Saturday, June 06, 2015

This guy moved to Alaska last year. I found that his videos are quite informative, and his girlfriend's reactions are priceless.

So the park that this guy visits is called Elderberry park, and when my daughter was younger it was one of my favorite little parks to take her to.

The mud he is referring to is on the mudflats where we have signs up to keep the tourists from walking out, sinking in, and dying. Cause that's something that happens. 

I LOVED his girlfriend's reaction to the moose. I cannot tell you how many times we have had visitors up from the lower forty eight whose entire mission in life is to see a moose, which are usually everywhere in the city, and never see one while they are here.

But invariably, and I am not making this up, we will see one on the way home from dropping them off at the airport. True story.

I also liked this guy's reaction to being asked if he is ready for the fall, though usually we ask if newcomers are ready for the winter. And yes we usually ask them in an ominous fashion.

This guy has a whole bunch of these vlogs on his YouTube channel, and if you want to get a real fresh look at living in Alaska I suggest you watch a couple of them.

Speaking of Alaskan experiences, I had one just the other day.

I let my daughter's dog outside in the backyard to do her business, and like five minutes later she starts barking to be let back in. Only the bark sounded a little off.

When I went to let her in she shot past me and ran upstairs. It was only when I was closing the sliding glass door that I looked out and realized there was a giant black bear in the area directly behind my house.

The funny thing is that I saw a bear run past my backyard when I first moved in here almost ten years ago, but it has been bear free ever since, up until this last Wednesday.

Now the dog has to stop and look all around before going outside.



  1. Great Alaskan flavor post to start the am, Gryphen!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Fido might need some doggie "ludes....

  2. chickenshit today means not being bear shit tomorrow, like those famous last words illustrates:

    "Awww, lookit those cute little bear cubs, I wonder where their mom wen.....RARRWWWWRR

    1. "In light of the rising frequency of human/grizzly bear
      conflicts, the Montana Department of Fish and Game
      is advising hikers, hunters, and fishermen to take extra precautions and keep alert for bears while in the field.
      We advise that outdoorsmen wear noisy little bells on
      their clothing so as not to startle the bears that aren't
      expecting them. We also advise outdoorsmen to carry pepper spray with them in case of an encounter with a bear.

      It is also a good idea to watch out for fresh signs of bear activity. Outdoorsmen should recognize the difference between black bear and grizzly bear poop. Black bear poop is smaller and contains a lot of berry seeds and squirrel fur.
      Grizzly bear poop has little bells in it and smells like pepper spray."

  3. Anonymous5:09 AM

    He is the Mean Kitty Song guy. He is awesome.


    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:11 PM

      I LOVED this! Loved the AK vids too..thanks!

  4. I loved this video! Thanks for posting it, Gryphen, I'm going to check out his other ones, too! And I have to say, his girlfriend really is just as he describes - so cute and full of wonder!

    1. Anita Winecooler8:18 PM

      Same here. He's cute and they make a nice couple

  5. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Moose sighting outside Hartford, CT last month, and black bear over on the next street to mine in eastern CT. So come to CT to spend your tourist dollars- our ex-gov is a twice convicted con man but at least not certifiably crazy.

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      We have glaciers bigger than your entire state ;-)

    2. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Bet we have more progressives though, that's why I'm staying.

    3. Anonymous11:57 AM

      You keep on keeping on 9:50! Wildlife is all about and so good to hear you love it!

    4. We have moose and bear here in northern Wisconsin, but I'll raise you one tea bagger running for president (Scott Walker).

  6. Anonymous5:55 AM

    LOL Thanks G

  7. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Yes, the way wildlife KNOWS you are trying to show a visitor the sights is aggravating.

    In VT we had a young moose fall in love with a cow so it hung out near the pasture. We hauled all our visitors up there for view because we were sick of the moose-less phenomenon that occurs as soon as a city type comes to visit.

    Bears, however, are easy because the dump has a couple of good viewing points. Eagles are the most difficult to produce on demand, but we've got a couple of places that reliably present an osprey for viewing. Once our visitors depart we pile in the car to go watch the eagles because we KNOW they'll put in an appearance just to be annoying.

    1. hey, anytime you want to see a golden eagle come on down to Connecticut. tons of them on Route 9, but you might have to fight off the herds of possum feasting on their carcasses.

      yes, possums are pretty much CT's state bird by disgusting default.

  8. Jim in Texas7:04 AM

    You and me both, dog!

  9. Anonymous8:00 AM

    They are both cute! I have seen him on the morning news on channel 11. Nice to have someone appreciate Alaska in a genuine way.

    1. Anonymous11:55 AM

      I love ‘em! And, I enjoy watching their reactions to Alaska. It makes me remember those cheechako days when it was all new and exciting.

  10. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Before we believe the dog is a chickenshit, we have to know what breed and size the dog is. I mean let's be fair.

    1. Anita Winecooler8:14 PM

      I wonder why? There are some vicious small dogs and whimpy big dogs, I saw a pitt bull terrier being "walked" by a young kid, and all the dog wanted to do was get petted and loved by anyone he met.
      Just curious, no disrespect meant,

  11. physicsmom6:33 PM

    I love this guy! I don't know exactly what i was expecting, but he is articulate, insightful and kinda cute. i'll definitely check out some of his other videos. Thanks, Gryph.

  12. Anita Winecooler8:07 PM

    I loved it! A lot seems to have changed since I was there twenty six years ago,
    Gryphen, I had a lot of laughs but when you relayed about the bear and the dog, I laughed because we had almost the same experience. with a wimpy (in comparison) brown bear cub and our dog. I kept reassuring her and using the clicker and treat reward method, got her used to going out again. It took about three days, but she'd go in the laundry room and I had to keep cleaning up for a day or two.

  13. Bet that dog was constipated for three days.

    I'd check around to see if there are any puddles in the house.

    A dog can cross it's legs only so long. (My Goliath had a bladder of steel but 16 hours was his max.)


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