks for donors. Pension funds going to his wife's firm along with his other donor buddies getting huge fees never charged before him. Travel expenses showing he goes first class all the way at taxpayers expense. No one seems to remember how he stole the millions from the Dept of Transportation to study the construction of another tunnel going into NY. He used it to repair roads & a bridge because there was no money left & he promised not to raise taxes. That tunnel is desperately needed and would have put thousands back to work for years at good union wages.
    The entire Bridge Gate scandal is so deep who knows where it will end....millions to lawyers trying to unravel his lies. This man is actually proud of being a bully and watching his wife with the adoring gaze reminds me of Michelle Duggar...just imagine what kind of life they have. There is nothing you can say about that picture in that uniform....Humpty Dumpty is so clueless, my eyes need a shower. We are so lucky to have a man like Obama as our president....he has set the bar so damn high, in every way a human being can. John Huntsman was the best chance the GOP ever had and they threw him away so fast it wasn't funny....sad, very sad.

    1. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Yup. Never liked him, never will.

    2. Anonymous10:16 PM

      Sharon at 3:34, glad you mentioned John Huntsman. I am a progressive Democrat who would never vote Republican, but I did enjoy listening to Huntsman and was disappointed when he was out of the running.

    3. Anonymous4:09 AM

      10:16- I totally agree. There was something appealing about Huntsman and I cannot recall saying that about any republican!

  33. Anonymous4:18 PM

    He's referred to as 'Fat Bastard' at our house. This pic reminds me of Goldmember: "This diaper's making my nuts rub together. It's gonna start a fire".

  34. Anonymous5:03 PM

    It's called a moose knuckle.

  35. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Ew just ew. I can't unsee that.. the guy has an Fing camel toe.
    The stoopid.. it hurts.

  36. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Gross and piggish.

    1. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Hey, what, you don't recognize Presidential timber when you see it?

  37. Anonymous6:22 PM

    You must have a hell of a memory to pull some of the shit out of your head that you share with us. How in the world did you remember the Weebles song?

  38. Anita Winecooler6:32 PM

    What a hunk a hunk of burning love! I never realized he was such a stud muffin. Oh dear, Miss Lindsey, may I borrow your fainting couch and smelling salts? I do believe I got the vapours! That bull wabbles and falls, no way can he run for office or anything.

    Of course I haven't taken leave of my mind, How does he know which crack to wipe when he takes a dump? I'm getting an image of Mary Pat and Crsipy Creme ahem, twerking. You'd need the army corps of engineers to design a bridge strong enough to hold up that belly.

    Damn, no one told me there's a fifty first shade of WTF

  39. Ya know, if he had built that tunnel, he would have been golden.

  40. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I don't mean to offend anyone. The bulge happens. But I find it amazing that the human body can stretch and keep that fat hangin there. Seriously. WE, besides overeating and being lazy are eating bad quality foods, GMO's and pink slime ta fatten ya ups. Just like esther the poor cow. and little piggy. Then? disease and profits for greedy, wake up America. demand good food grown and grazed in America. Demand no gmo;s hormones additives and pink slime

  41. Anonymous7:08 PM

    My heart breaks for his wife. She is a saint to have stayed with that.

    1. Anonymous4:06 AM

      Have you seen his wife? At least the $$$ is there for the taking.

  42. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Look at the entire GOP clown car. Not just these two abhorrent photos of Christie, but the whole GOP clown car. NOW you know why the GOP hates Obama. Because they are literally seething with jealousy on every level: Obama is tall, dark, handsome, extremely bright, extremely charming, respected around the world, more popular in the late days of his presidency than any GOP president in the past 50 years, adored by his beautiful wife and two lovely daughters (all of whom he obviously adores), and HAS NO SCANDALS – sex or otherwise. Oh, and in addition to being President of the Harvard Law Review, he SELF-WROTE two best-selling books (unlike GOPers, who always hire ghost writers, spin doctors, and media consultants). There. is. no. GOP contender, GOP politician, or past GOP president who can compete on all of these levels (or even on a few of these levels): every one of them is a nut case, is not respected by the outside world, and could never make it in the private sector in any job that actually required working, thoughtfulness, respect toward others, and intelligent imagination. Obama is in a category by himself, and he has absolutely no GOP competition whatsoever. None. Nada. Zilch. Nil. Zippo.

    The Christie photos? Merely Exhibit A in a waist-high pile of more exhibits than we can count, showing the comparison between the handsome, intelligent, thoughtful – and successful – black democratic president and any of THEM (the GOP). Any of 'em, all of 'em.

  43. ibwilliamsi8:41 AM

    Chris Christie is really good at hiding his candy. Of course I don't really know how easy it is to hide your candy when you're that fat because a) I don't have any candy; and, b) I'm not that fat.

  44. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Enormous ego..Micro penis.

  45. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Sure glad this wasn't a swim meet...just think he could have been in a Speedo...with a camel toe.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.