Friday, June 05, 2015

In Touch magazine reports on the lies the Duggars told during their interview with Megyn Kelly.

You can read the entire article here, but let me offer a few of the highlights.

On cooperating with the authorities:

One of the most glaring omissions by the family concerns their statements about the 2006 Springdale Police Department investigation. The Duggars gave the viewing audience the impression that they fully cooperated, saying, “We trusted them, we trusted the police department.” But the Springdale police report, obtained by In Touch through FOIA, reveals that Jim Bob refused to produce Josh for a police-requested interview and stopped cooperating with the probe.

On not being "mandatory reporters": 

Not so. While they are not mandatory reporters, the law does not allow them to do what they think is best for their child in this situation, multiple legal experts tell In Touch. 

By not reporting the at-least SEVEN instances of abuse on at least THREE occasions during a period of more than a year, they could have faced felony charges for child endangerment, with a six-year prison term.

On the idea that the Springdale police were bribed into releasing the police report: 

The records were obtained through Arkansas' Freedom of Information Act, which is one of the most liberal open records laws in the country, according to the state’s attorney general.

On the never mentioned HHS investigation:  

The Duggars did not address the fact that they were investigated by the Department of Human Services after the 2006 police probe was terminated due to the statute of limitations. They have not said what the results of the DHS investigation were.

On Jim Bob's assertion that he took his son to the police station and only randomly ended up talking with a police officer that he knew slightly:  

Jim Bob made it clear that he took Josh to talk to the police and randomly happened to end up with Trooper Jim Hutchens. (Hutchens is now serving a 56-year-prison term on child pornography charges, as reported exclusively by In Touch magazine.) 

“We didn’t know anything about this guy except he was an officer there for the headquarters,” Jim Bob said in Wednesday’s interview. 

But Hutchens was interviewed from prison by a representative from a local law firm hired by In Touch and contradicts Jim Bob’s story. He said he knew Jim Bob well from his job and had even taught a couple of classes to car dealerships with him.

Hutchens also claimed that Jim Bob called him directly to talk to Josh, and that there was nothing random about it.

I don't think any of us are surprised that the Duggars lied during their interview, but it interesting that they lied about things that are so easily demonstrated to be false.

However their defensiveness over their son's actions, and their pathetic response, are one thing, the fact that Jessa, one of his victims, said this is another: 

"I do want to speak up in his defense against people who are calling him a child molester or a pedophile or a rapist, some people are saying,” Jessa told Kelly. “I’m like, ‘That is so overboard and a lie really.’ I mean people get mad at me for saying that, but I can say this because I was one of the victims.” 

"I can say this (That Josh is not a child molester) because I was one of the victims."

Just allow that to roll around in your mind a little bit.

THAT is what the Duggars did to their family.

They made the victims feel guilty for being victims. Victims who now feel it is their duty to defend a person who took advantage of them while they slept, and who undoubtedly did it far more times than have been reported so far. 


  1. Anonymous2:40 PM

    The Megyn Kelly interviews have really been devastating to the Duggar family. They've given In Touch the framework to vet the responses and provide additional background to Kelly's probing. This family is in serious trouble and it will only get worse as they dig themselves further into the hole with their cover up.


    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      The "Digger" family -- own worst enemies, digging themselves deeper with each question "answered".

    2. Anonymous4:45 PM

      They see their meal ticket going bye bye.

    3. Anita Winecooler5:40 PM

      There wasn't much real "probing" in Kelly's interview,I'd like to see them interviewed by, say, Tamryn Hall, or Rachel Maddow. Kelly's interview was ok, but I'm sure they were coached ahead of time and Meg was given boundaries on what to ask and how far to "probe". The rest of the klan needs to be removed asap, the parents need to stfu, and the kids need professional help. To hear a victim (stockholm syndrome) defend the perp is enough proof for me.

      These two are boo hooing, but they knew the statute of limitations ran out on the "known" molestations, and hiding behind religious persecution.

