Thursday, June 18, 2015

Uh oh! It looks like the Palins have had enough of Penelope the Pig. Update!

Courtesy of Piper Palin's Instagram:

Penelope the pig needs a new home! if anyone is interested in adopting her, please let me know!

Okay so how long did it take for the pig to wear out its welcome?

Let's see Penelope arrived in Alaska the Saturday before last on the 6th, the Instagram post is from yesterday the 17th, so  let's see...carry the one...that's about eleven days give or take.

Damn! That relationship ended even faster than one of Bristol's "I'm too drunk to drive home" hookups.

Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if Piper gives that pig to somebody living in Wasilla, his chances of ending up on a plate alongside some scrambled eggs is about 99.9%.

P.S. It looks like Willow is not too happy with Piper over this. Here are a few of her comments:

wbf_ So you better delete this 

wbf_You can't get rid of her when you have a contract with someone. 

piper.p take her then. @wbf

wbf_Delete this dramatic

A contract? With who, Dakota?

I bet a certain Grizzled Mama is not going to be too happy about all of this back and forth on social media.

Update: Okay well in the time since I first wrote this post Piper's Instagram seems to have been taken down.

Gee, I guess she should have listened to Willow. 


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    When I saw the headline, I thought they had put the poor creature on the menu.

    1. Anonymous1:54 AM

      Could it be that the pet pig 'contract' had more to do with future 'stardom' via a remake of Green Acres?

      Arnold the pig as Penelope the pig? Piper as the too young ripe wife of a Duck Dynasty coot (and/or Ted Nugent)?

      Could this not be in the stars for ol' Sarah P's prescient naming of her baby girl Piper Indy Grace (PIG)?

      There are no coincidences (h/t ol' Sarah P)


    2. Anonymous2:14 AM

      lol They love animals

  2. Anonymous4:40 PM

    BWAHAHAHAHA, Piper is a quitter just like her mama. She was so excited when Penelope arrived, but since she realized how much work is involved, she is ready to quit. What is that blurb from Willow about a contract, and deleting the message? Are they afraid that Sarah will find out?

    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      When my daughter was 7 all she wanted were tropical fish. We set up the in her room, put in the fish when it was ready- and the next day she wanted it OUT OF HER ROOM NOW. Why? Fish poop in the water!! (Ummm, really?) All kids need a lot of instruction before being given pets, and the more complicated the required care the more instruction they need.

    2. Anonymous5:38 PM

      Once the newness wore off.....poor little Penelope. Too much work? Well,at least it wasn't a Baby.

    3. Anonymous7:16 PM

      5:38 PM How many babies have disappeared from the Palins after birth? We have seen Bristol pregnant at least 4 times, but she only parades around with Tripp.

    4. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Piper has that 'love them and awww so cute' like the little breeder girls of the Valley. She will mother like her own mother, Sarah.

  3. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Ba-dip, Ba-dip Ba-dip, Thats all Folks!!!

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      You have to admit they are cute.

  4. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Would people please stop giving the Palins pets! That family can't take care of themselves or their children, never mind poor defenseless animals.

    1. I so agree. Plus, when the family portrait is taken, whose to know which one is the pig or the bow wow?
      Just being catty.

  5. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Who's in charge of Piper's life? Do her parents even get to take charge? Who allowed her to make a contract with someone at her age?

    Any reasonable parent would know a pig takes more responsibility to care for. It needs training and room to grow. The Palins are thrill seekers, they love to try something once, then drop it like a dead weight, going on to the next thrill. Animals are just things to them.

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Dogs are domesticated to live with people--pigs are not. That stupid-ass family can't even take care of a dog; they never should have gotten a pig.

    2. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Well Piper's Dad was murdered and her pretend Dad Tawd is off Fing prostitutes and Piper's Mom is in Michigan wandering around with a pair of gigantic fake titties strapped on.

    3. Anonymous5:59 PM

      They're all idiots with no common sense.

    4. I here the Palins. With that said, maybe, just maybe, Piper was trying to find the pig another home because of how OTHER family members treated the pig....I HOPE that is the case, because then there is at least ONE reasonable, normal person in that house....but then again, this is the Palins, so more than likely it's because taking care of something, anything is just...too hard! Waaaa waaaa waaa.....

    5. Suzy Q6:56 PM

      5:48, Piper's dad was not Curtis Menard, he was Track's dad. Piper's dad was "Tawd's" business partner with whom Sarah had an affair, Brad Hanson. He's still alive. And btw, where is ol Tawd? He should be escorting his wife in Michigan but I guess there wasn't anything in it for him so he just left. Can't say I blame him for wanting to get away from that old harpy. I think the final straw for him was the fake Kentucky wedding with the MOH

    6. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Don't forget folks - Piper is too young to be any kind of legal contract!!! Suspect her mother is in it - such a weird family!

