Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Sarah Palin goes on the Hannity show to defend Josh Duggar and attack the media for doing its job.

Essentially if you read my post from last Thursday concerning Palin's venom spewing Facebook post defending the Duggars and attacking Lena Dunham you have the gist of what Palin did last night on Fox.

However it is one thing to read a post where she completely loses her shit, and quite another to watch her do it live on TV.

First off she looks like every late night bar floozy the morning after their walk of shame back to their home. Her hair is disheveled, her lip gloss slapped on with a trowel, and she appears to be recovering from a night of whiskey shots and several rounds of sex in the cab of somebody's pickup truck.

But of course the worst is when she opens her maw.

First she completely misrepresents Lena Dunham's story about her childhood, in an attempt to paint a seven year old as a sexual deviant, and then almost hilariously attempts to sugarcoat Josh Duggar's far more egregious sexual predation:

"And yet they try to crucify and entire family for a fourteen year old boy's issue. Which was a bad, bad, bad issue."

Yeah multiple molestation on members of your own family is something more than an "issue." Even a "bad, bad, bad" one.

Hannity then uses footage of the Duggar girls from their interview with Megyn Kelly to show them as victims of the media. The media in this case, it should be pointed out, being Fox News itself.

Palin at this point suggests that people make their living by digging up things about conservative families, like hers, in order to "destroy them and their reputation." (Wait, was that aimed at me?)

"Yeah these girls are being re-victimized, for shame on the media for, under the guise of ‘Hey, gotta let them have their say anyway,’ let’s interview them and put them there, back into the fire, and let them explain. They’re innocent! And these girls yeah, so humiliated.”

Once again let me point out that this re-victimization took place on Fox News. Not some liberal media outlet. 

Palin then expands her attack to go after the officials who released the police reports

"The release of these confidential records is...it's tragic, it's illegal, it's unethical. Why isn't the dialogue going right now towards 'Hey let's get that law enforcement official. He, or her, who released this file. It was confidential."

All of that of course is untrue as these are NOT confidential records under Arkansas law, and In Touch Magazine did everything legally and used good journalistic techniques to break a huge story.

And isn't it rather chilling to hear her calling for people to "go after" a law enforcement official?

At the end of the interview Hannity asks the question that all media folks are required to ask Palin, and that concerns the 2016 race.

"Well I'm glad that of course the GOP has a deep bench, because competition is good, it makes everyone so much better, work harder, produce more. Uh this is as opposed to the Democrat bench which is obviously quite shallow. I mean who the heck do they have? That's why it is going to be Hillary, and I'll bet you anything that it will be Hillary as their nominee despite kind of the games the media's playing right now. Sort of giving a coupled of other guys the shot. You know, the old college try, let'em at least be seen as being covered fairly so that when the time comes for Hillary Clinton to be knighted as their nominee they'll be able to say 'Hey we covered everybody.'"

After that Palin hilariously calls liberals "sheeple," which demonstrates how little she understand the progressive mindset, and the interview ends with Hannity playing music over her in an attempt to drown her out while trying to get her to recognize that the interview is over dammit!

I imagine that after this interview Plain went downstairs, kicked the pig, and then bitched about the fact that she was just getting warmed up and had so much more to say about that wonderful Duggar pedophile and that bitch Hillary.

I think I probably say something like this after every one of these Fox News appearance, but I really think that Palin's mental deterioration is even worse than the last time we saw her spitting venom all over her Wasilla studio.


  1. Anonymous6:26 AM

    "he or her"??Could it be that $carah is terrified that all her records are about to be exposed? All the sealed medical and court records and whatnot also, too? Something is in the wind, more than the Dugger buggers scandal.

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      Exposure of "sealed" records is sending Sarah Palin into a sociopath's frenzy. And the funny part is the Duggar records weren't sealed.

    2. Anonymous7:40 AM

      She is high again of course.... "The release of these confidential records is...it's tragic, it's illegal, it's unethical."
      Ummm they are public records, it sounds like the Con BS they are mad they got caught not that the crime that happened to these girls.
      STFU Sarah you idiot.
      She make no sense....

    3. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Speaker of the house scandal...she is probably the blackmailer! Oopsy daisy!

    4. Anonymous10:11 AM

      In Alaska records for juveniles are sealed. Palin has a lot invested in “sealed records” as her children are the subject of a lot of them. The outrage is entirely normal given her projection issues. It must be hard to be Sarah Palin, always the victim trolling for other victims to shore up her view of the world. It doesn’t escape notice that Faux News also is so insufferably unself aware it doesn’t acknowledge it's using the Duggar children too. The Duggar parents are child abusers of the first order. Who would use their children in this way?

  2. Anonymous6:35 AM

    I watched her and she appeared as usual: a dirty, drug-addled husk of a woman.

  3. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Could not and will not listen to the shit pouring out of her obviously under the influence rants. Just loving she is tripling down on her support of child molesters. This will win her no support except from the sheeple that follow poor $arah and her poor xtian family. Fuck off you self- righteous hag.

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Should make that child rape case an interesting trial...hu Sarah...tell Danny he better hang himself now! Hang em high! After he is dead we can see what's in his will hu? Better call that judge, gotta keep up the racket doncha know! How is Chas and Brooks? Oh right their dead!

  4. 1, 2, 36:40 AM

    1) the police report obtained by the FOIA law redacted which of the little girls was sexually molested.
    2) the 2 women that were asked, or volunteered to go all weepy on Megyn's show were not named in the police report, they went out for the publicity, probably not coincidental that it has been leaked that TLC is considering a spinoff with 2 of the Duggar women.
    3) So, according to Palin, asking the 2 women to appear on FOX, and their saying yeah, sure, why not, is exploiting them. But rehashing it on Palin's FB page is not exploiting them for her own purpose (publicity), and rehashing it yet again on FOX, is not exploiting them for her own purpose, publicity.
    4) all in all a pathetic "look at me" appearance based on exploitation of sexual matters.
    Mrs. Palin, maybe it could be that the Duggars don't want you to keep on keeping on about their "issues"? Nah, it's all ca$h in the bank, for all concerned.