    4. Anonymous7:19 PM

      I suspect they are so ignorant that they have no idea that what transpired was so bad. Thank their religion and their totally insular existence for all of that.

    5. Anonymous7:28 PM

      What puzzles me is that if "nothing" happened, and they didn't even know it, how can they be "re" victimized?

    6. Anonymous7:40 PM

      It's got to be said, having been turned away from the girls, what did he do with his little brothers?

    7. Anonymous2:58 AM

      It seems to me we don't know the whole story. Four sisters and one of their friends was molested perhaps these young people were dealing with their boredom. We won't know the whole story until we hear from the holes..

  2. Anonymous2:41 PM

    The Duggars endangered their daughters by not protecting them from repeated sexual episodes by their brother. The Duggars endangered the baby sitter by not protecting him/her from at least one sexual episode by their son.

    Of course, the the Duggars want to talk about Josh. It's all smoke screen to keep themselves out of prison.

    1. Anonymous4:32 PM

      The daughters were not endangered, they were being trained.

  3. Anonymous2:41 PM

    American Taliban.

    That's what the Duggars are.

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      The duggars are phony grifters just like the rest of the Kristian Taliban.

    2. Anonymous3:41 PM


  4. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Xtians lying? I'm Shocked! Shocked, I tell you!

  5. FrostyAK3:06 PM

    THAT is just how Talibangelicals roll. Are they all flaming narcissists like $P?

  6. Anonymous3:09 PM

    This family is absolutely disgusting.

    From watching a Diane Sawyer special (or maybe it was another journalist) my impression was they are using their children to raise each other and do all the chores.

    It appears all the parents do is produce more children.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:05 PM

      Safeguard? A lock on the door? I don't buy it, what's to stop the predator from slipping in the door when one goes to use the potty? These girls are getting mixed messages, and sadly, they now know whose side the parents will support if/when he pushes the envelope again. Jim Bob and his prized possession look, but don't see what's happening in front of them.
      Where do they find the time to parent? Their busy stueping their brains out. Sorry, a lock is a pitiful safeguard. Josh is on notice that if he does it again, he's forgiven and has his parents on his side.

    2. Anonymous8:56 PM

      I think it's safe to assume that if/when Josh molests another child, that victim will never be believed. Not by Josh's wife, not by her in-laws, not by their school (because they are home-schooled), not by the authorities (because of the foregoing and because Josh now has VERY powerful GOP connections. Think about it: he's literally a protege of the former governor of the State of Arkansas, as well as all the GOP candidates for president. He's groomed himself very nicely, and very long-term, in the teflon department.

  7. Anonymous3:11 PM

    If the instances reported directly by the duggar daughters TO the police in their interviews are the ONLY instances of abuse to ever occur, then Josh molested his sisters (aged 3.5-12 at the time of the first *admitted* round of "touching") "only" 24 times over several years.

    This includes the reported instances which occurred AFTER the first two confessions by Josh, whereupon all these "safeguards" were supposed to be in place.

    So Josh admitted he molested all of his sisters, from the toddler to the pre-teen. He promised to never do it again.

    He molested them ALL, again. Plus a female babysitter. He confessed after being caught, and cried. And said he would never do it again.

    He molested ALL of his sisters again. He got caught red handed. AGAIN. He confessed, again. This time the police were involved.

    And we are supposed to believe he never did it again. In the years following the third confession/never do it again speech, Josh's mother birthed half a dozen more children. Less attention than ever was on Josh. Now, a few years after the police involvement, Michelle went into early labor and was in another city with her premature child for nearly a year. Josh was allowed unbridled access to his second round of younger sisters; the batch which included a mute wide eyed toddler and an infant who would BECOME a mute wide eyed toddler. (Children 17 and 18)

    Can anyone state with real seriousness they believe Josh stopped molesting after the third confession?

    Please. He simply decided to stick with victims too young to speak and rat him out as four year old JoyAnna did when Josh put his bare hand on her genitals. (She immediately told her father, who immediately moved to protect the abuser of the child and not the child)

    And because Michelle popped out a daughter every year or two after this, as if she were supplying victims for her firstborn predator. During this same time, Josh married and had his own daughter. A child who in a bit of survival related luck, began speaking in clear words at only sixteen months of age. Did her precociousness save her from being abused by her father? I can only hope.