    7. Anonymous7:06 PM

      548 you can foward those crimes to Hs!

    8. Anonymous9:02 PM


      I disagree with you. Curtis is the father of Trackmarks and Piper. In fact, Curtis had his "accident" very shortly after he went to talk to Sarah about her child rearing of little baby Piper.

    9. Anonymous11:56 PM

      Homeland security can be told this?

    10. Anonymous12:16 AM

      I happen to think that the reason the hillbilly wedding of the century was called off was because Brissy found out that her mom had 'done' the groom. That explains the wedding cancellation and Tawd's disappearance. Sleeping with their daughter's fiance was the last straw, even for a money grubbing idiot like Tawd.

    11. Anonymous2:14 AM

      Is there a reason people are lying about kids' paternity?

  6. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Weird. Wonder what is transpiring?

    1. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Indeed. A contract?!? I had a feeling this little liason wasn't over. Many political players were at that "boo hoo, I didn't get married" soiree.

    2. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Rilly? Name em. And pics. Sarah can't get interest from any real candidates.

    3. Anonymous6:13 PM

      I never said real candidates, 5:36 PM.
      I said "players."

    4. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Name one "player" 6:13. If there were "many," you should be able to name just one,

      Your queen Sarah is stuffing her bra and doing auto shows. (She writes the snarl for me)

    5. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Like I said, name 'em. And proof. Nobody is interested in Scarah any more.

    6. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Players only pay when they are playing!

    7. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Piper is 14. Who is going to take her to court for breach of contract? I suppose Sarah will hire the same lawyer she has for Bristol when her offspring need court.

    8. Anonymous2:13 AM

      s s s s stalkers. And ignorant stalkers.

    9. Anonymous5:32 AM

      That's right...YOU are the informed stalker, right?

  7. angela4:57 PM

    Poor Piper. That contract is probably with Sarah who wants the world to think her home is a pet friendly place---when it isn't even a human friendly place.

  8. Anonymous5:00 PM

    It's the Palin way. Get in a fight with your boyfriend throw him out of the car, get sick and or bored of being Governor quit. Have a Down Syndrome child hire babysitters to take the responsibility, buy a house remodel it and sell it because you got engaged after knowing someone for two months, oh well easy come and easy go. Responsibility is not in the Palin gene pool.

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Correction. Sarah never had a kid with DS. She adopted it as a political prop. She'd get rid of Trig if she could - now that he serves no purpose and isn't tiny and cute any more.

    2. Suzy Q7:04 PM

      That's the most delicious part of this whole Palin theatre - watching Sarah suffer through with Trig. She got him and now she can't get rid of him. If there were a Child Services department in Alaska they would step in and take Trig away so that he could possibly have a life. Baby food is no way to go through life and saying "bullshit" should not be your only word.

    3. Anonymous7:09 PM

      She will institutionalize the kid soon!

    4. Anonymous7:44 PM

      I think Trig might have been an "ooopsie" from that druggie drunk Todd's sister Diana, which is why Sarah probably treats him so terribly because she doesn't like Todd's sister.

  9. Anonymous5:07 PM

    What was with all of those cutesy photos of Piper posing with the pig, Thank you, Dakota??? What about that picture of Sarah kissing a pig at the Could-have-been-the-wedding-BBQ? What ever happened to Jill-the-step-stool-dog? Those people only exist through their instagram photos, posed pictures, superficial images. Then, when it's time to feed the pig and take care of the pig, adios.

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Most parents say no to a pet because they know they will be feeding, paying vet bills and caring for them.

    2. Anonymous2:03 AM

      Ol' Sarah P kissing a pig at the big KY whoop-di-doo = lipstick on a pig.


  10. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Is it just me it is the pic on the lower left creepy?

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Not just you. Gave me an extremely unpleasant flashback to my hideous sophomore biology class where we had to dissect fetal pigs (after which I could no longer eat pork products)..

    2. Umm, ya! It looks like it is nursing...

    3. Anonymous7:10 PM


    4. Anonymous7:32 PM

      My first thought, as well....

    5. Anonymous10:12 PM

      me too

    6. Anonymous5:01 AM

      It's a little reminiscent of the album cover photo of Tori Amos nursing a piglet.

  11. Anonymous5:09 PM

    If I remember correctly, quite a few people on IM predicted that the pig wouldn't be in the Palin family for long. Gryphen and the IM regulars know the Palins better than they know themselves.

    1. Or the palins are G's bitches

    2. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Quitters. A family of quitters.

    3. Anonymous7:10 PM


    4. Anonymous2:13 AM

      Talk to Levi about getting rid of animals. The Palins have all their pets

    5. Anonymous5:31 AM

      2:13, are you calling Bristol an "animal"? Wow!

