Friday, June 12, 2015

Jeb Bush's 1994 advice to women on welfare, "find a husband."

Courtesy of CNN: 

Jeb Bush insisted during his unsuccessful first run for the Florida governor's office that an alternative to welfare for women is to "find a husband." 

The Republican 2016 presidential contender's comments came in the heat of a 1994 campaign that has come back to haunt him -- particularly as he seeks to run an inclusive campaign aimed at broadening the GOP's appeal. 

That year, Bush, with a more strident style and in a different era in the debate over welfare reform, saw a controversial remark he made in July seized on by reporters and by his opponent. Bush said that marriage is one of three options for women to get off welfare assistance. 

"If people are mentally and physically able to work, they should be able to do so within a two-year period. They should be able to get their life together and find a husband, find a job, find other alternatives in terms of private charity or a combination of all three," Bush said.

Gee, I wonder if Jeb Bush ever told a man struggling to get a job that he needed to "find a wife?"

To be fair this remark may not seem like such a big deal, if we had not also recently learned that Jebbie suggested back in 1995 that a good way to keep women from having premarital sex, leading to babies born out of wedlock, was to publicly shame them.

Hey remember how I said that the 2016 presidential race would come down to Clinton vs Bush, unless something really damaging came out about one of both of them?

Yeah, I think Jeb Bush starting to stray into that territory.


  1. Anonymous5:15 PM

    No wonder his wife is a hoarder and his daughter is a druggie.

    1. Anonymous12:06 AM

      Actually isn't his wife a smuggler? Hasn't she been caught smuggling goods into the country and trying to avoid paying taxes?

    2. Anonymous5:48 AM

      Anon at 12:06 am. Yup.

  2. Anonymous5:24 PM

    And if anyone thinks his views have changed... think again! And where was Sarah and her offspring's outrage over Jeb's statement about single mothers/ sluts???

    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      She would say he was being satirical.

    2. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Satanical is closer to what he is.

  3. Anonymous5:28 PM

    "Find a husband" aka give sex for monetary gain aka prostitution

  4. Isn't the expected opinion of entitled son who never really had to work in his life?

    I remember early in '92, before Bill Clinton was the sure thing on the Democratic side, they were shopping H.W. around somewhere in New England for photo ops and sound bites, and they took him into a supermarket, and he honestly didn't know what a price scanner was. I never forgot it; how in touch is such a man with people who live from paycheck to paycheck?

    That his offspring is equally clueless is dispiriting, but certainly no surprise.

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      I remember that!!

    2. Veronica7:23 PM do I! That family is as clueless as they are evil.

    3. Anonymous2:46 AM

      I still think that is what lost him the election. He seemed so out of touch with every man's reality that no one could possibly vote for him again. At least Reagan, horror that he was, had that human touch like Bush 43. Neither Bush 41 or the latest incarnation of the Bush thing has it.

    4. Anonymous5:49 AM

      Yet 16 years later, the GOP had learned NOTHIGN, as they ran John McCain, who couldn't remember how many houses he owned and picked the village idiot of Alaska, $carah Palin as a running mate.

  5. Replies
    1. Anonymous7:29 AM

      Yub Jebby, you aren't in Floriduh anymore.

      And people thought there was a "smart" one.

  6. Find a Neuro-Ophthalmologist.

  7. Anonymous6:14 PM

    You can't say that Todd and Sarah didn't try to dump Brissy off on some guy. There were trial hubbies and trial hubbies. Not one would have her.

    Sarah is reloading her scheme book, they haven't given up.

    1. Anonymous10:12 PM

      Bristol Palin Whines Because Miley Cyrus Isn’t Tolerant Of Hateful Christians Like Her

  8. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Jeb Bush will probably not understand this, but unlike Jeb, most people were not born with a silver spoon up their ass.

  9. And now he's gone to Poland & shown how much he doesn't get it. He met with the former prime minister who had just resigned after being caught badly dissing the US, and Jeb's takeaway was that the guy really likes and respects the US! Rachel has the story today.

    1. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Hey that's his crowd of corruption!

    2. Anonymous7:03 PM

      I suggest he is even worse than his brother.

      He obviously has no clue about current things going on in these countries in Europe. Sad, sad! I'm embarrassed for him. Think he was shoved into this role when not the least bit ready or prepared!

      His mother, Barbara Rush, was correct in stating (initially) that she didn't want him running for POTUS!

    3. Anonymous12:08 AM

      His wife must be going to smuggle something out of Poland.

  10. Anonymous6:24 PM

    I got a man, you got a what? How long you had that problem?

  11. Anonymous6:32 PM

    So finding a husband would be the "private charity" he refers to?

    Keep 'em coming, Gryph. This dude is a bigger jerk than his brother.

  12. Anonymous6:35 PM

    What is it with these Republican men and their smug advice to women? I'm tired of white men pushing their patriarchal visions for women in 2015-2016. Even though the Jebster said this in 1994, I do agree with 5:24, he has not changed his views and he will just say whatever until he gets elected and then we will all be having buyer's remorse. NO MORE BUSHES!!!! We can't say that enough along with no more Republicans!!!

  13. Anonymous6:50 PM

    It's not going to be Bush, I can tell you that right now. And, sadly, it might not be Clinton, either.

    1. WA Skeptic8:45 PM

      I'm starting to get a cold feeling on the back of my neck that it might be Walker; he's just evil enough to do whatever the Koch Bros tell him to do.