    People like Josh Duggar do not stop. Some people make a single mistake and realize they can lose everything by victimizing another. And they stop. But people like Josh, who molested ALL of his sisters dozens of times that he ADMITS to...they do not stop.

    I fear what he has admitted to is only the surface and what lies beneath that surface is too ugly to contemplate.

    Department of children and family services, where ARE you?

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      For them (and their supported like Palin) who like to say it was only a
      Mistake once 12 years ago is preposterous. There is a pattern of abuse, and there is capability and cover-up.

    2. Anonymous9:02 PM

      Just imagine that exact same alibi being used in a court of law. "Your honor, yes, I molested those pre-school girls, but I did it while they were sleeping – and it was just all a mistake!" Does anyone else see the internal contradiction here? He deliberately waited until they were in bed so that they would be more defenseless – and THEN he claims that his thought-out plan and strategy was merely a 'mistake'. "But your honor, I'm cute, I'm a Christian, I'm very well-connected politically, and I have a teevee show," are NOT accepted as defenses in any court of law. So why do the Duggars believe that we should accept those things as defenses in their situation? No, seriously. Are they just swell with outsiders who have all those attributes, and who would then molest their children – girls AND boys – ? Or is it merely and only the Duggars who deserve the lucky break? I think in their minds it's only the latter.

    3. Anonymous12:43 AM

      Exactly. What has been admitted is only a tiny fraction of all the incidents. That's what concerns me the most. And the brainwashing of the victims. What a bunch of sickos, the whole lot.

    4. Anonymous5:15 AM

      THANK YOU for taking the time to write that well researched reply. Just THANK YOU.


  8. Anonymous3:12 PM

    See? And that's how it is with them, Gryph. During that interview, Megan would bring up the girls and they both would turn the conversation back to Josh.

    It's "not" okay, Jessa and Jill. You had to lock your own bedroom door for fear that your brother would enter? "Boys will be boys" is not the appropriate response.

  9. Anonymous3:13 PM

    The Duggars are an example of many, many other Christian families in the USA. I'm from one of them and experienced incest. It was covered up, lied about and denied just as what is currently being done by the parents and two daughters of the Duggar family. It is a sick situation!

    The children should be removed from that home and those parents! They are not being protected! Their 'god'? Don't get me started!

    1. Anonymous4:43 PM

      And Michelle keeps spitting out children. Now there's a second generation, including the children spawned by the untreated pedophile, Josh.

    2. Anonymous4:23 AM

      Stop it! Jesus was the product of "child rape" too! Mary, Ccording to the Bible, which is the gold standard of the TRUTH, was both underage, barely out of puberty, maybe even prepubescent, and asleep, when god entered her bedroom with his posse and had his way with her. But, and this is important, she did not terminate the fetus, jesus, but carried him to term. Jesus then grew into a man, visited prostitutes, and then became a criminal. But the story does not end there, no, even with all that baggage, Jesus made something of his useless life, he became GOD! Remember that before you condemn the Duggars.

    3. Anonymous5:53 AM

      4:23 AM
      WTF?! What you're saying is that Josh should get a free pass for what he did because after all, Jesus visited prostitutes and became a criminal but then he became God. What "bible" are you reading? Remember this before you defend the Duggars: not all people are gullible enough to believe crap like your post.

    4. Anonymous11:30 AM

      423 Sarah go to bed! Been up for days!

  10. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I really wish the publishing houses of the duggar books and other moneymaking ventures would demand those fat six figure advances be repaid. How dare they write a book telling all of US how to raise children. And the title- "Love Multiplies"?

    Disgusting. It didn't multiply enough to allow them to protect their daughters from a serial sexual predator.

    1. Anonymous4:41 PM

      They still don't really think it was a big deal.