  12. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Piper, please take it down, NOW! Don't want to give mama grizz any ideas about terminating her agreement to raise Trig...

    1. Roe v Wade supporter11:33 PM

      Mama grizz shouldda terminated Trig himself & we'd all be better off.

    2. angela2:13 AM

      Ugly and vicious reply 11:33. I'm pro-choice but you
      are just heinous---or a troll.

  13. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Wow, nice. I knew this would happen. Teacup pigs are discarded constantly, and Palins are too dense to have researched first. I didn't predict Piper would sassily let us all know on the internet, but hey, awesome that she did! "Contract with someone" interesting.

    1. Anonymous9:21 PM

      Love your comment, my thoughts exactly.

    2. Anonymous9:27 PM

      Also interesting is that Piper's account was public when it had always been private. I wonder why she changed the settings? Hmm, is right.

    3. Anonymous9:54 PM

      9:27pm: I think the accounts have to be private until the kid is 14, which Piper-Diaper now is.

    4. Anonymous2:12 AM

      Pigs are loud.

    5. Anonymous2:12 AM

      lol IG doesn't monitor age and public/private.

  14. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Most likely, if the business of breeding mini pigs is like breeding pure bred dogs, there was a contract that told how the animal was to be cared for and there could be a clause that states the animal can not be given away or sold. Responsible animal breeders want to have some security that their babies are going to be cared for and in many cases do take the animal back as a condition of the contract. Also, spay and neuter is expensive for a pig assuming one can find a vet to do it. That piggy may have more protection than Trig or Tripp could be guaranteed.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      I hope you're right 5:12. I'm totally ignorant about pig breeding but I have been in dogs for nearly 30 years, having GSDs & some Working breeds. I can't imagine placing any of my pups in a home like the Plains.

    2. Anonymous7:07 PM

      We signed a contract when we adopted out siamese from a rescue league that if we needed to give him up for any reason, we'd contact them. This happens quite a lot for different rescue groups and breeders as you point out.

  15. To paraphrase Sarah: There's plenty of room for Penelope -- right next to the mashed potatoes

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      But, but, but - Sarah Palin does not cook! Mashed potatoes? Does she even know how to fix them? Haha! And, roast a pig? Give me a friggin' break!

    2. Anonymous8:36 PM

      @5:22 Take the pig over to Chuck Senior's house. He'll know what to do. And, he can add another skull to his bone collection.

    3. Anonymous11:59 PM

      Wonder how many are human?

  16. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I blame her idiot Mother for letting her get the poor pig in the first place. If she would have made Piper do the research on what it takes to raise a pig maybe Piper would learn you don't get an animal just because they are cute, are their no adults in that household.. no there isn't.

    1. Anonymous7:08 PM

      I blame Dakota, but Sarah and Todd the most. Dakota should have asked Piper's parents and, if he did, they should have said no thank you. And the whole thing should not have been showed on social media that is open to the public for viewing.

    2. Indeed, that poor helpless little pig. Someone needs to get that poor furbaby out of there, preferably where it won't be callously turned into a meal.

    3. Anonymous2:11 AM

      The pig wasn't attained without permission. People here are stupid

    4. Cracklin Charlie6:11 AM

      Much better on the capitalization tonight, but you could still use a little work on punctuation.

      And the wee pig was obtained, Willow...not "attained".

  17. Sorry, I already made this off-subject comment on another of your posts, but I was so excited, I couldn't be reasonable at the time. Have you read that Rush L is in the news right now? Cool, nearly spontaneous combustion! Not quite, but wonderful to pour energy into!

    1. Anonymous9:25 PM

      I Googled it. Pretty interesting. His big Boston station didn't renew so he's stuck with a podunk station and it's becoming a trend.

      Here's how Media Matters explains it:

      "Limbaugh's ongoing major market woes can be traced to his 2012 on-air meltdown over Sandra Fluke, where he castigated and insulted the graduate student for three days on his program, calling her a "slut" and suggesting she post videos of herself having sex on the Internet. (Fluke's sin in the eyes of Limbaugh was testifying before Congress in favor of contraception mandates for health care insurance.)

      The astonishing Limbaugh monologues sparked an unprecedented advertiser exodus, which means selling his show has become a major lift for the affiliate stations that pay a hefty fee for the right to carry his program. The Wall Street Journal has reported on the millions of dollars in advertising revenue that Limbaugh's host stations lose because of the talker's stigma on Madison Avenue.

      The still-unfolding repercussions? Some key stations want out of their Limbaugh deals. And when those deals are up, nobody else is stepping forward to ink new contracts with Rush.