  5. Anonymous6:41 AM

    So let me get this straight, Sarah Palin hates the Constitution, and our law enforcement, but loves pedophiles. Yeah she's president material all right.

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      She's got a big hole in the middle of her! She cannot kill enough or steal enough to fill it! She is after the reckoning! For being born.....

  6. Anonymous6:41 AM

    What's the issue with the huge back-combed wigs?

    1. Anonymous7:27 AM

      Part of her next big endorsement deal: wigs courtesy of Lego

    2. Anonymous7:44 AM


    3. It's how she wore her hair in high school.

    4. Anonymous8:50 AM

      New Paylin word: PREDATATION


  7. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Mike Huckabee Won't Shut Up

    ...To recap: The Duggars made their daughters available to Fox News for a friendly interview after prepping with a crisis public relations specialist whose objective was strategizing the defense of their abuser. There is someone who is exploiting those women, but it's not "the media," by whom more effort was made to protect the identities of the victims than I have ever seen in any other case.

    Huckabee went on to repeat the lie that making the records public violates state law, and then argued that Josh Duggar is "innocent" because the case was never adjudicated, despite his confession—and despite the fact that the case was not adjudicated because of his family's conspiracy of silence.


    1. Anonymous7:41 AM

      Obviously Huckabee knows nothing about jurisprudence. What a walking disaster that man is.

    2. I'll say the same thing I said about O.J. Simpson.

      There is a difference between not guilty and innocent. Simpson may have been found not guilty but he was hardly innocent.

      Same with Josh Duggar. He may never have been prosecuted but that is not the same as being innocent.

      I think Huckabee should continue to beat this horse. Will not only ensure the destruction of his campaign but probably reduce the amount of money he can grift under cover of an alleged campaign.

  8. Anonymous6:44 AM

    lol at 4:25 they start playing the music to try to shut off her endless monologue.

  9. Anonymous6:44 AM

    There's nothing like a woman scorned.

    1. Anonymous7:14 AM

      Yeah, no body wants Sarah and it's driving her to utter distraction. She can't get any traction from her facebook rants, she's a global laughingstock, she's spittin' mad that no one is inviting her to any events related to the 2016 race, even by the people that she campaigned for. No one wants anything to do with her toxic, nasty brand. And that's a death knell for narcissistic people like her. If she doesn't get attention it's akin to a slow death. She's clearly addled with drugs or alcohol, and it becomes more and more apparent each time she shows up in person. Her eyes reveal it, her dirty demeanor reveals it. Her high pitched, sing songy tone of voice is indicative of someone who is hanging on by a thread. No one wants her, not her 'husband', not her kids, even the die hard C4Pers are starting to question their Queen. Must suck to be Sarah and it's only going to get worse.

    2. Anonymous7:53 AM

      She has a beautiful daughter, just check out Instagram comments, it is most of what they say. She is also an amazing writer. She will save Sarah even without the MoH status. She has so much talent and Sarah can always post a link to her diatribes. What a brilliant idea. The team is genius.

    3. Anonymous8:20 AM

      7:53 AM You must be drunk. You post a comment that means nothing. Stalking is addictive, Troll from UNITED STATES.There is nothing 'GENIUS' about the Palins. Begging for money on Facebook is the same as a homeless person begging outside of a Liquor Store. The Palin Tribe of Misfits is an embarrassment to all of Alaska, Faked pregnancies, DWTS training and gaining weight/pregnant, A Pimp for a father, unwed teen Moms, Vandalism, Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Colony Gang signs thrown in pictures, child abuse, animal abuse, High School Dropouts, and Liars. The Palins still 'CAIN'T GET RIGHT', just like Track Menard was called in High School.

    4. Anonymous8:28 AM

      7:53 AM Is that you, Marina? Surely you don't believe for 1 minute that Bristol, the High School dropout, is an amazing writer. Bristol can't write a grocery list without help. bmsp/borderline retard.

    5. Anonymous8:53 AM

      8:20 & 8:28,
      7:53 was snark. Geez!
      By the way, 7:53 isn't the one who reads in as "from the United States". I do. I prefer to keep my location hidden.

    6. Anonymous9:10 AM

      Don't shame or knock down the homeless. Bristol is now homeless.

    7. Anonymous9:22 AM

      "I prefer to keep my location hidden". What? Are you the only person in Town? BTW, most trolls 'prefer to keep their location hidden'. Especially when they are here 24/7.

    8. Anonymous10:09 AM

      922 butt their the cranksters...lol..24/7!

  10. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Can't believe she didn't throw spitballs at the president of the USA this time.

    1. I'm surprised she didn't attack the President as a pedophile, touching babies on the bottom through they're diapers.

  11. Caroll Thompson6:52 AM

    I actually watched the interview and walked away with two points of light, if you will, on the continuing downfall of the Quitter Governor.

    1. The interview was exceptionally short.

    2. Hannity asked Sarah what she thought of the Republican field. He did not ask if she were running.

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      She's a certified international laughingstock and one of history's most humiliated political and personal failures.

  12. Anonymous6:53 AM

    The Duggar Interview Shows How Much Fox News Exploits Its Audience


    Josh was "just curious about girls." No big deal. Nothing to see here. Not rape or anything like that. Lots of Ma and Pa Duggar's friends tell 'em the same thing goes on in their god-fearin', homeschoolin', kid-diddlin' families. The Duggars' critics have an agenda, unlike the Duggars. Parents aren't mandatory reporters anyway. And Josh has been forgiven, and he's very, very sorry and—hey, look over there! Some trans people have to pee! And the real criminal is the person who leaked the information.

    Take it away, Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian...


    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      I live in an area FULL of Christians like the Duggars, huge families, 10, 12, 15 kids. All home schooled. The pregnancy crisis centre's cases are mostly father/daughter, brother/sister. These cult christians get away with everything.

      And for these so called christians who don't want government butting into their lives, they sure don't mind taking all the money they can get for their herd of kids.