    2. Anonymous9:46 PM

      If they truly did not think it was a big deal, they would not have lied about it for the last 12 years or more. They are deliberately down playing the abuse to save their own asses.

  11. Anonymous3:23 PM

    I think that stuff was covered up until the statute of limitations ran out. By the time that Josh was finally brought before the police, the three year limit had expired. It was no small coincidence that Jim Bob went to a friend in the PD first.

    1. Anonymous9:06 PM

      To be fair, Josh's earnings should be set aside in a trust fund for his molested siblings. He has never made atonement for his offenses. I think one of the set-ups for this kind of thing is the very concept that women and girls are somehow inferior to men and boys, combined with the thought that sex is dirty and that Josh must not be responsible for his own sexual urges – because he is a man. This understanding and combination gives way to the kind of molestation and dysfunction that we are witnessing here.

    2. Anonymous5:08 AM

      Your comment is appreciated due to the point it is a set up to place all the fault on designated inferior beings. Some people in my family deem males have no control over their sexual behavior blaming women for what most people would deem unacceptable. Overall I learned the same people are abusive, control freaks who defend their own by blame shifting and designating false superiority to be guiltless in all things.

      One teenager was allowed to have multiple sex partners, even have sex during a funeral gathering and was defended by the parents as he can't help it because of the white trash trailer girls wanting him and his parent's middle class wealth. The girls were the same middle class but to approve promiscuity and no limits the girls were labled as trailer trash blamed for no self control of the male.

  12. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Sarah excuses sexual predators, molesters, abusers, draft dodgers, liars, and con artist. In her own little narrow mind......its all ok. Mean o media exposed the mess and guess who jumps in? miss Wasilla con gene E al lit tea

  13. Anonymous3:34 PM

    It still keeps happening to me: I see printed In Touch Magazine and I think TOUCH magazine, then think: Do pedophiles have their own magazine now?

  14. Anonymous3:35 PM

    FOX is famous for lies and liars. Why would Meghan have anyone but liars to interview? They don't want to disappoint their devoted followers that love to be lied to.

  15. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Jessa and Jill's full interview with Kelly airs on The Kelly File on Friday (9 p.m. ET) on Fox News.

  16. Like the Palins, this family just needs to GO AWAY. Any reasonable person would hang their head in shame. But these are NOT reasonable people. They are media whores, and the media keep paying attention to them, feeding their habit and their bank accounts.

    1. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Jim Bob Duggar is a sociopath who is the ruler of his own fiefdom, reinforced by tons of cash thrown at him by TLC and other people.

      He doesn't like to be told he's done something wrong. He's never told that in his own house and then he became a "star" who was constantly catered to.

      Jim Bob Duggar isn't going down without fight.

  17. Anonymous3:49 PM

    I'm happy the Duggar lies are going national! They lie to themselves daily and don't even know it! Is it because they think their god allows it?

    Why is it I've met so many Christians throughout my life that I've caught in lies? That includes my own parents!

    Obviously, I'm not a Christian and no longer attend church. I couldn't get away from it fast enough once I was old enough to move out of my parent's home!

    Parents should never 'force' religion down the throats of their children is my firm belief. Let them find their own way once they are teenagers and young adults. You can still raise kids, without faith, that turn out well and are good citizens. I know because I did it!

  18. Anonymous3:50 PM

    "Safeguards were implemented" to protect the girls from their brother...

    The Duggar parents have been heavily criticized since they revealed they didn't seek any sort of help for Josh until the third time he confessed his behavior to them -- the breaking point, they said, was when he admitted to touching his youngest sister, who was only 5 years old at the time. The sisters, however, contend certain "safeguards" were implemented by their parents after their brother confessed to the abuse.

    "Locks on the doors. You know, everybody’s in bed," Jill explained. "Girls in the girls' room. Boys in the boys' room...

    1. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Duggar parents put locks on bedroom doors AFTER fondling

      In the wake of the incidents, the sisters said the parents restricted the children from playing games like hide and seek and placed locks on bedrooms where the girls and boys slept.

