Friday, June 19, 2015

What we have learned about the Charleston, South Carolina shooting, and what we adamantly refuse to learn.

So I, like I am sure all of you, have been watching the news coverage concerning that shooting in Charleston all day today.

To be totally honest I have turned it off a number of times, but then I just go back to it later on like some kind of sadness groupie. And yes, it is heartbreaking.

For instance we have now had it confirmed that Dylann Storm Roof went into that church to start a race war. I think on some level we might have expected as much, but that does not make hearing it any less chilling.

Of course before that was revealed the folks at Fox News were trying desperately to suggest that this was not a racially motivated attack but rather an attack on Christianity. (They also suggested that pastors start carrying guns, because as we all know more guns mean less gun deaths.)

We also learned that Roof almost didn't go through with his plan because "everyone was so nice to him." Which is something that I have read about five times today and it still makes me choke up a little.

I also watched as the victim's families spoke during Roof's bond hearing, and tried to hold it together as every single one of them forgave him.

Yeah it was a hard day.

Made even harder by watching conservatives and Republican politicians attempting to redirect any public outcry over gun control, and claim that racism was not something that they helped to support through their rhetoric or political actions. 

However at least one politician found herself called to task on Facebook in a response that has now gone viral.

Like I said it's been a hard day, and hopefully for some people, who have been working spin for the last 24 hours, it has been especially hard.

And as Jon Stewart so eloquently put it last night, nothing is really going to change. The only question remaining is how long will it be before we are all here again, talking about yet ANOTHER senseless shooting?


  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Those victims' blood is on Fox News' and every other fear-mongering evangelical bigot. How can they not see that!?!
    I am ashamed of every American who does not call them out
    in public, in newspapers, in any way the can -- call their congressmen and women to change gun laws.

    Devin Goldenberg, may your outcry against politicians like Haley be only the beginning. Nine thousand people, so far, agree with you. What's next for you, Haley? You gonna do something?

    1. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Get rid of that damn Confederate Flag Nikki Haley! It appalls many of us across the country seeing it fly over your city!

    2. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Nikki Haley has to be careful, she is a foreigner in the south.

    3. Anonymous4:08 AM

      @ 8:20 PM

      Exactly. Mrs. Haley doesn't want to cause any waves and draw attention to herself. She would rather just pray it away.

    4. Anonymous6:49 AM

      Anon 4:46--- They can't see it because to people like that, it is the MOST threatening thing in the world to admit, or even consider, that they could be wrong, or have any culpability for anything.

      Predict a double-down (triple-down! Nth-ing down!) on the deflection.

  2. Anonymous4:54 PM

    They have a name...

  3. Anonymous4:57 PM

    This country is being made a laughingstock worldwide. Nothing but racism and guns. The DECENT citizens are drowned out by the greedy politicians and multi millionaires. The BITCH from Wasilla caused much of this, with her racist rants on the campaign trail. McCain's handlers asked him to rein her in, but he said "Then she will go after ME!!" She knew exactly what she was doing, and took pleasure in it. Worthless BITCH. All this misery, innocent people losing their lives. Families losing their precious loved ones - for WHAT?

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      "...for WHAT?"
      For ego, fame, money. Certainly not because their "message" would benefit the country in any way. All hateful, ignorant people. They all make me sick.

    2. Anonymous7:01 PM

      They gain at the expense of others,

  4. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Death Penalty, YAY! Now, hopefully the wheels of justice move quickly in SC and he is put to rest in under a year, no lengthy appeals process, just find him guilty, kill him and be done with it. If the guy had any balls at all he would have done us all a favor and turned the gun on himself after committing his heinous crimes against humanity.

    1. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Sorry, but there will no death penalty for this privileged white boy - not because he comes from privilege, but because he is white.

      I just heard the judge comment that there were nine victims in this case, but even more when one considers the family of the shooter (para-phrasing).

      That totally disgusted me! I am an old white woman and I find this whole episode so heart-breaking and unbelievably stupid on the part of a 21-year old person who has been steeped in racism.

    2. Anonymous6:08 PM

      1smartcanerican, I caught that also, did you notice the Judge's body language when he mention the roofs as victims, I was appalled!! I'm thinking, wasn't it his fuckin father who bought him the gun, and he's a victim???? There are times when killers bring wrath upon their Families that didn't deserve it but not in this case. I'm keeping my eye on this Judge something not gellin with this guy.

    3. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Mark my words, if the justice system doesn't kill him then he will be taken care of in prison before he even serves a month. He's in solitary now for a reason and when he gets life instead of death he'll get a shank in the liver during his first open dining session. I hope it hurts and he suffers for a bit before he bleeds out.