    2. Anonymous9:25 AM

      True. A while ago I watched a special on that Mormon cult who have their own town, police force and hospital. One unemployed guy with numerous wives and kids had a huge van. He would take them all into town, to spend food stamps and apply for welfare. Sucking off taxpayers, for their warped lifestyle. He was so proud of himself, too. These religious cults need to have the light shone on them.

    3. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Yea make them get a J O B! You too Sarah Inc...thieving is not a job either!

    4. Anonymous10:17 AM

      More and more the Jim Bob is making me think of the Jeff.


  13. Anonymous6:53 AM

    It makes a lot more sense when you realize that the Duggars practice a cultish fringe Christianity where women are not actually people, and more like cattle.

    Nothing wrong with fondling cattle, right?

    This is why they are so upset about the whole thing and their "persecution:" because it it causing problems for a man just because he victimized some worthless females. To them, it is completely unjust.

    1. Anonymous7:21 AM

      I think you have it right.

    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      For sure. Also why Sarah would defend their cult and it's systematic crimes.

    3. Anonymous10:13 AM

      755 because it is the greatest racketeering scheme humanity has seen! Why not jump aboard...no work? Perfect for those leeches of religion!

  14. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Going by Hannity's facial expressions as Palin's diatribe rumbled and bumbled along, I think this appearance may well be her last on his show. It's as if he was only now realizing what an idiot she really and truly is.

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Hannity ALWAYS looks constipated, it is his normal facial expression.

    2. "Hannity ALWAYS looks constipated"
      Well, of course, anyone would whose colon has to accommodate both their poo and their head.

      Sorry, couldn't resist.

  15. Anonymous6:56 AM

    It's becoming increasingly clear that English is not her first language. I'm just having trouble figuring out what is.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Someone with a journalism degree should be able to use proper pronouns ... this woman is an idjut.

    2. At this point, I'm not sure any planet in the Solar System wants to claim her.

      Jupiter maybe?

    3. Anonymous8:25 AM

      I'm inclined to agree with Dick Cavett - she's a woman with no first language.

    4. Anonymous8:28 AM

      I would never wish her on the benevolent Jupiter. I think she would be lucky to find a star that is going out in a blaze that would claim her.

    5. Anonymous8:33 AM


    6. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Can we get Putin to send her up to the space station and then send her out to repair something...sarah? Lost in space!

  16. Anonymous6:57 AM

    There are a lot of conservatives, even Christian ones, who are disgusted by the Duggars. I can't believe anyone would go out of their way to defend them right now. But Sarah isn't just anyone. She's a narcissistic nutjob.

    1. Anonymous8:07 AM

      I'm visiting my parents this week, and my mom (my litmus test for how evangelical winds are blowing) actually brought up the Duggars and said they're "disgusting." She always thought they were fringy and weird -- we were in a patriarchal church when I grew up but didn't know anyone who "Quivered," and while we worshiped James Dobson, we thought Bill Gothard was a freak -- and now she wants them to go away and stop making Christians look bad. She typically gets her talking points from Fox News-inspired e-mail forwards, so if she's reacting this way, a lot of other aging evangelicals are too.

    2. Anonymous9:17 AM

      a lot of conservatives, even Christian ones

      But not one who can speak the truth or deal with one of their own that is showing the world it is organizations of people who prey on children with their sexual deviances.

      They are idiots and losers to sweep such an atrocity under the rug and take no responsibility and do the right thing.

      They would quietly get rid of her so they could go on with their own crimes. But they will not speak up.

  17. Anonymous6:58 AM

    We already knew this but she proves yet again that Sarah has no reading comprehension skills. Where in Lena's book does she say she gets sexual satisfaction from her sister? I know the right like to take things out of context and all, but still if you actually read what Dunham's account says no where is there sexual perversion. I hope she sues Sarah until she dies. Sarah is a sick puppy, slime ball.

    1. Anonymous7:27 AM

      I am convinced that Sarah was there with Lena's mother, sister and Lena. She knows so much about them. It is like she was in Lena's head and Sarah knows her intent.

      Only a leader like Palin would be brave enough to call Lena a pedophile. As all her followers should be so strong and do what they do best, follow.

      Yes, court is where this belongs so Sarah can prove how she knows more about Lena and her family then they know.

  18. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Top lip work, thank you poor souls who gave her money. She didn't have any top lip prior. Or was it the bacon fat still on her. HD is not kind to this man at all. Just a thrown on hair piece too.
    How bad can fox need this wreck. And this is not even about what she says yet.
    Hands flyin all over the place.
    Sad sp, sad sack o bones.

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      You really do not want amateurs or quacks giving you shots of Botox. Sarah may have fallen victim to a place like this: Aesthetica Medical Spa

      or Sims Janice-Alaska Dermatology & Laser Center

    2. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Dakota was lucky to get out with his face. I wonder if Sarah's hockey mom Aesthetica friend did any work on him? He is still young and I haven't noticed the lumps like they do to Bristol and Sarah.

    3. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Lol...she's a conniving little shit! Make no mistake!

  19. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Well, the Buggars played their Get Out of Hell Free card. That's sufficient for Palin and Huckajeebus

    1. There actually is a Get Out of Hell Free card.

      Have several and give them out to friends.


      The shopping cart is on thisistrue.

  20. Anonymous7:07 AM

    I did not see this Palin performance but I hear the BFF of famous and infamous pedophiles and defenders of pedophiles is attacking her own at Fox. Fox may be too sappy to do anything about that. Meghan Kelly may just want to shrink away. We'll see.

    I am hearing that Palin is a bigger than ever failure and her darkness is casting a huge shadow on the network famous for lies and a cast of liars.

  21. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I think Sarah just figured out that all her family secrets are at risk of being discovered. I'd love it if Intouch magazine decided to do a little digging in the Palin family. Maybe she better tone it down on her hatred of the media lol.

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      It must be difficult to be the ones who are going to stand up to the Palin syndicate and give up their game but someone has to do it. I hope they make a lot of money for being so brave and heroic. You know the Palin Machine will go after them as if they are Satan, the world knows better.

