Sunday, July 19, 2015

My favorite gif of the day.

And that is how a hero is born: 

This short clip has made Wiener a hero in his city. The response in San Francisco has been “overwhelmingly and enthusiastically positive. People are thrilled. There is such a deep seated frustration with Fox News and the fringe it represents,” Wiener said, saying he’d also received messages of support from around the country.

And do you know what? This country needs many more heroes just like Scott Wiener to call out Fox News for their bullshit every chance they get.  


  1. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Yes! Good for him! And while they're at it, call all of them out. Fox is only the worst of the bad. I want my Chronkite!


  2. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Amen, brother Gryph!

  3. Anonymous6:44 AM

    He was speaking truthfully...Fox News Is Not Real News. I only hope others say this when approached by Fox not real reporters.

  4. Anonymous6:47 AM

    That guy is an asshole who didn't care that an innocent woman lost her life because of an illegal immigrant. What a bunch of hypocrites you guys are.

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      You have missed the point completely. I am not surprised.

    2. "who didn't care that an innocent woman lost her life because of an illegal immigrant"
      What an ignorant and stupid thing to say. Wiener spoke the truth. Fox News is not real news and the idiot trying to ambush Wiener for soundbites to use to twist and distort the truth is not a real reporter.

      Why should anyone waste their time with liars like fox who only want to destroy this country?

    3. Anonymous8:17 AM

      Is the not a real opinion put forth by not a real person who doesn't partake in real reality.

    4. Anonymous8:49 AM

      How do u know he doesn't care about her death? And why should it matter who committed the murder? The guy who killed the twenty school kids was born here. Dylan Roof was born here. The two people who executed the cops in Las Vegas were born here. The guy who ambushed the state trooper in PA was born here. What the hell difference does it make? It's amazing how the right wing has no problem politicizing this woman's death, but immediately after the Charleston murders were saying, now is not the time, let the people mourn, then we will talk about it. Hoping people forget.

    5. She lost her life because the NRA has made sure our country has been flooded with guns to keep their buddies, the gun manufacturers, extremely wealthy men.

    6. Anonymous9:13 AM

      6:47 AM Charleston South Carolina was 9 times as important as a random shooting. Hypocrites reside in Wasilla, AK.

  5. Anonymous6:58 AM

    O/T You would think that the MOH recipient would have more respect for his fallen military members than to try to capitalize on a new T-shirt!
    Link on Dakota's FB and IG.

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      You would think but now we know why Sarah went after him. I don't recall him getting up in arms the past few years over acts of domestic terrorism by white Christians. And if u look at all the tshirts from his collection, using dead servicemen seems to b a theme. And btw, I believe there are a total of nine living MOH recipients from Afghanistan. How many others can u name off the top of ur head? Maybe because they are not media .....

    2. Anita Winecooler5:54 PM

      Wow, now I see why Bristol was so attracted to him! Free T Shirts! Do they come in maternity sizes? I suppose having earned the MOH, bestowed by President Obama, gives him gravitas on the topic of guns.
      Exploiting victims at any cost to make a profit isn't too becoming.

  6. Anonymous5:31 PM


    1. For what?

      Exercising his 1st amendment rights?

      Oh, that's right. The right wing nutters think the Bill of Rights starts and ends with amendment number two.

  7. Anita Winecooler5:55 PM

    I love the fact that he's driven the fox bots out of their minds, simply by pointing out the obvious.

  8. Anonymous1:08 PM

    5:55 Because an innocent woman died and he didn't give a shit. Fuck the left.

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Did you mourn the murder of Dr. Tiller? Fuck you.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.