Thursday, June 18, 2015

Yet another reason not to vote for Jeb Bush, he claims that the next President will have to privatize Social Security.

Courtesy of Yahoo News:

 Jeb Bush thinks the next president will need to privatize Social Security, he said at a town hall meeting in New Hampshire on Tuesday – acknowledging that his brother attempted to do so and failed. It’s a position sure to be attacked by both Republicans and Democrats.


Speaking in Derry, New Hampshire, Tuesday, Bush acknowledged that when his brother President George W. Bush attempted to privatize Social Security in 2005, he met great bipartisan resistance. 

“My brother tried, got totally wiped out,” Bush said. “Republicans and Democrats wanted nothing to do with it. The next president is going to have to try again.” 

Bush also said Social Security shouldn’t be called an “entitlement.” “I’ve learned that in town hall meetings,” he said, according to a video released by the pro-Democratic group American Bridge. “It’s a supplemental retirement system that’s not actuarially sound, how about that. Medicaid and Medicare are entitlements, and they are growing at a far faster rate than anything else in government.”

Okay well that last part is all bullshit.  Despite Republican attempts to sabotage it Social Security is still solvent.

At least for the time being.

And if you don't believe me, perhaps you WILL believe Bernie Sanders:  

“When people tell you Social Security is going broke, you look them in the eye and tell them they’re not telling you the truth,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) at an event on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on Thursday to petition Congress not to cut Social Security or Medicare. “Today, the Social Security Trust Fund has a $2.8 trillion surplus,” Sanders said. “So when people tell you Social Security is going broke, you look them in the eye and tell them they're not telling you the truth.”

Sanders then lays out the case that Social Security would be in even better shape if we had income equality, and if the Republicans would stop fucking with it. 

When George W. Bush attempted to sell his Social Security "fix" in 2005, it was met with a huge backlash and he ended up taking a political beating. 

The very idea that Jebbie has not learned from this mistake of his brother's, not to mention the mistakes of the Iraq war, make his candidacy completely nonviable in my opinion.


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    This guy would be scarier than shit as POTUS. His campaign is following in the steps of his brother when he was POTUS. Frightening to say the least! Don't forget that Jeb has men on his campaign - advising him - that were in his brother's administration! Even more frightening!

    Sincerely hope his money doesn't get him into the primary!

    1. Anonymous4:31 PM

      And women. What self respecting woman could vote let alone craft policy for a republican?

  2. Anonymous2:38 PM

    This is not, repeat, not the smartest Bush.

    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Are you sure about that?

    2. Anonymous7:23 AM

      Actually, the smartest Bush seems to be Barbara. Didn't she say that America didn't need another Bush as President?

  3. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Right after George W. declared 'Mission Accomplished' and that major combat operations in Iraq were over, he embarked on a state by state 'mission' by speaking at townhall meetings (packed with die-hard elderly Republicans) to convince Americans that Social Security must be privatized and given over to the stock market. Well, didn't happen! But he was re-elected in 2004for whatever reasons, I'll never know. His SS scheme was revealed as nothing more than a ponzu scheme.

    1. Anonymous3:22 PM

      And retirees would be eating Fancy Feast for Sunday supper after the banks imploded in '08.

      Yeah, there goes granny, picking up sticks to fire up the stove so we don't freeze tonight.

      Who has our retirement money? Why, Goldman Sachs, of course.

    2. Anonymous3:37 PM

      "But he was re-elected in 2004 for whatever reasons, ..."

      Easily explained. He won b/cause of Ohio, where his campaign manager, Blackwell, was also Sec of State, and ran the election. He made sure minority precincts had too few voting machines. But there was also evidence that implied vote switching. One of the best gauges is to look at other people/issues on the ballot. In short, analysis showed that precincts that voted heavily in favor of a black Liberal woman for Ohio Supreme Court justice, and favored a ballot measure only a Lib could love, voted for Bush over Kerry. Sure they did. The truth appears to be that W wasn't elected to either of his terms in the WH. And that's a lot easier to believe than the dumbass was elected twice.

    3. Suzy Q4:30 PM

      Also, 3:37, the Diebold voting machines were used. Karl Rove was running the campaign and he had "the numbers". Yes, the votes were messed with. Maybe every 4th D vote was switched to R? It was being shown at the time how easy it was for a computer hacker to hack the machines. The votes from the voting machines were being "managed" from Tennessee. What's up with that shit? There was a man ready to testify to what happened about three months later. He was flying from Ohio to DC on a small plane and what do you know the plane had engine problems and went down in flames. Blackwell, Cheney, Rove, Bush they're all criminals and should be living out the rest of their lives in OZ or SING SING. Assholes all of them.
      NO MORE BUSHES!!!!!
      Also, if the election in '16 is close, the Republicans will steal it. It's what happened in '04. If you go back and look at the states that were R victories they were something like 49% to 51%. The Democrats MUST have so many more voters come out so that there are no "close elections." Why do you think Rove went nuts the night the election was called for Obama in '12? He thought that he had "the numbers" again. Will the Republicans steal it again in '16?

  4. I want my social security money back NOW, and i ONE LUMP SUM. EFF Jeb?

  5. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Those greedy Wall Street billionaire wankers can't stand the idea of such a big pile of money without any opportunity of stealing it.