      Here's what happened in Boston, and it's becoming a trend. In May, WRKO announced it wasn't renewing Limbaugh's program, which meant the host would have to find a new home on the dial. No problem, right? Hopping around to another affiliate isn't that unusual in the world of syndicated radio. What was unusual, at least for Limbaugh, was that not one other Boston station moved to pick up his show. Years ago, general managers lined up for the chance to broadcast Limbaugh's ratings heavyweight show and jumped whenever it became available in the market.

      But no more. With ratings issues in recent years and selling the show to advertisers becoming increasingly difficult, stations seem reluctant to pay a steep price for Limbaugh's program. (But yes, Limbaugh's syndicator, Premiere Radio Networks, still pays the talker $50 million a year.)"

  18. Anonymous5:39 PM

    What? Pig castration is very easy (male)There is no such thing as a teacup pig. Potbellies, yes. No idea why soemone would neuter a female pig though.

    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Pig castration? Call Joni Ersnt.

    2. Suzy Q7:10 PM

      I hear "Rocky Mountain Oysters" are delicious.

    3. Anonymous10:19 PM

      Rocky mountain oyster are horse testicles.

    4. Anonymous11:06 PM

      @10:19, your comment got me interested...according to Wiki they are made from bull, pig or sheep testicles.

    5. Anonymous12:03 AM


    6. Anonymous5:57 AM

      Rocky Mountain oysters are a bovine specialty, haven't heard of the horse version. There's usually a bumper crop at branding/castrating time...

  19. Our Lad5:44 PM

    This family is a gift, it really is. In my life, and I ain't young, never have I seen a cast of characters so entertaining, so eager to please and astound, so rich with ambition and unaware of their ridiculous nature, their absurd pretensions to class and influence. I love them more than is healthy , I really do.

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Aww, what a great take on the Palin performance art! I admit that I too am hooked.

    2. SallyinMI7:10 PM

      Don't they resemble the Beverly Hillbillies? It's like Sarah struck oil thanks to Bill Krisol's libido, and they all took off for the good life...until it ended. I must say, though, Granny Clamped has it hands down over Sally Heath for good sense and manners. And even Elly May had more fashion sense than Sarah and her daughters.

    3. Anonymous7:18 PM

      I wish I felt that my obsession with the Palin dysfunction was mildly healthy. I thought it would end back in 08 after Palin slinked off the campaign, but if anything, it has GROWN.

      As an Alaskan and someone who is acquainted also too with several of the players in this twisted menagerie of quasi-humanity, I almost feel some responsibility to keep watch on this blight we released on the world. I really do want it to end.

      Based on what we've seen, I think the ONLY thing that will end this is Sarah's death. And, at the rate she is abusing herself with pills, Bailey's, mochas and a near starvation diet, we might just see that fairly soon.

      Of course, in the aftermath, we'll have to deal with the tell-all book, but that will be vindication for what we have been saying all along. My money is on Bristol to get to a publisher first. That chick cub is going rogue on Mama Grisly.

    4. Anonymous7:27 PM

      I'm witchyuo.

    5. Anonymous7:31 PM

      I would equate them to a group out of Green Acres, right down to the pig!

    6. Anonymous8:24 PM

      It's like watching a soap opera with Sarah as the evil bitch.

    7. Anonymous8:35 PM

      @5:44 I have to agree, Palins is good entertainment, in a sad, perverse way. I used to enjoy watching a soap opera with my aunt, long distance. We traded letters and phone calls about what might happen next. After she passed away and the program went off the air, I got hooked on another soap opera. That lasted for a few years. I missed my aunt. The Soap Opera Digest told me what would happen next week because they knew whose contract was renewed or not. And then the stories and characters just seemed to repeat the same old story line. So I quit.

      And, then Sarah was nominated for VP. The same weekend, there was a long story about how the arrival of Trig was the most unbelievable story that any mother had ever told about not appearing pregnant, leaking amniotic fluid, and flying for 12 hours in labor. I was hooked again.

      And Sarah never disappointed. There was Bristol, the unwed teenaged daughter with two broken engagements to Levi. In spite of a complete lack of charisma, Bristol was a TV star, completely miscast for dancing, speaking or reality. Track's marriage looked fake and didn't last. And just when you thought that they might turn out to be just another lovely family, Sarah posts a video of her pretending to teach something to Trig, the boy with DS who should have had regular therapy instead of being the kid in the video and the photo op. The soap opera husbands had jobs. I don't know what Todd does except race his snow machine or fly his airplane. (That's not a job). Just when it looked as if Piper was going to turn out to be a sweet teen aged girl with a cute pet pig, bam, there goes the pig! They are better than the soap operas on TV.

    8. Anonymous9:15 PM

      It's a dark comedy, though.

    9. Anonymous9:39 PM

      It is like a soap opera! A very entertaining one at that! And I will confess that after a long day and I'm ready to relax, I take a hit of weed, come to this site and laugh my ass off. It's never a dull moment with this clan. Thanks, Gryphen, you provide a valuable service.