    2. Anonymous9:17 AM

      In Touch must be on to something; Sarah's so scared.

    3. Anonymous9:27 AM

      808 like they went after the Greene's? How's that working out for you Sarah?

    4. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Hey don't forget that murder suicide in Okanogan..right by her auntie! Why did ya all burn down Cardenas house? Coke dealer went Narc? Did ya let Chas write a note? Gee then when that backfires you turn up the domestic terrorism antics in Alaska? Oh then we got a hanging in AK! Gee so many crimes..so little time! Feds are finding out"things are not what they seem" and Homeland security is catching them because they can! Cameras lights!

  22. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Let's play a game of "What If" and "What Would You Do?"

    "What If" Duggar's last name was Obama,
    Sarah Palin "What Would You Do"?

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Fuck the Duggars, Sarah Palin would have a field day and a stroke while slobbering down both sides of her mouth and drinking Red Bull just to stay awake so she could go to interview after interview just to massacre Barack Hussain Obama and call for his Impeachment even though his presidential term is over.

  23. Crystal Sage7:12 AM

    "Preditations"? Sarah has made up a new word while she smeared Lena Dunham. Sarah jumps on any issue these days in order to get attention to herself. Too bad she wasn't asked about what happened to her daughter's nuptials. Oh, that would invade her privacy - the "privacy" she desired when she blathered on and on about the upcoming wedding of her daughter to a MOH winner. Dakota: you avoided a land mine when the wedding was canceled.

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Yes, when she had to look that one up (since her ghosty writer her words again) she looked at the Urban Dictionary. Sad, but she also gets her facts from Wiki.

    2. Anonymous7:38 AM

      I got such a kick out of the fighting over at the sea o pee last night concerning that word. It was so funny because somebody instantly posted "preditation - it's a word Lib's. Look it up. Sarah playing 3 dimensional chess."

      Their source is a submission in urban dictionary from 2008 with Zero upvotes. Amazed1 tried to inform the blockheads that anybody can post a suggested word on UD. To prove this point I went ahead and submited my own definition of preditation, you guys will love it.

      I think that the best thing about that whole exchange is that it was c4p shepherd who is using urbandictionary as a source, no wonder nobody reads his blog if that is where he is getting his literary gems.

    3. A. J. Billings7:39 AM

      Boy you are SOOO right Crystal Sage. Dakota just dodged a speeding locomotive.

      In my worst nightmare, I can't even fathom getting involved with anyone from the Palin clan, and having THAT CREATURE for a mother in law.

      The picture of her with her angry face and bony finger held up to Dakota was just one small exposure of what a freak she has become..

    4. Anonymous8:23 AM

      What I don't get is why $arah uses bristol for her talking points, they're both empty vessels.

    5. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Preditation- what Palins do to other people who get in their way.

      Duggared- "This guy Duggared his sisters and their baby sitteer

    6. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Bristol does not have as much as a home now.

      She is essentially not there, not all there.

      Marina is Bristol's only link to living her life on this earth and having a friend. She also has relatives from the land of incest.

      Sarah uses a name on an account that she controls but it appears to Sarah and her maroons as if there are people who agree with Sarah and Sarah is popular with the millennials.

      It is one of the ways that Sarah is assuring she will always be a known fraud and liar and the laughing stock around the world.

    7. Anonymous9:27 AM

      anon 8:23 Sarah has always used her children to back her up...for validation of her lies. Who else could she use? Sarah says something and uses bristol's blog to back it up....she is getting 2 for the money.....but so transparent, so obvious, so pathetic, so lying......

    8. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Crystal, that sheperd has a serious crush on sarah....he posted pics of her at cpac and where she was dressing in her "rubber skirt" with lace and all he could emphasize was pics hot pics of sarah palin....he is pathetic. I called him out on it and mentioned his romantic crush on sarah is probably driving his reading audience away as I see so little traffic...he deleted my messages. lol

    9. Anonymous9:42 AM

      You're giving her too much credit to think she sourced that word. She just stumbled over pronouncing "predation" and her fans claim she's a genius.

    10. Anonymous10:08 AM

      9:27 AM

      Right she uses her children. They are not even who is validating her. Sarah validates Sarah when Nancy obeys and pretends to be Bristol.

      It solidifies Sarah's status as an ass clown and laughing stock of America.

    11. Anonymous10:31 AM

      8:23 a.m. I too have wondered why she uses Bristol as a “source” of wisdom? WTF! Bristol Palin barely made it through high school and didn’t have the skill set to properly take a birth control pill daily. However, Sarah Palin continually trots Bristol Palin out as a voice of reason and expertise. This is a sign of a serious mental collapse.

  24. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Sarah remembered the pink lip gloss and her new ring but forgot her belmonts. It looks like her hair extensions are gone too.

  25. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Well, Piper has a cute piggie, she must have a wonderful mother and family. Now it is up to Bristol Palin to write in support and total agreement with all Sarah is doing for molesters. Bristol can follow family tradition and blame the media or anyone else. Just do the blame game like you always do, Bristol.

    Why has Todd Palin disappeared from view on planet earth? Greta needs to do an interview with the father of the Palin family and get his perspective.

    Maybe someone can explain why one of his daughter's would kick/attack his junk?

    Why was the son, that was not a combat vet, trying to beat up his father figure at the Anchorage brawl?

    1. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Is Bristol homeless now? Can she find a place she can connect to the internet again?

    2. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Excellent questions.

  26. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Wasn't it she who blasted you about just looking out the window at her child. This duggard creep actually touched private areas of his sisters. Just eww.

    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      She blasted Joe McGinniss, whom many of us know. He was a laid-back grandfather, smart, wise, married to a lovely woman, and in no way interested in little girls -- not in the small town he used to live in or the somewhat larger town he moved to late in life. He got that house by sheer kismet. He was too busy grilling salmon on his back porch and talking to his wife on his phone to sneak over for an unwanted view of some 12-year-olds window.
      Who thought of these things? Only someone with child molestation in her heart to being with. Normal people don't think that way.