    2. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Can you imagine outlawing hide-and-seek among your children because you're afraid one of your sons is going to sexually abuse your daughters...and then saying it was just "curiosity" and a teenage "mistake?"

    3. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Can you imagine only feeling safe from your molester when you have been locked in your bedroom for the night? 16 hours a day of having to live side-by-side with your molester is horrible to imagine.

  19. Phyllis3:57 PM

    The records were obtained through Arkansas' Freedom of Information Act, which is one of the most liberal open records laws in the country, according to the state’s attorney general.

    The Arkansas AG is a lying bitch Republican who got kicked off the voters roll because she was also registered in Washington DC and Virginia.
    She had a hissy fit about it but she had to reregister anyway.
    This was in 2014 and she was running for AG at the time.

    Since the Republicans have taken over this state the FIOA has gotten worse. They even tried to stop the newspapers from getting accident reports if there was a minor named in the report.
    The newspaper threatened to sue if that bill went through and they backed off.
    The bitch has brought or joined I don't know how many lawsuits against the federal government since she took office at the beginning of 2015.

    1. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Things that make you go mmmkay-

      Just like some other states though it is hard to tell what you are looking for or at, as the hot messes are everywhere.

  20. Anonymous4:16 PM

    That interview was doubly-doomed from the start. In short, if it wasn't the Duggar's lying, it was their being asked the wrong questions by Kelly.

  21. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Josh Duggar would be a 'bitch' in prison. Hutchens would have a 'ball' with Josh.

  22. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Information about the so-called treatment center Josh went to, run by pedophile Bill Gothard (convicted of 34 counts of sexual abuse of under aged girls).

    No professional counselors, no counseling at all (other than bullshit even by the standards of religion), and back to the family he went.

    1. Anonymous9:14 PM

      There were 34 allegations against Gothard, not 34 convictions. Very different situation. Please, don't pile on; the situation as it stands is bad enough.

  23. Anonymous4:37 PM

    The Duggars continue to dig themselves into a deeper and deeper hole.

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Free rope Duggar bitchez!

      How much do you want?

      Take as much as you need!

  24. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Was Hutchens saying that Jim Bob was a car salesman previously? Sounds about right before Jim Bob's ship came in in the form of an easy gig from TLC. What other reason does anyone have for having a baby every damn year? He tried being a politician but that didn't work out. Jim Bob looks very frail like if he had to do any kind of job that involved an 8-10 hour day or heay lifting he would collapse. He's a pussy.

    1. elliegrl5:01 PM

      Please refrain from making female genitalia a derogatory insult. My "pussy" is offended at the comparison to "Jim Bob". Thank you. :-)

    2. Anita Winecooler6:09 PM

      I don't know about the dealership part, but he was in the towing business, had connections with the cops, and knows how the system works.

    3. Used car salesman, self proclaimed Xian fundamentalist minister? Not much difference.

      He even holds services in the living room so the house (which it pretty much got for free from TLC) is tax exempt as a church.

      He is working all the angles.

      I'm surprised he didn't claim confidentiality non disclosure for the "confession" his son made to his minister, I.E. Dad.

  25. The Kelly episode with the victims drafted into damage control too is just starting up now.

  26. Anonymous5:18 PM

    There is a video on You Tube of Jim Bob and Michelle on a date with one of the daughters and her boyfriend at the putt putt golf course. He starts dry humping Michelle from behind in front of everybody!Warning what is seen can not be unseen. I need eye and brain bleach !!!!!!

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      I saw that video today on Malia Litman's blog. Shocking just does not explain it. How could he/they have done that in front of children and cameras? That video should go main stream as there are many people - like myself - who have never watched their series.

    2. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Why didn't people complain about this when it aired?

    3. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Gryph also linked it yesterday.
      Seriously, look at her date in the background.

  27. Anonymous5:29 PM

    You can go to Austin is a fecker to see the video of humping Jim Bob..What sick, sick fucks that family is.

  28. Anonymous5:36 PM

    3:49 PM
    I'm happy the Duggar lies are going national!