    4. Anita Winecooler8:54 PM

      I saw the judge say that and immediately thought he should recuse himself, or at least pull his head out of his butt.

    5. Anonymous4:27 AM

      I am shocked to read that the judge called the killer's family "victims" too. What do some of these people not understand about what happened that evening in Charleston? Roof knew what he was going to do, he did it deliberately and it was meant to be the crime that brought about the war between races that would bring back the Old South. Remember the line in "South Pacific": "You've got to be taught to hate and fear" and "it's got to be drummed into your dear little ear." Does the judge want to give the father a "father of the year award" too?

  5. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Thank you for posting Nikki Haley's statement, and the response to it. So many Republican politicians have come out with similar, awkward comments to avoid stating the obvious. This has confirmed what I have thought for some time: while not every Republican is racist, those people who are racist, and even those extremists who follow white supremacy movements, are a constituency of the Republican party, and the politicians who benefit from their votes will not stand up to them for the good of the country. How else to explain the politicians' inability to state the obvious truth?

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Very astute and well put (and appalling).

  6. Anonymous5:13 PM

    And when are we going to start holding those that enable these killers, mentally ill methheads? His family and friends knew for MONTHS he was planning some type of massacre and the only thing they did was buy him a freaking weapon for his birthday. Who thinks like that? Who doesn't call and report a planned terrorist attack? 9 people are dead, not just because of the thug Dylann Roof, but also those knowlingly that either helped him obtain a weapon( one of the people that taught him to hate, his father) or knew he was planning this mass shooting.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Do we know for sure he was on meth? He looks mentally retarded to me, and from what I've read, his quitting school in 9th grade and other key points regarding his intelligence and personality lead me to believe he's just a low IQ fuckup with a family that didn't want to admit that they'd spawned such a cretin.

  7. Anonymous5:30 PM

    The family of accused Charleston shooter Dylann Roof released a statement this afternoon. “We are devastated and saddened by what occurred,” the statement reads. “We offer our prayers and sympathy for all of those impacted by these events.”

    1. Anonymous4:20 AM

      Then why did his father give him a gun for his birthday and where did he learn to "hate and fear"?

  8. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Devin Goldenberg deserves a medal. I'm glad his post is getting attention.

    Personally I can hardly bear to read about this unspeakable crime. It's just too excruciating.. There is plenty of blame to go around, starting of course with Roof himself. He is the perfect poster boy for Fox News.

    Gryphen, you might want to consider posting this link to a letter from Bernie Sanders: It includes a link to where sympathizers may donate to the church. Or if you just want to donate to the church, here is their link:

  9. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Faux snooze claims that the gunman was attacking Christianity? So, let me see if I got this straight, the gunman said that he had to kill them because "they were raping their white women and trying to take over the country". So he was referring to christians? Thanks for clearing that up faux snooze.

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Every single black person that he killed was light years beyond in accomplishments than was this low-achieving white kid. No wonder he was mad at the world; he's dumb, ugly and uneducated. He killed a group of people that actually did something with their lives instead of living in ignorance and hatred. I hope he either is found guilty and killed by the state or is given his just desserts by the prison community, should he actually escape a more kind death.

    2. Anita Winecooler9:02 PM

      Roof showed his true colors when he called a woman the "n"word, then "allowed" her to live to make sure he got credit. He's not a victim, he's a cowardly thug who happens to get a gun on his birthday as reward for dropping out of ninth grade.
      Echoes of Lanza? Hope they donate his brain to science before he serves life in prison.

  10. Anonymous5:39 PM

    “So Glenn Beck is basically holding a low level KKK rally in Charleston.” Yep, pretty much.

  11. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Sicker than Fox News Spin on this is one of the idiots at c4p, who insists this was a staged government "false flag" event to further racial tensions and help justify taking our weapons. The same bastard claimed the children of Sandy Hook were merely actors, the Boston Marathon bombings were fake, etc. C4p blocks the likes of 'Dr.lager', but allows this ugly filth to post and remain posted. Fucking amazing.
    My heartfelt condolences to the families of those murdered.

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      17 hours ago More proof South Carolina Shooting was a "False Flag" to get Gun Control.

      Obama IMMEDIATELY Blames Second Amendment for the "False Flag" ( In my opinion,to Try and get Gun Control and Try and gin up a summer Race War to Try to Declare Martial Law ).

      Obama said in response to the South Carolina "False Flag" Shooting ( Paraphrasing ), "Even though all the facts aren't in, it was easy access to Firearms that caused the Shooting"! ( The dem Mayor of that City, also immediately Blamed Firearms just minutes after the alleged "Shooting" ).

