Friday, June 05, 2015

Hillary Clinton stands up for voter rights, calls out GOP rivals for fear mongering.

Courtesy of CNN:  

Hillary Clinton accused four potential GOP presidential rivals by name of being "scared of letting citizens have their say" as she called Thursday for every American to automatically be registered to vote. 

Clinton told an audience at the historically black Texas Southern University that she supports the concept of signing every American up to vote as soon as they're eligible at age 18, unless they specifically opt out. She called for expanded access to polling places, keeping them open for at least 20 days and offering voting hours on evenings and weekends. 

For the first time in her campaign, she attacked her likely opponents by name as she laid into four GOP governors -- Texas's Rick Perry, Wisconsin's Scott Walker, Florida's Jeb Bush and New Jersey's Chris Christie -- telling them to "stop fear-mongering about a phantom epidemic of voter fraud." 

"All of these problems voting just didn't happen by accident," she said. "And it is just wrong -- it's wrong -- to try to prevent, undermine and inhibit Americans' right to vote."

Good for Hillary!

You know all of these voter restriction laws were put in place specifically to beat Barack Obama, and the news ones, that will be used for the first time in 2016, were put in place to specifically defeat her.

Fucking pansy ass Republicans know that can't win in a fair fight, so all they have are tricks and cowardly personal attacks.


  1. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Regardless of what is done to insure that every legal voter has the opportunity to vote, there will always be "hanging chads" or the newest version of vote tampering.

    OT/For those of you who follow the little soap opera known as ç4p, on today's episode, tbo ONCE AGAIN left, vowing never to return. Tune in tomorrow to see if tbo has returned/left/returned ...who will "hug" every commenter (except amazedone1)? Will CPS leave his wife to pursue the naked muse? Will there be a love triangle with 88? Will pbp or tk put a stop to all the sexual innuendos? Will Sarah run?

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Why they beg her to stay is completely lost on me. She is only there for a chatroom, not for serious political input. She adds invaluable comments like, 'liberals blah, blah, blah. Go Sarah. Hugs. And the constant LMBO.'. I feel sorry for her husband. He must feel pretty neglected.

    2. Anonymous5:29 PM

      The kind Christian lady just bitch slapped ao1. Such a kind, loving Christian spirit resides in that old woman. Tis a testament to Jesus himself.

    3. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Now they are all piling on AO1. They never stand up to the moonlightmuse even those she is the epitome of a high school mean girl. Crazy!

    4. Anonymous5:50 PM

      I think "TBO" may be what defines the difference between liberals and conservatives. I can't stand her. She just posts jokes, gives "hugs" and flirts with the old men. Oh, and leaves, she leaves every few weeks.
      Lately, she has been so phoney friendly with new posters. It was like she was a Walmart greeter who wandered off the job.

    5. Anonymous6:04 PM

      A half dozen people have now interjected themselves into the tbo vs ao1 battle, all telling ao1 that she had no right to interject herself into tbos battle with 88. Irony, anyone?

    6. Anonymous6:37 PM

      As long as there is a Bush in the race, there will be a chad hanging somewhere.

    7. Anonymous3:54 AM

      tbo? Tim Tebow is hanging out at C4P now? Somebody tell Sarah!

  2. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Good on her.

    Believe it or not, I actually read on some other thread comments, that some people didn't like her idea because how dare they register them for something against their will.

    Hey dude! Just because you are registered doesn't mean you have to vote. And wouldn't you want to think that, whenever you did want to vote, that you could do so, unencumbered? Being able to vote is a right.

    Constitution. Bill of Rights. America.

    Why would anybody be against something that would help all American voters be able to cast their vote in American elections?


    1. Anonymous5:38 PM

      Because, it is guberment trying to force us to exercise our most important right, by making it easy. I think it probley has to do with illegals and big guberment, two....

    2. Anonymous6:43 PM

      It wasn't that long ago the gubmint mad you register to be transported to a foreign country to become a moving target for some crack shots.