    Talk about lying liars. The mastermind is back in action.
    Penelope is not a pedophile distraction.

  29. Fuck these people, and fuck 'em HARD.I'm so sick and tired of listening to their fairyland crap and self important tales of Christian woe. May they all die a horrible death.
    Is that too harsh? Fuck it! AND FUCK THEM!!!!

  30. Anita Winecooler6:19 PM

    I think they've only scratched the surface. Terms like "Well it wasn't rape" "confessed" , cried, wept, lots of weeping, the girls didn't even know, they were asleep at the time etc etc etc are all a smokescreen.
    They need some kind of serious interventions with qualified, professional psychiatrists, social workers, and deserve every bit of shame people are heaping on them, including me.
    The girls are on notice that if something happens, they'll side with their son over them. That's the saddest part of this whole matter. The parents need to leave religion out of it and stop the excuses. The girls are the victims here from Josh, their Mom and Dad.

  31. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Dysfunctional Duggar Defense

    Duggar Defense Falls Apart As City Attorney Says Josh Duggar’s Police Report Release Was Legal

  32. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Jessa and Jill Duggar opened up to Megyn Kelly in an interview tonight about being the victims of their brother Josh‘s actions when they were much younger. On Wednesday, both Jessa and Jill were revealed as two of the four Duggar sisters Josh Duggar had molested when he was a teenager.

    Jill said they felt they had an obligation to speak out, because “most of the stuff out there is lies.” Both of them made it clear what their brother did was wrong, but they did speak out to defend him.

    Jessa dismissed the people “calling him a child molester or a pedophile or a rapist… I’m like, that is so overboard and a lie.” She added, “He was a boy, a young boy in puberty and a little too curious about girls.”

    Their parents had told Kelly in a previous interview that their daughters didn’t really understand what their brother did until it was subsequently explained to them.

    Both Duggar sisters corroborated what their parents said, and admitted they were shocked at first. It took a while but they made the choice to forgive their brother and move on. And both Jessa and Jill believe their parents handled everything the right way.

    Watch segments of the interview below, via Fox News:

    Molested by their brother, brainwashed by they parents. So sad.

    1. Anonymous7:48 PM

      How many kids who were abused by Catholic priests decided to forgive the priest and thought that the Church handled the rampant sex abuse charges the right way?

    2. Anonymous9:20 PM

      The Archbishop of the Diocese of Minneapolis was indicted today for covering up known pedophilia within his diocese. Apparently, the statute of limitations was not a deterrent to the prosecuting authorities who indicted him. No wonder Jim Bob and Michelle seem scared and are hiring a PR firm. Their worst fear? Losing their income and having to actually SUPPORT their huge tribe.

    3. Anonymous9:51 PM

      I think we are being told very little of what actually went on in this family. Is it over for all of them?

    4. hedgewytch8:08 AM

      The girls didn't understand... - because they've never been told about sex, sexuality, or that their bodies are their own and no one has a right to touch them without their consent!

    5. Jill and Jessa can kiss that TLC spinoff show goodbye.

  33. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Jim Bob said they talked with Christian friends and this sort of thing happens in their families too, sometimes it is much worse. Really? Much worse than molesting at least four of your sisters and one babysitter? Jim Bob just confessed to knowing about other felony child abuse situations but he isn't reporting their names. Isn't that a "mandatory report" situation? Are the Arkansas police or child abuse agencies checking into who those families are? And what crimes did those families permit without reporting it? WTF?!!

    1. Anonymous7:27 PM

      What about the babysitter. How old was she? We
      haven't heard hardly anything on her.

    2. Anonymous8:15 PM

      7:27 PM
      I agree with you. How old was the babysitter? And she too was asleep and didn't know it had happened until somebody in the Duggar family told her!

      I wonder who wrote the letter and hid it in a book, where it lay hidden for three years? Somebody knew the story. Probably a lot of somebodies.

  34. Anonymous7:20 PM

    These parents are stupid people when you review all of this commentary! Amazing! Those kids need to be taken away from them!