    10. Anonymous10:53 PM

      I'm with you 9:39. Best soap opera around and in real time!

    11. Anonymous12:04 AM


    12. Anonymous2:10 AM

      How is normal ridiculous? you're too gullible

    13. Anonymous3:22 AM

      It's not all fun and games though folks! I agree that I watch for Palin to be exposed for everything because it is fun - and vindication is sweet! However, the FACT that this deranged mentally ill nut was allowed to hoax a nation - indeed was ENABLED to hoax a nation is VERY dangerous.
      That part is the part that needs FIXING.

  20. Anonymous5:46 PM


    I would like to say I am surprised, but I am not.

  21. Anonymous5:49 PM

    But this raises the question; where is the dog? ...and Todd? ;P

    1. SallyinMI7:06 PM

      Dogs, plural...they have new pups every six months or so, and they last about 30 days for some photo ops, and are never seen again.

  22. Anonymous5:50 PM

    First of all, this piglet is NOT the pig in the pics with Dakota ( different breed of pig).
    As for the contract, I am assuming the seller has a contract with the buyer that the pig reverts to them if the new owners cannot care for it.

  23. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Dear Willblow... A minor cannot enter into a contract and held accountable. Mama Griz therefore is in breach of contract.

  24. Anonymous5:57 PM

    What a bunch of quitters those palins are.

  25. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon5:58 PM

    "Pig castration is very easy (male)"

    That's what Joni Ernst tells me.
    Maybe she'll take the pig?
    Oh, wait, Penelope is a female name, isn't it?

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      It's what any farm kid or anyone who's passed a practical an sci class knows.Joni has no special knowledge.

    2. Anonymous4:00 AM

      I heard Joni does it with her her lovers.

  26. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Poor Penelope, her fate was sealed as soon as the ignorant Palin's picked her up.

  27. Anonymous6:02 PM

    So, now the pig will quietly "disappear". if they had a contract with the breeder, they will simply give it back to the breeder to avoid penalty, no? Poor Piper has lost her Instagram privileges by being honest about how she felt about the weird gift. Oopsie!

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      And the question is why and for what purpose was it supposed to serve? LAWD to "grow up" in that tribe.

  28. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Willow is the only member of the Palin family that has ever been a responsible pet owner. Perhaps she remembers how it feels to be neglected.

    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Willow also seems responsible about her hair career. She shows off the latest styles, including Piper's purple hair. She is smart enough to mention when she has an opening for a hair customer.

    2. SallyinMI7:05 PM

      So she should take the pig. Lord, who would want to clean up after a pig? And that one picture looks like whoever is holding it is trying to nurse it.

    3. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Yep & yep!

    4. Anonymous10:23 PM

      Please tell us what pet Willow responsibly cared for. They will probably turn the pig loose in the forest.

    5. Anonymous10:47 PM

      Au contraire, Willow Is as nasty and stupid as the rest of them.

    6. Anonymous11:16 PM

      Willow has a dog and cat. The cat is truly ugly but Willow likes it, and she has always enjoyed taking her dog with her when she's out and about.

    7. Anonymous2:09 AM

      Tripp has had his dog for 3 years

    8. Anonymous2:09 AM

      Willow loves crazy, weird looking animals.

  29. Anonymous6:25 PM

    In case some of you don't know what wbf means, it is

    Willow Bianca Faye Palin

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM

      Is that a Wasillabilly name? wbf?

  30. Anonymous6:32 PM

    "Penelope the pig needs a new home! if anyone is interested in adopting her, please let me know!"

    Change "Penelope" to "Trig", does that ring a bell Bristol or Todd?

    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Check out Bristol's throwback photo. She loves all her babies in the photo, Tripp, the dog and Trig (in the photo). All her babies. I wonder if Bristol really wants Trig back or if she is holding Sarah up for some more money. Bristol must still be pissed about that Dakota business, too. Maybe that's why Piper is dumping Dakota's pig.

    2. Anonymous2:08 AM

      Her babies are Tripp and TRipps dog

  31. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Sorry Penelope, school is out and Piper wants to party.

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      I hope they have Piper on the Pill because she is as "special" as Bristol and will be pregnant by 15 if they don't prevent it. Remember, this is the little girl who couldn't even do first grade math and reading cards when she was on the campaign trail, and she was supposed to be in third grade and she couldn't read! There is definitely a genetic abnormality either in the Heath or the Palin family (most likely both) that contributes to them having kids like Bristol and Piper and Trig. Willow seems to be normal, the rest of them, not so much.

    2. Anonymous11:14 PM

      Piper has already been taking and texting bathroom "skin" selfies for a while now. She started wearing heels and make-up when she was 12. It comes from having a psychopath for a mother.