      Everyone will know that nobody Died in this alleged "Shooting", when they have the Memorial service and African/Americans who alway's traditionally have open caskets, even for well known public figures ( Such as Martin Luther King Jr. ) suddenly have ALL nine caskets closed for this service because no one is in those caskets.

      I believe the "Reverend" and dem State senator who was alleged to have been Killed, was compromiseable because of Outside "Extra-Curricular Activities" and was told by the F.B.I. to go on a paid vacation, similar to Witness Protection in another part of the Country, courtesy of the government!
      3 Reply

      mark1955 mark1955
      17 hours ago Even more proof that the South Carolina Church Shooting was Staged!

      Radical Left Wing Southern Poverty Law Center, Just "Coincidentally" Happens to have the stereotypical picture of the alleged "Right Wing" Shooter, posing more than "Conveniently" by his car with the 'Confederate Flag" license plates, to prove he is a "Conservative"!

      I wonder if this kid posed for this picture in the Southern Poverty Law Center Parking lot or the regional FBI Head Quarters parking lot before they staged this Farce? Sarc/Off
      1 Reply

      mark1955 mark1955
      17 hours ago
      FWIW, Notice how this Alleged "Shooter" in the Picture above has the same weird "Bowl Type" haircut that Adam Lanza had?
      The government is Trying to convey to the American public some type of subliminal message by giving this person the same type of haircut.

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      17 hours ago
      http://iraqi-refugees.beforeit... More "False Flag" proof? Dylann Roofs facebook page just happened to be created just in time for the alleged South Carolina Baptist Church "Shooting"!
      1 Reply

      16 hours ago

      Please remind everyone, that Firearms are not allowed in South Carolina Churches without permission of the Church, so the alleged "Shooting" at the Baptist Church was another example of alleged Gun Violence in a "Gun-Free" Zone.

      Kind of like the approximately 30 shooting Deaths on average every weekend in the "Gun-Free" paradise of Chicago, that Obama and the left are alway's remarkably unconcerned about.

      Don't EVER give up your Firearms

    3. Anonymous6:19 PM

      UGH!!! WTF!?!?! We already KNOW those people are nuts! If I wanted to read this crazy shit, I'd go to C4P! Maybe some appreciate your efforts in bringing this crap over here --- but I do not.

    4. Anonymous6:42 PM

      If Mark1955 ever got brave enough to leave his mother's basement, he might be dangerous.

    5. Anonymous6:52 PM

      I apologize. Everyone should be shocked and offended. I brought it here to make everyone who reads this to aware of the ugliness that is the mindset of some Americans. We cannot afford to be ignorant of these people. We must speak up and we must vote!
      Again, my sincere apologies for the offensive nature of the posts.

    6. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Yeah, I agree, if we want to wade into the pond we can easily do that of our own volition. No need to share that mental dysfunction here.

    7. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Yeah, but what about the people who never read that crap? Is ignorance bliss, if assholes like mark1955 are posting and influencing others? Better to make people angry and offended, if it motivates them to make sure the neo-cons/Fox/Palin's never have power.

    8. No need to apologize 6:52. We NEED these reminders for those who question why we won't rest until Sarah Palin is completely and utterly removed from public life and public influence.

    9. Anonymous8:53 PM

      I agree

    10. Anonymous9:11 PM

      What do you mean by "we won't rest," Liz I.? That applies to Gryphen, but what are you doing to remove Palin from public life and influence? Anyone who questions why Palin needs to be muzzled is not likely to be fazed by c4p.

    11. Anonymous4:19 AM

      Anon at 9:11 pm. The insane "false flag" posted by someone at c4p should "faze" all of us. How some people can turn reality on its head is almost as scary as the crime that was committed in the Charleston church. Roof, an uneducated and shiftless wastrel, hated African Americans so much that, after planning what he was going to do, he walked into a church, sat among the parishioners and then murdered almost everyone in the room. And then white Americans who share Roof's hatred and who hate the very notion of government even more more produce this kind of "false flag" drivel. Unfortunately we all need to see that this evil stuff is out there, floating around, inspiring other crazy people to try to get away with their heinous crimes - because guns are so easily available to them and hatred is free.

  12. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Glen Beck got two security guards killed with his "Obama's comin' to take away our guns" bullshit; O'Rielly got Dr Tiller killed with his inflammatory rhetoric about "Tiller the Killer"; right wing rhetoric about abortion doctors got several more killed; right wing demonization of liberals inspired another to walk into a church "attended by liberals" and open fire with a shotgun. Yeah, we'll just never understand what motivates shooters to take innocent lives. It's a complete mystery.

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Sarah is responsible for Gabby.