  35. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Jim Bob and Michelle "didn't know about the molestation until Josh told them what he did", so they only had Josh's version. The girls "didn't know about the molestation until Jim Bob and Michelle told them what Josh had done" so the girls too, only had Josh's version. The family repeated Josh's version over and over. When the Arkansas investigators interviewed the girls, the iEven the babysitter didn't know what had happened until someone in the Duggar family told her what Josh had done -- again, Josh's own version of what he did to her. The investigators were only hearing a repeat of Josh's version.

    Nobody in the family knows anything except what Josh wants them to know -- according to Jim Bob, Michelle, Jessa and Jill. I call BS on the entire story. IMO, big brother Josh is a serious serial sexual predator, mommy and daddy are covering up for him so they can keep the money rolling in and the girls are brainwashed.

  36. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Bill Maher Goes Off on Duggars: ‘Biggest Freaks in the World’

    ...As for Josh Duggar, Maher said “any time you sexually repress, as religion always does, this is what happens.” He brought up a story about ISIS banning pigeon breeding so they won’t have to see bird genitals, and remarked that it’s “not that different from the Duggars.”

    ‘Bizarre, Controlling, Manipulative': Fox’s Ablow, Pastor Battle over Duggars

    Fox News’ Dr. Keith Ablow and Pastor Robert Jeffress got into a heated argument on Sean Hannity‘s show tonight over the Duggars, whom Ablow described as “bizarre, controlling, and manipulative.”

    Ablow reacted to Megyn Kelly‘s interviews with Josh Duggar‘s parents and sisters/victims, finding it a little troubling that they didn’t address whether Josh was inappropriate with other people during the same time period.

    He ripped the “naivete” and persecution complex of the Duggars, and said, “I don’t know of any four people who can be sleeping and touched inappropriately… and not know it. What kind of story is this? It doesn’t make sense!”

    Jeffress pushed back, defended the Duggars, and called them a “wonderful family” who’s being victimized. Ablow shot back:

    “This is a great family? This is a family that turned their family into a sideshow and invited cameras into their lives in a way that exploited their children and made money from them. Where’s wonderful family that the pastor is describing?”

    1. Anonymous9:19 PM

      The Duggars may have drugged some of the children so that they would go to sleep. They would not have known what happened in their sleep.

      Josh may have known at 14 the girls were drugged and it was an opportunity.

      I don't trust the Jim Bob character at all. Michelle is pitiful. She must have overlooked a great deal being married to him.

    2. Anonymous9:23 PM

      Even Snow White woke up when she was kissed by the prince. No way these girls slept through this. But, as a molestation survivor, I can tell you: the victim WILL pretend to be asleep, all the while hoping that the molestation will stop (due to sleep being a form of saying, 'I'm not interested').

    3. Anonymous9:34 PM

      So much wrong with the spin they are trying to put on this.

    4. Anonymous7:40 AM

      I went to school with the pastor and it makes me sick the way he defends the handling of this revolting situation and the family itself. I don't like Ablow, but at least he stood up and told the truth, then slapped back at Robert. Just grotesque. I think I will write him a letter, not that he would read it, but I find it sickening that he would defend the indefensible.

    5. I'm watching Bill Maher now. (Transitioning from The Colbert Report and soon to be loss of The Daily Show) Bill is spot on.

  37. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Josh duggar fucked four of his sisters!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous9:10 PM

      No he didn't.
      No need to be rude.

    2. Anonymous10:08 PM

      9:10 PM He finger fucked them while they were asleep several times. There, fixed it for ya? Was that rude? Sometimes the truth is rude, live with it.

    3. Anonymous11:22 PM

      THAT is exactly WTF he did! AND i bet a whole lot more...
      To and from that whole fucked "dickher" family..SICK FUCKs ALL..

  38. Anonymous9:14 PM

    This is why my father raised us Atheist. There is a lot of strange stuff that goes on in religious cults, any of them and ALL of them.