      Like her sisters, Piper won't be a virgin by her Sweet Sixteen but at least Willow make sure that Piper is on reliable birth control.

    3. Anonymous12:28 AM

      That genetic abnormality is called stupidity,

    4. Anonymous2:08 AM

      Why do people lie about kids?

    5. Anonymous2:08 AM

      Bristol had Tripp at 18

  32. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Time to switch sites and go watch the after dark online affair that is playing out between (married) tbo and dontx on the pond. It is getting quite blatant and saddens me for their spouses and families. Pathetic. They are making fools of themselves and their partners.

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Nah, she's in her early 70's and has a sick husband. She needs support so flirts and "love ya" to everyone. Loneliness.

    2. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Ha! Those folks are great! There are your fat old dudes who haven't gotten it up for years and your fat old ladies who haven't been able to see their feet in the shower for over 3 decades!

      These fat disgusting people like to argue about homosexuals and their sex habits when none of them are able to find their sex organs because they are hidden by their overly generous FUPAs.

    3. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Her 'sick' husband goes out on his fishing boat regularly, takes her out to eat and went to the bait shop today. Her comments, especially to the Texan, as of late, have gone waay beyond "hugs & lova yas". It is sad.

    4. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Last night's good nights to each other:

      TBo DonLTx
      a day ago
      48. . .Niters darlin'. . . .
      1 Reply

      DonLTx TBo
      a day ago
      Hugs to ya'.
      Don't tell D. (His wife)
      2 Reply

      TBo DonLTx
      a day ago
      47 . . .my lips are sealed.
      1 Reply

      DonLTx TBo
      a day ago
      that's so good.....
      1 Reply

      TBo DonLTx
      a day ago
      0 Reply

      DonLTx TBo
      a day ago
      2 Reply

      TBo DonLTx
      a day ago
      And the grand finale 43

      ☆ ✯ *°○.¸¸.•'´★`'•.¸¸.Good Night¸¸.•'´★`'•.¸¸. ○°* ✯ ☆

  33. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Anon 6:40, it's really gross, isn't it? The site is just icky now.

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM

      It disgusts me. I am surprised at how OK all those good Christians are with some of the comments.

  34. Anonymous6:52 PM

    6:40 PM Who are tbo and dontx for crying out loud? Sounds like a joke to me!

    1. Anonymous7:24 PM

      C4p posters. The comments become very personal and intimate at times.

    2. Anonymous12:07 AM


  35. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Whatever happened to briteanus and whoever he was flirting with?

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Supposedly engaged.

  36. Anonymous7:09 PM

    "She represents United States."

    "Delete this dramatic."

    Willow is as dumb as her mother.

    1. Anonymous2:07 AM

      She was calling Piper dramatic

  37. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Welcome to the rest of your life Piper! You can't even post what you want, can you? Bet that sucks!

  38. Anonymous7:17 PM

    _____Update: Okay well in the time since I first wrote this post Piper's Instagram seems to have been taken down.____

    The same thing happened to Jordan Loewe, Track's fixer and baby sitter.

    Why do Palins like to do hand signs in their photos? Track really does suck and he knows it. Poor Jordan.

    Marina Lupas was also expressing she was not free to write or comment.

    It is a horrible pattern.

    OT. All the current news is about the church shootings, 9 dead. There was a piece on racial attacks and churches. Bombs, shootings, fires. The churches in the south had news and follow ups and history.

    Is Sarah writing about the church fire in Wasilla back several years now? The one where Sarah apologized, because she thought it was about her?

    The Anchorage Fire Department was going to keep people updated and they and the other agencies dropped the ball. They just went dark. Sarah's apology was about all there was. As if that was the last official word about an arson. Some church people talked like they knew what happened and claimed it was attempted murder by a certain group. They knew why that church and the people that were there that night were a target.

    1. Anonymous11:08 PM

      You mean the one that Sarah "hoped" was about her? I remember the Palin family hurrying to get to the church before the TV crews left.

    2. Anonymous2:07 AM

      This comment has no logic

  39. Anonymous7:26 PM

    wbf_delete this dramatic. WTF is that? Willow should have remained in High School to learn basic English. Oh, that's right, she had 9 month mono.

    1. Anonymous10:28 PM

      Bristol had the mono, not Willow.

    2. Anonymous2:05 AM

      She was calling Piper dramatic

  40. Anita Winecooler7:36 PM

    Whew! Poor Penelope never had half a chance. Like all of Palin's props, she's worn out her welcome, but pigs don't read texts nor answer a cell phone, so Sarah can't Parent by Phone and Face Time, and it appears her kids have learned the same behavior, only on social media. "Obey" Piper, or Mama will do a photo op whith you and Uncle Rush again. "Obey" or willow will do your hair. So Willow's saddled with babysitting that "duckling", Sad, isn't it?