    2. Anonymous9:31 AM

      She thinks Rape is God's will

    3. Anonymous10:33 AM

      She's been behind a life of crimes aimed at an individual who happens to be worth a lot of money and is related to Nicholas II of Russia! Putin is livid! Remember when he got all upset about adoptions? Catholic church is involved! I hear the Birthright owner is called Solomon by Law professors! Oh that can't be good for Sarah's scheming! Make sure to embarrass her in court!

    4. Anonymous10:34 AM

      9:14, my thoughts exactly. I remember thinking this the moment she said it. Normal people are not damaged in the way she is damaged.

  27. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Sarah is protesting so damned much over all this Duggary that now I'm beginning to wonder if she's covering up for Track. There's something very odd in the way Sarah is making shit up about confidentiality and political leaks and whatnot in her non-stop efforts to cover up for this pervert.

    1. Anonymous8:31 AM

      So is it only half-incest if the molester is your half-brother, or is it full-on Duggar?

      Wild Tortoise

    2. Anonymous8:32 AM

      It is about her "wHOLE FUCKING FAMILY". Sarah uses threats to cover for EVERYTHING she does. PERVERTS ALL! EVERYTHING is about SEX and then $$..PERIOD!

    3. Anonymous9:08 AM

      It is fact that Sarah is attracted to molesters and pedophiles. She makes no bones about it and she is a proud defender of that cadre of human waste. She finds her family attractive and she was obviously attracted to Dakota Meyer.

      So much she wanted Dakota close to her and all her family. He was someone who would fit in and he would be like a son and bestie to her son, Track. That was her first plan, she failed.

      Next her daughter was to marry him and Todd and Chuck Sr. checked him over. Her grandson was to bond with him and Dakota would be his father.

      What does that say about Track and Dakota Meyer? They both photograph like they love children.

      In their own way.


      Family time.

    4. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Well since you seem to know so much..then you need to report it..or shut up!

  28. Anonymous7:29 AM

    O/t and jebbie says unwed mothers should be publicly shamed, according to Huffpo. Sally, sarah, bissy. They were for a short time unwed. Hahahahahaha!

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM


    2. Anonymous8:36 AM

      So, why isn't he shaming Bristol?

  29. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Public Service Announcement

    Sunny keep a watch on Bristol, if history repeats itself you can expect Bristol to crawl around trying to get Levi back.

    Tripp guess who's coming to dinner?

    Who mommy?

    Yo daddy!

    Mommy is that why you're not wearing anything?

  30. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Sarah Palin would love to tilt the narrative to Josh Duggar. But the fact is that the Duggar daughters and babysitters ARE victims precisely because the Duggar parents failed to provide an environment free of molestation. The Duggar parents are also trying to make this all about poor Josh.

    Sarah Palin is ok with girls being repeatedly molested in their home with the knowledge of the parents? She is evil.

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      They probably thought it was normal

  31. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Sarah's not wearing a wedding ring again. Not her old one, her new one, OR Bristol's. I'm so confused by these people.

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

      Maybe she broke up with Dakota.

      She may be disgusted that he is gifting or grooming Piper and not her.

  32. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I'm so disappointed in Sarah Palin. A lot of us thought Sarah was going to announce that she's running for president.

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      And by "a lot of us" you obviously are speaking for the Pee Pond. No one here thinks she's serious about running. Her tease is all worn out.

    2. Her faithful, mindless lemmings thought so,too.
      Psst, hey Dumbass Sarah Lemmings, Sarah will Not Run.Not 2016, Not 2020, Not Ever. She is Nothing but a Chicken Shit, Begging, Quitter governor. I laugh at your ignorance.

  33. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Is she getting concerned that someone may just find a way to get some of the many documents that she had sealed released?
    She has much that has been hidden from the public and it will bite her big time. Just how soon is the question.

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Could be that phone call hu Sarah? How is that money working out on the Kenai? Running drugs to Russia! Oh that didn't cure the 4 mil debt did it? Audits going well deary?

    2. Anonymous10:35 AM


  34. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Hasn't it been like four or months since she was last on faux?
    How long until she is on again, if ever?

    1. Anonymous8:56 AM

      And look what she had to do to get on Fox now: Defend child molesters! And she did it, too: anything for a camera. And even then Hannity couldn't stand her.

    2. Anonymous9:08 AM

      On in early January. That makes February, March, April, and May completely Palin-free, and now half of June.
      I'd say she's not on the top of the "call" list when they want opinions on current events.

    3. Anonymous9:30 AM

      As soon as she releases the truth about Track's journey she can be on Fox 24/7.

  35. A. J. Billings7:36 AM

    That JimDolt let Josh essentially get away with this abuse for 2 years is tragic enough.

    Obviously Michelle The Breeder Mom has no culpability in this case, because in the Quiver movement, MEN have all power and responsibility, so whatever she wanted is null. Per the bible and Paul's writings, women are to stay home, shut up, wear head coverings, pop out kids, keep house, and submit to their lords and masters.

    I wonder if the Christian theocrats ever notice that the same bullshit idiocy is the same for women as in Orthodox Judaism and Islam?

    The fact that JimDolt took Josh to a pedophile state cop to be absolved of his crime, is another strike against them.

    Just how stupid do you have to be to think this wouldn't get exposed after you've made this huge splash on TV pretending to be so holy, Christian, and perfect?

    Stupid enough to then TELL YOUR MOLESTED DAUGHTERS TO GO ON FOX to talk about it, and victimize them again on national TV?


    In that video, Palin was as manic, drugged out, and higher even than her Iowa appearance. I can't believe how crazy she sounded and looked, even for her.

    The mental instability was obvious, and the frantic gesturing and facial tics were out of control.

    $arah, you are one despicable and horrifically stupid fuck up.

    What is Granny Gruesome going to do when PIMP gate gets exposed, and then they play back all these clips of $arah going off on perverts, in the light of Todd's prostitution ring?

    WTF $arah?

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Quiver law, is that like Sharia law?

  36. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Even with the sound off, I lasted less than 30 seconds. Is that Lake Lucille behind her?