  39. Anonymous9:37 PM

    The reason that the Duggars are crying and lying is that they just lost their gold mine, I mean their reality show. Now, they are going to have to figure out some other way to make a living. Maybe they could open their own church and lecture people about morals,

    1. The Dad is a "minister" and the house is "church" so they've dodged their tax responsibilities. I'm sure they've socked away plenty of cash from TLC over the years and have it conservatively invested (Like ChickFilA stock) and they have a website where you can donate to them. It's just like SarahPac. They will grift from people to support their lifestyle just like they did before they got their TLC show.

  40. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Why my mom defending the Duggars is the biggest slap in the face.

  41. Anonymous9:58 PM

    This is disgusting. These poor girls have been brainwashed into doing whatever Daddy says. Does anyone thing it was the girls idea to voluntarily appear on television to rehash the details of their brother sexually assaulting them?

    Nope. Daddy convinced them to do it and Daddy told them to say it was just a case of "a boy being overly curious". Disgusting!

    I just hope the people at TLC have the morals to say "I don't care what kind of ratings we get from this show. These people are beyond redemption"

  42. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Josh Duggar molested FIVE, F I V E young innocent girls. That was not a "teenage mistake" nor was it exploring. Now that, makes me want to "PUKE"!!! To compare that to Lena Dunham @lenadunham or make it about politics is in fact DISGUSTING. He didn't touch one girls breast, you sound so stupid. But what else is new. His parents knew about it and brushed it under the rug while these poor girls are still living with what happened to them. That family is sick, and I'm pretty sure GOD doesn't condone molestation of ANY sort. So calm down with the liberal and conservative shit. You're scum for trying to make it sound less important by saying someone else did it too. Gross ew!!! You're gross!!!!!

  43. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Sarah Palin Defends Josh Duggar By Attacking Lena Dunham Because Of Course
    .... .....
    “Josh Duggar touching a sleeping girls breast – a terrible thing to do. But now their ENTIRE family is punished and their hit show is canceled? He’s labeled a pedophile? His family is crucified! Liberals in today’s media can do no wrong, while conservatives can do no right.”

    What do you think about Bristol Palin comparing Josh Duggar and Lena Dunham?

    amy •
    Is this fuckwit anything to do with that moron Sarah Palin? I'm not from America, but Palin's reputation for stellar levels of stupidity is legendary. Downplaying one persons misdemeanours, by throwing shade in someone else's direction is a shit move.

  44. Anonymous10:56 PM

    I could’ve been a Duggar wife: I grew up in the same church, and the abuse scandal doesn’t shock me

    Like a real-life Kimmy Schmidt, I fled the exploitative and abusive sect into a culture I couldn't fully understand

    Unlike most of the writers covering the Duggar sex scandal, I was raised in Advanced Training Institute (ATI), the fundamentalist Christian organization with which the family is affiliated. Joshua Duggar’s confession of sexually molesting young girls in his family’s home when he was a teenager didn’t surprise me, nor should it surprise anyone with any intimate knowledge about this organization, because ATI’s theological beliefs and practices cultivate an environment where women and children are more vulnerable to rape and sexual abuse.

  45. Anonymous11:32 PM

    It was easy to see which of the Duggar parents is the politician. That Jim Bob sure knows his way around a question.

  46. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Those Duggars are Fuggars.

  47. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Why wasn't that episode on 19 kids and counting? That's Reality TV!

  48. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Are parents who homeschool a classroom of 19 children (and counting) considered teachers? If so, they are mandatory reporters,.

    1. No. They are not considered teachers under the law.

  49. Anonymous7:18 AM

    When is it EVER a good idea for anyone but a kid's parents to give her an animal as a gift?

  50. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Don't be so desperate for love and acceptance, Dakota. You're supposed to be a Medal of Honor recipient.

  51. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Whoops, those were supposed to be for the PIG post.

  52. Here, I am going to say it....Josh Duggar can achieve an erection but miss Dunham cannot.

    My brother had gotten into some trouble when he was 12....and the police questioned my parents...he was old enough to achieve an erection. Wow we all looked at each other...... Erection Sarah...say it!


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