  6. I hope he rots in hell.

  7. Anonymous3:40 PM

    That's a great pic of Jeb! Easy to imagine he has just drawn circles on a piece of paper and told me how Amway is going to make me rich.

    1. Anonymous7:37 AM

      I agree about the pic. I used to think he at least looked smarter than W. W was always making funny faces and poking his lips out like a chimp, but Jeb! seems to be making up for lost time to look stupid. Some of the most recent photos that have been published make him look as ridiculous as any of W. A caption under most of them would be accurate if it read "I'm so cute, you need to vote for the vacuous one" "Me".

  8. Randall3:57 PM

    When Republicans say the "Social Security is broken"
    they are lying. The "broken" part (the cap) is the part that THEY "broke" and is easily fixed.

    "The Cap" is an arbitrary ceiling that can be raised with the stroke of a pen.

    Right now everyone pays into Social Security until their wages reach $106,000.00 (the "cap")
    at that point, Soc Sec is no longer taken out of their checks.

    Raise the cap to $110k, $120k, no limit --
    "problem" solved.

  9. Do the Bushes all practice together as a group? That is one textbook, phony politicians smile.

  10. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I believe that we should have the option of to either participate in Social Security or use that money to invest on our own. I feel the same about the ACA, if I choose not to purchase insurance through a marketplace, but purchase on my own I should not be penalized.

    I'd like to invest in my own retirement rather than the Government doing it for me. I can guarantee I'd be seeing a much larger return on my investment than what I will with Social Security. I own my own business and I utilize every loophole allowed (and some that aren't) to keep my payroll taxes very low (Medicare and Social) because I'd rather have that money in my pocket and henceforth in my IRA than the Govt's crappy investments.

    Let Americans decide to participate or not.

    1. Martha again6:38 PM

      I'd rather live in a society where everyone has at least this bottom rung than to live in a place where people like you -- who just think me, me, me -- run the place. Oh, and you cheat, too! I have no respect for you.

    2. Anonymous8:11 PM

      5:14 you are a tax cheat. You must be so proud of yourself. And lay off the Ayn Rand. If I knew your business, I’d boycott it. We are all in this together.

    3. Anonymous12:21 PM

      I choose not to purchase insurance through a marketplace, but purchase on my own I should not be penalized.
      Obviously you do not understand how ACA works, you have to have health insurance, no one is making you buy it through the marketplace.

      Hate to see how we are going to have to support you if you make the same stupid mistakes with your investments.

      Also since you cheat on your taxes, I seriously doubt your investments are legal either.

    4. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Pretty miopic view. How many poor people and elderly have extra money to invest after living their lives, saving for their kid's education, choosing which doses/ medicines to not buy because they can't afford it, Add a mortgage and the "costs of living", oh I don't know, luxuries like water, heat, air conditioning, and food. Pretty difficult to sock money away, let alone invest it.
      Even "middle class" people, who invested and lost when the bubble broke think twice about their investments.
      They paid into Social Security, and it's a promise we need to keep because it's their money that goes right back into the economy and not in a hedge fund, etc etc etc.

  11. WA Skeptic5:30 PM

    How about having the TWO BILLION DOLLARS that were absconded with during St Ronnie's and George the Elder's administrations returned to the Social Security Trust Fund? Along with the proper interest, thanks very much.

  12. Anita Winecooler7:23 PM

    So glad he's not going anywhere but back home. I've already got "Bush Fatigue Syndrome", and it's been what, two, three weeks?
    Hey, Jeb, exclamation point.! The ONLY entitlement I see is You, You may feel entitled to become President, but this isn't going to get you to the gate, let alone into the white house.

    Whoppi brought up a very good point, Jeb has a wife of hispanic descent, and Trump called them "the worst people" etc etc etc. Why doesn't Jeb Exclamation Point not call him out on dissing his wife's race/ ethnicity? Seriously, unless it's a burning Bush, no one will take him seriously..
    Hope someone reads him Bernies sage words. We, as a country, owe our elders and ourselves every dollar we contributed in our lifetime. I don't think we'll see Columba and Jeb dumpster diving or begging when their bodies and health fail them. So why should we?

  13. Anonymous3:41 AM

    There are plenty of reasons not to vote for Jeb Bush. But another o/t reason that you might need to be reminded of is just one name: Terri Schiavo.

    Remember that debacle?

  14. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Since the time of the enactment of Social Security, the Republicans have wanted to end it. Hard to imagine that they would prefer to see older Americans die by the side of the road than have any protection at all after a life of work and contribution to the benefit of our capitalistic society. Let's see the members of the Bush family actually have to work at jobs and not coast along on inherited wealth.

  15. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Thank Goodness GW failed to privatize Social Security, just in time for the crash. Wall Street would have lost all their money and seniors would be living on the streets.

    Are we sure this isn't GW with a mask to look like Jeb. Sounds like the same old crap again.

    Also too Mr. Jeb, if your brother hadn't put a couple of wars on a "credit card" the USA would be in far better shape.

  16. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Father of the year. Anyone who does their best can be a good father. Why do we need 'father of the year' designation?


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