    1. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Was she actually there or is it the staged scene?

      Is Pipe and Pen in Arizona? I hope they will show the animal is not abused. They must build a proper pen and hire a caretaker for when they are not there.

      If Pen goes to Alaska, same thing. And how is she transported? The animal protection people in Arizona to Alaska must be on top of this. ASAP.

    2. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Pigs are lovely, but it's my understanding that they bite when riled up.
      Someone should be with Trigg at all times if he's near the pig, unless he does something he thinks is loving but the pig interprets as threatening.

    3. Palin's in Alaska in her "studio." The background is a still photo of the Dead Lake. I don't know whether they are shooting in front of a green screen and adding the background in post-production (easy to do) or shooting directly in front of a photographic backdrop.

    4. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Me too, watching those druggie head jerks and that twitchy need a fix body tics was more than I could handle.

    5. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Me too, watching those druggie head jerks and that twitchy need a fix body tics was more than I could handle.

  37. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I am glad Sarah Palin is a Republican and they are complicit with their silence and do nothing approach. It is because most of the Republicans are like the Duggars and Palins. The ones that are not directly molesters and pedophiles support and defend with their silence. They are as quilty as the worst of them. Seriously, if you belonged to this group would you go along with their crimes?

    I think I would denounce being in that party and make a public announcement as to why.

  38. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Good lord. $arah looks horrible. She looks old and ragged. Her days of trying to get by on looking cute are so over.

    And would she shut up already about this deep bench. Every time somebody mentions 2016, she's all "Deep bench. Deep bench". She thinks it's wonderful that not a single candidate can get above 15% in the republican polls. It's embarrassing. These candidates are going to tear each other apart and Hillary is going to have a ton of ammo to use when the republicans finally settle on a candidate.

    I can just picture her muttering in her sleep "Deep bench. Deeeeeep bench"

    I can just see her driving in her car and she sees a bus stop. "Look Piper. Those people are sitting on a deep bench. Deeeeep bench"

    "Yes mother. It's a very deep bench"

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Sarah fancies herself an ex-high-school athlete (or wanna-be) so she throws out these sports analogies so she'll sound like a jock and fit in with the boys. They love it when women talk sports--lol.

    2. It is a deep bench, if by "deep" is meant "an inch deep and a mile wide."

    3. Our Lad10:13 AM

      Apparently Mrs. Palin's high school approach to basketball was to shoot every time she got a touch and on defense to be all over everyone and draw foul after foul. My guess is that she was in sports as she has been in all things thereafter; an imposter and also-ran.

    4. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Eww..its still morning! Please wait till noon!

  39. Anonymous7:50 AM

    I made the mistake of watching the whole thing.My main take away was she looks like last nights' dinner. Dirty looking and what happened to it's face. It certainly didn't help it's case any.At least Hannity didn't ask her if she planned on running for president.Oh and shithead, Jeb Bush will be the republican nominee. So stuff your bs about Hilary.

  40. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Did she actually say at the very end that the media lets Clinton get away with orchestrated-staged events; OMG!!!!

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      What they are getting away with is worse than what Hillary could ever do! Criminal Queen of Crime is Palin!

  41. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Holy crap.
    Stick a fork in her.
    Bye bye, birdbrain!

  42. Anonymous7:54 AM

    The thing that jumped out at me was that Sarah is now using the right side of her face more than the left. Her mouth draws up more, exposing her teeth and her eyebrow is more arched. The left side looks more relaxed. It is almost mild stroke-ish. I haven't noticed this in the past, but try to avoid seeing or listening to AIP Palin, if possible.

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Amateur Botox injections gone awry?

    2. Anonymous8:19 AM

      I notice that too

    3. Anonymous8:22 AM

      crosseyed skank's trying her damnedest darth cheney impression - you're not impressed ?!?

    4. Anonymous9:40 AM

      Drugs will do that...hu Speed Demon Sarah...

  43. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Lena Dunham should sue this skank a** for every last penny she has. And from what I've read, it's not much.

    Even the dumbest people have stopped donating

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Even the dumbest people have stopped donating.

      How do you know that? Is there a link?

    2. Anonymous9:41 AM

      I heard there is a class action lawsuit against the State of Alaska and Palin Inc is in the works! Ouch!

    3. Janice A Soderquist10:20 AM

      You can bet Sarah got a ton of money under the table in the beginning from Koch Brothers and others....
      but if she did, why is she begging for money from her Packers.....

  44. She can certainly attempt to go after the Captain who released the report. But the Captain checked with the D.A.'s office first, deemed it legal and required to do so under the freedom of information request and the Captain is retiring in June so I'm sure there is a bit of this is the right thing to do and what can they do to me? I'm retiring!

  45. Anonymous8:03 AM

    That was kind of cool the way she went all whispery for "bad bad bad issue." Such a useless twit she is.

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      more like kind of psychotic and clueless. Sounds like a 12 year old girl

    2. Anonymous10:38 AM

      If your happy and you know it clap your hands!

  46. Anonymous8:19 AM

    O/T But this is what they really think:

  47. Janice A Soderquist8:22 AM

    I wonder how many of the 19 and counting were born at home?
    There could be babies born among the siblings and no one would know. How many of these children are actually the parents babies and not the siblings babies. There could be more than 19 in this household. Nineteen is all you see. Maybe there are more upstairs..... remember no services or people ever investigated the inside of this house...

  48. Anonymous8:24 AM


  49. Janice A Soderquist8:26 AM

    Isn't it about time some of Sarah's sealed information should be available through the freedom of information act? The birth certificates, etc. of all her children, not adoption records. How about information regarding where the Palin children were born. Wasilla hospitals, Anchorage hospitals, Arizona hospitals, Canadian hospitals, dates and doctors present. These cannot be sealed forever. How many born at home?