    I'm surprised they didn't ride to the forest fire and put Penelope on a spit...

    Sorry to hear about the death and destruction in the fire. Please stay safe, folks. You can replace. things, but not people,

  41. It just took this long for them to figure out that their new pink dog was actually a pig?

    I hope the little cutie finds a safe forever home and isn't permanently scarred.

    #iknownothingaboutIslam #palinsarehorriblepeopleanyway

  42. Anonymous8:15 PM

    I noticed that Piper took down the Pig Post. Either someone did send her a DM, or Sarah told her to take it down because it proved what the "haters" were saying, that Piper wouldn't keep the pig for even a month. (And she hasn't, or she didn't want to). Someone on the post asked "how much?" when the pig was a gift and it looked tacky to make a profit on Dakota's gift. In any case, it proves that the Palins cannot commit to much of anything, not even taking care of a teacup pig. As for the people recommending castration, why didn't they just call Joni Ernst? She owes Sarah a big favor.

    1. Anonymous9:05 PM

      Piper's Instagram has gone back to private. She (or Sarah) let it be public for a short while and then it was good bye. Maybe Piper wasn't allowed to say that she was giving up the pig. After all, we all guessed that pig wouldn't last a month, one way or another.

  43. Umm, there is something really odd about that Instagram. Does Willow live separately from Piper? Why would they have to communicate via Instagram? I know that they are a media whoring, dysfunctional family but, wouldn't Willow just go to the next room if they lived in the same house? Wouldn't Piper have talked to Willow about her plan? Are the Palins THAT fucked up, that they can't even communicate without their phones?

    1. Anonymous9:24 PM

      Willow doesn't live at home anymore.

      Supposedly she lives with her boyfriend, Ricky Bailey.

    2. Anonymous9:33 PM

      In one word-- YES!

    3. Anonymous11:05 PM

      Willow lives in the apt in the castle where Sarah's teleprompter lives. Piper still lives in the old house with Sarah and Todd.

      I don't know where Trig spends his time. And nobody cares where Bristol is hiding out.

    4. Anonymous2:04 AM

      Trig has a bed in his parents room.

      And why do you care stalker?

    5. Anonymous3:33 AM

      Willow is supposed to be babysitting Piper - but she is at her boyfriends...but had to look like she was paying attnetion to Piper so Sarah wouldn't be all in her she had to respond ASAP..even though it proves the fact that Piper is not really being watched by Willow.
      But, Sarah had gun dressing up and playing with water balloons!
      If mama's happy, EVERYBODY's happy in that family.

  44. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I hope Trig wasn't standing on it.

    1. Anonymous2:03 AM

      Pigs are loud. Probably the reason if she does resell it.

  45. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Why doesn't $arah autograph Penelope and sell her off to the highest bidder? Isn't that the Palin way?

  46. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Piper's instagram has just gone back to private. Thanks Sarah. Meanwhile, before Bristol takes this one down, here is the first time that we saw Piper looking uncomfortable with her pig.
    wbf_It's mine.
    piper.pit's not hers.^^
    wbf_@malorinorton it's pipers but basically mine ;)

    (wbf = willow) Where did I get the idea that Dakota gave the pig to Piper?

    1. Anonymous2:02 AM

      It's sad you're all stalkers

    2. Anonymous2:03 AM

      IT may have been set to public without her knowing. IG is weird. Not that she has anything to hide

  47. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Judge Judy.. "Minors can't have contracts" End of story...

  48. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Maybe it's not Piper who wants to get rid of the pig.

    Could it be the pig wants out of the Palin Freak Show?

    After all, pigs are very intelligent animals. It took Dakota about 3-4 months to wake up and run from the Palin Curse. Took the pig only a couple of weeks to decide she didn't want to have any part of the Palin Train Wreck. But, then, Dakota is a Marine.

    1. Anonymous10:33 PM

      My guess is that something happened when Bristol learned about Dakota's marriage to Cassandra. I always thought that it was the way that Dakota either answered or didn't answer Bristol's questions. I don't think that he is used to people questioning him. If Sarah Palin is a rouge, Dakota is a real rebel, always going against the grain. He didn't believe in PTSD therapy because it's just so much talking. He never dealt with his drinking problem. Like Bristol, he was also in the tabloids for being in a drunken brawl. I don't give Bristol any credit for being able to discuss their problems in a mature way. Add some male stubborn pride, ego and mix with alcohol and I think that something happened to make Bristol leave one week before the wedding. Just a guess, here.

    2. Anonymous11:02 PM

      I think Bristol just woke up and realized where her big mouth and appetite for fame had taken her. She didn't want Dakota, he is no prize, there's nothing cool about him.The first excuse to get out of marrying him that presented itself, she ran with it.... all the way to Alaska.

