Saturday, June 06, 2015

Some very nutritional food for thought this morning.


  1. Leland2:50 AM

    As long as we have those who are firmly convinced there is a single, omnipotent god - or any variation on that - that will never come about. There is far too much hate inculcated into the young minds of each adherent - especially in the three primary monotheistic religions - for that to happen.

    Hell, they can't even seem to recognize that world peace can't possibly happen as long as they are taught to hate each other. How are they going to be able to recognize and accept the above statement?

    1. Anonymous12:07 PM

      Ancestry DNA will help. Within a generation. We can teach the science of DNA and Human Gene's. This alone should change the thoughts of divide. Next, this will/has solved so many mysteries, in paternity, healthcare, in history and now for our humanity. We can answer so many questions. We can solve suffering. We can give hope to those with no humanity. This may be one way to world peace. Stop the suffering, anger, hopelessness. the sadness. We are One Family.

    2. Leland12:45 PM

      I agree, except for one thing: You have to get those idiots to believe in the science of genetics. NOTHING (so far) has rocked their belief in what they consider the absolute truth of their beliefs. Anything that tends to contradict what their religion teaches, they simply ignore - even going so far (in at least one recent case) as to tell their own religious leader to shut the f**k up.

  2. Anonymous2:58 AM

    deep deep deep into the soul. I love it.

  3. Anonymous3:49 AM

    So very true.

  4. Read the novel Childhood's End (Arthur C Clarke, 1953)

  5. Anonymous10:14 AM



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It just goes directly to their thighs.