    1. abbafan8:59 AM

      Janice - yes, it is time for Wiki Leaks to hack those files and make $arah shit her draws! She is SO terrified at this prospect, that she must be perpetually curled up in a ball! This is probably why she was/looked so strung-out and high last night! Besides, that small hick town in Buttfuck, Idaho. where she was purportedly born, did not even have a hospital! Creston, BC, is not too far away; I imagine that is where Old Chuckles and Sally were going in 1964, according to her "book". The same "book" where Old Chuckles yammered on about the old lady ready to give birth - he stopped to watch the fire that levelled a local car dealership. Not too long afterwards, the whole damn family high-tailed it to AK. Hmmm...

    2. Anonymous9:42 AM

      I will have to send Vladimir a note...lol... Get Edward Snowden to leak it! From Russia with love baby!

    3. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Heaths are leeches...always have been!

    4. "These cannot be sealed forever. "
      My understanding, for birth certificates at least, is that by Alaskan law, they are sealed for 100 years. The Palins didn't have to actively do anything to seal birth records, Alaskan law does that automatically.

      Those documents would not be available under the Freedom of Information Act.

      If I am wrong, any Alaskans reading this can correct me.

      From Alaska's Bureau of Vital Statistics:
      "Under Alaska law, all Vital Statistics records are strictly confidential until they become public records. Births become public records 100 years after the event; deaths, marriages, and divorces become public records 50 years after the event."

    5. Janice A Soderquist10:18 AM

      Do babies in Alaska automatically get ss cards or numbers at birth? Some states do. Is it against the law to put an incorrect birth date on school registrations, etc?

    6. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Lol...uh folks you don't need records! Get DNA tests done! The body never lies! But I know who does hu Sarah?

  50. Janice A Soderquist8:30 AM

    Lena should sue fort $20 million for defamation of character for publicly calling her a pedafile. If she got half, that would be great. Maybe Lena is the coming of Christ to take her down. Can you imagine Sarah calling Anglejolie, Madonna, Hillary, Obama, and on and on a Pedafile. She would be on welfare by now.....

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      I agree, Lena should sue Palin. Can you imagine if Palin had to pay? she may lose her AZ. home and a whole lot more.

      Let's not forget her copyright infringement lawsuit which was supposed to be settled by a judge by now, but so far the outcome info is yet to be found so perhaps they agreed to a confidentiality clause, but you can bet it's one of the reasons she is so "pissy" right now, well that and her diet pills and the fact that Bristol has been embarrasing her again with her exotic friends and broken engagements.

    2. Anonymous9:45 AM

      She will be when the lawsuits drain her of money..

    3. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Bristol's exotic friend is in the business with Todd and Sarah's admirers and friends. Sarah hooked Bristol up with the whole crew.

      How can Sarah be embarrassed if Bristol was just obeying her parents and doing a job they arranged? Sarah knows Marina and Piper looks up to her.

      It is not Bristol who is embarrassing her with the exotic friend. Sarah is embarrassing herself and glad everyone thinks it is Bristol's friend only. And not revealing the associations Todd and Sarah arrange.

  51. TwoBlueJays8:30 AM

    Wow that was bad. What's with her eyes constantly looking to the left? And those horrible hand gestures! I watched with the sound off and was amazed at how fast her mouth moved. She must sound like she inhaled some helium.

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Meth/herion mix going around...yuk!

    2. Anonymous10:22 AM

      How are things going for Track and his Pharm Tech minder?

  52. Janice A Soderquist8:36 AM

    Are welfare and state workers going to interview all these 19 children? The older ones will say what the parents tell them, but what about all the young kids. Yes, they can be told to keep their mouths shut and not say anything, but these children need to each be talked to by professionals FOR THEIR PROTECTION. Is this being done or is the state just going to leave the rest of the kids on their own.

  53. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Both she and the Duggar's used similar language...'He, or her, who released this file.'

    So cheap...the implication that Police Chief Kathy O’Kelley is a lesbian and trying to impose a 'homosexual agenda' blah blah blah

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Actually, it should be “he” or “she”. Palin has no grammatical sense.

  54. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Sarah Palin, who believes in FAMILY, ought to take her complaint up with the Duggars, about allowing their innocent young daughters be subjected to 'media'.

    She says the girls are being re-victimized and humiliated and beefs that media puts them back into the fire. Who is responsible for being on the hot seat, Sarah? Those girls wanted to do the interview. The Duggars didn't stop them and plead with them not to go on, for at least the sake of the other 14 children's sake, humiliating them, right down to the youngest.

    This 'up is down and down is up' style of conservative right-wing cultism, chooses what it wants to portray. They want the media, want the high-paying celebrity jobs; they want to be a voice for their agendas, want to hobknob with the rich and famous and the powerful politicians and the high-profile players.

    People see through the Duggars and Fox News, who pretend they're invested in the safety of children, yet sensationalize it for all it's worth.

  55. The insufferable witch is twisting in the wind. It's hard for sarry praise deviant sexual behavior, but damn if she isn't trying. This makes her creep factor a nasty sick 10. No telling what goes on in her dysfunctional klan.

    This whole perv thing harkens back to her blowing out of proportion the Martin Bashir's statement that got him fired.

    she is dense and dancing to IM tune AGAIN. Every time IM questions the questionable witch she comes back with another poorly ghostwritten blog. This time she looked up pig in google and attempted to answer pig questions that IM were asking. hahahaha Fucking dingbat.

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Daddy's little girl.

  56. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Was this a first? She didn't blame Obama for the Duggar interviews. She must be off her meds because she can't say anything without blaming Obama for everything.

  57. Anonymous8:58 AM

    My very old grandfather, a WWII vet who's rather conservative, switches channels in the evening and sometimes comes upon Fox. Last night, his finger pushed the buttons for Fox and there was Sarah. Now, grandpa may be conservative, but he's an old-style East Coast, Eisenhower conservative, and he could listen to just thirty seconds of her tirade.
    "Isn't that the woman that John McCain had on his ticket in '08?" he asked. "Yes." "I thought he was smarter than THAT.
    She could peel the paint off my car with that angry voice, and she's not making any sense. Fox News is the one to point a finger at, "victimizing" those girls. Those parents should hide their heads in shame."