    2. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Sp is naturally becoming Gabby. Somehow she will suffer.
      Gabby will and is a beautiful person. I hope she recovers more each and everyday.

  13. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I wonder how mccain sleeping tonight? After all, half his 2008 Presidential ticket catered to these "I want my country back" nutcase.

    1. Anonymous2:08 AM

      Drugs? Prescription drugs?


  14. Veronica in Houston8:00 PM

    The Dallas Morning News is reporting that Prick Perry has referred to the shootings as "an accident"! His people claim that Prick misspoke, intending to use the word "incident". That is such total bs! He simply could not be more loathsome if he tried.

  15. FrostyAK8:26 PM

    The families forgave him. I forgive neither him, nor his family (upbringing), nor the NRA agenda.


    1. Anonymous10:23 PM

      We are able not forgive because we are not carrying the unbearable burdens that the grieving families are carrying. They don't have the strength right now to not forgive.

      It takes strength to be angry and want justice- but that strength will come.

  16. Anita Winecooler9:17 PM

    I must confess, I trolled Fox news a few times today, you know, as a break from all the sadness. They're running the gamut from "more guns" "Take back the country" and "Actors planted for political gain" to "christian persecution".

    With all due respect, Nikki Haley needs that comment by Devin Goldenburg tattoed upside down on her abdomen so she can memorize it while contemplating her navel. I (and POTUS) want the confederate flag taken down and one put in a museum, hopefully on the floor of the bathroom. I can't verify the veracity of this because I heard it from someone else, but the man who designed the confederate flag is named "Pinkney" and the Reverand's ancestors were owned by his family as slaves.

    Newsflash, the civil war is over, and the confederacy lost. Own it, live with it. It wasn't a good idea then, and it's not a good idea now.

    "I want my country back" Roof said to a victim, wonder where I heard that before? hmmm.

  17. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Depression. I am just so sad for these people, they were in a church. It hurts. I feel for all the refugees around the globe. They have no freedom, no privacy, nothing almost. The world is so depressing. All I can do is pray. Pray for one family to make it out and have a home again every single day. It breaks my heart.
    My heart is with families of Charleston and Irish students and all the refugees.
    I think where is love?
    Then I think, I must bring forth love. I must be one of millions who must bring love out send it out.
    Yes, then I come here to vent dump on rotten sp.

  18. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Why does his name sound like it came from the "Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator" of days gone by?

  19. Anonymous3:19 AM

    What do the parents look like that bred that pos? Who taught that kid to hate? It is time to start charging the people with subornation of hatred. no mo excuse for generations of confederate ignorance.

  20. Anonymous8:03 AM

    This just found. Shooters website and manifesto.

    Ugly ugly stuff.


    Dkos diary.

  21. Anonymous8:04 AM

  22. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Of course it could be a fake.

    But whois says the domain was registered months ago, and someone says some of the photos might be real.

  23. Anonymous8:08 AM

  24. Anonymous8:36 AM

  25. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Here is just a sample.

    "I wish with a passion that niggers were treated terribly throughout history by Whites, that every White person had an ancestor who owned slaves, that segregation was an evil an oppressive institution, and so on. Because if it was all it true, it would make it so much easier for me to accept our current situation. But it isnt true. None of it is. We are told to accept what is happening to us because of ancestors wrong doing, but it is all based on historical lies, exaggerations and myths. I have tried endlessly to think of reasons we deserve this, and I have only came back more irritated because there are no reasons.
    Only a fourth to a third of people in the South owned even one slave. Yet every White person is treated as if they had a slave owning ancestor. This applies to in the states where slavery never existed, as well as people whose families immigrated after slavery was abolished. I have read hundreds of slaves narratives from my state. And almost all of them were positive. One sticks out in my mind where an old ex-slave recounted how the day his mistress died was one of the saddest days of his life. And in many of these narratives the slaves told of how their masters didnt even allowing whipping on his plantation.
    Segregation was not a bad thing. It was a defensive measure. Segregation did not exist to hold back negroes. It existed to protect us from them. And I mean that in multiple ways. Not only did it protect us from having to interact with them, and from being physically harmed by them, but it protected us from being brought down to their level. Integration has done nothing but bring Whites down to level of brute animals. The best example of this is obviously our school system."

  26. Anonymous9:29 AM

    If the Berlin Wall can be torn down, then It should be no
    problem to remove forever, a racist piece
    of cloth perpetrating killing for what, to satisfy the racist's
    smug, hate filled satisfaction.
    Also, anyone putting forth messages with the image of
    gun cross hairs on that message, should be put in jail.
    That is a murderous threat. Why Palin and Myers did not
    do jail time is beyond me.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.