      It's good for Dakota that she got out of his life. It's obvious he doesn't like vacuous women. He probably doesn't care for lazy women, either.

      By now he will be over her, like all the other men before him. His life is the same as it was before Bristol.

      But look at Bristol's sad little instagrammed life now. LOL it couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.

    3. Anonymous2:00 AM

      Why are you pretending to know strangers?

    4. Anonymous2:01 AM

      lol Dakota didn't end the relationship

    5. Anonymous2:01 AM

      The only sad lives are the ones of the people who hate on others here

    6. Anonymous2:02 AM

      Sad life = a great kid and a great family?


    7. Anonymous5:56 AM

      lol Did someone get a little twitchy on the posting there @2:00,2:01 2:01 and 202am?

      Here's an idea. String them all together for one Looooooooooooooooooooooong comment!

  49. Anonymous9:21 PM

    That family really has a problem with making a serious commitment to anyone or anything. Dogs run away. Kids don't finish high school. Bristol broke two engagements to Levi and ran off one week before "I can't wait to marry this man." Trig never got the therapy that he should have gotten. Bristol admitted that Tripp was spoiled rotten. Even after Melissa Rivers put Tripp on a chores chart, Bristol went back to calling him her baby and saying that he was spoiled. That's not mothering. That's smothering, and it's not taking care of the creature entrusted to you-- kind of the same way that Piper can't deal with the pig.

    1. Anonymous10:04 PM

      Ouch. Very persuasive. What a bunch of lazy sponges.

    2. Anonymous1:58 AM

      lol They have their dogs.

      Talk to Levi about giving away dogs. He's given away 2

  50. Anonymous10:25 PM

    O/T: looks like Toad has a new toy, according to a comment on this short video:

    1. Anonymous1:58 AM


      it's a replacement. He sold the other one

    2. Anonymous5:00 AM

      Replies the stalker lololol!!

    3. Anonymous5:00 AM

      Alicia is awake.

    4. Anonymous5:24 AM

      Toad had to pay a big price for that toy. He had to kiss Sarah Palin’s ass for several months before she gave him money.

  51. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Fuc_ all the palins.

  52. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Princess Piper has her mother's idiot grin. Still no brains in that family.

  53. Anonymous2:00 AM

    Why are people stalking children? Maybe get a life?

    1. Anonymous4:59 AM

      Because their mama has made them public figures and uses them as her shields?
      We jave lives, great ones, thanks! We use them to expose assholes like the Palins who are dangerous. Palin is mentally ill and never ever should have been a VEEP candidate.
      So, we will continue until she is exposed.

    2. Anonymous5:42 AM

      Excellent reply, 4:59 AM!
      Hear Hear!

  54. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Anonymous10:25 PM

    O/T: looks like Toad has a new toy, according to a comment on this short video:


    When you have 5 kids and your multimillionaire wife refuses to pay for their college education, then the parents can afford to travel, buy expensive shoes, pay for nannies for Trig and buy new airplanes.

    1. Anonymous5:52 AM

      Don't h8 cuz they can't hep themselves being raised the way they were.

      I see there is a Coal Roller in the group of friends.
      Surprise Surprise Surprise not really.
      Who is Andy?

      "wbf_@piper.p @bsmp2 don't h8 cuz dad luvz me. #amphibs #206 #notapiper #dur and remember when @julievickerman thought andy's truck was broken cause it was smoking hahhah "is it like broken or something?" - Julie Vickerman "dang I've never seen a boat plane before!" - Julie Vickerman"

      "bsmp2"My truck blows so much black smoke" @almonjoy1 .. "Oh is there like something wrong with it" @hairbyjuliev 😂😂😂😂"

    2. Anonymous5:52 AM

      It also helps if your children are not smart enough to go to college. Sarah saved a lot of money

    3. Anonymous6:06 AM

      lol hey paging Gryphen check THIS OUT!!!

      Get a screengrab of the plane video at the link above with the FAA number on it! QUICK!!

      Then check this out!

      So a plane formerly owned by Samaritan's Purse ended up owned by Iron Investments LLC of Wasilla?

      Weeeeell you know who Iron Investments LLC is!

      Isn't THAT special!

  55. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Female mini pigs go into heat (they don't bleed but they get real pms-eee) when they are three to four months old. And, they will repeat the heat cycle every 21 days if not bred. If the breeder did not spay Penny Loup before delivering her, Piper may have had a nasty encounter.

    1. Anonymous5:48 AM

      Penelope Palin goes into heat every 3 weeks?

      Fertile Penelope will fit right in with the Palins.

  56. Anonymous5:56 AM


    That must be sad for the Palin children. Whenever they see Todd fly his new airplane they must think about how their parents didn't pay for their college education.


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