    Then he quickly switched to a less upsetting station: I think he watched the local news for a while, where a pair of murderers have tunneled their way out of a high-security prison. Much more restful viewing.....

  58. Anonymous9:05 AM

    HA HA HA HA... if they want to use the Urban Dictionary as a reliable source so bad to prove that preditation is a word then they have to use all the descriptions found there. These will make you pee your pants.



  59. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Palin's lips are botoxed!! lol

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Bad job.

    2. Anonymous10:14 AM

      No on the Botox. Fillers on the lips. Perhaps implant. Probably, they lipoed the last of her butt fat and injected it to give her that kiss of death look

  60. swan song9:25 AM

    What a Swan Song. Calling sexual assault of 5 little girls an "issue". Prediction: that was the last of Palin's Fox appearances, contract runs out.

  61. Anonymous9:29 AM

    "under the guise of ‘Hey, gotta let them have their say anyway,’ let’s interview them and put them there, back into the fire, and let them explain."

    Did Palin's fake outrage convince Fox News to renew Palin's contract? Will FN continue to set Palin up to be victimized by letting her 'have her say'?

  62. Anonymous9:41 AM

    1) "Him or her."

    2) The Duggars put their own daughters on TV. Everyone of those tears should have been shed because their own parents failed to protect them -- from their brother, and from TV publicity.

    3) The Duggars have no right to privacy, and neither do the Palins. They've displayed their private lives on TV over and over again. That's the law, Sarah. Read, to being with, the 1964 ruling by the Supreme Court, Times v. Sullivan.

    4) The records weren't sealed.

    5) It's not the "Democrat" bench, but "Democratic."

    She won't be back for many a day. She has nothing to say. And didn't even slam Obama, or give the teeniest hint that she was going to be sitting on that GOP bench. She knows she's toast. And, for Fox, what's the percentage in wasting air time on someone with nothing to say?

  63. Anonymous9:43 AM

    It's bizarre the way Sarah hides behind Bristol as the one who took the shot at Dunham. What a coward!

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Like Bristol is eve nawake enough to know what's going on, besides in her own wretched life. HA!

  64. Anonymous9:53 AM

    It's hilarious how all of this is the fault of the eeeeevil lamestream media.

    $arah acts like somebody from the liberal media was holding the Duggar girls at gunpoint saying "You WILL speak to Megyn Kelly! Sing you canaries!!"

    Then again $arah thinks the liberal media is to blame for everything. She won't be happy until InTouch issues an apology: "It is our fault that Josh Duggar sexually assaulted five girls. We deeply apologize"

  65. Anonymous9:56 AM

    The Duggars belong to the Quiverfull movement. Wikipedia explains it for us:


  66. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Sarah is a bully and a coward. .

    Sarah Palin how come you haven't responded to Sarah Silverman you PUSSY

  67. Anonymous9:57 AM

    It's absolutely reprehensible for her to keep falsely accusing Lena Dunham of something that is an actual felony crime, as part of her bizarre fixation on this case. Dunham is completely irrelevant here. She isn't involved in a single bit of this case - she hasn't even commented on it. Palin has somehow decided to set up this young woman as a surrogate receptacle for her hatred and resentment. I cannot imagine how hurtful it must be for Dunham to hear this crap - I'm sure she gets horrible tweets and trolling all the time, and has learned to deal with it. But to have this horrible, hateful, nasty woman go on TV and keep accusing her of actual crimes is truly frightening.

    What does Sarah have against Lena Dunham, anyway?

  68. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Scraga's go the upper-lip-inflation going on...lol....She looks like SHIT is on top of the lip.
    Now that the barstool is back home, the least she could do is advcie the mother on looking presentablle. I mean don't let that penrose academy degree go to waste.

  69. Anonymous10:07 AM

    WOW....just wow. Sarah really has a "new look." WTF happened to her. She looks like the wedding breakup really affected her. DANG!
    About the Duggards, the republican party is ebcoming the party of recists, pedophiles, rapists, etc., and the scary part is that it's so normal for they to run to the rescure of the lowest of the low. No wonderso many are fleeyign the republican party. These people are jsut sick!

  70. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I predict it won't be long before she either OD's or is taken away in a straight jacket.

  71. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I predict it won't be long before she either OD's or is taken away in a straight jacket.

  72. Anonymous10:10 AM

    The Republican deep bench players wouldn't even qualify for the junior varsity. They don't have one first string player....not even Bush league.

    In the final minutes of a game, Sarah hitting one free throw out of two when her team is already ahead doesn't make her the one that won it for the Warriors. Didn't she spend most of the time sitting on the bench during her little high school ball career? HIGH SCHOOL.....pufffffffft!!!

  73. Anonymous10:15 AM

    The new chipmunk look is amazing...wait..it's terrifying.

  74. FrostyAK10:16 AM

    Another obvious $P attempt to look like one of the people she is talking about. michelle dugger ( the coward who refused to protect her children) has a PROFESSIONAL hair stylist. SP has her spawn who just about made it through 'beauty school'. If she is their product, they didn't learn anything.

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Michelle Duggar has a professional hair stylist? You're kidding, right? Have you seen that woman's hair? She hasn't changed the style since the 80s. It was bad then and it still is.

  75. Anonymous10:19 AM

    LOL Lego head

  76. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Voting Poll:
    Palin new pet pig lips vs Palin's lips.

  77. Anonymous10:29 AM

    My 2 cents to Palin ;)
    Over tan makeup is just not for you, and please burn the Lego hair. And your lips need major help. Those 60's lip gloss toss it now. The over arched penciled eyebrows make you looks crazy ( with or without it you ARE crazy)

  78. Anonymous10:32 AM

    I watched with the sound off, can't stand her voice.Those blisters on her lips look like burns from a crack pipe. Wouldn't surprise me a bit if she really does take drugs as rumor has it.

  79. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Love it when Sarah plays fast and loose with the facts. She really is her own worst enemy. And I also love the spatula-applied pink lip gloss. Totally adds veritas to her credibility.

  80. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Those girls need acting lessons..cry on cue!


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