      How does being automatically enrolled to vote stack up against that?

    3. Anonymous3:52 AM

      That hasn't changed. 18 year old men still HAVE to register for the nonexistent draft. I was so glad to see voter registration in our two high schools this spring.

  3. Anonymous5:57 PM

    I'm in! (took me a while, you know, Obama)

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      I never had that problem. I was for Hillary before Obama even announced. I was surprised that he got the nomination because America is such a racist country that I believed it would trigger a national racist nightmare. Look at America now, all the power resides in freaks and sex perverts and and criminals in uniform and billionaires... and that will be case for the next few years. It's unbearable to contemplate.

  4. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Some Republican said today that the voters who don't vote are "lazy."
    Code word for you know what.

    Expanding voting hours and days mean that people who can't get to a polling place on Tuesday, because of work, illness, transportation, can still vote. Don't we want as many people as possible to vote?

    No, of course not. Just the old and retired who can swamp the polling places and vote in whichever clown the GOP's finally selected.

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Spot on!

    2. Anonymous3:51 AM

      "Just the WHITE, old, retired who can swamp the
      polling places." There, fixed it for you.

  5. Anonymous6:40 PM

    I've been ready for Hillary since 2005. I love the way she's conducting this campaign, it's driving all those GOP clowns even more insane.

    1. Anonymous3:50 AM

      My FIL, who is 84 and GOP because his lat wife was a rabid Fox viewer (and Pat Robertson's PTL scam got a chunk of her retirement money) said to me when I saw him, "But Hillary is hiding from the press." Straight off Fox Noise. I said, "No, she is not hiding. She is sick of them twisting every word she says, so she is not bothering with interviews right now." He calls our President 'that brown one." He isn't nasty about it, and I suspect he knows that Obama has saved his SS and Medicare, but letting go is hard. I doubt he'd even vote for a woman.

  6. Anonymous7:04 PM

    The lady has my vote. Screw the deceitful Republicans! She nailed their asses and named names! Love it, love it, love it!

  7. Caroll Thompson7:25 PM

    Good for Hillary. She has the R's on the run with her crazy notion that a democracy means that everyone can vote.

    I only wish everyone would vote. The R's would not be in charge of Congress if everyone voted. You folks in Alaska and we in Maine would have expanded Medicaid if everyone had voted.

  8. Anonymous7:26 PM

    o/t What happened to Bristol's Joy? Did they kill it?

    The page you were looking for doesn't exist.

    Whatever it is, it is probably Hillary's fault. That is if not President Obama's fault.

    1. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Lena Dunham did it!

    2. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Bristol is now taking her sister's #bff, Julie. She is trashing some of the old. She wants to be Bristol of Bristol Palin's blog.

      They should make their announcement soon at the blog. She will no longer be "BSMP2". That was confusing for her new friends. Once they make the announcement of the changes to "Bristol Palin", it will be less confusing.

      In the middle with Bristol Palin.!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_970/bpalin5f-4-web.jpg?enlarged

  9. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Hey Jesse,
    I've been trying to email you today. It keeps saying " mailbox full".


  10. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Aw, Gryph, c'mon. It should be: ...All they have ARE tricks and personal attacks.

    I think Hillary is inspired by Bernie, and that's a great thing!

    Go Hillary!

    1. You're right. Thanks for the correction.

  11. Anonymous11:28 PM

    I must commend my reich wing brothers and sisters for refraining (at least as far as I have seen) from bringing out all the "on the rag" comments I expected we'd have to put up with for the next 8 years.

    So far, its the same old Benghazi crap, and the already proven false malarkey of having stolen money in the Clinton charity.

    But, so far, all I've seen coming from any of the Republican hopefuls, is how we should hate Hillary, like we all should have, Obama.

    Not one thing about how they'd try to improve the nation, if elected. Just the same old "I hate Hillary and the vote for MEEEEEEE!!!"


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It just goes directly to their thighs.