  14. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Sorry, but there is no way in hell that this guy should be, or is qualified to be, POTUS. The Republicans are in a mess as to having a good candidate to put up against Hillary Clinton!.

    1. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Oh, but Sean had Reince on to tell the Fox sheep that Hillary is 'just nor relatable.' Right, like we can ALL relate to his Klown Kar of women haters. Sorry, Reince, but women relate very well to her, and that terrifies you, so you're trying to get the aging white men to hate her, right? We vote, you numbskull, and we will not be voting for the party that thinks we are nothing more than stupid baby machines.

    2. Anonymous11:54 PM

      The Children's Defense Fund.....'It Takes a Village'.... nah, women can't relate to a woman who works for children, not at all. What a dick.

  15. Anonymous9:03 PM

    We've seen a lot of adoration for Barbara Bush lately (it was her birthday recently).

    Sorry, but the job she did raising sons who had some understanding of women, was abysmal.

    They act like they were brought up by some single dude who spent most of his life too drunk to explain things to his kids.

    1. Anonymous12:55 AM

      All of her sons have been involved in shady business. The Bushes are crooks.

    2. Anonymous2:33 AM

      GHW Bush spent a LOT of time with Jennifer Fitzgerald, and other women. For 10 yeears, he had his affair with her. He took her with him everywhere, sharing hotel rooms, while Babs the Impaler was "raising" the kids. A friend of the family said there was not a single book in the house, so obviously the nanny must not have read to the kids. Barbara stayed for the prestige of being married to a future president. Every time the media portrays them as the "perfect couple" I have to laugh. Georgie wrote a book about his father, and called it a "love story" They shut their eyes to reality and pretend all is roses, like $carah does. Everyone in Washington knew about his affair with Firzgerald. When he was attacking Bill Clintn for his dalliances, the Clinton team wanted to expose GHW, but Bill refused to stoop so low. He should have had the team pull ALL the curtains back on the evil Bush clan. With the Skull and Bones, the PNAC and other societies they belong to. No brains to be had, just the name and lots of people covering up all their dirt. Jeb has had affairs too, I hope it all comes out. Paula Jones was on TV the other day, bashing Hillary. The gop is trolling the sewers for people like her and Lewinsky. Hillary is not the one who cheated on Bill, but she gets all the crap thrown at her again and again. EVERY time Jeb shows his cross eyed face, he should be asked about his brother's war, how many were killed, how many maimed. That, plus the cost to US taxpayers. The Bush family has done more damage to this country than the terrorists have done.

    3. Anonymous2:51 AM

      According to the secret service guys who had to deal with her, she was a manipulating bitch worse than Nancy Reagan.

  16. I agree with him.

    1. Anonymous5:55 AM

      THen you're an idiot, Moana, who advocates sex work as a career plan for women, as long as it's contractual instead of fee for service. So, what street corner do YOU strut?

  17. Anonymous9:37 PM

    The Daily Edge ‏@TheDailyEdge Jun 11

    BREAKING: U.S. annual budget deficit has declined by $1 TRILLION under Obama. #ThanksObama

  18. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Guess Who's Back! (Maybe Mitt Romney, According To Area Man.)

    1. Anonymous2:35 AM

      Mittens is really good at bashing people who actually DO something to help regular folks. He is all in favor of the rich. Entitled dumb SOB.

  19. Anonymous9:54 PM

    WATCH: Facebook User CRUSHES ‘God’s Plan’ And Biblical Hypocrisy (VIDEO)

    Since you up wid all those gangsta signs Bristol, pay attention! You too Marina.

  20. Anonymous11:52 PM

    haha, who is doing what?

  21. Anonymous5:43 AM

    God help us all. The same vacant eyes as his brother. Have these guys ever had their IQ's tested?

  22. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Wonder if this is his dig at Barbara. He thinks that's why she married George in a quickie wedding. Bet she used a preggers "scare" too. ANd bet he heard it often as a charge in family arguments.

  23. Anonymous6:05 AM

    And remember Jebbie pretty much married an illegal who got special treatment. Two of their kids are "anchor babies." They met in 1970 married in 74 and she was legalized by 1979. She wasn't a citizen at the time of their marriage and didn't speak English. Her father was a migrant worker, likely sneakign over the border.

    While most Dems would use that to show how the system is broken for those who DON't have politicalpower and money, wonder how it would fly with the Coulters and other uber-nationalists on the GOP side?

  24. Anonymous6:09 AM

    And, dum de dum dum, Columba is a member of Regnum Christi, which was led by Maciel - an acknowledged (even by the Vatican!!!!!) pedophile.

  25. Anonymous9:42 AM

    My children were not born out of wedlock. My ex was a drunk and hit me when I was pregnant. When I kicked him out I needed to go on Welfare. I had no family to turn to and was on my own. One of the Welfare workers said the same thing to me. I said I need job training and child care not a husband.

  26. Anita Winecooler6:25 PM

    Poor Jeb keeps getting misunderestimated. He's a farce to be reckoned with. Don't you just love watching a dog chase it's tail? He tailors his speeches to the audience he's speaking to, and always finds his foot planted firmly in his mouth.
    And I thought I heard all of the "bushisms".
    Hey Jebbie, a woman isn't defined by the man/woman she happens to marry, we're individuals capable of thinking for ourselves, etc, etc, Marriage doesn't change people's economic problems, that's the GOP's job.


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